Fractal versions of the Raids?

Fractal versions of the Raids?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SlippyCheeze.5483


That’s with all buffs and utilizing combo fields.

condi Rangers also require tons of combo fields to do their dps. Their group support is nearly non-existent too.

I’m not saying it’s the best dps but it’s not garbage as some people say it is.

no its not like that necro needs to combo field to blast or wirl or w/e to bring out his dps if for any case your field gets covered overwriten by a a light field and ethereal field of a fire field you dmg goos down massively and in a raid secnario that will happen.

Note that Reaper is not the only class to suffer if their field is overwritten with light or ethereal, but fire isn’t that big of a loss — about five percent based on the current numbers, which do suck in terms of real world reliability — compared to ice.

Fractal versions of the Raids?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: OriOri.8724


still the puprose of the training area should not be to check how much dmg a spec can do it should be purely about learning rotation as ppl dont seem tomunderstand that the result they will get there they will hardly reach in a real raid scenario thats why dps meters are a blessing ^^ also @OriOri u got a link to a dps rotation that goes up to that number?

Here you go.

Fractal versions of the Raids?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: zealex.9410


still the puprose of the training area should not be to check how much dmg a spec can do it should be purely about learning rotation as ppl dont seem tomunderstand that the result they will get there they will hardly reach in a real raid scenario thats why dps meters are a blessing ^^ also @OriOri u got a link to a dps rotation that goes up to that number?

Here you go.

ahh dps warr oki