My opinion of the Dungeons in GW2.
Man, so many logical fallacies in these threads. Absolutely hilarious.
On to the dungeons, bosses in general are just terrible and do nothing but stay (almost) still and swing to literally the closest guy. That’s exactly what tanking is, they just made it so it is almost impossible to restore your health to full in a very fast manner consistently thus forcing you to move around for a few seconds or rolling out of the way to give you time to heal… big whoop.
When it comes to dungeon bosses actually trying to kill you, Vindictus did a much better job at that, it also does a better job at not having you rely on a holy trinity to get stuff done. Too bad everything but the bosses is mind-numbingly tedious.
I had heard that GW2 dungeons were difficult so I put off running them until I got my character to 80.
These dungeons aren’t difficult, they are trash.
Die-rez-die-rez until you win is not a feature or a mechanic, it is a terribly tuned and sloppily designed dungeon.
I am really disappointed at how poorly designed these dungeons are. I am amazed anyone even bothers with them.
We did all explo in all dungs without death. Its in you not in game.
Tekkit’s Workshop
I did my first non-Arah dungeon run this weekend and I have to say that there needs to be a curve to them. They are all extremely frustrating for anyone who hasn’t mastered the mechanics yet — there’s no introduction that teaches players the mechanics other than pure trial and error corpse runs.
For those of that don’t buy stolen gold or spend 12 hours a day playing the game, that makes this content somewhat inaccessible because 50 silver for repairs to learn how to complete one path of one dungeon is poor game design.
Oh, and the last boss encounter in Path 2 of AC bugged out so we basically spent an hour and 50s to get nothing. Yay.