Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Heliox.8632


Actually, dual-mace has 3 defiance-strip abilities while rifle only has 1. Facts straight? Facts straight.

Regarding Vigor….that’s ALL my party members ask me for when I ask whether I should bring Vigor-on-shatter if the current fight doesn’t necessitate one of the other Adept Inspiration Majors.


Because no other class has defiance stripping abilities, right? lol
Because clearly, you are making ALL of the difference? How arrogant. Or rather, no one else should carry their weight. How selfless.

And all at the same time, pointless with a cohesive group. Which still even happens with pug 30+.


So what you’re saying is “they shouldn’t play how they want to play, they should play how I think they should play”.

Again, rifle can take off the stacks just the same. And as I said before, because you didn’t catch it apparently: defiance takes a back seat to players survivability. It’s not a l2roll issue, if you don’t need to roll in the first place with one method over the other.

Equally, just because you or a few people might find some buffs useful in situations that don’t even call for them doesn’t make them truly useful.

In the end, if the content gets completed by a group it doesn’t matter how they accomplished it, but the heart of this thread is not about being open to other choices, rather it’s condescending masked with false intent to help players become better.

Player 1: did 22.5% of the work to complete content.
Player 2: did 22.5% of the work to complete content.
Player 3: did 22.5% of the work to complete content.
Player 4: did 22.5% of the work to complete content.
Player 5: did 10% of the work to complete the content.

Players 1-4 were willing to adjust build/weapons/skillsets to make it happen. Player 5 stuck to his 1 weapon 1 build 1 attitude mentality and got carried. Players 1-4 couldve done the content just as fast, if not faster and doing 25% instead of 22.5%. Player 5 clearly is dead weight and was easily carried giving him the false idea that he’s actually better than he thinks he is.

Content is cleared because the “pro players” are willing to compensate for your “stubborn players”. If i can teach people how to kill a boss in 5 minutes instead of 7 minutes, I’ll do so and I’ll have saved 2 minutes of my time repeatedly over the course of the number of times I run a dungeon, it accumulates to hours of saved time.

If i see a warrior in my party rifle 100% of the time during every dungeon encounter, I will give him advice, and if he refuses to try to be better, I will refuse to party with him until he gets better.

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Maestro.5376


Because no other class has defiance stripping abilities, right? lol

Because everyone always has to cater to what YOU want and so since YOU decide you don’t want to bring defiance-stripping abilities, EVERYONE ELSE has to wrap their builds around what YOU decide to do.

Also, I merely corrected the fact that Rifle does not strip Defiance as fast as Double Mace. That’s a simple fact that cannot be refuted.

Because clearly, you are making ALL of the difference? How arrogant. Or rather, no one else should carry their weight. How selfless.

And all at the same time, pointless with a cohesive group. Which still even happens with pug 30+.


So what you’re saying is “they shouldn’t play how they want to play, they should play how I think they should play”.

Again, rifle can take off the stacks just the same. And as I said before, because you didn’t catch it apparently: defiance takes a back seat to players survivability. It’s not a l2roll issue, if you don’t need to roll in the first place with one method over the other.

Equally, just because you or a few people might find some buffs useful in situations that don’t even call for them doesn’t make them truly useful.

In the end, if the content gets completed by a group it doesn’t matter how they accomplished it, but the heart of this thread is not about being open to other choices, rather it’s condescending masked with false intent to help players become better.

Because clearly, when I can constantly grant Vigor to everyone in the party without breaking my normal damage rotations, it makes MUCH MORE SENSE for EVERYONE ELSE to swap out their more useful Major Traits to give them Vigor.

I’ve done Pug 30+. It’s still a nightmare without some amount of coordination, especially if it’s an all-squishy group.

I also didn’t see DaveGan say anything about forcing others to play like he does. He simply listed wanted functions and the optimal ways of achieving those functions. Believe it or not, Anet did not intend for Greatswords to be Ranged DPS weapons for Warriors (I swear if you cite Bladetrail…), just like they didn’t intend for Rifles to be heavy control weapons (Double Mace can be fairly easily deduced to fill that role).

I find it rather amusing when people accuse others of “forcing others to play my way” when all they’ve done is offer options that players might not have thought of. Likewise, I also find it amusing that people find condescension where there is none. It’s like if there’s anything vaguely anecdotal in anything informative it’s automatically biased and condescending.

(edited by Maestro.5376)

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: evo.8640


But see, there’s all this confusing and hazy logic floating around.

I know you’re making an example, but there is absolutely no way to quantify if the warrior with 100% uptime with a rifle is contributing any less than party member 1-4. There’s simply nothing to make that accusation concrete other than simply believing it. There’s far too much conjecture and no substantiated evidence to say that the warrior was contributing less because he/she wasn’t swapping out to buff or remove stacks as opposed to the damage that he was delivering to the boss. The pve in GW2 is not so intricate, not even at frac30+ that a failure can be tied to such an intricacy when all the players are adequate for the content – despite one or two sticking to play styles / weapons they enjoy using and rejecting ones that they do not find useful or fun to play.

At least I have to give you props for not coming off as an elitist, and trying to be genuinely helpful. Most of the other posters however, don’t fit that mold.

(edited by evo.8640)

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Maestro.5376



Didn’t realize it would end up some what of a wall but to sum it up this isn’t a pro tip. The main reason most people don’t switch sets is that individual skills usually don’t balance out the over all loss of utility when switching weapons. One skill will rarely make up the utility you just lost leaving your build, traits, and stats. While it may seem like a pro move in many cases it is a foolish one.

The best tip anyone can give you is learn the runs before hand and get better with the set your using now. In all likelihood like myself you haven’t actually mastered every possible way you can use it.

I’d have to disagree with this, mostly because there are certain situations where change is warranted. The extent to which Gear affects utility really only applies to things like Healing or DPS where direct stat differences affect your potency in battle. With other utilities like Blind, Reflection/Deflection, or laying down certain combo fields, gear plays a much smaller role.

Does it not make sense for a party facing a slow, hard-hitting enemy that only hits single targets to bring a lot of blind to ensure maximum damage reduction (even to the point of negating it)? Does it not make sense for a party to bring a lot of projectile reflection/nullification to a mostly-ranged fight like Malrona in TA? Yes, sure, given enough competency any “pro” enough party can complete it without these tricks, but why give your party a harder time by insisting that you want to play a certain way, especially if they’re struggling and you have an easy fix to the situation?

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: evo.8640


Does it not make sense for a party facing a slow, hard-hitting enemy that only hits single targets to bring a lot of blind to ensure maximum damage reduction (even to the point of negating it)? Does it not make sense for a party to bring a lot of projectile reflection/nullification to a mostly-ranged fight like Malrona in TA? Yes, sure, given enough competency any “pro” enough party can complete it without these tricks, but why give your party a harder time by insisting that you want to play a certain way, especially if they’re struggling and you have an easy fix to the situation?

There-in lies the problem. The assumption that without these extra abilities, people/parties are struggling to begin with.

Again, there is no concrete evidence that this makes the fight go faster or that someone is contributing less. No information can be quantified currently in this game that can speak enough volume to make that ring.

So you expect other players to be selfless and use certain weapons that conflict with their personal play style, or abilities that they don’t find fun or useful? There’s an air that these players are selfish. Is it not selfish to expect someone to play a certain way because you simply perceive they are being more useful when again, there is no way to prove that otherwise?

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Maestro.5376


Does it not make sense for a party facing a slow, hard-hitting enemy that only hits single targets to bring a lot of blind to ensure maximum damage reduction (even to the point of negating it)? Does it not make sense for a party to bring a lot of projectile reflection/nullification to a mostly-ranged fight like Malrona in TA? Yes, sure, given enough competency any “pro” enough party can complete it without these tricks, but why give your party a harder time by insisting that you want to play a certain way, especially if they’re struggling and you have an easy fix to the situation?

There-in lies the problem. The assumption that without these extra abilities, people/parties are struggling to begin with.

Again, there is no concrete evidence that this makes the fight go faster or that someone is contributing less. No information can be quantified currently in this game that can speak enough volume to make that ring.

So you expect other players to be selfless and use certain weapons that conflict with their personal play style, or abilities that they don’t find fun or useful? There’s an air that these players are selfish. Is it not selfish to expect someone to play a certain way because you simply perceive they are being more useful when again, there is no way to prove that otherwise?

There are HP bars that clearly can be seen in the party window to the left of the UI. We are all of agreement that when they go down, it is bad, and when they stay up, it is good right?

So when certain situations arise where damage can be almost entirely (or completely) avoided with a simple mechanic like Black Powder Shot or iWarden/Feedback/Curtain chaining, these HP bars do not go down as often (averaging over a statistical mean) than they do when these skills are not used. I’d say that’s a pretty good positive utility.

Besides, if you’re running with a PUG, you NEVER know what kind of party you’re going to end up with. Are you really that tight on inventory space that you HAVE to have those 3 extra bag slots to cram your loot? For me, I’d prefer to be prepared for any situation that might arise.

Notice that I only make suggestions to tactics change AFTER a few wipes where it’s clear our current strategy isn’t working and we aren’t just having bad luck. Sticking with the same tactics and playstyle on a certain fight when its been proven again and again that it doesn’t work is like beating your head on a brick wall. It just doesn’t make sense.

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: evo.8640


There are too many variables to say with confidence that if blind isn’t up on a champ/boss that player hp bars are likely going down. When players know, that simply isn’t true. And in sync with statistics that cannot be proven. Much less calculated or figured as there are no tools other than opinion to do so.

Theory crafting can be called in, but it plays out very poorly for this game. I mean, I do see where you’re getting at but it all falls back to the single point: if people are getting the job done it really doesn’t matter how they do it.

It’d be impossible to validate in an uncontrolled setting that such gameplay methods led to a favorable outcome, or more favorable outcome in Guild Wars 2 with regards to the current dungeons.

There’s also an air that players who are perceived as unnecessarily stubborn about sticking to playstyles/tactics are the root cause of failure and that it could never, ever be part in fact to the “pro” player perhaps needlessly swapping weapons.

Pointing the blame is human past-time, but with no real methods, and no one supplying ample play back and detailed dissections of encounters identifying disasters in favor of saying “oh that guy with the xxx is the reason we wiped, if he had just done x y z, I just know we would have been fine or have done better.” Even when spoken by the “pros” who also could very possibly be a detriment against their self-perceived usefulness.

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Heliox.8632


Its ok maestro, just give it up, some people “dont want to be better”, they just want people like you to build around them so that they dont have to. Social loafing + ignorance at its best.

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: evo.8640


^Elitism at its best. You just crossed over that line.

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Heliox.8632


^Elitism at its best. You just crossed over that line.

Yup, cause I prefer to be the one getting carried instead of helping everyone reach a level of skill where no1 needs to get carried.

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: evo.8640


^Elitism at its best. You just crossed over that line.

Yup, cause I prefer to be the one getting carried instead of helping everyone reach a level of skill where no1 needs to get carried.

Simple-minded arrogance is leading you to believe that somehow coming rounded out has made you a better player, and there’s simply no tests, equations, math, fraps footage, or otherwise something called evidence to prove you’re not getting carried, no matter how much you tell yourself that you’re anything but.

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Heliox.8632


^Elitism at its best. You just crossed over that line.

Yup, cause I prefer to be the one getting carried instead of helping everyone reach a level of skill where no1 needs to get carried.

Simple-minded arrogance is leading you to believe that somehow coming rounded out has made you a better player, and there’s simply no tests, equations, math, fraps footage, or otherwise something called evidence to prove you’re not getting carried, no matter how much you tell yourself that you’re anything but.

Theres proven math, time tests, and efficiency tests along with survivability proven with the use of certain utilities and skillsets. Keep telling yourself they dont exist. Keep believing that they dont or keep being lazy to look for it.

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: evo.8640


^Elitism at its best. You just crossed over that line.

Yup, cause I prefer to be the one getting carried instead of helping everyone reach a level of skill where no1 needs to get carried.

Simple-minded arrogance is leading you to believe that somehow coming rounded out has made you a better player, and there’s simply no tests, equations, math, fraps footage, or otherwise something called evidence to prove you’re not getting carried, no matter how much you tell yourself that you’re anything but.

Theres proven math, time tests, and efficiency tests along with survivability proven with the use of certain utilities and skillsets. Keep telling yourself they dont exist. Keep believing that they dont or keep being lazy to look for it.

Your response: crickets

So unless you’re hardcore and you’re breaking out that age-old stop watch, that still doesn’t help your case. But wait, are you suggesting the use of 3rd party addons that don’t actually exist? Or if they do exist, you’re pretty screwed using it, aren’t you?

Calling your bluff. You can’t have it both ways. Research yields 0 results. Ball is in your court (in reality, it never left), but I know you’ll come back empty handed.

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dave.2536


Excluding the bad because nobody has helped them yet is elitist. Excluding the bad because they insist on being stubborn and ignorant seems pretty rational. In game it’s the difference between requiring experience and requiring a brain.

Nobody is a rifle warrior or greatsword warrior. They are all just warriors. The smarter ones won’t cripple their potential by limiting the skills (flexible weapon and utility slots) and resources (potentially useful advice and suggestions) available to them.

I should start using my block list to add people not worth my time partying with. This thread has a few names to start that list.

Content in this game will always seem
to be faceroll at the high levels, because it
needs to be accessible to the casuals and bads.

(edited by Dave.2536)

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Heliox.8632


^Elitism at its best. You just crossed over that line.

Yup, cause I prefer to be the one getting carried instead of helping everyone reach a level of skill where no1 needs to get carried.

Simple-minded arrogance is leading you to believe that somehow coming rounded out has made you a better player, and there’s simply no tests, equations, math, fraps footage, or otherwise something called evidence to prove you’re not getting carried, no matter how much you tell yourself that you’re anything but.

Theres proven math, time tests, and efficiency tests along with survivability proven with the use of certain utilities and skillsets. Keep telling yourself they dont exist. Keep believing that they dont or keep being lazy to look for it.

Your response: crickets

So unless you’re hardcore and you’re breaking out that age-old stop watch, that still doesn’t help your case. But wait, are you suggesting the use of 3rd party addons that don’t actually exist? Or if they do exist, you’re pretty screwed using it, aren’t you?

Calling your bluff. You can’t have it both ways. Research yields 0 results. Ball is in your court (in reality, it never left), but I know you’ll come back empty handed.

I didnt know having reflects / blinds / blocks required stopwatches or even a 3rd party to realize that they made encounters safer, smoother, and flawless with people getting hit less if not at all. Again, keep believing they dont exist, or just be lazy to look for it.

Fun fact: Recording videos of your runs are perfectly legal yet is a 3rd party program. Go figure.

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: evo.8640


Haven’t seen any of yours. Again, you’re not able to quantify that reflects / blinds / blocks are any better than more damage output, or more healing utility. It simply can’t be done, yet you’re trying as hard as a little steam engine can. It’s cute.

Fun fact: I never said recording videos were illegal.
Fun fact #2: You haven’t posted any
Fun fact #3: There are none that prove your point.

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Haven’t seen any of yours. Again, you’re not able to quantify that reflects / blinds / blocks are any better than more damage output, or more healing utility. It simply can’t be done, yet you’re trying as hard as a little steam engine can. It’s cute.

Fun fact: I never said recording videos were illegal.
Fun fact #2: You haven’t posted any
Fun fact #3: There are none that prove your point.

Vs. Kudu in CoE story mode, a well-timed Aegis/reflection/block can be the difference in your highest damage-dealer continuing to fight or being insta-downed and thus practically useless.

If you keep your damage dealers from taking damage/CC, they do more damage. It’s that simple.

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: evo.8640


Haven’t seen any of yours. Again, you’re not able to quantify that reflects / blinds / blocks are any better than more damage output, or more healing utility. It simply can’t be done, yet you’re trying as hard as a little steam engine can. It’s cute.

Fun fact: I never said recording videos were illegal.
Fun fact #2: You haven’t posted any
Fun fact #3: There are none that prove your point.

Vs. Kudu in CoE story mode, a well-timed Aegis/reflection/block can be the difference in your highest damage-dealer continuing to fight or being insta-downed and thus practically useless.

If you keep your damage dealers from taking damage/CC, they do more damage. It’s that simple.

And just as equally, a single player having 30 seconds more uptime on the boss can be the difference of the boss dying or the entire party eventually wiping. Theory crafting can go anyway.

My initial CoE story run was back in early Sept. with 3 other warriors and a thief. All running wvw setups. Didn’t have a problem then, and to my knowledge the dungeon hasn’t been buffed.

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Haven’t seen any of yours. Again, you’re not able to quantify that reflects / blinds / blocks are any better than more damage output, or more healing utility. It simply can’t be done, yet you’re trying as hard as a little steam engine can. It’s cute.

Fun fact: I never said recording videos were illegal.
Fun fact #2: You haven’t posted any
Fun fact #3: There are none that prove your point.

Vs. Kudu in CoE story mode, a well-timed Aegis/reflection/block can be the difference in your highest damage-dealer continuing to fight or being insta-downed and thus practically useless.

If you keep your damage dealers from taking damage/CC, they do more damage. It’s that simple.

And just as equally, a single player having 30 seconds more uptime on the boss can be the difference of the boss dying or the entire party eventually wiping. Theory crafting can go anyway.

So, you’re arguing against what I’m saying, but confirming it in the same breath?

Those defenses are what allow that single player to have 30 more seconds of uptime.

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: evo.8640


Haven’t seen any of yours. Again, you’re not able to quantify that reflects / blinds / blocks are any better than more damage output, or more healing utility. It simply can’t be done, yet you’re trying as hard as a little steam engine can. It’s cute.

Fun fact: I never said recording videos were illegal.
Fun fact #2: You haven’t posted any
Fun fact #3: There are none that prove your point.

Vs. Kudu in CoE story mode, a well-timed Aegis/reflection/block can be the difference in your highest damage-dealer continuing to fight or being insta-downed and thus practically useless.

If you keep your damage dealers from taking damage/CC, they do more damage. It’s that simple.

And just as equally, a single player having 30 seconds more uptime on the boss can be the difference of the boss dying or the entire party eventually wiping. Theory crafting can go anyway.

So, you’re arguing against what I’m saying, but confirming it in the same breath?

Those defenses are what allow that single player to have 30 more seconds of uptime.

Exactly what I’ve been saying all along, since you’ve elected not to read. However, for the 304982309482304th time, there is no way to quantify or prove what I’m saying, prove what you’re saying, prove what the OP is saying, or prove what Heliox is saying. Going back to your point, who is anyone to say that the 30 seconds of uptime with damage out put was LESS useful than some idiot needlessly swapping weapons to apply a buff that may or may not have been needed – for no other reason than they feel like they’re being useful and it’s “pro” play to do so? I mean, if you want, we can continue theory crafting this to death

Everything is hypothetical -not- theoretical discussion that has been overlayed by wanna-be elitists that these are undeniable facts.

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TWMagimay.9057


Point being that a high number of memorization elements does not excuse not knowing your class…

So, if i know what focus air 4 skill does, I still don;t know my class. I need to know the exact name? That’s a very funny theory.

Because, obviously, you were there when I asked them to equip Swirling Winds…Because obviously, you know how I talked to them…

Obviously, I read your extremely mocking and condescending opening post. Or did you forget how you wrote it? Unless it went different in the party and you just wanted to act like a big ol’ champ on the forum?

Because obviously changing the strategy of my specific party composition to better suit our combat strategy means that OUR STRATEGY IS THE ONLY WAY TO COMPLETE THIS DUNGEON AND NOONE ELSE IS FREE TO DO IT IN ANY WAY WHATSOEVER…

They also said you can have any party composition you want, they did NOT say to complete any dungeon you could have any builds in that composition that you wanted…

Also, I’ve been completing Fractals successfully since Day1, so…right, there goes another point.

So, why did you need focus eles if anything works?

Yes, obviously, you so completed that run. Like, totally.

I wasn’t aware I was either at a greater elevation or that they had enabled mounts in the game.


Snarkiness does nothing except earn you the lack of respect.

Well, thank you. Being respected by people like you is my biggest fear.

I love how you just continually make assumptions about how I treated a party when in reality, you weren’t there, and you have no idea how many failed attempts occurred before the suggestion was made, or how there was no mention of the competency of any of the party members, or how we were all polite and courteous to each other, or the fact that I never gave orders, only suggestions.

But that’s alright, you can think what you want. Have fun with that.

Read your OP. Think about it.

PS: Clean your keyboard because your caps key tends to get stuck…

This thread does exactly what the topic says, providing a pro tip that one should carry ALL AVAILABLE weapons on their character. I have 7 level 80’s and I carry every weaponset on all of those characters. I don’t memorize all their names, but I do understand 90-95% of how most of those skills work.

If the success of the party relies on 1 single skill, there is smth horribly horribly wrong with the party. As in, if the party fails so hard that I’d need to use xxx skill, chances are, the party will keep failing hard. 1 person can’t compensate for everybody else. OP even admits ot that(they never finished the run despite the 2 eles finding foci and using them, obviously the problem was not that the eles were staff users).

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Strifey.7215


The games been out long enough for plenty of tests and videos floating around to prove certain things are more efficient for certain bosses/dungeons.

It’s obvious to anyone who actually play the game that switching to reflect skills for certain bosses makes them trivial, not being a terrible player and using a rifle 100% on warrior makes things die faster, or using certain skills/boons make specific things easier.

You’re making the mistake that saying switching out a dps weapon or skill in a given situation produces less dps. The reason you use support skills is to increase dps for your group. The reason I use something like Banner of Discipline on my warrior instead of a pure dps skill like Frenzy, or reflections on Mesmer/Guardian instead of Save Yourselves or Pistol when fighting a ranged boss, is because the damage it gives to your entire group and the ability for your entire group to maximize melee dps uptime without getting downed far outweighs the single skill that would only benefit yourself.

There is an easily quantifiable thing in life, it’s called time, and there are plenty of videos that show how fast things can die or be completed by using certain strategies. I can sit and melee the Harpy Fractal golems with reflection spells which increases my dps, I can sit and melee Giganitus because of things like Vigor and Blocks by switching weapons/skills around, and you can clear groups of mobs quickly by using LOS around corners then using blinds or interrupts on groups of mobs.

Those aren’t hypothetical, that’s reality. It’s no secret melee damage is higher then ranged if you can manage to not die, it’s no secret protection reduces damage by 33%, weakness reduces damage by 50% 50% of the time, blind makes a non-boss mob miss, reflection reduces all the damage of ranged attacks which can be 100% of all damage for specific mobs.

That’s not a theory, that’s real life, and myself and many other people have proven that certain strategies and a group working together instead of being selfish and carrying one weapon set and refusing to switch skills around is optimal and makes things much easier.

Guard/War/Mesmer and Dungeon Guides:

(edited by Strifey.7215)

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Heliox.8632


If the success of the party relies on 1 single skill, there is smth horribly horribly wrong with the party. As in, if the party fails so hard that I’d need to use xxx skill, chances are, the party will keep failing hard. 1 person can’t compensate for everybody else. OP even admits ot that(they never finished the run despite the 2 eles finding foci and using them, obviously the problem was not that the eles were staff users).

Perfect example: Me and my guardian friend bring our 2 guardians to Grawl Fractal, put up perma reflect, bubble, and projectile absorption. Needless to say, no one downed. We do the same thing again but without our reflects/blocks/bubbles, and watch as the same 3 people we just carried down repeatedly cause they kept eating the fire arrow + agony of it.

That is a perfect example of babysitting bad players. We still complete the content on both examples, but clearly the 2 guardians switching utilities, and weaponsets made it a butt load easier. 1 good guardian can compensate for a whole parties lack of ability to react to boss animations and dodge adequately.

Another example: Dredge power mining suit. For people who cant dodge adequately, I tell them to bring their shield (warrior), or focus (ele/guardian) and use their block/invuln skills during the wave of agony. I then again tell them now learn to dodge it w/o using those skills and they fail more than 50% of the time.

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: evo.8640


That’s not a theory, that’s real life, and myself and many other people have proven that certain strategies and a group working together instead of being selfish and carrying one weapon set and refusing to switch skills around is optimal and makes things much easier.

It’s not even theory if the opposite can be true. Hate to break it to you, time isn’t the quantifier here, since time doesn’t necessarily dictate if the encounter is a wash or if it was smooth. It’s simply a component which can be turned against you with a talented dps heavy group.

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Strifey.7215


If the success of the party relies on 1 single skill, there is smth horribly horribly wrong with the party. As in, if the party fails so hard that I’d need to use xxx skill, chances are, the party will keep failing hard. 1 person can’t compensate for everybody else. OP even admits ot that(they never finished the run despite the 2 eles finding foci and using them, obviously the problem was not that the eles were staff users).

There’s a difference between relying on something and using it because it’s optimal.

I can easily kill GL with ranged only in my group, but it takes twice as long as melee using skills which provide more endurance and blocks.

I could easily drag the harpy asura boss to the pillars and use the pug kiting method but it takes much less time to use reflection skills and group up and melee all the golems.

I could easily clear ‘x’ mob pack, but it’s faster using stealth or just using swiftness, blocks, condition removal, etc. and running by them.

I could easily kill any boss by staying ranged and just kiting things around, but why would I want to take way longer to do something that can be done way faster by equipping ‘x’ skill or weapon.

It doesn’t mean that ‘x’ skill will let every single player or group automatically complete a dungeon or boss, because ‘x’ skill doesn’t make a bad player good. But good players use ‘x’ skill for ‘y’ situation because it’s more efficient, not because they need it.

Guard/War/Mesmer and Dungeon Guides:

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: evo.8640


And you’re continuing to prove my point. You cannot prove any which way that x is more efficient in y situation.

That is hypothetical. No amount of theory crafting will help you here, and there simply isn’t any video that proves your point. No one group of players decided one day to run x boss or x dungeon with a fairly static / inflexible style of gameplay , and then decide to do so again, but trying to prove efficiency through means that cannot be recorded. Simply to prove said point. Hasn’t been done, and you’re more than welcome to try. In-fact I’d welcome that, but until then I can come up with any number of made up scenarios where the opposite of what you’re saying is true. Thus validating the overall point that there is no true way to measure efficiency currently. Other than perception and because of say-so’s.

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Strifey.7215


That’s not a theory, that’s real life, and myself and many other people have proven that certain strategies and a group working together instead of being selfish and carrying one weapon set and refusing to switch skills around is optimal and makes things much easier.

It’s not even theory if the opposite can be true. Hate to break it to you, time isn’t the quantifier here, since time doesn’t necessarily dictate if the encounter is a wash or if it was smooth. It’s simply a component which can be turned against you with a talented dps heavy group.

If I can do something using ‘x’ skills in 1 minute, and you take 2 minutes using ‘y’ skills, then ‘x’ is better. Do you even know the definition of quantitative?

Maybe you’re getting confused with qualitative and quantitative, because quantitative involves statistics, time, and numerical evidence in any situation. Obviously if you are using 2 different groups it’s not accurate, but that’s not how you measure things. Take the same exact group and people, give them all ‘x’ skills and weapons, now give them all ‘y’ skills and weapons. There’s an obvious quantifiable time between how quickly a group can complete an event, which is many times the easiest way.

After you actually run dungeons and fractals 100s of times and refine your strategies it becomes quite obvious that certain strategies are optimal.

Everything is base on dps and time, the reason you use support skills is to maximize your dps, by not dieing. I’ve never met someone who said “I chose these skills because they make me take longer and die more.” Obviously a group who stacks every single dps skill and nothing else and then dies, now has 0 dps and can’t complete the event. A group who slots a weapon or skill to reduce or nullify damage while staying in melee range provides more dps. And a group who is full of bads and sit at range and never melee will do worse dps then the team who can melee and still survive.

Not sure how any person whose made it past grade school can say time isn’t a quantifier in any situation, because that’s how you quantify most things in any rpg.

Guard/War/Mesmer and Dungeon Guides:

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Strifey.7215


And you’re continuing to prove my point. You cannot prove any which way that x is more efficient in y situation.

That is hypothetical. No amount of theory crafting will help you here, and there simply isn’t any video that proves your point. No one group of players decided one day to run x boss or x dungeon with a fairly static / inflexible style of gameplay , and then decide to do so again, but trying to prove efficiency through means that cannot be recorded. Simply to prove said point. Hasn’t been done, and you’re more than welcome to try. In-fact I’d welcome that, but until then I can come up with any number of made up scenarios where the opposite of what you’re saying is true. Thus validating the overall point that there is no true way to measure efficiency currently. Other than perception and because of say-so’s.

Uh wtf are you talking about. It’s called player evolution. I easily have over 500 dungeon runs and 400+ fractals done. It’s called running with a dedicated group, learning things through experience, and adapting to do things more optimally. Did I run dungeons and fractals exactly the same and as efficiently as when they first came out? Nope. But eventually you keep learning new tricks and optimization, that is exactly what guild and dedicated groups do. They run things with one type of gameplay, then they improve upon by both switching around skills, weapons, traits and strategies which are both easily recorded and quantifiable. I’ve gone through a ton of different builds on my guardian and warrior since the first day of release, constantly figuring things out and improving.

You’re acting like this game is some secret enigma and everything just appears from thin air. It’s simple, you change certain traits, skills and weapons, and things get easier and quicker. This isn’t some PhD level analysis.

Going full ranged and full melee are 2 completely different styles of gameplay.

Using reflection skills and not using reflection skills on the harpy fractal are two completely different styles of gameplay.

Going melee on GL with stability and shield skills and not going melee on GL are two completely different styles of gameplay.

None of those are theory, it’s real life timed footage using a specific strategy.

I’d be happy to record both of those for you to make you look like a kitten, since you know, I already record all the time and have plenty of youtube videos showing how to do things optimally. I feel like at this point we’re not even talking about the same thing because I can’t realistically believe anyone is as clueless as you are.

Guard/War/Mesmer and Dungeon Guides:

(edited by Strifey.7215)

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Azure Prower.8701

Azure Prower.8701

The one thing that bugs me when doing fractals. A ranger not running with healing spring. Especially when I have an on-demand-spamable-blast-finisher as a thief.

“Heal as one/troll unguent heals for more and I keep moving.”

Guess who went down the most during that run.

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: evo.8640


That’s not a theory, that’s real life, and myself and many other people have proven that certain strategies and a group working together instead of being selfish and carrying one weapon set and refusing to switch skills around is optimal and makes things much easier.

It’s not even theory if the opposite can be true. Hate to break it to you, time isn’t the quantifier here, since time doesn’t necessarily dictate if the encounter is a wash or if it was smooth. It’s simply a component which can be turned against you with a talented dps heavy group.

If I can do something using ‘x’ skills in 1 minute, and you take 2 minutes using ‘y’ skills, then ‘x’ is better. Do you even know the definition of quantitative?

Maybe you’re getting confused with qualitative and quantitative, because quantitative involves statistics, time, and numerical evidence in any situation. Obviously if you are using 2 different groups it’s not accurate, but that’s not how you measure things. Take the same exact group and people, give them all ‘x’ skills and weapons, now give them all ‘y’ skills and weapons. There’s an obvious quantifiable time between how quickly a group can complete an event, which is many times the easiest way.

After you actually run dungeons and fractals 100s of times and refine your strategies it becomes quite obvious that certain strategies are optimal.

Everything is base on dps and time, the reason you use support skills is to maximize your dps, by not dieing. I’ve never met someone who said “I chose these skills because they make me take longer and die more.” Obviously a group who stacks every single dps skill and nothing else and then dies, now has 0 dps and can’t complete the event. A group who slots a weapon or skill to reduce or nullify damage while staying in melee range provides more dps. And a group who is full of bads and sit at range and never melee will do worse dps then the team who can melee and still survive.

Not sure how any person whose made it past grade school can say time isn’t a quantifier in any situation, because that’s how you quantify most things in any rpg.

And I’m equally not sure how someone whose made it past grade school can wholly misinterpret my statement about time. Seeing as how you narrowly associate efficiency with only time speaks volumes. Somehow everything that goes into what it can mean to be efficient, conveniently goes out of your window in place of time. You seem to have forgotten effort and cost with regards to efficiency. lol

Seeing as how qualitative is and can be exchanged with quantitative – vice versa, you’re scraping. I see a trend between your replies in this thread, and the speed run thread.

Seeing as how you cannot accurately measure dps, your argument about time then goes out the window.

And seeing as how currently, effort and cost cannot be quantified accurately – I can see that this is going a little bit above your head.

Apart from your faults, you simply keep assuming – like the others – that a needless variety is keeping your group up. That it is indeed having an effect on efficiency when there is no way to prove it.

Again, if it’s real life. I’ll be waiting for that video footage. I imagine I’ll still be waiting when this thread drops back to page 2 on the parent. Just as easily, I can provide footage of the opposite.

(edited by evo.8640)

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Strifey.7215


That’s not a theory, that’s real life, and myself and many other people have proven that certain strategies and a group working together instead of being selfish and carrying one weapon set and refusing to switch skills around is optimal and makes things much easier.

It’s not even theory if the opposite can be true. Hate to break it to you, time isn’t the quantifier here, since time doesn’t necessarily dictate if the encounter is a wash or if it was smooth. It’s simply a component which can be turned against you with a talented dps heavy group.

If I can do something using ‘x’ skills in 1 minute, and you take 2 minutes using ‘y’ skills, then ‘x’ is better. Do you even know the definition of quantitative?

Maybe you’re getting confused with qualitative and quantitative, because quantitative involves statistics, time, and numerical evidence in any situation. Obviously if you are using 2 different groups it’s not accurate, but that’s not how you measure things. Take the same exact group and people, give them all ‘x’ skills and weapons, now give them all ‘y’ skills and weapons. There’s an obvious quantifiable time between how quickly a group can complete an event, which is many times the easiest way.

After you actually run dungeons and fractals 100s of times and refine your strategies it becomes quite obvious that certain strategies are optimal.

Everything is base on dps and time, the reason you use support skills is to maximize your dps, by not dieing. I’ve never met someone who said “I chose these skills because they make me take longer and die more.” Obviously a group who stacks every single dps skill and nothing else and then dies, now has 0 dps and can’t complete the event. A group who slots a weapon or skill to reduce or nullify damage while staying in melee range provides more dps. And a group who is full of bads and sit at range and never melee will do worse dps then the team who can melee and still survive.

Not sure how any person whose made it past grade school can say time isn’t a quantifier in any situation, because that’s how you quantify most things in any rpg.

And I’m equally not sure how someone whose made it past grade school can wholly misinterpret my statement about time. Seeing as how you narrowly associate efficiency with only time speaks volumes. Somehow everything that goes into what it can mean to be efficient, conveniently goes out of your window in place of time. You seem to have forgotten effort and cost with regards to efficiency. lol

Seeing as how qualitative is and can be exchanged with quantitative – vice versa, you’re scraping. I see a trend between your replies in this thread, and the speed run thread.

Seeing as how you cannot accurately measure dps, your argument about time then goes out the window.

And seeing as how currently, effort and cost cannot be quantified accurately – I can see that this is going a little bit above your head.

Apart from your faults, you simply keep assuming – like the others – that a needless variety is keeping your group up. That it is indeed having an effect on efficiency when there is no way to prove it.

Again, if it’s real life. I’ll be waiting for that video footage. I imagine I’ll still be waiting when this thread drops back to page 2 on the parent. Just as easily, I can provide footage of the opposite.

Actually you can measure dps. ‘X’ mob has the same amount of life every time. If it dies in 10 seconds with one method, and 20 seconds with another method, then the dps is lower in the 2nd method. Since you’re clueless, dps means damage per second. If it takes 10 seconds vs 20 seconds to kill something, your damage per second is different. You do not need an exact number to determine that ‘x’ has greater dps then ‘y’.

This is a video game, there is no effort or cost, I’m not selling a car. The effort is the same, gather 5 people, and go play a video game. The cost to kill any boss is the same, other then eating food which you should be doing in either situation. If it’s too much effort for you to switch a weapon or use your dodge in melee range instead of sitting at range taking twice as long then you deserve to be bad and have terrible groups.

I’d love to see you provide footage of the opposite of whatever boss I record tonight and killing them quicker and easier in the opposite method without being a terrible player and not being able to dodge correctly.

Keep pretending every build and strategy is exactly the same because it can’t be measured with some crazy concocted method you have in your head to justify why you are a scrub that doesn’t want to learn though.

Guard/War/Mesmer and Dungeon Guides:

(edited by Strifey.7215)

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: haviz.1340


Seeing as how you cannot accurately measure dps, your argument about time then goes out the window.

You can’t measure dps accurately, but you can compare two different methods of applying damage by comparing time, that should be pretty obvious.

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: evo.8640


Actually you can measure dps. ‘X’ mob has the same amount of life every time. If it dies in 10 seconds with one method, and 20 seconds with another method, then the dps is lower in the 2nd method. Since you’re clueless, dps means damage per second. If it takes 10 seconds vs 20 seconds to kill something, your damage per second is different. You do not need an exact number to determine that ‘x’ has greater dps then ‘y’.

This is a video game, there is no effort or cost, I’m not selling a car. The effort is the same, gather 5 people, and go play a video game. The cost to kill any boss is the same, other then eating food which you should be doing in either situation. If it’s too much effort for you to switch a weapon or use your dodge in melee range instead of sitting at range taking twice as long then you deserve to be bad and have terrible groups.

I’d love to see you provide footage of the opposite of whatever boss I record tonight and killing them quicker and easier in the opposite method without being a terrible player and not being able to dodge correctly.

Keep pretending every build and strategy is exactly the same because it can’t be measured with some crazy concocted method you have in your head to justify why you are a scrub that doesn’t want to learn though.

Oh really? So do bosses always stand completely still for you and simply never cast attacks at you or anyone else? That you know, might force you do evade. Interesting.

Conveniently, you’ve left that out of any common sense at calculating DPS. And seeing as how this effects the amount of time it takes for a bosses HP to dwindle to 0, efficiency is effected.

So since your post full of downs assumes that I don’t know what DPS is, do you parse your own logs and nerdily calculate your DPS after every encounter or are you going to keep talking out of that gaping kitten?

Actually there is cost. You keep pointing out a trend of low reading comprehension and lack of ability to understand simple definitions. Efficiency. Well let’s see. If a player drops, that would be a cost. If a player is not contributing to the primary goal of reducing a bosses HP, you guessed it again: efficiency is lost. Seeing as how efficiency can be lost/gained in multiple ways makes me face palm of your inability to grasp this.

I’d like to see some nerd maths. You know, some explanation why a 25x vuln’d mob hit by a 25x might attack does not receive consistant damage, time and time again. And why the disparity of numbers is so great that it falls outside the multipliers from the weapons. You’ll have that whipped up about as fast as whatever fail video you probably won’t end up recording.

Like another poster. I hear 4chan needs more trolls. You’d fit in great there.

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Strifey.7215


Actually you can measure dps. ‘X’ mob has the same amount of life every time. If it dies in 10 seconds with one method, and 20 seconds with another method, then the dps is lower in the 2nd method. Since you’re clueless, dps means damage per second. If it takes 10 seconds vs 20 seconds to kill something, your damage per second is different. You do not need an exact number to determine that ‘x’ has greater dps then ‘y’.

This is a video game, there is no effort or cost, I’m not selling a car. The effort is the same, gather 5 people, and go play a video game. The cost to kill any boss is the same, other then eating food which you should be doing in either situation. If it’s too much effort for you to switch a weapon or use your dodge in melee range instead of sitting at range taking twice as long then you deserve to be bad and have terrible groups.

I’d love to see you provide footage of the opposite of whatever boss I record tonight and killing them quicker and easier in the opposite method without being a terrible player and not being able to dodge correctly.

Keep pretending every build and strategy is exactly the same because it can’t be measured with some crazy concocted method you have in your head to justify why you are a scrub that doesn’t want to learn though.

Oh really? So do bosses always stand completely still for you and simply never cast attacks at you or anyone else? That you know, might force you do evade. Interesting.

Conveniently, you’ve left that out of any common sense at calculating DPS. And seeing as how this effects the amount of time it takes for a bosses HP to dwindle to 0, efficiency is effected.

So since your post full of downs assumes that I don’t know what DPS is, do you parse your own logs and nerdily calculate your DPS after every encounter or are you going to keep talking out of that gaping kitten?

Actually there is cost. You keep pointing out a trend of low reading comprehension and lack of ability to understand simple definitions. Efficiency. Well let’s see. If a player drops, that would be a cost. If a player is not contributing to the primary goal of reducing a bosses HP, you guessed it again: efficiency is lost. Seeing as how efficiency can be lost/gained in multiple ways makes me face palm of your inability to grasp this.

I’d like to see some nerd maths. You know, some explanation why a 25x vuln’d mob hit by a 25x might attack does not receive consistant damage, time and time again. And why the disparity of numbers is so great that it falls outside the multipliers from the weapons. You’ll have that whipped up about as fast as whatever fail video you probably won’t end up recording.

Like another poster. I hear 4chan needs more trolls. You’d fit in great there.

Only troll here is you which is obvious by everyone disagreeing with your dumb comments. You don’t need to parse your data, if the same boss dies in half the time your dps is higher. If someone goes down with 0 health that means your dps is lower, the cost is tied into time and dps.

You’re the one who left out the common sense in DPS, since common sense would mean the strategy which kills a boss faster has higher dps. The fact that you think the only way to measure dps is through a hard number rather then time shows you are a scrub.

Obviously bosses don’t stand still which is the whole reason you record live footage in the first place and not sit at a training dummy. Obviously functional dps is what everyone is talking about in the first place by using different skills and weapons. If we were fighting a mob that stands still and does nothing we wouldn’t even be having this discussion and this thread wouldn’t have been made. The whole point of this thread was to carry weapons and use different skills depending on the situation, not about maximum dps on a dummy that does nothing.

You don’t need nerd maths, all you need is a group fighting the same boss or event using 2 different strategies to prove that certain strategies are more effective. Sounds like you’re the one with downs since you can’t get something so simple through your empty head.

But yep, I’m the troll , not the dude everyone else in the thread gave up talking too because he’s dumber then a bag of rocks.

Keep on getting carried cause your bad and thinking that you’re just as efficient with your terrible build and strategies. Obviously taking twice as long to complete something doesn’t mean anything without some dps numbers, and the thousands of hours of ingame footage posted by tons of people showing how to do things quickly and efficiently are just theory and not real life.

Guard/War/Mesmer and Dungeon Guides:

(edited by Strifey.7215)

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: evo.8640


Thanks for blowing you own dumb kitten argument out of the water. No kitten mobs don’t stand still. But you’ve been sitting here nodding head that every fight goes the same way and it’s so easy to prove x over y. When in fact it isn’t. And you still haven’t even come close to validating your drivel.

I’m waiting for these vids, bro.

Take a hike and go troll some other forum. Your stupid hurts.

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Strifey.7215


Thanks for blowing you own dumb kitten argument out of the water. No kitten mobs don’t stand still. But you’ve been sitting here nodding head that every fight goes the same way and it’s so easy to prove x over y. When in fact it isn’t. And you still haven’t even come close to validating your drivel.

I’m waiting for these vids, bro.

Take a hike and go troll some other forum. Your stupid hurts.

Strategies are the same, mobs don’t need to stand still for one strategy to be better then another :facepalm:

Asura boss in harpy fractal, always spawns the same 4 golems in order. With reflection you can sit and melee it. With range you have to run around and take forever.

Not that hard bro, sounds like you’re pretty stupid.

Guard/War/Mesmer and Dungeon Guides:

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: evo.8640


Pot calling kettle black.

Strategies being the same does not dictate that your definition of efficiency holds true every single time. I’m not sure you could have cherry picked out a more brain dead fight than that in a vain attempt to bolster your failed argument.

What is it that you even think I’m pointing out? You seem to think that I’m saying ranged > melee. As you keep repeating that theme like a broken record. It’s okay if you have a mental disability, but this is getting ridiculous.

In before some unintelligible answer.

By the way, still waiting on some videos.

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Strifey.7215


Pot calling kettle black.

Strategies being the same does not dictate that your definition of efficiency holds true every single time. I’m not sure you could have cherry picked out a more brain dead fight than that in a vain attempt to bolster your failed argument.

What is it that you even think I’m pointing out? You seem to think that I’m saying ranged > melee. As you keep repeating that theme like a broken record. It’s okay if you have a mental disability, but this is getting ridiculous.

In before some unintelligible answer.

By the way, still waiting on some videos.

I’m pointing out that you think there’s no reason to ever change strategies for different dungeons or events and you think everything is as efficient as everything else and there are no better builds or skills for certain situations.

I don’t think you think ranged is better, I’m saying certain builds and skills allow you to stay in melee the longest which increases your dps and efficiency. That should be your ultimate goal if you want to talk about efficient runs that take the least amount of time, maximize melee time without killing yourself. It’s no secret that full melee groups kill stuff way faster then staying at ranged, so obviously skills that let you do that like reflection, weakness, protection uptime, etc. are going to be the most efficient.

You welcome to look through all my dungeon guides and do the same thing with your crap builds though.

Guard/War/Mesmer and Dungeon Guides:

(edited by Strifey.7215)

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: evo.8640


Actually I’d love for you to quote me where I said never changing tactics or strategies to overcome content is pointless or less efficient. Please, in all of your 3rd grade reading comprehension, pull that out of anyone of my posts.

I’ve been saying all along that this quasi elitism, that you’re embracing like a kitten to kitten (even though you’re adequately pug quality) is riddled through-out this thread. Because let’s face it. If a mesmer is running sword/pistol & greatsword. And you want them to run-out of combat to swap to whatever other weapon for a single skill that may or may not provide any real or noticeable benefit that can actually be calculated simply because it’s perceived as the pro thing to do, then I have to be left speechless because there hasn’t been this much dumb since Molten Core.

I’ve taken the liberty to look at your signature link. Was I supposed to be impressed? You’re on par with pugs from what I’ve watched so far. Well minus the TA & SE caps. Might want to re-do those. It’s not helping your case.

And just out of curiousity, what build/class am I running? Or are you pulling another amorphous statement out of your kitten

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Maestro.5376


Obviously, I read your extremely mocking and condescending opening post. Or did you forget how you wrote it? Unless it went different in the party and you just wanted to act like a big ol’ champ on the forum?

Because I was very obviously condescending in my opening post and called them names, and totally set out to ridicule them on this forum thread instead of providing information that I felt a lot of people were missing.

So, why did you need focus eles if anything works?

Did you just…not read?

They said you could have any PROFESSION composition. They ADMITTED you would need to switch builds and weapon sets around if you wanted to say, run an all-elementalist party instead of one with profession variety.


Do you just…not even comprehend jokes?
I’m not even sure why you tried to insult my English skills when that clearly had nothing to do with this thread and everything I’ve typed has been in fairly comprehensible English.

Read your OP. Think about it.

PS: Clean your keyboard because your caps key tends to get stuck…

Read OP. Saw a suggestion and an anecdote. Honestly, you and evo are the only ones getting kitten here.

If the success of the party relies on 1 single skill, there is smth horribly horribly wrong with the party. As in, if the party fails so hard that I’d need to use xxx skill, chances are, the party will keep failing hard. 1 person can’t compensate for everybody else. OP even admits ot that(they never finished the run despite the 2 eles finding foci and using them, obviously the problem was not that the eles were staff users).

I really have to disagree with this here. While our party at the time might not have been sufficient to complete the run, the success cannot be measured by a step function. It’s not “either you finish the run or fail it,” there are degrees of success. With the Winds we’d consistently get to the last group of adds before people started dying, without it we never got past the first spawn.

A well-placed Guardian Shield of the Avenger can easily save a party from wiping. A good example would be the stage with Lornarr (the Son of Svanir Shaman). At the fight with the Elemental Source, Shield of the Avenger (or any projectile nullification skill) gives players something to stand behind to avoid the hail of icicles that get shot at them. It’s not really an L2Dodge issue at that point because there are simply so many of them that that’s not possible.

(edited by Maestro.5376)

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Maestro.5376


Actually, let’s stop talking about survivability for a moment. Let’s just talk about damage.

Bloomhunger, the Willowheart boss in the Swampland Fractal, sends out shockwaves that can be reflected for 15k damage each. He sends out 6 per wave, so if a Mesmer puts Feedback or two guardians stand on opposite sides of him and put out Wall of Reflection, that’s essentially a 90k spike, instantly. You can’t tell me that that level of DPS is achievable with just a purely damage-focused spec.

It’s the same with the bombs on the Dredge Mining Suit boss.

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jaqen Hghar.4625

Jaqen Hghar.4625

It’s also about knowing what traits and builds are useful in dungeons. In the example Maestro gave, the ele’s could’ve also traited for Powerful Aura (Water GM trait) so that the staff Earth 3 move Magnetic Aura gives everybody within 400 range (same as Swirling Winds) reflects. It can also be traited it so that it gives fury and swiftness on everybody that gets the aura, and/or as a bonus, protection for the ele. Granted, it requires a specific build in order for it to work, but I feel that it’s a good compromise between using a weapon you are more familiar with and using another weapon for just one skill for one specific battle. I know this doesn’t apply to all classes and weapons and sometimes you pretty much have to switch weapons, but if there’s an option, use it!

I’m not saying it’s bad to switch weapons once in awhile in dungeons to adapt to certain situations (I do myself) it’s just that sometimes it’s not worth sacrificing a whole lot of other useful skills just to be able to use 1 skill when there are work arounds available.

Tarnished Coast

(edited by Jaqen Hghar.4625)

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Maestro.5376


It’s also about knowing what traits and builds are useful in dungeons. In the example Maestro gave, the ele’s could’ve also traited for Powerful Aura (Water GM trait) so that the staff Earth 3 move Magnetic Aura gives everybody within 400 range (same as Swirling Winds) reflects. It can also be traited it so that it gives fury and swiftness on everybody that gets the aura, and/or as a bonus, protection for the ele. Granted, it requires a specific build in order for it to work, but I feel that it’s a good compromise between using a weapon you are more familiar with and using another weapon for just one skill for one specific battle.

I’m not saying it’s bad to switch weapons once in awhile in dungeons to adapt to certain situations (I do myself) it’s just that sometimes it’s not worth sacrificing a whole lot of other useful skills just to be able to use 1 skill when there are work arounds available.

Yeah, I mentioned the Powerful Auras trait with Magnetic and Staff. But it’s just…well, it does require you to be specced into Support anyways, and the arguments everyone had against it was that you were giving up AoE damage.

To be honest I kind of feel like Weapon Skills with neat effects like Projectile Reflection or “YOU SHALL NOT PASS” areas kind of trump damage weapon skills, just because the damage skills are so prevalent. That’s just my thought, and it seems to help a lot.

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Strifey.7215


Actually I’d love for you to quote me where I said never changing tactics or strategies to overcome content is pointless or less efficient. Please, in all of your 3rd grade reading comprehension, pull that out of anyone of my posts.

I’ve been saying all along that this quasi elitism, that you’re embracing like a kitten to kitten (even though you’re adequately pug quality) is riddled through-out this thread. Because let’s face it. If a mesmer is running sword/pistol & greatsword. And you want them to run-out of combat to swap to whatever other weapon for a single skill that may or may not provide any real or noticeable benefit that can actually be calculated simply because it’s perceived as the pro thing to do, then I have to be left speechless because there hasn’t been this much dumb since Molten Core.

I’ve taken the liberty to look at your signature link. Was I supposed to be impressed? You’re on par with pugs from what I’ve watched so far. Well minus the TA & SE caps. Might want to re-do those. It’s not helping your case.

And just out of curiousity, what build/class am I running? Or are you pulling another amorphous statement out of your kitten

lol the idiot over here thinking anyone wants you to run out of a fight and switch weapons. Obviously your memory is as bad as your posts since it must be too hard for you to remember specific encounters in a dungeon after you run it one time. It’s called equiping a focus on mesmer instead of a pistol before your fight a boss with a bunch of projectiles, not that hard bro.

Yep I’m sure Pugs run HotW 2-3 in under 15 minutes, do CoE 3 under 20 minutes, CM under 15 minutes, etc. Go ahead and post your awesome pug vids proving me wrong because I’ve never experienced a pug with anything close to that.

How about you show me what build/class your running because after reading your posts the only thing I can imagine is something terrible and useless.

Guard/War/Mesmer and Dungeon Guides:

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: evo.8640


Actually I’d love for you to quote me where I said never changing tactics or strategies to overcome content is pointless or less efficient. Please, in all of your 3rd grade reading comprehension, pull that out of anyone of my posts.

I’ve been saying all along that this quasi elitism, that you’re embracing like a kitten to kitten (even though you’re adequately pug quality) is riddled through-out this thread. Because let’s face it. If a mesmer is running sword/pistol & greatsword. And you want them to run-out of combat to swap to whatever other weapon for a single skill that may or may not provide any real or noticeable benefit that can actually be calculated simply because it’s perceived as the pro thing to do, then I have to be left speechless because there hasn’t been this much dumb since Molten Core.

I’ve taken the liberty to look at your signature link. Was I supposed to be impressed? You’re on par with pugs from what I’ve watched so far. Well minus the TA & SE caps. Might want to re-do those. It’s not helping your case.

And just out of curiousity, what build/class am I running? Or are you pulling another amorphous statement out of your kitten

lol the idiot over here thinking anyone wants you to run out of a fight and switch weapons. Obviously your memory is as bad as your posts since it must be too hard for you to remember specific encounters in a dungeon after you run it one time. It’s called equiping a focus on mesmer instead of a pistol before your fight a boss with a bunch of projectiles, not that hard bro.

Yep I’m sure Pugs run HotW 2-3 in under 15 minutes, do CoE 3 under 20 minutes, CM under 15 minutes, etc. Go ahead and post your awesome pug vids proving me wrong because I’ve never experienced a pug with anything close to that.

How about you show me what build/class your running because after reading your posts the only thing I can imagine is something terrible and useless.

So by terrible and useless, you mean your own videos? laugh

I’m not going to play that game with the asuran, because only a bad would ever cherry pick that fight as an example. Seeing as you can have 5 statues with half a brain spam 1 and finish it.

But overall you’re contesting that someone should run into a fight with a weapon that they’d probably not normally use over a weapon they would normally use because it may or may not end up helping in the fight to either make it go faster or smoother – when there is no measure or guarantee that it will…. rofl. Going to have to add strategy to the list of words you’re still learning definitions on.

Go back to 4chan. The mentally touched could use you there. I wasn’t aware that you’re playing a class that I may or may not, or a build that I may or may not. You are indeed a unique and special snowflake. But the kind that’s missing teeth and hooks up with the sis.

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Strifey.7215


Actually I’d love for you to quote me where I said never changing tactics or strategies to overcome content is pointless or less efficient. Please, in all of your 3rd grade reading comprehension, pull that out of anyone of my posts.

I’ve been saying all along that this quasi elitism, that you’re embracing like a kitten to kitten (even though you’re adequately pug quality) is riddled through-out this thread. Because let’s face it. If a mesmer is running sword/pistol & greatsword. And you want them to run-out of combat to swap to whatever other weapon for a single skill that may or may not provide any real or noticeable benefit that can actually be calculated simply because it’s perceived as the pro thing to do, then I have to be left speechless because there hasn’t been this much dumb since Molten Core.

I’ve taken the liberty to look at your signature link. Was I supposed to be impressed? You’re on par with pugs from what I’ve watched so far. Well minus the TA & SE caps. Might want to re-do those. It’s not helping your case.

And just out of curiousity, what build/class am I running? Or are you pulling another amorphous statement out of your kitten

lol the idiot over here thinking anyone wants you to run out of a fight and switch weapons. Obviously your memory is as bad as your posts since it must be too hard for you to remember specific encounters in a dungeon after you run it one time. It’s called equiping a focus on mesmer instead of a pistol before your fight a boss with a bunch of projectiles, not that hard bro.

Yep I’m sure Pugs run HotW 2-3 in under 15 minutes, do CoE 3 under 20 minutes, CM under 15 minutes, etc. Go ahead and post your awesome pug vids proving me wrong because I’ve never experienced a pug with anything close to that.

How about you show me what build/class your running because after reading your posts the only thing I can imagine is something terrible and useless.

So by terrible and useless, you mean your own videos? laugh

I’m not going to play that game with the asuran, because only a bad would ever cherry pick that fight as an example. Seeing as you can have 5 statues with half a brain spam 1 and finish it.

But overall you’re contesting that someone should run into a fight with a weapon that they’d probably not normally use over a weapon they would normally use because it may or may not end up helping in the fight to either make it go faster or smoother – when there is no measure or guarantee that it will…. rofl. Going to have to add strategy to the list of words you’re still learning definitions on.

Go back to 4chan. The mentally touched could use you there. I wasn’t aware that you’re playing a class that I may or may not, or a build that I may or may not. You are indeed a unique and special snowflake. But the kind that’s missing teeth and hooks up with the sis.

Oh no, a random scrub on the message board doesn’t find my video useful, I’m gonna go cry because the hundreds of comments, subscribers, and thousands of views everyday definitely confirms your point.

Keep on using your pathetic 4chan excuse and dodging your build or linking any relevant footage to confirm your point because it’s obvious by now you’re terrible and you’re never going to produce anything useful. So keep on being bad and getting carried.

You must have gotten your feelings hurt by 4chan because you really have a hard-on for them, looks like someone can’t handle the internet.

Guard/War/Mesmer and Dungeon Guides:

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: evo.8640


Is a few hundred views per video supposed to be a lot? See, if you were making a -how to make money video, you’d crush those puny numbers. Because a video like that is useful. But instead you’re making videos of what everyone already knows, and you’re not even doing it well. So I’m glad you feel proud over a handful of numbers per video that aren’t counted uniquely per google/youtube analytics.

How about you make a video reciting the definitions of efficiency and strategy? That would be useful. You could replay them to learn, and on the flip-side people might think you know what you are talking about when you use those words.

Actually, you’d also probably be better off getting someone older to narrate your videos.

(edited by evo.8640)

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Superfrick.1536


Bring every single equipable weapon into a dungeon run, especially one that you or your party do not know well yet. Most weapons have some utility that may have a niche use that may save your party!

I generally try to also bring along a couple of unbound weapons, like Focus, Staff, Scepter in case a party member forgot to bring one and needs it for situational skill X.

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Strifey.7215


Is a few hundred views per video supposed to be a lot? See, if you were making a -how to make money video, you’d crush those puny numbers. Because a video like that is useful. But instead you’re making videos of what everyone already knows, and you’re not even doing it well. So I’m glad you feel proud over a handful of numbers per video that aren’t counted uniquely per google/youtube analytics.

How about you make a video reciting the definitions of efficiency and strategy? That would be useful. You could replay them to learn, and on the flip-side people might think you know what you are talking about when you use those words.

Actually, you’d also probably be better off getting someone older to narrate your videos.

Yep my dungeon runs are definitely not efficient and our group has no strategy, we just threw a bunch of classes and skills together and mash buttons.

Oh I didn’t realize I sounded like a little kid now also, guess I need to get my ears checked and look at my birthdate again because this scrub whose grasping for straws with the dumbest comments ever said so.

Keep posting bro, you don’t seem mad at all and everyone is obviously getting smarter reading your terrible posts, go QQ more.

Guard/War/Mesmer and Dungeon Guides:

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: evo.8640


Reading comprehension, reading comprehension, reading comprehension.

I never said you sounded like a little kid. You picked that out from words which were never typed. But now that I think of it, you sound like you’ve got your dick tucked between your legs and your balls in a vice.

Do you even read what you end up typing, or do you just make kitten up as you go along? I see an uncanny resemblance between what you write and your videos. I can’t help but wonder if the rest of your life is laid out like that too.

Where did I claim I was mad? How did you infer that? Do you spend anytime, you know, actually talking to people not on the internet? I’m asking you questions. And you’re getting defensive. Just so happens that is usually a sign of anger. Might want to take a look in the mirror broski. I’ve read that behavioral crisis usually begins when you project self emotions on others. That might give you a starting point to get whatever is you have going on fixed before you end up hurting someone or yourself.