How many pristine relics buys a weapon?

How many pristine relics buys a weapon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197



How many pristine relics buys a weapon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: voidwater.2064


I am talking about the fact that currently fractal weapon collection is a pure RNG and has no “time invested” requirement whatsoever. One individual can get lucky and obtain that collection in 19 runs (lets call it 10hr if he bought those runs) while another individual might never get it even thou he did thousands or even millions of runs.

With pure RNG, if you’re unlucky, you may never get a particular skin since the daily chests limit how many tries you get during the game’s life.

It also restricts how you can use your available time. If you have time for two level 50 runs on Monday, but no time on Tuesday, too bad. You can only run 50 once.

(edited by voidwater.2064)

How many pristine relics buys a weapon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


I guess I just see skill as it’s used in a video game as something that takes time to acquire. I’ve taught some pretty abysmal video game players how to beat some pretty tough stuff in games, all with varying amounts of time, but it always just came down to time.

In general yes, but then again, most games aren’t looking to only be accessible to the top .001% of the market. Which is why we see difficulty scales and all that.

I do think there is a certain level that everyone has that they just can’t really break through. I think most people in this forum are well above average as far as players go. I’ve always liked teaching and helping people but over the last decade and a half of gaming I’ve come across countless people that even after years of trying to help them they just fall flat on their faces when it comes to more “difficult” challenges. I put difficult in quotes there as all that stuff is very relative.

Give me a game that requires regular reaction at .3s or less and I doubt I’ll be beating it unless there is a pattern I can anticipate. (Most games seem to limit themselves at .5ish in my experience for their tougher stuff)

How many pristine relics buys a weapon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rednik.3809


More over, it’s 400-500h when you know the game perfectly well and focus only on it, and with discordway and/or sabway. Average time to get it is nowhere close to this.

Or just spend some $$$ and make it much-much easier. So much for effort, kek.

Kiijna, Xast, Satis Ironwail, Sekhaina, Shira Forgesparkle, Sfeno, Nasibi, Tegeira, Rhonwe…
25 charracters

How many pristine relics buys a weapon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


More over, it’s 400-500h when you know the game perfectly well and focus only on it, and with discordway and/or sabway. Average time to get it is nowhere close to this.

Or just spend some $$$ and make it much-much easier. So much for effort, kek.

Gibbe monies pl0x !

Btw, what do you buy with real world money that make it easier ?

How many pristine relics buys a weapon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


More over, it’s 400-500h when you know the game perfectly well and focus only on it, and with discordway and/or sabway. Average time to get it is nowhere close to this.

Or just spend some $$$ and make it much-much easier. So much for effort, kek.

Gibbe monies pl0x !

Btw, what do you buy with real world money that make it easier ?

The keys to someones GW account that has it unlocked

How many pristine relics buys a weapon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


More over, it’s 400-500h when you know the game perfectly well and focus only on it, and with discordway and/or sabway. Average time to get it is nowhere close to this.

Or just spend some $$$ and make it much-much easier. So much for effort, kek.

Gibbe monies pl0x !

Btw, what do you buy with real world money that make it easier ?

The keys to someones GW account that has it unlocked

Oh… that makes me sad

How many pristine relics buys a weapon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: femalehumanmeta.8351


Oh pls. I started working on GWAMM after they broke HOM and finished before they fixed it. Took about 400-500 hr

Yea, and what in GW2 takes anywhere close to that time?

More over, it’s 400-500h when you know the game perfectly well and focus only on it, and with discordway and/or sabway. Average time to get it is nowhere close to this.

I knew nothing about the game but I did have a friend who helped me to get through tough places like DoA etc. GW has very detailed wiki – that’s enough to learn about the game

I’m guessing they also helped bankroll your hom because there is no way someone who has never played GW1 could get gwamm in 4 months with only 400-500 hours of play time.

How many pristine relics buys a weapon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rednik.3809


Gibbe monies pl0x !

Btw, what do you buy with real world money that make it easier ?

Same as in all mmo games – something from other players. Platinum/mats/boosting services. Not like it’s hard to find someone for that.

Kiijna, Xast, Satis Ironwail, Sekhaina, Shira Forgesparkle, Sfeno, Nasibi, Tegeira, Rhonwe…
25 charracters

How many pristine relics buys a weapon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: deSade.9437


I don’t give a kitten about “prestige” and about how other people [I don’t know] perceive me in game based on what I’m currently wearing. I think all the legendaries I have don’t mean kitten, I simply grinded for them because I wanted the skins really badly, and I’m embarassed when people express admiration at the “dedication” I put on them – likewise, I feel ashamed when they shoot me down by saying stuff like “you have too much time on your hands” or “ugggh, eternity, it’s so common, EVERYONE has it!”. I am flattered, though, when people compliment me on my dyes choice, my fitting character theme or any skillful use of cheap armors/weapons.
I want to look cool, but I do it for myself (and my friends’ approval, I suppose). I want to wear cool stuff, stuff I deem cool.
Got a problem with that?

How many pristine relics buys a weapon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: IrisTheCasual.3742


I don’t give a kitten about “prestige” and about how other people [I don’t know] perceive me in game based on what I’m currently wearing. I think all the legendaries I have don’t mean kitten, I simply grinded for them because I wanted the skins really badly, and I’m embarassed when people express admiration at the “dedication” I put on them – likewise, I feel ashamed when they shoot me down by saying stuff like “you have too much time on your hands” or “ugggh, eternity, it’s so common, EVERYONE has it!”. I am flattered, though, when people compliment me on my dyes choice, my fitting character theme or any skillful use of cheap armors/weapons.
I want to look cool, but I do it for myself (and my friends’ approval, I suppose). I want to wear cool stuff, stuff I deem cool.
Got a problem with that?

Yeah, but you can denounce world problems like China making imitations of Louis Vuitton bags. Some people will always care about the prestige that they worked hard for and paid tons of money on can be bought cheaply by others.

How many pristine relics buys a weapon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


Gibbe monies pl0x !

Btw, what do you buy with real world money that make it easier ?

Same as in all mmo games – something from other players. Platinum/mats/boosting services. Not like it’s hard to find someone for that.

Yeah, assuming you don’t get the ban hammer :P

How many pristine relics buys a weapon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

I want to look cool, but I do it for myself (and my friends’ approval, I suppose). I want to wear cool stuff, stuff I deem cool.
Got a problem with that?

I mean, nope, rock what you like. All I’ll say is that just because a bunch of people in this one particular thread post that they don’t care about prestige doesn’t mean that it doesn’t still matter a lot.

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!

How many pristine relics buys a weapon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: voidwater.2064


I mean, nope, rock what you like. All I’ll say is that just because a bunch of people in this one particular thread post that they don’t care about prestige doesn’t mean that it doesn’t still matter a lot.

Likewise, that there are people posting about how much they care about prestige doesn’t mean that it matters at all.

Purple is (not) better than orange, flowers in paintings are (not) important. We should (not) serve pasta at lunch instead of burgers.

(edited by voidwater.2064)

How many pristine relics buys a weapon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

Likewise, that there are people posting about how much they care about prestige doesn’t mean that it matters at all.

Sure, you’re absolutely correct. I’ll just hide the discussions I have with devs in a box faaaar away from this thread so no one treats those as reliable information.

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!

How many pristine relics buys a weapon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Dusk is right, you can look around at businesses and clearly see that prestige sells. Right now I have a dozen boxes of Nike t-shirts in my warehouse. I happen to know that they simply buy the same standard shirts we keep in stock but simply change the label and mark them up 5X (not an uncommon practice).

While valid criticism of the comments in this thread I don’t really see why it matters to the topic as a whole.

Fact is we’re getting new v2 fractal weapons. There’s your new rare items if you want them so badly.

I have to agree fully with deSade’s comments about the whole thing feeling childish. “waa, now I can’t be special because everyone will have the same pretty things as I do!” But to add I feel people are being lazy too, want your prestige it’s coming in at the exact same time, get grinding and grab those big ugly blocks of gold and you can feel as “special” as you want.

Just like we see sales in the gemstore or really any example of things getting cheaper or more common, that’s all that’s happening here. Fractal Weapons v1 is a think of the past, they’ve been put on clearance, v2 is where it’s at.

(and as an aside, I can understand why some feel these things are prestigious, I still look at them as nothing but a sign of luck and a source of contempt for the RNG, yay opinions).

How many pristine relics buys a weapon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zenith.7301


I don’t give a kitten about “prestige” and about how other people [I don’t know] perceive me in game based on what I’m currently wearing. I think all the legendaries I have don’t mean kitten, I simply grinded for them because I wanted the skins really badly, and I’m embarassed when people express admiration at the “dedication” I put on them – likewise, I feel ashamed when they shoot me down by saying stuff like “you have too much time on your hands” or “ugggh, eternity, it’s so common, EVERYONE has it!”. I am flattered, though, when people compliment me on my dyes choice, my fitting character theme or any skillful use of cheap armors/weapons.
I want to look cool, but I do it for myself (and my friends’ approval, I suppose). I want to wear cool stuff, stuff I deem cool.
Got a problem with that?

Yeah, but you can denounce world problems like China making imitations of Louis Vuitton bags. Some people will always care about the prestige that they worked hard for and paid tons of money on can be bought cheaply by others.

If anything it’s a demonstration of the stupidity of people. A piece of clothing costing thousands of dollars when the materials and labor to make it don’t come close to approaching said value shows what sheep people are.

People who live and die by brand deserve to be scammed.

How many pristine relics buys a weapon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


I don’t give a kitten about “prestige” and about how other people [I don’t know] perceive me in game based on what I’m currently wearing. I think all the legendaries I have don’t mean kitten, I simply grinded for them because I wanted the skins really badly, and I’m embarassed when people express admiration at the “dedication” I put on them – likewise, I feel ashamed when they shoot me down by saying stuff like “you have too much time on your hands” or “ugggh, eternity, it’s so common, EVERYONE has it!”. I am flattered, though, when people compliment me on my dyes choice, my fitting character theme or any skillful use of cheap armors/weapons.
I want to look cool, but I do it for myself (and my friends’ approval, I suppose). I want to wear cool stuff, stuff I deem cool.
Got a problem with that?

Yeah, but you can denounce world problems like China making imitations of Louis Vuitton bags. Some people will always care about the prestige that they worked hard for and paid tons of money on can be bought cheaply by others.

If anything it’s a demonstration of the stupidity of people. A piece of clothing costing thousands of dollars when the materials and labor to make it don’t come close to approaching said value shows what sheep people are.

People who live and die by brand deserve to be scammed.

So you’re saying you never make an initial judgement on someone based on their appearance? You see someone dressed in basketball shorts, a t-shirt and flip flops and a guy dressed in a tailored suit and think they’re likely the same type of person? if so you’re a saint.

There’s a reason you go to a job interview in formal attire. There’s a reason most businesses require their employees (or at least those that deal with clients) to be clean shaven (this being either totally clean or at least well groomed, no big bushy beards).

First impressions mean something. Showing that you have something overly expensive usually gives the impression that you have money and style, or at the very least that you understand the impression it does have on some people. It’s a sign of social awareness.

How many pristine relics buys a weapon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Talyn.3295


Boy did we get off topic or what?


“We have now left Reason and Sanity Junction. Next stop, Looneyville.”

How many pristine relics buys a weapon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: IrisTheCasual.3742


I don’t give a kitten about “prestige” and about how other people [I don’t know] perceive me in game based on what I’m currently wearing. I think all the legendaries I have don’t mean kitten, I simply grinded for them because I wanted the skins really badly, and I’m embarassed when people express admiration at the “dedication” I put on them – likewise, I feel ashamed when they shoot me down by saying stuff like “you have too much time on your hands” or “ugggh, eternity, it’s so common, EVERYONE has it!”. I am flattered, though, when people compliment me on my dyes choice, my fitting character theme or any skillful use of cheap armors/weapons.
I want to look cool, but I do it for myself (and my friends’ approval, I suppose). I want to wear cool stuff, stuff I deem cool.
Got a problem with that?

Yeah, but you can denounce world problems like China making imitations of Louis Vuitton bags. Some people will always care about the prestige that they worked hard for and paid tons of money on can be bought cheaply by others.

If anything it’s a demonstration of the stupidity of people. A piece of clothing costing thousands of dollars when the materials and labor to make it don’t come close to approaching said value shows what sheep people are.

People who live and die by brand deserve to be scammed.

So you’re saying you never make an initial judgement on someone based on their appearance? You see someone dressed in basketball shorts, a t-shirt and flip flops and a guy dressed in a tailored suit and think they’re likely the same type of person? if so you’re a saint.

There’s a reason you go to a job interview in formal attire. There’s a reason most businesses require their employees (or at least those that deal with clients) to be clean shaven (this being either totally clean or at least well groomed, no big bushy beards).

First impressions mean something. Showing that you have something overly expensive usually gives the impression that you have money and style, or at the very least that you understand the impression it does have on some people. It’s a sign of social awareness.

I think he missed my sarcasm tone.

Also, there are actually many little things involved in defining style and class through objects. A pig wearing Chanel doesn’t make it look any more fashionable. That’s where the prestige falls flat. In your example, it would be comparing a department store bought Giorgio Armani labeled suit or a bespoke tailored suit. The former gives an illusion of prestige but not necessarily as good as the latter.

How many pristine relics buys a weapon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zenith.7301


I don’t give a kitten about “prestige” and about how other people [I don’t know] perceive me in game based on what I’m currently wearing. I think all the legendaries I have don’t mean kitten, I simply grinded for them because I wanted the skins really badly, and I’m embarassed when people express admiration at the “dedication” I put on them – likewise, I feel ashamed when they shoot me down by saying stuff like “you have too much time on your hands” or “ugggh, eternity, it’s so common, EVERYONE has it!”. I am flattered, though, when people compliment me on my dyes choice, my fitting character theme or any skillful use of cheap armors/weapons.
I want to look cool, but I do it for myself (and my friends’ approval, I suppose). I want to wear cool stuff, stuff I deem cool.
Got a problem with that?

Yeah, but you can denounce world problems like China making imitations of Louis Vuitton bags. Some people will always care about the prestige that they worked hard for and paid tons of money on can be bought cheaply by others.

If anything it’s a demonstration of the stupidity of people. A piece of clothing costing thousands of dollars when the materials and labor to make it don’t come close to approaching said value shows what sheep people are.

People who live and die by brand deserve to be scammed.

So you’re saying you never make an initial judgement on someone based on their appearance? You see someone dressed in basketball shorts, a t-shirt and flip flops and a guy dressed in a tailored suit and think they’re likely the same type of person? if so you’re a saint.

There’s a reason you go to a job interview in formal attire. There’s a reason most businesses require their employees (or at least those that deal with clients) to be clean shaven (this being either totally clean or at least well groomed, no big bushy beards).

First impressions mean something. Showing that you have something overly expensive usually gives the impression that you have money and style, or at the very least that you understand the impression it does have on some people. It’s a sign of social awareness.

You must not work in a scientific or computer science environment then. Our scientists interviewed not with a suit but casual attire, they come into work with their little balding head and stray, standing hair bits.

They’re not exactly a pleasant sight, but you don’t hire people to be models or mannequins. You hire them for what’s in their head and because they can get the job done.

No, I don’t make assumptions about people for something as superficial as how they dress.

Most hip hop music moguls who are now millionaires dressed in parachute-sized shirts and extravagant, socially abnormal regalia, as did most musicians. Their dressing habits did little to inform you of their terrific brand management and sales skills.

It’s a total waste to evaluate people through irrelevant parameters to what you are actually looking for.

Just because people have been doing something stupid for a long time does not justify its use. Social conventions can and do change.

(edited by Zenith.7301)

How many pristine relics buys a weapon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


I don’t give a kitten about “prestige” and about how other people [I don’t know] perceive me in game based on what I’m currently wearing. I think all the legendaries I have don’t mean kitten, I simply grinded for them because I wanted the skins really badly, and I’m embarassed when people express admiration at the “dedication” I put on them – likewise, I feel ashamed when they shoot me down by saying stuff like “you have too much time on your hands” or “ugggh, eternity, it’s so common, EVERYONE has it!”. I am flattered, though, when people compliment me on my dyes choice, my fitting character theme or any skillful use of cheap armors/weapons.
I want to look cool, but I do it for myself (and my friends’ approval, I suppose). I want to wear cool stuff, stuff I deem cool.
Got a problem with that?

Yeah, but you can denounce world problems like China making imitations of Louis Vuitton bags. Some people will always care about the prestige that they worked hard for and paid tons of money on can be bought cheaply by others.

If anything it’s a demonstration of the stupidity of people. A piece of clothing costing thousands of dollars when the materials and labor to make it don’t come close to approaching said value shows what sheep people are.

People who live and die by brand deserve to be scammed.

So you’re saying you never make an initial judgement on someone based on their appearance? You see someone dressed in basketball shorts, a t-shirt and flip flops and a guy dressed in a tailored suit and think they’re likely the same type of person? if so you’re a saint.

There’s a reason you go to a job interview in formal attire. There’s a reason most businesses require their employees (or at least those that deal with clients) to be clean shaven (this being either totally clean or at least well groomed, no big bushy beards).

First impressions mean something. Showing that you have something overly expensive usually gives the impression that you have money and style, or at the very least that you understand the impression it does have on some people. It’s a sign of social awareness.

I think he missed my sarcasm tone.

Also, there are actually many little things involved in defining style and class through objects. A pig wearing Chanel doesn’t make it look any more fashionable. That’s where the prestige falls flat. In your example, it would be comparing a department store bought Giorgio Armani labeled suit or a bespoke tailored suit. The former gives an illusion of prestige but not necessarily as good as the latter.

Totally true, and why I don’t like most legendaries or fractal weapons. I’ve only seen a handfull of people match them up with good outfits. it’s usually a Legendary, fractal backpiece and whatever other shiny objects one can find with no color coding or anything to go with it.

@Zenith, I actually did study comp sci, and yes, once you get a job most seem to be casual attire (unless you deal with customers, though some were in your boxers in your own home so.. yeah). I ended up working in a different field, but of my professors who were all very experienced in various areas of the field they all stressed that we at least clean ourselves up for the interviews for internships. “if you can’t clean yourself up for the first impression how devoted are you to the job?” type thing. but /shrug, pointless argument I think

How many pristine relics buys a weapon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: voidwater.2064


Dusk is right, you can look around at businesses and clearly see that prestige sells. Right now I have a dozen boxes of Nike t-shirts in my warehouse. I happen to know that they simply buy the same standard shirts we keep in stock but simply change the label and mark them up 5X (not an uncommon practice).

I’m well aware of such things. I think we largely agree on this topic, and I may just be quibbling over semantics, but I would call that the “illusion of prestige”.

It may be wildly profitable for Nike, but the rebranded shirt will not make someone a better athlete.

Perhaps the Nike gear helps with first impressions, but one can’t hide behind the swoosh forever, one’s real status eventually becomes apparent.

It’s so awfully superficial. For that reason, I cannot say that the illusion of prestige “matters a lot”.

It’s a scam.

If one wants to argue that it’s important to cater to delusions of grandeur and create similar scams in a video game, then I can only agree to disagree.

There’s a reason you go to a job interview in formal attire. There’s a reason most businesses require their employees (or at least those that deal with clients) to be clean shaven (this being either totally clean or at least well groomed, no big bushy beards).

First impressions mean something. Showing that you have something overly expensive usually gives the impression that you have money and style, or at the very least that you understand the impression it does have on some people. It’s a sign of social awareness.

There is an existing, inherited cultural expectation that an interviewee will dress nicely. Failing to meet that expectation could suggest the interviewee lacks social awareness or good judgement.

Similarly, a client may feel uneasy if they interact with an employee with an unkempt appearance. The employee represents the business, it could suggest a lack of professionalism in the business.

(Someone who is truly elite with major accomplishments in their field may not even need to search for jobs, people will go to them instead of the other way around. They don’t need a fancy suit.)

But these considerations are not really relevant in GW2, there are generally no such expectations. I can’t think of any common situation where the player is penalized for not having some “prestigious” skin.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen an LFG post that said “Use rare/expensive/grindy skins or be kicked”.

The dominant concerns are core functionality (meta builds only! ping zerk gear!) and competence/knowledge (exp only!).

So you’re saying you never make an initial judgement on someone based on their appearance? You see someone dressed in basketball shorts, a t-shirt and flip flops and a guy dressed in a tailored suit and think they’re likely the same type of person? if so you’re a saint.

Hygiene probably, but not their choice of clothing.

For all I know, the flip flop person may own the company that the suit person works at; flip flop person is on basketball break. Maybe flip flop person has high status and “kitten you money”, so to speak.

There’s simply not enough information for me to make a solid judgement. It’s not really about being a saint but considering the range of possibilities. I don’t think clothing is a strong signal in modern society.

(edited by voidwater.2064)

How many pristine relics buys a weapon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


Why are we not discussing options instead of terrible 150 headshot gold skins for the new weapons?

How many pristine relics buys a weapon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


Why are we not discussing options instead of terrible 150 headshot gold skins for the new weapons?

Because gold is SHINY