General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 1
i’m in the mood to do fractals now
Had a great weekend in game with (maybe too) many dungeon and fractal runs that I very much enjoyed. Ended the weekend last night with a very different kind of dungeon run: I took some of my casual guildies into Arah explorable path 3.
We had two longbow rangers (one even with bear pet ) that had never been in any explorable Arah path before, a staff elementalist who had only been through p4 once a while back, a guardian (fortunately with a good amount of Arah explo runs, although only in ranged/no-skipping parties), and myself on my full berserker mesmer. I actually dug out my greatsword for the run, as being the only one in melee just wouldn’t work, and of course I ended up to be the one to explain things (despite the fact that I don’t know p3 all that well myself).
It took us a bit over two hours to range down bosses (Lupicus included), clear out trash along the way (no skipping involved), and finally finish the ritual, but it was awesome fun. All three people that had (almost) never been in Arah before were positively surprised by the dungeon, no longer intimidated simply by the name “Arah”, and have shown interest in coming back and learning the dungeon. I’m actually looking forward to going in there in a slow, relaxed group of oldtimers (our party average age was somewhere in the mid-40s ) every now and then for the different kind of Arah experience.
I actually dug out my greatsword for the run, as being the only one in melee just wouldn’t work
Hmm, I think that would work especially well on a mesmer. But oh well, having fun and not hassling others is what matters.
I actually dug out my greatsword for the run, as being the only one in melee just wouldn’t work
Hmm, I think that would work especially well on a mesmer. But oh well, having fun and not hassling others is what matters.
I mostly play melee mesmer in dungeons these days, but with this group it would’ve been at least as problematic as putting a soldier’s gear staff/gs mesmer in a full berserker dungeon group. The playstyle just wouldn’t suit them at all, and wouldn’t have contributed to them having fun and enjoying the dungeon.
I really like these people, and I want them to have fun, enjoy themselves and feel like they’ve contributed their part to the adventure (which they totally have). I know they were intimidated by the dungeon before,being older players used to taking things slowly and not taking a lot of risks. They are more comfortable playing things safely from range than going into melee, where the greater rewards (aka faster kill times) are offset by greater risks (aka going down, either singly or the whole group).
Eventually, once they get more comfortable with the dungeon paths, they might close in on the mobs and dare to go into melee, just like I did (I played pretty much my whole first year in this game in a similar fashion and have only started to work on learning the meta way of running dungeons in the last 6 months or so), but they need their time to get there. For now, gs is the mesmer weapon that allows me to blend in with their playstyle and be my most effective at contributing to the way the group works.
I run longbow on my warrior ever since I got the fractals skin. Come look at dem scrubz raging lulz.
I run longbow on my warrior ever since I got the fractals skin. Come look at dem scrubz raging lulz.
You won’t fool me. What you really want is getting a good fire going to bake your cake above .
idk, path 3 bosses are pretty easy to solo melee. hunter and crusher will be perma aggroed to the local bearbow so it’s not like you even need to dodge, magecrusher is just chaining reflects, lupicus is lupicus, wraithlord… you could probably set up 3 phantasms and then just run rings around him if you were worried about getting rekt by the kitty slap.
okay question time. for the uncategorized fractal boss Old Tom, why do I see people put reflects up there? does it actually reflect his attacks? (because on my screen it looks like it does not)
I don’t think he has reflectable attacks, but I think that either traited or untraited wardens can destroy the projectiles (sorry never played a mesmer so I could verify).
You can’t do that anymore. Untraited warden got “fixed” rip But you can use the Earth Elemental from an elementalist and stay behind it.
I don’t think he has reflectable attacks, but I think that either traited or untraited wardens can destroy the projectiles (sorry never played a mesmer so I could verify).
When he is not spinning, doesn’t he throw a white ball projectile? I’m not sure you can reflect it but maybe?
You can’t do that anymore. Untraited warden got “fixed” rip
But you can use the Earth Elemental from an elementalist and stay behind it.
Best tank EU! <3
I don’t think he has reflectable attacks, but I think that either traited or untraited wardens can destroy the projectiles (sorry never played a mesmer so I could verify).
When he is not spinning, doesn’t he throw a white ball projectile? I’m not sure you can reflect it but maybe?
Ehm, that’s a good point, I’m not completely sure about that one actually…. I think it’s blockable but not reflectable if that makes any sense o:
When he’s not spinning, you can reflect the lightning ball he throws at you. It’s about 10-15k reflect on mes, probably more on guard.
Oh, yay, thanks for clarifying, Jerem ^^
Old Tom has 3 attacks.
- Spin attack that shoots poison bolts.
- Bouncing electric bolt much like elementalist staff air 1 or engineer static discharge.
- Fist punch where he shoots his arm towards someone and pulling them back towards him.
Of these three the electric bolt is reflectable/blockable and the fist punch can be blocked (but he rarely does that if everyone is in melee range).
thanks for the info guys. that is good to know. also good to know that the pugs try to reflect his spinning attack when its useless :P
Lets recap tonight.
grinding cm for the ascended thingy for my mesmer.
“CM p1 Experienced lvl 45+”
p1. " I havent played in a year. how do I get new weapons." EXACT WORDS lvl 80
p2. Silence. Gets lost outside. lvl 80
p3. lvl 46ish Actually experienced.
p4. lvl 80. Im not really experienced I just follow along.
p5. lvl 70ish. Complains about speed but is using s/t and staff as a mesmer. Never heard of feedback. Says solo’s lupi faster than this group.
“CM Path 2. Competent and Experienced Please lvl 45+”
p1. lvl 46ish Actually experienced. same guy as above. I love you Petrova.
p2. simply didnt know the path lvl 77ish
p3.simply didnt know the path lvl 80
p4.simply didnt know the path and silent
p5.simply didnt know the path lvl 80
“CM p3 Competent and Experienced please. Lvl 45+”
p1. lvl 46ish Actually experienced. same guy as above. I love you Petrova. (wonders why keeps joining this torture)
p2. Joined with p3. Lvl 80
p3.joined with p2. lvl 43.
… f it. bad night that is all.
^ You filthy zerker :p
Can anyone recommend me good thief guides or POV streams? I really want to get into playing my thief but I fear that just swapping utilities around and running 6/6/0/0/2 might not be the optimal build and way of playing a thief. Thanks in advance c:
i don’t play thief so i can’t help you out.
and sidenote just having some fun with this graphic glitch on my end
I managed to find Ecori’s channel on Twitch, time to stalk some runs. And gotta love visual bugs, my character bugged like that in the Traumanova fractal …
If you feel uncomfortable with 6/6/0/0/2, you can try 5/6/0/0/3 instead. You lose some DPS but the extra 3 initiative is pretty helpful for newer thieves.
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
Or if you want to go full kazul zerker thief then 56030 gives you lot of leeway because of the extra dodges.
First off, hello Linybear, it’s very nice to see of you again <3
Second, hiiii Takuuuu o/ Where’s my cake
And now to the thievery part – my general concern is that … I kinda feel useless as a thief. Well, except for the blast this field for stealth and hide in my shadow refuge part. As a person who mains an ele, I’m used to do a lot of stuff and provide party wide support in the face of various boons, CC, projectiles destruction and reflects, conjures and last but not least the best tank EU (Earth ele). As a thief I feel … useless :< I want to exactly learn which utilities and traits are useful for the different encounters because personally to me, it doesn’t seem very useful to just swap out my power signet for smoke screen and the other way around.
And of course I’m full zerker kazul. c:
Might sound very silly as I’ve never had much experience but I’m willing to get carried learn. c: Thanks in advance, lovelies! <3
looks like my luck for fractals continue. 3 fractal skins, 1 ascended weapon box and now this in the space of 2 weeks
Lovely, gratz!! ^^ Hope you keep getting such good drops. c:
I decided I want to get the Inci but since this will take me at least 6 months or more to do, I’m really hoping to get the fractals dagger nowadays; it’d be a fresh change to my looks.
Lovely, gratz!! ^^ Hope you keep getting such good drops. c:
I decided I want to get the Inci but since this will take me at least 6 months or more to do, I’m really hoping to get the fractals dagger nowadays; it’d be a fresh change to my looks.
I did the opposite, after 4 months without a fractal dagger, I gave up and decided to make an Incinerator lol.
Lovely, gratz!! ^^ Hope you keep getting such good drops. c:
I decided I want to get the Inci but since this will take me at least 6 months or more to do, I’m really hoping to get the fractals dagger nowadays; it’d be a fresh change to my looks.
I did the opposite, after 4 months without a fractal dagger, I gave up and decided to make an Incinerator lol.
Oh, lol, I was trying to convince myself that my RNG won’t be THAT unlucky but I must be realistic and admit that it’s very likely that I’ll either get it at the time I get the Inci or wont get it at all, lol.
PS: It’s super nice to be able to post that often on here again :o I’m pretty bored to just refresh the landing page of the forums and see that there’s nothing new on this sub-forum :<
Lovely, gratz!! ^^ Hope you keep getting such good drops. c:
I decided I want to get the Inci but since this will take me at least 6 months or more to do, I’m really hoping to get the fractals dagger nowadays; it’d be a fresh change to my looks.
I did the opposite, after 4 months without a fractal dagger, I gave up and decided to make an Incinerator lol.
Oh, lol, I was trying to convince myself that my RNG won’t be THAT unlucky but I must be realistic and admit that it’s very likely that I’ll either get it at the time I get the Inci or wont get it at all, lol.
PS: It’s super nice to be able to post that often on here again :o I’m pretty bored to just refresh the landing page of the forums and see that there’s nothing new on this sub-forum :<
I feel the exact same way, most of my favorite people left/stop posting, I really miss Lilith. And since you’re the most active poster, I keep getting Kazul’ed
i try to be active, but can’t think of much to say or post about :p
Trice <3 We should totally do some kazul dungeons someday. Unless you’re in NA :<
Well, it’d have been good if my posts were as half as meaningful as the post count itself, it’s true that most of them are not helpful at all and those which are, don’t posses half the knowledge one of the veteran players around have.
But oh, well, at the end of the day I like this place too much c:
And it’s always nice when you come across Taku in LA and he shoots cake at you
Pistol 5. For the love of god use pistol 5. I swear I have yet to see a thief use it ingame.
Pistol 5. For the love of god use pistol 5. I swear I have yet to see a thief use it ingame.
well … I wouldn’t have been playing a thief if I wasn’t using pistol 5 o: kitten , bro, you should stop pugging I feel bad for you.
Here we go again. /grabspopcorn
(edited by Dalanor.5387)
Decided to pug 19 fractals. Worth it.
Here we go again. /grabspopcorn
“You’re an idiot to simply assume i was rude, as i have no been rude at any point.”
“>You’re an idiot[…]
Thats why i assumed, you polite kitten.”
Best part of that.
Well, Novaan invited me for 40 fractals … and had to carry me through. sigh
Here we go again. /grabspopcorn“You’re an idiot to simply assume i was rude, as i have no been rude at any point.”
“>You’re an idiot[…]
Thats why i assumed, you polite kitten.”Best part of that.
The poor guy has negative karma now… x.x
Hey guys,
This is a good thread, although I just spotted a few posts that made me pause. Ah, you’re quoting someone on another forum, I get it.
What I noticed was the enormous size of the thread. I wanted your advice about whether we should close it so we can start a new thread. That doesn’t mean “Hey, new thread, post again!” and it bloats up to 4,000 posts. But the forums sometimes load slowly for me, and if it would be helpful, we could do something like split it into two — Part I, Part 2 — and lock the first to keep load times reason.
Let me know what y’all think about the thread (as far as load times):
- Leave it be
- Split into 2, locking part 1 with the older input
- Lock this one intact and start a new thread
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)
Hey guys,
This is a good thread, although I just spotted a few posts that made me pause. Ah, you’re quoting someone on another forum, I get it.
What I noticed was the enormous size of the thread. I wanted your advice about whether we should close it so we can start a new thread. That doesn’t mean “Hey, new thread, post again!” and it bloats up to 4,000 posts.
But the forums sometimes load slowly for me, and if it would be helpful, we could do something like split it into two — Part I, Part 2 — and lock the first to keep load times reason.
Let me know what y’all think about the thread (as far as load times):
- Leave it be
- Split into 2, locking part 1 with the older input
- Lock this one intact and start a new thread
Option 2 seems like it’d be fine if loading times is a concern.
I’ve always viewed this thread as the general discussion for the dungeon subforum regulars. General being in the broadest sense of the word, it’s just a nice chat with the people who regularly peruse this sub forum and personally speaking has lead to me meeting some very cool people in game.
That’s good feedback, Jerus. I sense that you haven’t had slow load times, which is good to know.
I will leave it be and check back for feedback in a day or so. If it’s “Please put me out of my misery and split the thread11!11” I’ll do so. Otherwise, it seems just grand as it is.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Had this pop up on my lowbie 46 in cm p1.
Like Oh Mah Gerd.
Option 2
Hey guys,
This is a good thread, although I just spotted a few posts that made me pause. Ah, you’re quoting someone on another forum, I get it.
What I noticed was the enormous size of the thread. I wanted your advice about whether we should close it so we can start a new thread. That doesn’t mean “Hey, new thread, post again!” and it bloats up to 4,000 posts.
But the forums sometimes load slowly for me, and if it would be helpful, we could do something like split it into two — Part I, Part 2 — and lock the first to keep load times reason.
Let me know what y’all think about the thread (as far as load times):
- Leave it be
- Split into 2, locking part 1 with the older input
- Lock this one intact and start a new thread
No one can deny that this thread is long. But this thread is also a valuable resource.
Looking back to the start of this thread, it seems as though this thread came into existence because an earlier one was lost.
It would seem a shame to archive this thread and make a new one, either by splitting/locking or locking and creating a new one. It would be like history repeating itself, and I think that if anything other than leaving it be happens, some of the good stuff in this thread would become less visible and perhaps get lost.
I personally have not had any loading problems with this thread.
For these reasons, keeping the thread as-is makes the most sense to me.
Personally, I would have trouble finding any old information if this thread were in any way locked or changed, especially since the search function on these forums doesn’t always work right.
I think it would be very confusing for many people if they can’t find information due to the thread being changed.
I think this thread should stay the same.
Was mailed about your response Gaile, and even though I’m on hiatus, I just wanted to give my opinion, not that it matters haha:
If it must be locked, wait until it hits 100 pages (because I like that number) and sticky it or post an easy access link to it in the new thread (perhaps the new thread is a Q: thread so the original message shows at the top of each page for easy access).
My thoughts. See yall later! (Ps. D3 is amazing and I’m grinding my gear at a fun pace! Yay!)
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
I’d rather not see this thread locked.
Has anyone ever killed Sorge the Zealot on land?
If this thread is going to be archived, can we get the old player fails thread back from the trashcan too? o:
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
I’d rather not see this thread locked.
Has anyone ever killed Sorge the Zealot on land?
Can you actually?