Hostile PvE dungeon community!
My LFG, my rules. Abide or get kicked, it’s that simple.
I ping my zerk gear but wear equally skinned clerics.
Stuff like this is a bigger problem for the community.
The only things you should be allowed to change once in a party are weapons and traits. That would solve that problem.
how so? You’d just leave your zerk gear in your bags and ping from there. Though it’s a silly idea to do in the first place and you’d have to be a really kittenty person to even try to pull that one.
That would pull from a previous post I made in this thread. LFG filters on gear type and primary stat type to even be able to see the lfg post and get into the party. They could even make it so that you can only ping gear that is currently equipped.
(edited by ODB.6891)
My LFG, my rules. Abide or get kicked, it’s that simple.
I ping my zerk gear but wear equally skinned clerics.
Stuff like this is a bigger problem for the community.
The only things you should be allowed to change once in a party are weapons and traits. That would solve that problem.
how so? You’d just leave your zerk gear in your bags and ping from there. Though it’s a silly idea to do in the first place and you’d have to be a really kittenty person to even try to pull that one.
That would pull from a previous post I made in this thread. LFG filters on gear type and primary stat type to even be able to see the lfg post and get into the party. They could even make it so that you can only ping gear that is currently equipped.
Like most solutions to these kinds of problems there’s always goign to be loop holes, or there will be too much coverage to the point that it hinders our play.
Just to throw one out. Ok listed by primary stat right? Ok, so PVT gear in a zerk group passes…
And issue your suggestion would create, I want to ping my buddy a peice of gear I just got to drop, but I don’t wnat to use it, i’m gonna sell it, or possibly give it to them, but now I can’t because you can only ping gear you have equipped.
It’s tough to get a solution that fixes the problem, doesn’t have loop holes, and doesn’t cause other problems. Sometimes it’s better to just let us have the freedom and figure it out for ourselves in a case by case manner.
The dungeon community is not hostile; society functions the same way. If you do not have the grades that meet the school requirements, the school does not accept you. And if you apply for a job, and do no meet the job requirements, you don’t get hired. The school wants to teach a certain kind of student, the employer wants a competent person who can add value, and the gamer wants a smooth dungeon run. How is a dungeon different?
Oh, this is the part where they argue that this is a game and that games are not meant to take any effort or some bullkitten like that.
My LFG, my rules. Abide or get kicked, it’s that simple.
I ping my zerk gear but wear equally skinned clerics.
Stuff like this is a bigger problem for the community.
The only things you should be allowed to change once in a party are weapons and traits. That would solve that problem.
how so? You’d just leave your zerk gear in your bags and ping from there. Though it’s a silly idea to do in the first place and you’d have to be a really kittenty person to even try to pull that one.
That would pull from a previous post I made in this thread. LFG filters on gear type and primary stat type to even be able to see the lfg post and get into the party. They could even make it so that you can only ping gear that is currently equipped.
Like most solutions to these kinds of problems there’s always goign to be loop holes, or there will be too much coverage to the point that it hinders our play.
Just to throw one out. Ok listed by primary stat right? Ok, so PVT gear in a zerk group passes…
And issue your suggestion would create, I want to ping my buddy a peice of gear I just got to drop, but I don’t wnat to use it, i’m gonna sell it, or possibly give it to them, but now I can’t because you can only ping gear you have equipped.
It’s tough to get a solution that fixes the problem, doesn’t have loop holes, and doesn’t cause other problems. Sometimes it’s better to just let us have the freedom and figure it out for ourselves in a case by case manner.
True, I can see those issues. What I meant by gear type was zerk, versus, soldiers, clerics, etc. The primary stat type filter would not have to necessarily be limited to one stat. I still recognize the issues even with this level of filtering though. I really wish there was a comprehensive solution that would eliminate the whole situation of needing to do gear pings vs having to deal with dishonest or illiterate party members. A solution that removes the while situation of negative feelings about certain players being angry they can’t join groups that they see in the LFG tool. Something that stops players trying to force themselves on others who don’t want to group with them. Something that would just take player integrity and honor out of the equation entirely by impartial system restrictions.
(edited by ODB.6891)
If Anet were to add a save/share build template function similar to what GW1 had that might be part of the solution. It would only show the traits, utilities and equipment currently worn. (sort of how the pvp build panel looks, first screen shows currently equipped weapons and rune set along with attributes while a second tab shows traits)
If Anet were to add a save/share build template function similar to what GW1 had that might be part of the solution. It would only show the traits, utilities and equipment currently worn. (sort of how the pvp build panel looks, first screen shows currently equipped weapons and rune set along with attributes while a second tab shows traits)
Khmm spectator mode khmm …
If Anet were to add a save/share build template function similar to what GW1 had that might be part of the solution. It would only show the traits, utilities and equipment currently worn. (sort of how the pvp build panel looks, first screen shows currently equipped weapons and rune set along with attributes while a second tab shows traits)
My only concern with that much detail is that certain professions have inherently lower stats than others…specifically due to damage increases based on trait percentage modifiers. If left up to players, they are going to look for the numbers and that sets up an entirely new criteria for exclusion for those not knowledge about specific classes and builds. I’d be happy with just the general gear type (soldiers, zerk, etc) versus an arbitrary numeric requirement on how much power, ferocity, precision, etc that is required to not get kicked.
just read the title of the lfg next time.
My LFG, my rules. Abide or get kicked, it’s that simple.
I ping my zerk gear but wear equally skinned clerics.
I lawled.
The dungeon community is not hostile; society functions the same way. If you do not have the grades that meet the school requirements, the school does not accept you. And if you apply for a job, and do no meet the job requirements, you don’t get hired. The school wants to teach a certain kind of student, the employer wants a competent person who can add value, and the gamer wants a smooth dungeon run. How is a dungeon different?
Oh, this is the part where they argue that this is a game and that games are not meant to take any effort or some bullkitten like that.
Can we get to this part plz? I want to reeedz and have funsies.
The dungeon community is not hostile; society functions the same way. If you do not have the grades that meet the school requirements, the school does not accept you. And if you apply for a job, and do no meet the job requirements, you don’t get hired. The school wants to teach a certain kind of student, the employer wants a competent person who can add value, and the gamer wants a smooth dungeon run. How is a dungeon different?
Oh, this is the part where they argue that this is a game and that games are not meant to take any effort or some bullkitten like that.
Can we get to this part plz? I want to reeedz and have funsies.
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
Oh, this is the part where they argue that this is a game and that games are not meant to take any effort or some bullkitten like that.
Can we get to this part plz? I want to reeedz and have funsies.
Just to be a nice person I’ll help you out deSade.
OMG they’re totally different! This is a GAME! School helps you get on life and do stuff. When I’ve finished doing that stuff I come home and want to relax. To relax I play a game!
I don’t need to be stressed in the game by having to run certain gear or traits. I like running my cleric gear but I also don’t have much time so people should carry me through their speed runs. But they DON’T! I mean what’s up with that?!?!
And I’m out sorry dude that’s all I can muster….
The Family Deuce. Asuran Adventure Specialists.
Thanks, bra. Even though a true playhowiwant would never admit they too want to do runs that end quickly and smoothly.
… I’ll throw a bait out there and see what happens.
If you’re stressed by your daily struggles and you play games to relax, so you don’t want to have people tell you to play in a certain way, how come playhowiwants suck s obadly at this game and use terrible gear ( much more importantly terrible traits and weapon choices) which could contribute to the failure of their team, thus increasing the stress and the length of their runs? How come they don’t strive to improve their play, their builds and their weapon choices, as to give their team an easier time and contribute more, so the runs end quicker? Is that too stressful and hard too? Or is there… ahem… another reason?
Since you’re so nice and caring – unlike the average dungeon zerk jerk – and all you care about is the community and the newbies, why don’t you play the best builds available for the situation, with a gear that compliments the build and can pump out the high damage necessary to get your team through obstacles?
/grabs fishing rod, sits and waits
Not bad bra!
At least you tried. Not enough caps lock, too long, too formated, too intelligent.
Not bad bra!@deSade
At least you tried. Not enough caps lock, too long, too formated, too intelligent.
kitten! >.< Only 5/10. Must try harder. Perhaps with more caps next time……
The Family Deuce. Asuran Adventure Specialists.
Not sure if I directed to me but kitten it I’ll bite anyway!
If you’re stressed by your daily struggles and you play games to relax, so you don’t want to have people tell you to play in a certain way, how come playhowiwants suck s obadly at this game and use terrible gear ( much more importantly terrible traits and weapon choices) which could contribute to the failure of their team, thus increasing the stress and the length of their runs? How come they don’t strive to improve their play, their builds and their weapon choices, as to give their team an easier time and contribute more, so the runs end quicker? Is that too stressful and hard too? Or is there… ahem… another reason?
I dunno the answer to this. Never had that problem. The only time I get grumpy in dungeon runs is when people don’t read my LFG. It says Asuran only. Is that so hard people? Oh and when they don’t listen. “In here we’re gonna do x and y. Wait a minute. Why are you over there doing z? Get back here! You muppet.”
Since you’re so nice and caring – unlike the average dungeon zerk jerk – and all you care about is the community and the newbies, why don’t you play the best builds available for the situation, with a gear that compliments the build and can pump out the high damage necessary to get your team through obstacles?
/grabs fishing rod, sits and waits
Aw shucks. Never been called nice and caring before. But remember it’s dinner and a movie first :-P And once again I dunno. You’d have to ask someone more invested in community than me.
The Family Deuce. Asuran Adventure Specialists.
Not bad bra!@deSade
At least you tried. Not enough caps lock, too long, too formated, too intelligent.
Ah, come on. Plz, guise. Why you bashin’ on me.
You can’t call me intelligent and get away with it!
And no, Adaph… Adeph… you, you’re too cute (and heavy) for dat. I’d never try to fish you, my back hasn’t been the same since all the pugging I did last year.
PLZ PLZ Read the LFG description before you join them!
- EXP (people run around get lost in the dungeon dunno what they are suppose to do -> kick)
- lv80s/xxx amount of AP/AR ONLY (none 80s/below AP/AR requirement -> kick)
- Speed run(guys stop skipping lets clear the dungeon -> kick)
- Ping gear(not a zerker? -> kick)
- Group asking for a specific class(im not xxx but can i join? -> kick)
- All Welcome (anyone can join the group )
Don’t like these requirements above? START YOUR OWN GROUP
if you are new and dont have anyone to show you the ropes? goto youtube and watch some dungeon guides so at least you have some basic idea what gw2 dungeon is like and what you are expecting to do.
My LFG, my rules. Abide or get kicked, it’s that simple.
I ping my zerk gear but wear equally skinned clerics.
^Heap laurels on this dude’s head!
My LFG, my rules. Abide or get kicked, it’s that simple.
I ping my zerk gear but wear equally skinned clerics.
Stuff like this is a bigger problem for the community.
The only things you should be allowed to change once in a party are weapons and traits. That would solve that problem.
That wouldn’t stop him from pinging the zreker set while it sits in his inventory, or wearing zerker armor + accessories then using a Cleric’s Greatsword of Life and traiting 0/0/6/6/2 full tank traits.
Ya human being are so rude, Anet should ban them, they are toxic to the community.
No where on my post I mentioned that ANet should ban anyone. Not sure why you got that impression. I don’t think anyone should be banned….just saying this kind of behavior should get more attention from ANet, otherwise what is the point of LFG tool.
Its the nature of the beast unless someone is threatening you Anet just can’t do anything about it people are allowed to be pricks. I’d suggest forming your own group to avoid being kicked (or punishing them if you are) and if your not zerk look for casual runs.
For a long time now, I have been very biased against certain professions in dungeons, in patricular, necros, engis, and especially rangers. As an attempt to overcome this issue, I tried to gain some perspective and rolled a ranger alt. Do you know whats really fun and really great about rangers? Absolutely kittening nothing.
For a long time now, I have been very biased against certain professions in dungeons, in patricular, necros, engis, and especially rangers. As an attempt to overcome this issue, I tried to gain some perspective and rolled a ranger alt. Do you know whats really fun and really great about rangers? Absolutely kittening nothing.
Doesn’t mean their a bad class, just no one knows how to use them. Their the easiest class to level and one of the harder classes to master. That and everyone just wants to be an archer which isn’t good DPS. Rangers and Engineers fall into that jack of all trades category most players are bad but when you find a good one their amazingly helpful and don’t have bad DPS.
That being said their great in pugs to fill roles because their a jack of all trades but they really have no place in organized runs since other classes who specialize in those roles do it better. Easy way to spot a bad ranger is if their not putting their pets on passive, if their not using drakes/cats don’t run with them.
The solution here is easy … don’t PUG.
pretty much agree with the OP and you see it at both side of the spectrum all the time.
Ive seen LFG like:
“80, zerker, exp only. 5k ap, no thief, no necro, will kick noobs”
always laugh if the group turns out terrible xD
Then at the other side of the spectrum….
Just today some noob opened the instance… There was a wipe that should not have happened that said noob caused. As he’s lying there he starts talking all this smack about ressing being hard, pushing the “f” button etc. I explained the dungeon mechanic and how it is normally done not even addressing his failness… he called me Mr. Dungeon Master then rage quit, booting the group…
Guild Wars 2 is an okay game, but most of the dungeon running community seems to be full of elitists and 12 year olds xD, but i guess at the end of the day, you get what you pay for.
(edited by chaosgrimm.5837)
For a long time now, I have been very biased against certain professions in dungeons, in patricular, necros, engis, and especially rangers. As an attempt to overcome this issue, I tried to gain some perspective and rolled a ranger alt. Do you know whats really fun and really great about rangers? Absolutely kittening nothing.
You play a ranger and are still biased against them? Willful ignorance perhaps? Ranger is a great class. There is certainly room for a Ranger in organized play. I see them being much more integral to speed runs in the near future as well.
My only conclusion regarding you, is that you must be playing with some absolute trash, PuG players. That said, if you are PuGing, Engi is a fantastic class. I can only really say that is doesn’t currently have a place in optimal runs. That said, it can cover down on horrible PuG eles who cannot stack/maintain might or vuln. It can also cover down on horrible thieves who cannot stealth. It can cover down for horrible blinds. The list goes on. A good Eni can carry a horrible PuG.
I would imagine you’ve run with some ‘all heavy speed run zerk’ groups and likely have little idea what a well synergized run actually looks like (Hint: taking Rangers and Engis will still be better for you than 4 wars and a Mesmer…or w/e PuGs run these days).
I don’t see rangers being used in speedruns at all, until they fix sword autos, make frost spirit invulnerable, completely disable the pet and increase personal dps by quite a bit.
As for Nikaido, I too used to not understand why people get booted from runs, until I tried playing efficient in pugs. LoS’ing a boss more than once to get another fiery rush in? Kick. Usi.g a different (better) LoS spot pugs are not aware of? Kick. Soloing half the dungeon because pugs can’t catch up? Kick. Hell, I was seriously booted for ‘playing too good’. Or just watch my AC Wars 2 video, I got booted for solo’ing 80% of the ghost eater while others died about instantly.
That being said, pugs don’t run efficient tactics, they use something totally kittened that has about never been efficient and can’t explain why they do. Well, except for the usual ‘all stack here cuz always stack’.
As for lfg’s, ANet should really do something about that. Probably implementing a quiz the party creator can set up, which anyone who wants to join must answer correct. Basically whenever I was setting up a lfg, I don’t get more than 1 guy (if lucky) who fits my requirements.
Basically whenever I was setting up a lfg, I don’t get more than 1 guy (if lucky) who fits my requirements.
Would you share what kind of advertisement you use to filter pugs?
“Paths 1-3, only native english speakers who are willing to communicate”
“p3 at boss, free reward for full ascended berserkers (scholar runes), gear ping”
“p1, lf 4 berserker eles only”
I don’t see rangers being used in speedruns at all, until they fix sword autos, make frost spirit invulnerable, completely disable the pet and increase personal dps by quite a bit.
As for Nikaido, I too used to not understand why people get booted from runs, until I tried playing efficient in pugs. LoS’ing a boss more than once to get another fiery rush in? Kick. Usi.g a different (better) LoS spot pugs are not aware of? Kick. Soloing half the dungeon because pugs can’t catch up? Kick. Hell, I was seriously booted for ‘playing too good’. Or just watch my AC Wars 2 video, I got booted for solo’ing 80% of the ghost eater while others died about instantly.
That being said, pugs don’t run efficient tactics, they use something totally kittened that has about never been efficient and can’t explain why they do. Well, except for the usual ‘all stack here cuz always stack’.
As for lfg’s, ANet should really do something about that. Probably implementing a quiz the party creator can set up, which anyone who wants to join must answer correct. Basically whenever I was setting up a lfg, I don’t get more than 1 guy (if lucky) who fits my requirements.
Implementing a quiz? what? Your asking way too much no game dev would even think of putting in such a stupid system. You have to remember casual players and bad players get the same treatment as elites they allow you to advert in order to separate those groups. What GW2 really needs IMO is allowance for 3rd party programs, Give us gearscore ect. That would avoid the annoying pinging system that’s in place and Anet has more to fix then just the advert system the kick system needs a fix as well.
Also smart rangers will use their pets right making the “disable pet” argument unnecessary Anet will never remove them but hopefully they’ll improve the AI enough that they can be properly used.
“Paths 1-3, only native english speakers who are willing to communicate”
“p3 at boss, free reward for full ascended berserkers (scholar runes), gear ping”
“p1, lf 4 berserker eles only”
Your filters cause you to wait longer for groups then it would take to just run the instance with normal exp zerks. Stop pugging find a SC guild or something if your going to be so exact with your adverts.
Hehh, you must be new here and don’t know who Dub is.
“Paths 1-3, only native english speakers who are willing to communicate”
“p3 at boss, free reward for full ascended berserkers (scholar runes), gear ping”
“p1, lf 4 berserker eles only”Your filters cause you to wait longer for groups then it would take to just run the instance with normal exp zerks. Stop pugging find a SC guild or something if your going to be so exact with your adverts.
Dub is already in a speedclear guild. He just solos dungeons and then gives away four slots but sets certain requirements to see how many people he can get in his party who lack the brain cells to even read.
Game over, yo.
Nicely said. Sadly, lately I see a steady decrease of said cells in the average pug. Have not been getting ‘good’ ones for quite a while now, been kicking more than rewarding.
Anyway, I almost had a full minute of lagless play around 6 pm, after that, my delay went so bad that I couldn’t even join guild missions, though.
Nicely said. Sadly, lately I see a steady decrease of said cells in the average pug. Have not been getting ‘good’ ones for quite a while now, been kicking more than rewarding.
Anyway, I almost had a full minute of lagless play around 6 pm, after that, my delay went so bad that I couldn’t even join guild missions, though.
Dubless guild missions, so sad ;(
what is the point of LFG tool.
I ask that myself many times, since 80% of my lfg descriptions are ignored. If I want guardian, I’ll get everything but guardian. If I want ele, I’ll get everything but ele. If I want experienced only, I’ll get necro with 1000 ap that says “Oh, I haven’t done this dungeon, but I’ve done others”…
If I just put “p1” in description for example, then I don’t care who joins, I never kick anyone, but if I explecitly ask for something, then don’t ignore that. The worst part is that most of them actually read description, but they choose to simply ignore it, which then leads into kick and then probably some of them come here to make topic of how they were kicked for no reason.
The G in LFG stands for Grief.
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
… “cm p1 Know what to do” 3/5 dont know what to do. 2 dont care and yolo I mean actually type into chat “#yolo”. 1 that does care is just bad. these are all lvl 80’s with 2.3k + ap
what is the point of LFG tool.
I ask that myself many times, since 80% of my lfg descriptions are ignored. If I want guardian, I’ll get everything but guardian. If I want ele, I’ll get everything but ele. If I want experienced only, I’ll get necro with 1000 ap that says “Oh, I haven’t done this dungeon, but I’ve done others”…
If I just put “p1” in description for example, then I don’t care who joins, I never kick anyone, but if I explecitly ask for something, then don’t ignore that. The worst part is that most of them actually read description, but they choose to simply ignore it, which then leads into kick and then probably some of them come here to make topic of how they were kicked for no reason.
I once did a “experienced zerk only, must know how to melee lupi and do all skips first try” LFG and got a guy who joined and asked me where Arah was, then asked me if it’s far from Queensdale.
He was level 80 too.
what is the point of LFG tool.
I ask that myself many times, since 80% of my lfg descriptions are ignored. If I want guardian, I’ll get everything but guardian. If I want ele, I’ll get everything but ele. If I want experienced only, I’ll get necro with 1000 ap that says “Oh, I haven’t done this dungeon, but I’ve done others”…
If I just put “p1” in description for example, then I don’t care who joins, I never kick anyone, but if I explecitly ask for something, then don’t ignore that. The worst part is that most of them actually read description, but they choose to simply ignore it, which then leads into kick and then probably some of them come here to make topic of how they were kicked for no reason.I once did a “experienced zerk only, must know how to melee lupi and do all skips first try” LFG and got a guy who joined and asked me where Arah was, then asked me if it’s far from Queensdale.
He was level 80 too.
lol champ trained to 80 much?
I once did a “experienced zerk only, must know how to melee lupi and do all skips first try” LFG and got a guy who joined and asked me where Arah was, then asked me if it’s far from Queensdale.
He was level 80 too.
Wow. The GW2 community is just great.
There is no loyalty without betrayal. -Ann Smiley