Never doing exp Arah again - fire this employee
Trash mobs in this dungeon are like mini-bosses. In fact, some of the trash is harder than the bosses themselves.
Overall, GW2 is not a hardcore raiding dungeon game. Dungeons should be challenging, but doable by pugs without perfect gear.
They have stated multiple times that it is their INTENT that EM’s not be puggable, but rather require an organized group. Which means that they’ve actually failed on their design intent on the MANY paths in the dungeons which ARE puggable.
How dare they “overtune” their high-end pve so that you must exhibit something resembling reflex, knowledge, and teamwork!
who actually wants that? Do we really want to be playing those same game mechanics for
another 5 or 10 years? -Mike O’Brien
This boss show who are good players and who are non skilled players. Im killing him in his room with my team – no grub buffs(max 1).
If you are glass cannon with no skill gl :P
yup I’ve just “emo quited” from arah path 3. I was doing it for 3 hours with players that can play cuz they are my friends. But bcuz of bad setup we can’t do it?? I’t lame!! W eall have full exotic. Boss should be nerfed…
yup I’ve just “emo quited” from arah path 3. I was doing it for 3 hours with players that can play cuz they are my friends. But bcuz of bad setup we can’t do it?? I’t lame!! W eall have full exotic. Boss should be nerfed…
This post is everything that’s wrong with this community…
Full exotics is NOT “I WIN” in this game. It gives an edge, but you still have to play smart, and pay attention. If you are used to WoW where the UI played the game for you, and are unwilling to change, you will definitely have a bad time.
It’s a good boss that provides a decent challenge. stay ranged and destroy grubs in phase 1. Phase 2 is more about dodging and staying alive while damaging him when you can. The phases after that are when it gets easier. At least from my perspective.
If they nerf him at all I will be extremely disappointed.
I think the designers of Arah had a strong intent in each encounter and executed it well for the most part. Only shortcoming was people getting the gear through farming a couple free encounters, fortunately having Arah gear now means you beat Giganticus a lot and completed a lot of routes in there, as it should.
The resetting is a bug. But the rest – you should look at what you and your own group can do instead of saying it’s a horrible encounter because it’s too difficult.
yup I’ve just “emo quited” from arah path 3. I was doing it for 3 hours with players that can play cuz they are my friends. But bcuz of bad setup we can’t do it?? I’t lame!! W eall have full exotic. Boss should be nerfed…
This post is everything that’s wrong with this community…
Full exotics is NOT “I WIN” in this game. It gives an edge, but you still have to play smart, and pay attention. If you are used to WoW where the UI played the game for you, and are unwilling to change, you will definitely have a bad time.
You’ve nailed it. GW2 is still a new game, especially as an MMO where it’s still in its infancy. Many people still either haven’t realized that the game is fundamentally not a WoW clone, or are wrapping their heads around all the ways it’s different from past MMO’s. They will either adapt and learn to master the new systems, or decide it’s not for them and go back to some other fantasy MMO of their choice.
Co-Leader, I Can Outtweet A Centaur! [TWIT] #twitguild
IGN: Optimus Maleficus
Demanding to fire the guy who designed a dungeon because you find it too hard … I think that YOU are the one who is not sane. (and all players in that thread that agree on the idea that people who made gw2 should be fired, are completely stupid too. This is a great game, and some imperfections in it – especially after 1 month – are not a reason to fire anyone !)
As for this boss difficulty, I agree that it is a bit too high, AND there is a bug. We tried it with my guild, and after several tries we found a good technique to finish the first part and prevent him from eating any worm. After some more tries, we were doing good with the second part (AoE part). But here an ugly bug happened : the boss reset to full HP instantly even if there were 3 of us fighting (and 2 of us coming back from death). Because of that bug we had to give up after some wasted hours ;(. I also said that the difficulty is a bit too high because players who were able to finish it without encountering the bug said that after some time, the AoE become way more powerful, which as far as I’m concerned should not happen since the difficulty is already high enough.
Lupicus is beatable, may not be easy with some pugs but it is doable. Like others have said, I too like this boss the most (or a top 3 pick at least) due to the mechanics. You actually need to have timing and some quick reactions to survive there, rather than just having a generic monster with 1000x the hp of a regular one.
Now Simin is a complete other story. While I approve of the mechanic itself, the behaviour of the sparks kind of sucks, added to the fact that if your party does not pass the DPS check, you simply cannot complete it since she doesn’t scale down her healing as the fight goes on. There’s almost zero skill involved in that fight. If your gear or spec is subpar you can still beat Lupicus through skill. But Simin is just an easymode boss that relies on crappy sparks + healing mechanic to survive.
It makes a really easy fight super tedious as all you’re doing is whacking a training dummy and hope your party hits high enough numbers. I preferred the Grenth fight ten times more in that path.
yup I’ve just “emo quited” from arah path 3. I was doing it for 3 hours with players that can play cuz they are my friends. But bcuz of bad setup we can’t do it?? I’t lame!! W eall have full exotic. Boss should be nerfed…
This post is everything that’s wrong with this community…
Full exotics is NOT “I WIN” in this game. It gives an edge, but you still have to play smart, and pay attention. If you are used to WoW where the UI played the game for you, and are unwilling to change, you will definitely have a bad time.
man can u read? I wrote I did it with my team and we are skilled. So it’s skill + exotic ==’
man can u read? I wrote I did it with my team and we are skilled. So it’s skill + exotic ==’
Me and my friends we competed Arah route about 20 times+. And our setup was always different. Sometimes 3x thief, or 3x necro, 2x guardian, 3x ele … etc
Its not about the setup at all !! Its about skill, traits and gear(by gear I mean stats, thoughtness, vit, power …).
If me and my friends can beat it every day without problem, do every rout in 1 hour then you and your friends arent that skilled as you claim.
learn to play better before complaining next time …
P.S.: This is one of our daily runs… path 3:
Just Lupicus fight (one of the first we had)
(edited by Dogblaster.6713)
yup I’ve just “emo quited” from arah path 3. I was doing it for 3 hours with players that can play cuz they are my friends. But bcuz of bad setup we can’t do it?? I’t lame!! W eall have full exotic. Boss should be nerfed…
This post is everything that’s wrong with this community…
Full exotics is NOT “I WIN” in this game. It gives an edge, but you still have to play smart, and pay attention. If you are used to WoW where the UI played the game for you, and are unwilling to change, you will definitely have a bad time.
man can u read? I wrote I did it with my team and we are skilled. So it’s skill + exotic ==’
We clear it every day in under 30mins, obviously something is wrong with you and your friends.
(edited by Joxy.6879)
I have a consistant group with 3 people in it, sometimes 4 and either pug 1 or 2 people. We consistantly one shot this boss for the last two weeks (running 2/3 paths a day, and yes we do Jotan! We have done Seer too!) It takes patience and learning your class.
The only thing really wrong with Arah is Simin’s fight, and some general glitches on that route. Plus waypoint discrepancies between all the routes in general – for example, the Shoggaroth fight on the Jotun route should be spawning a waypoint. You can occasionally see it flicker in and out of existence if you walk near it, but it won’t spawn. Makes it have the longest runback for Lupicus of all the routes, which really bites.
I farm 3 paths of Arah every day (every path except Seer, mainly due to lack of time for most of my usual group to do all 4), and we never have any problems with any of the bosses. In fact, we regularly 3-4man Giganticus (sometimes due to AFK/DC, sometimes due to bug that cause 1 guy to drop through the floor and he can’t do anything to the boss all fight long), and the rest of the bosses are a joke.
Trash mobs in this dungeon are like mini-bosses. In fact, some of the trash is harder than the bosses themselves.
Correction, some of the bosses are like trash in that they are effortless (jotun stargazer, first boss forgotten path, last boss mursaat path, etc).
@ANET, if you’re reading this, please for the love of all that is holy in gaming, don’t cater to these lowest common denominators who are crying about difficulty.
In future dungeons, please scale all bosses to be on the same level as Giganticus/Subject Alpha/Simin (although without the bugs that are plaguing Simin, you may want to look into that at some point).
Also, Jotun path still has some really wonky waypoints, may want to look into that, as well.
TL;DR – Stop crying about difficulty, and stop going into explorer arah with full berserker gear. The only path that isn’t puggable is Seer, mainly due to Simin & her bugs requiring proper coordination to kill her. I’ve pugged every other path without more than a few wipes.
Minister of Fear [80 Necromancer] @Far Shiverpeaks EU
TL;DR – Stop crying about difficulty, and stop going into explorer arah with full berserker gear. The only path that isn’t puggable is Seer, mainly due to Simin & her bugs requiring proper coordination to kill her. I’ve pugged every other path without more than a few wipes.
Speed clearing Arah with full party wearing Berserker’s/DPS gear, not a single problem here.
I was in Arah last nigh twith a pug and we did not have any problems, was my first time there, a guy explained to me the boss(Lupicus) and was smooth, and we didn’t exploit or whatever.
Phase 1 all together, melee focus those craps that comes to the group
Phase 2 Spread and evade
Phase 3 If you are the one being chased just run in circles.
Long fight but easy if someone explains to you(as they did with me).
~Piken Square~