Hello all,
I am not sure if I should have posted here or in the players helping players or in the LFG section. If I have made a mistake I am sorry it is my first time on these forums.
If you check Reddit from time to time you might have stumbled upon my posts about creating training groups and teaching people. I have been doing such runs for a several months now and it has been really successful. For the past month and a half we have had more than 1 group running at a time with usually being between 3 and 4.
Bright as I am it never occurred to me to post on the official forums of the game I am trying to create events for…brilliant ain’t I? Here goes:
We organise 3 raid nights per week – Tuesday and Thursday 19:00 and Saturday 18:00 (raid invites 30 minutes before start) UK time I(Roald.1260) will organise another training raid. Raid will be around two hours in duration not including the time it will take to organise it(Duration can be increased if things are going well or we are very close to getting a boss down). Those that decide to participate, please reply to this thread with your IGN, preferred classes, any comment you might have and be online 30 minutes before raid invites on your desired day. Please make sure you meet the following requirements:
- First and foremost attitude. I want people that want to raid for the raiding itself NOT the loot. I want people that don’t mind wiping for long periods of time. I want people that want to learn.
- Know your class. That means have the correct build, food and gear(please review Metabattle or QT I will accept exotic armour ascended weapons and trinkets, commander and viper/sinister can be exotic), but also make sure you have practised the rotation in the Aerodome training area and you can get some decent dps. (I don’t expect you to hit QT benchmarks, but for example if the mark is 24k dps and you get 80% with no food or infusions is sufficient.) Realise that if you aren’t as familiar with your class as you should any boss kill becomes that much more difficult and sometimes impossible depending on your role. This is really important for chronos. Sadly healers cant really practice healing rotations, but I would like to ask them to read up whatever they can find and if they still have questions can approach me here or in game and I will do what I can to help them out.
- Watch videos read tactics about Escort, VG and Trio(have an opener). I will of course explain every boss and role, but its nice if you have some idea before going in.
- Have Discord available. It would be nice if you can speak, but you must be able to hear. People without voice com will not be taken. You also need to be able to communicate in English.
Don’t be afraid to ask questions or give suggestions.
At 30 minutes before raid start I will start inviting people in a 50man raid. Everyone will be split by roles in different groups. The comp used will most likely be 5-5 so for every role a random number generator will be used to select the appropriate number of people. (healer condi ps flat dps etc) I apologise in advance to anyone I will not be able to take, but there are only so many spots. Don’t give up!
If there are enough people from the various roles and I can get another commander there will be more than 1 group!
Also don’t be afraid to approach me in game no matter if you have raided with me or not.
Even though there were several groups, there were people that were not taken. They weren’t happy with me at all. Blaming me for wasting their time. While technically true there is nothing I can do. I am sorry it happens, but there is no way around that. We are getting very few healers and the same for chronos. That means that I have to find substitutes (people with experience from my guild, friends etc) That in turn means that I can take fewer trainees. Simple maths. If you want to have a higher chance to get orient yourself to the classes that are more rare. If you are the type of person that believes that I owe him something, because you signed up, please don’t.
The commanders and I are trying to expand what we are doing massively. We have set up a Discord server where we schedule all the raids give information to people, assist with what we can etc. If you like to join you our community, you can follow this invitation.
The event will be streamed on Twitch if anyone is interested.
(edited by Roald.1260)