SUGGESTION: on fixing dungeons issue's.
Need I point out that this was well after they’d stopped working on dungeons? Lies, lies, lies.
Sigh. Anyway, can you post the link to the CJ interview? I hadn’t seen that one yet.
Well since they consider fractals to be a type of dungeon, they technically haven’t stopped working on dungeons. Any new dungeons will be implemented using the FotM system now.
Trouble is, fotm developement has been just as dead for the last couple of years too. No content but faceroll living story and braindead zerg PvE farm maps since that announcement was made.
I’d love to think that they’ve turned around and the future is bright and sparkly, filled with regular releases of new content by a company that won’t completely ignore bugs in their endgame content for 5 months. But at this point, it’s just more hype that sounds a lot like what we’ve been hearing for years. I hope it changes, I really do, but I’ll have to see it to believe it.
If they buff the time needed to complete then they need to increase rewards to compensate. One gold every half an hour is outrageous and bosses going friendly with a quarter health left just cheats the player out of loot so of course people skip that.
A problem in this game is the various ways in which money simply vanishes. Buying salvage kits, waypoints, and TP tax do this, so to recoup that lost money or even make a reasonable income people need to farm dungeons. Mats are an okay way, but could take a couple hours’ worth of effort just to see a single gold. When a scrap of linen is literally worth more than a gold ingot something’s wrong.
The OP’s post is both funny and sad.