So this is it.
Twilight on mesmers is replaced by bolt. They are informed via mail to buy a focus/pistol/sword offhand.
10/10 post if only it were true
though idk why people love hrouda so much. sure, he was the only dev who actually talked to the dungeon community, but as the main dungeon designer wouldn’t he have been responsible for trash like HOTW? he was definitely the best of the lot but that isn’t saying much…
10/10 post if only it were true
though idk why people love hrouda so much. sure, he was the only dev who actually talked to the dungeon community, but as the main dungeon designer wouldn’t he have been responsible for trash like HOTW? he was definitely the best of the lot but that isn’t saying much…
Well, who said martyrs had to actually be amazing? They become symbols, and that’s what he is. A symbol of the abandoning of the community, and the only person who tried to prevent it.
I never thought of him as a martyr just a guy who cared, but yeah that still remains a valid reason. I’d much rather have him than what we have now. Letting him go and dissolving the dungeon team sent a pretty strong message to the dungeon community. I wonder how the carebears and carrot chasers would react if they dissolved all the LW teams right in the middle of a story arc. Let them know how we feel.
I never thought of him as a martyr just a guy who cared, but yeah that still remains a valid reason. I’d much rather have him than what we have now. Letting him go and dissolving the dungeon team sent a pretty strong message to the dungeon community. I wonder how the carebears and carrot chasers would react if they dissolved all the LW teams right in the middle of a story arc. Let them know how we feel.
are you telling me this whole living world thing had a story to it x)?
A dev being kicked from a dungeon trying to join a speedclear group with his dual pistols thief.
I never thought of him as a martyr just a guy who cared, but yeah that still remains a valid reason. I’d much rather have him than what we have now. Letting him go and dissolving the dungeon team sent a pretty strong message to the dungeon community. I wonder how the carebears and carrot chasers would react if they dissolved all the LW teams right in the middle of a story arc. Let them know how we feel.
are you telling me this whole living world thing had a story to it x)?
Well they start asking you to write stories in elementary school so uh yeah it’s passable by some standards. Also it’s shorter to write the word story than the phrase a headache with pictures.
On the plus side wildstar is getting close.
I heard it’s rubbish though idk
One NCsoft game is good enough for me.
Dunno. Wanted to have a look at it (preferably in the beta, ofc), didn’t look too bad on the first glance. Though it didn’t create the “must have” feeling GW2 created two years ago, but that might be experience with a certain game now. I’ve just heard from TESO that it’s said to be pretty bad.
There is no loyalty without betrayal. -Ann Smiley
One NCsoft game is good enough for me.
My thoughts on Wildstar.
I’m going to keep an eye on EQN.
My hopes for the livestream:
Screen starts black. A spotlight appears on a turned black chair. It spins and there is our heavenly prince…Robert Hrouda.
“I’m back mother-f***ers” And on the screen it shows his title. Dungeon Lead Developer.
Novel end-game content is coming back with 5 new dungeons as soon as Scarlett dies. He shows a preview, and it looks epic. Boss fights with amazing and interesting mechanics.
Now for the stat changes. Crit damage is not actually being changed, but PvE cond damage is being buffed (something like increasing the number of stacks to 50 in dungeons…that’s going to be some insane vuln stacking). You can almost hear the casuals bursting into tears at the same time.
It looks like the stream is about to end, but wait there is more. All toughness/vit/healing stats for pve gear is replaced with power/prec/crit damage/cond damage (you get to choose assassins, zerks or rampagers).
Now for the skill updates:
Guardian staff #1 – deals damage to user forcing them to stop camping it
Ranger Bear – Now uses an attack which pulls the owner to it. Also switches the users weapon sets from bow to Sword/Warhorn.
Twilight on mesmers is replaced by bolt. They are informed via mail to buy a focus/pistol/sword offhand.And thus the golden age of GW2 begins. One can hope, right?
Nearly kitten myself. +1
On the topic of Wildstar: Looks really good, EXCEPT for the art style. Makes me want to puke. Don’t think I’ll be playing another NCSoft game either.
Technical Strength – Engineer
Dungeon Master – FotM 46
One NCsoft game is good enough for me.
My thoughts on Wildstar.
I’m going to keep an eye on EQN.
no more NCsoft for me, as i’m not an MMO gamer i’d probably not look into an alternative but it was a nice run nonetheless.
(edited by Cries Of Sorrow.5864)
Can someone PM this thing?
I think ncsoft is starting to corner the mmo market tbh. They don’t call themselves the premier mmo publisher in the world for nothing. ESO is not going to work from what I hear from beta friends. If WoW keeps declining and EQ:Next isn’t amazing, wildstar, blade & soul, and lineage 3 are probably going to be the ones to watch.. which are all ncsoft.
Wildstar keeps the trinity (personally I missed it) and almost all of the combat is done using clear aoe indicators which is something I feel gw2 could really benefit from – even boss auto attacks.
Good, relevent quote from a wildstar dev video regarding their rogue type class; “how do you tank using medium armor? Well you can beef up your nanites if you want.. or just be good, don’t get hit”.
Critical damage changes, yep, they’re nerfing zerkers which solves absolutely nothing. Interestingly, there were actually several very well thought out and brilliant suggestions in the profession balance forum for how to improve the PvE content. All of them realized that nerfing accomplishes nothing.
I don’t know if I should laugh or cry that the devs repeatedly ignore every single suggestion that would actually help the game and continue to spend time on things that accomplish nothing.
As an asura, I do this all the time.”
agreed, it’s not that berserker gear is OP, but that everything else (including even “offensive” stats like rampager) are kittening kitten. nerfing berserker won’t make other playstyles more viable, it will just make runs slower.
too bad the developers are kittening kittened and think otherwise. maybe it’s because looking at other playstyles requires too much thinking and work.
This road never looked so lonely.
This house doesn’t burn down slowly…
to ashes… to ashes.
I hope the changes are actually positive for the longevity of GW 2 but with Anet’s track record I have my doubts
this is actually going against longevity as many players will decide to leave if they mess this up.
If they mess this up the frustration will lead players to other games which are in competition with GW2…so…let’s wait and see
I hope the changes are actually positive for the longevity of GW 2 but with Anet’s track record I have my doubts
this is actually going against longevity as many players will decide to leave if they mess this up.
If they mess this up the frustration will lead players to other games which are in competition with GW2…so…let’s wait and see
Just be mindful of which publisher is putting out those games, if you care about where your money winds up.
I agree. If this nerf turns out worst than I expect, then no more NcSoft games for me. I’ll wait til something comes out and just play a different type of game until it does. We put up with so many bad ideas throughout the year and stuck with this game and this might be the last straw that breaks the camels back. Keeping my fingers cross, ANet won’t make this huge blunder.
I’m still convinced they’re just going to reduce how much crit % gear gives. Most likely on accessories.
I’m thinking they’ll change it so it works like precision.
21 X (whatever they decide to call it instead) will give 1% Crit Damage.
This means crit damage will be more or less equal across gear pieces in comparison to other stats unlike before where certain items gave more crit damage point for point.Would also bring down the amount of Crit Damage you can attain in general (no more 120%+), and would help stop certain classes doing ridiculous bursts in WvW (looking at you thieves).
Would be a disappointing damage loss from a PvE perspective though.
So they’re doing pretty much what I thought. ~10% damage reduction according to them, eh could be worse.
Tycho Snowpaw – Guardian
Gandara – [WvW]
So they’re doing pretty much what I thought. ~10% damage reduction according to them, eh could be worse.
That’s according to them, their fixes and math have been totally flawless in the past.
:O I can now put both force + night on my greatsword.
Tycho Snowpaw – Guardian
Gandara – [WvW]
I cant wait to see Force+Night on my staff.
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
Awesome info. Very content as always.
Not so bad, it seems, especially if 2h weapons are getting the extra sigil. The extra night / force sigil will make up partly for the loss in 10% crit damage.
they aren’t nerfing JUST 10% critical damage, wait of the “rune changes” they made. they’re being WAYYYY too unspecific.
they aren’t nerfing JUST 10% critical damage, wait of the “rune changes” they made. they’re being WAYYYY too unspecific.
It’s entirely unspecific here, yes. We’ll have to see~
I wish I had watched it. Did anyone get any good questions answered?
(edited by LittleLepton.8915)
I wish I had watched it. Did anyone get any good questions answered?
I want to see the light.
I wish I had watched it. Did anyone get any good questions answered?
That´s so cute
I managed to get banned from the stream permanently. Think I got what I came for.
D: what did you say?! PM me if you have to.
I managed to get banned from the stream permanently. Think I got what I came for.
Poor swift
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids