Please make tokens account bound.

Please make tokens account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dark Priest.3041

Dark Priest.3041

Hello. Yesterday I ran AC explorable mode because I wanted to farm tokens for my low level character. And when I saw that tokens were soulbound I left the dungeon. The second issue is price for dungeon items. As I know 1 run is awarded with 25-30 tokens. For example if I want to learn recipes for slaying potions (price is 400 tokens per recipe) I must complete all dungeons 106 times with one character only. Is it not a grind? It’s a most terrible grind I have ever seen! If I only could complete these dungeons with different characters it would take off this issue because dungeon grind would become at least fun. OK, let’s move further – first two dungeons! To get complete dungeon set I must earn 1200 tokens. You can start grinding the dungeon at level 35. Dungeon set is level 60. One run raises your level by ~1. So, we have 25 runs. But to earn 1200 tokens we need 40 runs. So it is possible to collect full set ONLY on level 75. This makes first two dungeons absolutely useless, unless you want a skin. And again this issue may be fixed with account bound tokens. Thanks for reading! =)

Please make tokens account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: MuffinOrama.7531


Although the sets are intended to be soulbound skins and that is perfectly fine (regular exotics will always be easier) I would kill for tokens to be account bound. If we’re forced to do tons of runs for a dungeon set, can we please be able to spice it up a bit with multiple characters? Not only does it make the sets less grindy, but it also increases the endgame longetivity by expanding the amount of content a character can do.
For example, if I don’t want the Svanir set on my elementalist, I have no reason to run that dungeon. Bam, endgame content is minimized. Once one has obtained his dream set that character is essentially done in terms of progression.
I feel if you could use one character in tandem to help another character get armor, it would help. A lot.

Please make tokens account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: GADefence.5634


I agree with this – more stuff needs to be account bound. This is especially obvious if you bought more characther slots, which ANet seem to promote and punish at the same time. << has 15 characther slots, not too sure if that’s a =D or a D= moment.

It makes stuff like inventory purchases (400 gems each) much more expensive then I think was intended, but it makes playing the game on alts more grindy then worthwhile – oh, I want this set on my engineer but I feel like playing my warrior – either don’t progress or play a class you don’t want, hurray!

There is no reason for these to not be account bound. Each set of tears/shards/marks etc takes up +1 inventory slot, as well as means you need to rerun content for that characther again for no particular reason.

Please make tokens account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tsumii.2703


Im in agreement here. If i have to run a dungeon 45 times to get a set of armor for a character, at least let me try to level another character in the dungeon, or change up the playstyle a little. Thats over 100 hours per dungeon, which is more time then people put into full $60 games.

Please make tokens account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cakoluchiam.6901


This change would be great for guilds, so helping a fellow guildie run dungeons for his gear wouldn’t feel like a total loss with my high level characters if I could save the tokens for my next character.

Gryphonix – 80 Ranger, Blackgate [BBG][EC][FS]

Please make tokens account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nefara.2186


Definitely, I’m in complete agreement. Considering how hard they are to acquire, it only makes sense you’d want to mix up your runs a bit on alternate characters and use the ones that would best suit your party, not whomever wants the armor. I’m surprised they weren’t account bound to start with.

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Please make tokens account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nate Gray.9241

Nate Gray.9241

I suggested this for Karma and forgot to consider Tokens completely. I fully agree, Tokens should be an account currency as well. I think anything to keep people experiencing and experimenting with the content is a good thing, and giving them the ability to do so across various characters and playstyles will do that.

Please make tokens account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Katana.1639


Agree 1000 times. I have ~200 tokens and after deciding every medium armor in the game is terrible I was going to save my tokens for my necro. Nope, soulbound. I almost deleted every token out of sheer “wtf” rage. I didn’t even check if they were soulbound or account bound because I assumed they were, because that would be logical. But this is guild wars2.

Please make tokens account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Baselerd.4921


It’s a glaring logistics problem if you can’t get the level 60 armor until your way past level 60…

Please make tokens account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: ntsan.3106


Yeah can you please make it account bound? Honer of bages is acc bound