Far Shiverpeaks
Just found this. Assuming this is real, why reset the level? I’ve worked my kitten off to get to fractal lvl 80, so on top of receiving TERRIBLE RNG rewards for ages and no gold for the only challenging content in the game, our level will be reset? Will there be any compensation?
As much as I’d love new fractals, this is just a kick in the balls. I don’t want my level reset for some leaderboards I don’t want.
In addition, it lists special challenges. What kind? If they’re anything like everything that has previously been added to the game that are called “achievements” it’ll be boring and easy just like the rest of PvE.
All that hard work to get to 80 for nothing. What a slap in the face!
That is unfair for people that still aren t lvl 80
I suggest a total wipe of the game so people is on even ground….
Makes more sense….
Everyone should start from level 1 with 0 gold
This makes me sad. I worked hard for my levels
Continue discussion here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/dungeons/Fractal-personal-level-reset/
Yeah wtf. If anet cant even give us fair warning about such big changes then I think we have a right to complain.
-People who leveled past level 30 and the few who reached level 50+ (and level 80) wasted a tremendous amount of time. They did that because there was NO other quality pve content, NO challenge in this game besides high level fractals. There was NO reward or recognition for their effort and now someone’s decided to take all of this back.
-Besides the Thaumanova map, the other 2 new maps seem a reworking of previous living story content. Also, it was only implied and not actually stated that the old fractals will be reworked.
-The Mistlock Instability mechanic sounds more like an RNG nuisance, than an actual challenge.
-The new rewards seem a bit lackluster. People can get gold with more easier ways (dungeons, champ trains) and a rare-to-get tonic just doesn’t cut it. Also, only one daily chest per day is really disappointing
-The leaderboard addition seems like Arenanet’s idea to add a bit more “challenge”. Personally, I think it’s a bad addition, given all the RNG that fractals contain. And obviously, the first place will go to the most hardcore group within 48h after the update is released. Yet another living story addition that can be completed in less than a week.
It’s not only that the much expected FOTM update looks terrible; after the deletion of the “Fractal personal level reset” I can definitely state that Arenanet is handling this very poorly. Hope that was constructive and respectful enough for you.
(edited by Moderator)
The only pve difficulty in gw2 was fractal 50+.
I played 8 months to get lvl 74 in fractal, the only place where I had pleasure to play because some fractals are very strong and need a very good gameplay.
Now you want to get me on lvl 30 fractal without anything in exchange ?
When you offered chest for success points you did not put everybody with same success points, so why do this with fractals ?! It was unbelievable that they were no gift for high fractals players, but it’s more unbelievable that we will go back to lvl 30, how can you do this, knowing that players with a lvl50+ of fractals are the best in the game ?
please think about it you can’t do this seriously
Sorry anet, this is what happens when you leave players hanging for nearly a year with the promise of something better, then announce that in a weeks time your going to delete all the character progression people sunk hours into. That you are going to make the only weapon skins in the game that require skill to obtain accessible for entry level fractals, instead of fixing the actual problem with them which is the kitten RNG.
This is what happens when you kitten up the one chance you had to preserve what little hardcore pve community you had left.
Wow. Shortly after I posted “Me and my guildies of 15 are personally leaving this game after this kittening update”, and BAM the thread went away. It doesnt sound too bad is it? Seems the older thread was gaining some traction quite a bit.
I’ve lost a lot of respect for ANet now. They didn’t even have the decency to respond to our concerns and instead brush it aside. I can’t believe how incompetent they have become.
Good job making this topic again. Can’t believe they deleted the previous one.
I already made my response here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/dungeons/New-Fractals-level-reset-to-30/first#post3227014
This is surreal. Negative feedback is still feedback, instead of addressing the issue of players losing TONS of hard work without any notice at all (which is in my opinion the biggest issue) they just delete thread. very professional response.
Wow. Get over it people. So your and my levels are getting reset to 30, big deal - we’ll be back up there in no time and I’m also interested in taking on the new 30+ challeneges per level. They also made levels account bound in case you missed that, so hey, you can switch easy between characters as you need, still earn progressions/etc. They also released entirely new fractals and revamped the entire system. Let’s scream doom because an insanely small portfion of the community farmed odd-level fractals to get 80 or you zerged it to 80 with bugs. Talk about an achievement, exploited your way to max level, upset it gets revamped with an entirely better (at least sounding so far) system.
Wow. Get over it people. So your and my levels are getting reset to 30, big deal – we’ll be back up there in no time and I’m also interested in taking on the new 30+ challeneges per level. They also made levels account bound in case you missed that, so hey, you can switch easy between characters as you need, still earn progressions/etc. They also released entirely new fractals and revamped the entire system. Let’s scream doom because an insanely small portfion of the community farmed odd-level fractals to get 80 or you zerged it to 80 with bugs. Talk about an achievement, exploited your way to max level, upset it gets revamped with an entirely better (at least sounding so far) system.
This is amazing and all, but they are resetting progress that some have spent many dozens of hours to achieve. A compensation/recognition is definitely in place.
You can count it in days of playing time over a period of weeks, or even months, not just dozens of hours…
Of course we react pretty badly when Anet tells us we just wasted all that time, and throw everything we worked for to the trash bin.
This makes me sad. I worked hard for my levels
I would visit a doctor. It´s a game, play what is fun. If u had fun u´ll lose nothing. Cause u can get al lot of fun by leveling new. With the new hopefully better system.
I like how that article is signed “by The Guild Wars 2 Team”. I guess no individual wants to take responsibility for this unreal/utterly flawed decision.
Can you give us a a choice at least:
If I can chose between keeping my current lvl or appear on a piece of kitten website that no ones cares about, I know what I will pick. -)
(edited by Floryn.6307)
Guys, I just realized, now it’ll be possible to get two fractals with dredge in them. Imagine level 50 + with molten facility and the old dredge fractal in the same rotation.
I like how that article is signed “by The Guild Wars 2 Team”. I guess no individual wants to take responsibility for this unreal/utterly flawed decision.
I like how they didn’t mention the reset anywhere in that article, you have to go digging through the other one to see it.
I’m very confused. Help me out here. Where in the article does it say your fractal level is being reset to 30?
→ * legit confused, just trying to find the exact wording *
Does the molten facility fractal come with a clown car on it too!?
O.T. I pugged alone all my way through fotm lvl 1 to lvl 49. Probably one of the most stupid things i have done in this game xD
(edited by Nosoyelarty.7268)
So i will give my opinion just to give some perspective. im level 29 so
Bring the hate
Does the molten facility fractal come with a clown car on it too!?
Maybe they’ll add one just to make it “challenging”.
I’m very confused. Help me out here. Where in the article does it say your fractal level is being reset to 30?
-> * legit confused, just trying to find the exact wording *
it’s not there it’s here (added anchor)
(edited by Floryn.6307)
I’m very confused. Help me out here. Where in the article does it say your fractal level is being reset to 30?
-> * legit confused, just trying to find the exact wording *
it’s not there it’s here (added anchor)
Oh, thank you. ^^
This makes me sad. I worked hard for my levels
I would visit a doctor. It´s a game, play what is fun. If u had fun u´ll lose nothing. Cause u can get al lot of fun by leveling new. With the new hopefully better system.
Kindly shut your face.
I’m not legit sad, it sucks, but I’m certainly better off than those who leveled to 80. I got level based rewards for all of my levels.
As for leveling, I won’t be able to. I have a job now, I can’t do a daily fractal, so I’ll likely be at level 30 for years. And that’s okay with me. I don’t care about leaderboards.
I was so excited about getting new fractals, wanted to test them with my old friends with whom we did most lvl from 60 up to 80. Now… I just don’t care anymore. I’ll stick to WvW, expecting the WxP to be randomly resetted the day somebody has the brilliant idea to add a useless ladder that awards the ego of some players while screwing everybody else.
I spent sometimes hours finding a party to lvl to 80, a part of it while you needed all players to the same lvl to do frac, while getting no reward at all for doing high lvl fracs all the while seeing guildmates and friends getting awesome loots at lower lvl fracs, only because I wanted to play stuffs that were harder then any other PvE content… and what do we get now?
Start from easy mode again.
Why? Why should I care to play throu lvl 30 again, doing content that isn’t exactly soloable, but surely doesn’t require any skill or party sinergy to be done successfully? Why can’t I enjoy doing my fractals at lvl 60, 70, or even 48 if it still will be hard capped?
Sorry ANet, but as much as I love the game I can’t say I’m not seriously disappointed about it. I was about to stop playing GW2 because there really isn’t any difficult instanced PvE content at all, except for the less-then-rewarding high end fractals, wich cannot even be done completely… Where are this games UWs? FoWs? DoAs? Urgoz or Kanaxay? The reality is, there is none to be found… not even an hard mode. The only bright side here is that this didn’t scare me away, instead drove me to WvW wich I discovered I really enjoy.
But since you will likely not back down from this decision, at least try to add challenging instanced content for those people who like spending some time to figure out how to face them. And maybe, just maybe, try to reward them for doing that. : )
So i will give my opinion just to give some perspective. im level 29 so
Bring the hate![]()
so you basicaly Support when a Company is going in the direction of deleting Progress just because your not affected?
this is the reason many bad things happened in the world cause ppl don’t care if bad things happens as Long as they’re not affected so you should think about your Statement!
Guys, I just realized, now it’ll be possible to get two fractals with dredge in them. Imagine level 50 + with molten facility and the old dredge fractal in the same rotation.
Not only that. Since the really long fractals are generally 2 at the moment – cliffside and dredge, you technically might have a 50% chance to get dredge everytime you do fractals. I also assume molten facility will be extremely long and time-consuming, yeah.
One more reason to stop doing that crappy thing…
this is the reason many bad things happened in the world cause ppl don’t care if bad things happens as Long as they’re not affected so you should think about your Statement!
“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” (Edmund Burke)
“How can we expect righteousness to prevail when there is hardly anyone willing to give himself up individually to a righteous cause. Such a fine, sunny day, and I have to go, but what does my death matter, if through us, thousands of people are awakened and stirred to action?” (Sophia Scholl.)
(edited by SkyChef.5432)
Guys, I just realized, now it’ll be possible to get two fractals with dredge in them. Imagine level 50 + with molten facility and the old dredge fractal in the same rotation.
Not only that. Since the really long fractals are generally 2 at the moment – cliffside and dredge, you technically might have a 50% chance to get dredge everytime you do fractals. I also assume molten facility will be extremely long and time-consuming, yeah.
One more reason to stop doing that crappy thing…
Personally, I’m done with this game in general now. I was looking forward to this update for months, and this is what we get? A kick in the face for seeking out a challenge?
Ehhhhhhhh, so dramatic. “Evil”. They simply don’t care about, hm, 0.1% of the playerbase.
I assume they’re convinced that encouraging casuals to do fractals will yield them more money or anyway a profit of some kind. Let’s see if they’re right or not.
Wow. Get over it people. So your and my levels are getting reset to 30, big deal – we’ll be back up there in no time and I’m also interested in taking on the new 30+ challeneges per level. They also made levels account bound in case you missed that, so hey, you can switch easy between characters as you need, still earn progressions/etc. They also released entirely new fractals and revamped the entire system. Let’s scream doom because an insanely small portfion of the community farmed odd-level fractals to get 80 or you zerged it to 80 with bugs. Talk about an achievement, exploited your way to max level, upset it gets revamped with an entirely better (at least sounding so far) system.
I didn’t exploit anything to get to my fractal level, and it was challenging and it was brutally hard. Belittling my efforts won’t make me persuaded that my effort wasn’t rendered meaningless.
Wow. Get over it people. So your and my levels are getting reset to 30, big deal – we’ll be back up there in no time and I’m also interested in taking on the new 30+ challeneges per level. They also made levels account bound in case you missed that, so hey, you can switch easy between characters as you need, still earn progressions/etc. They also released entirely new fractals and revamped the entire system. Let’s scream doom because an insanely small portfion of the community farmed odd-level fractals to get 80 or you zerged it to 80 with bugs. Talk about an achievement, exploited your way to max level, upset it gets revamped with an entirely better (at least sounding so far) system.
I didn’t exploit anything to get to my fractal level, and it was challenging and it was brutally hard. Belittling my efforts won’t make me persuaded that my effort wasn’t rendered meaningless.
You got to 80 by grinding odd/even alternating fractals? As far as belittling your efforts, these comments are hardly directly pointed to you and like I indicated, they also impact me (lvl 50). Demanding compensation is where I take issue. Such an entitled bunch.
Ehhhhhhhh, so dramatic. “Evil”. They simply don’t care about, hm, 0.1% of the playerbase.
I assume they’re convinced that encouraging casuals to do fractals will yield them more money or anyway a profit of some kind. Let’s see if they’re right or not.
As we said, apparently there isn’t allowed to be two communities..that of casuals and hardcore players? Oh well. Nice work Anet, I think they are trying to make me rage quit.
The trailer is amazing and all, but:
Level reset, account bound daily chest, tonic reward, fractal skins still being RNG kitten but now from lvl 10, sigil/rune only cool for WvW, a leaderboard.
It’s all a big WTF to me.
Community Coordinator
There is a feedback thread which exists, for the Devs to monitor. Please be sure to leave your feedback on that thread. https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Fractal-levels-above-30-to-be-reset
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