Giganticus Lupicus Bubble Dodge

Giganticus Lupicus Bubble Dodge

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Icecreaman.5072


So far, as a large Norn character, I’ve been unable to dodge out of Lupicus’s bubble attack in stage three. I’ve tried dodging from nearly every place within the bubble, and at different times. An Asuran, who I normally do dungeons with, can dodge out of the bubble everytime.

I have a suspicion that character size, or dodge animation, play a part in the ability to dodge out of the bubble attack. Maybe someone else can shed some light on this and confirm or deny my supicion. I might have to try running it with a couple of my other characters.

The attack is easy enough to manage without being able to dodge out, but I want to know if only certain races are able to do it. It has been bothering me for a while.

Giganticus Lupicus Bubble Dodge

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


I play a norn as well and never had trouble with it.

Giganticus Lupicus Bubble Dodge

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Awesome.6120


As someone who played asura since launch and is now playing a max size norn I can say that the dodge timings feel very different. It’s almost like I need to pre-dodge on my norn compared to the asura because it seems like it takes so long to get to the invuln frames.

[SFD] – Maguuma

Giganticus Lupicus Bubble Dodge

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lorana.2468


you have to dodge at the time of the ring being laid down, that way your invincible from the roll and it lets you pass freely before the ring’s effect takes place.

if you miss the timing then Stability will let you walk out of the ring as if it wasnt even there.

i’ve never had issues with it other than the timing on my Sylvari or Norn.

Giganticus Lupicus Bubble Dodge

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Icecreaman.5072


I have been able to dodge to avoid the bubble, but I’m talking about dodging out of the bubble once it has been placed on you. For some reason I have been unable to do this while another member of our party does it at will, with his asuran.

Giganticus Lupicus Bubble Dodge

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lorana.2468


is he a proffesion that has access to Stability rather easily like the Guardian?

if not then i assume this is the same issue with the Guardians ring of Warding in that if you jump & Dodge you can escape the ring without fail.

Giganticus Lupicus Bubble Dodge

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Icecreaman.5072


He is an asuran warrior but did not need to use stability to get out of it, just dodge. I will try to test this some more with him today if I get the chance, but last time I tried to replicate what he could do I was unsuccessful. This is why I was wondering if it had to do with character size, race, or dodge animation.

Giganticus Lupicus Bubble Dodge

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zenith.7301


Stun breakers also work. Blink will save you, and Decoy can be used to clear the CC, but you need to dodge immediately after using the stunbreaker or suffer CC again.

Giganticus Lupicus Bubble Dodge

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Account.9832


The actual collision cylinder of characters is (or should be, barring any bugs) identical for all races. However, the animation can be misleading. For example, charr characters and human / sylvari females are known to have a point of contact with the ground that doesn’t actually match their feet, while running. Once you get used to it you can time the jumps just fine, but when you switch between two characters it can really throw you off.

Norns at least have a decent match between their character’s size and the collision cylinder’s radium. With other races, you can be standing 2 steps away from the edge of a red AoE circle and you still take damage (because – if you were a norn – part of your body would still be touching the circle).

- Al Zheimer

Giganticus Lupicus Bubble Dodge

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: KazNaka.4718


from what I understand, warriors are able to dodge out of it b/c of their dodge trait.

Giganticus Lupicus Bubble Dodge

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Icecreaman.5072


Stun breakers also work. Blink will save you, and Decoy can be used to clear the CC, but you need to dodge immediately after using the stunbreaker or suffer CC again.

I am aware of all of this. The thread is about simply dodging out of the bubble after it has been placed on you. Which apparently can be done, but I have yet to be able to do.

Have others successfully dodged out after the bubble was placed?

Giganticus Lupicus Bubble Dodge

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Icecreaman.5072


from what I understand, warriors are able to dodge out of it b/c of their dodge trait.

Do you happen to know the trait name? I’ll have to give it a look.

Giganticus Lupicus Bubble Dodge

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: KazNaka.4718


from what I understand, warriors are able to dodge out of it b/c of their dodge trait.

Do you happen to know the trait name? I’ll have to give it a look.

reckless dodge

Giganticus Lupicus Bubble Dodge

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Drew.1865


Have someone not in the bubble pop a heal on you. That’s what I did on my ele.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Giganticus Lupicus Bubble Dodge

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


I will test this without reckless dodge today.

Giganticus Lupicus Bubble Dodge

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Criselli.7462


The mesmer’s Blink utility also works amazingly well for avoiding/getting out of the bubble.

Aiyli 80 Necro, Aista & Criselli 80 Mesmers
Aîsta & Çriselli 80 engies, Zeira Blackstar 80 Grd Meloryn 80 Ran, Vexri Crisellista 80 War
Server: Kaineng

Giganticus Lupicus Bubble Dodge

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


Tested this few times. Without Reckless Dodge bubble just pulls you back in. Probably all on-dodge traits work similarly.

Giganticus Lupicus Bubble Dodge

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

I was wondering why my max size Charr Warrior could go toe-to-toe with him so effectively while all of my other classes get locked inside the bubble! This is very good information. I’ll have to try this with things like Mark of Evasion and see if they play into being able to dodge roll out of the bubble.

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Giganticus Lupicus Bubble Dodge

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Icecreaman.5072


Tested this few times. Without Reckless Dodge bubble just pulls you back in. Probably all on-dodge traits work similarly.

Thank you. That helps clear things up.

I should have clarified that I play a Norn Guardian. I usually get hit with 90% of the bubbles each time I fight him, and while they are easy enough to deal with, I always found it odd that the warrior in our group could just dodge out without using any other skill.

I’ll have to try it out with a couple other characters and see if their dodge related traits effect it.

Giganticus Lupicus Bubble Dodge

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: haviz.1340


Tested this few times. Without Reckless Dodge bubble just pulls you back in. Probably all on-dodge traits work similarly.

Thank you. That helps clear things up.

I should have clarified that I play a Norn Guardian. I usually get hit with 90% of the bubbles each time I fight him, and while they are easy enough to deal with, I always found it odd that the warrior in our group could just dodge out without using any other skill.

I’ll have to try it out with a couple other characters and see if their dodge related traits effect it.

I can confirm that it works with evasive arcana on ele but I got little problems on guardian with selfless daring – works but very unreliable.

Giganticus Lupicus Bubble Dodge

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: omgwtflolbbl.7142


I’m thinking that roll traits that attach an effect to the middle/end of your roll position (like Warrior/Ele/Guardian) will let you get out while those that trigger at the start position of the roll will not (Engineer/Mesmer). Kind of just talking out of my kitten though, with no testing to back it up.

Giganticus Lupicus Bubble Dodge

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: haviz.1340


I’m thinking that roll traits that attach an effect to the middle/end of your roll position (like Warrior/Ele/Guardian) will let you get out while those that trigger at the start position of the roll will not (Engineer/Mesmer). Kind of just talking out of my kitten though, with no testing to back it up.

Well, I have some issues with dodging out on guardian while no issues whatsoever on elementalist. So that might be wrong.

Giganticus Lupicus Bubble Dodge

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Misfit.2907


My ele can dodge the bubble with evasive arcana really well. My guardian however, can dodge and get a white evade text pop up and still get stuck inside the bubble.

Giganticus Lupicus Bubble Dodge

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Strontius.6478


I’ve only ever done it once – I had swiftness and jump dodged.
I play a max-height Charr guardian.

Giganticus Lupicus Bubble Dodge

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lopez.7369


It has nothing to do with roll traits and everything to do with positioning.

EDIT: No longer applies.

(edited by Lopez.7369)

Giganticus Lupicus Bubble Dodge

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hellgaunt.1734


Lopez is right. I consistently dodge out of the bubble with my human necromancer as well.

Giganticus Lupicus Bubble Dodge

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


Key-word: “Necromancer”.

(edited by Wethospu.6437)

Giganticus Lupicus Bubble Dodge

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: haviz.1340


It has nothing to do with roll traits and everything to do with positioning.

It doesn’t knock you down, it pulls you back in.

Lopez is right. I consistently dodge out of the bubble with my human necromancer as well.

No matter how you position yourself, if you’re inside necrid trap you can’t dodge out without some traits or seemingly by playing necromancer.

Giganticus Lupicus Bubble Dodge

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kathias.8532


Are you guys running the mark of blood dodge talent? Because I never managed to dodge out of the bubble with my necro…I always just bounce back inside, luckily necro can survive the bubble by using DS.

Giganticus Lupicus Bubble Dodge

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Icecreaman.5072


It has nothing to do with roll traits and everything to do with positioning.

Graphic explanation:

I do not believe this is the case.

Perhaps a video showing this, and knowing what traits are being used, would be helpful. I just attempted to dodge out of the bubble about 15 times from the place you indicated and from every postion from the center to the edge, and I was unable to. I am playing a Norn guardian.

Traits also effect it a lot. The warrior dropped his reckless dodge trait on the last run and was unable to dodge out. He has never had an issue dodging out of the bubble with that trait active.

Also, that reckless dodge trait allows for him to roll out of the banner/ring the risen sentinals? place. Without it he gets knocked down.

Giganticus Lupicus Bubble Dodge

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lopez.7369


I have no traits related to dodge. My husband and I do it. Collectively, our classes are Elementalist, Guardian, Mesmer, and Necromancer.

The Reddit thread on the topic also had Norns of multiple classes saying it works for them.

Giganticus Lupicus Bubble Dodge

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Icecreaman.5072


Considering how Reckless Dodge can effect it, I’m inclined to believe other factors are at play.

I run Arah daily and always draw the aggro for the 3rd stage. If it was a matter of simply positioning yourself at the proper distance from the edge I’m sure I would have done it by now.

Giganticus Lupicus Bubble Dodge

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: haviz.1340


Just did this fight on a necro. You can dodge out without any traits easily. Can’t reproduce it on guardian and can reproduce it on ele with evasive arcana. Overally, nerf necros, they’re too stronk.

Giganticus Lupicus Bubble Dodge

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lopez.7369


I was wrong. I just got hit by the bubble for the first time since the latest patch, and I could not roll out of it. I actually got hit on it by purpose to see if it was still possible. Either they changed something last patch or my husband and I were getting really lucky rolling out of it for all the runs it took us to get our Arah sets.

Sorry if I misled anyone. I’m taking down my graph to make sure no one else is misled.

(edited by Lopez.7369)