Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Arkengel RaF.9672

Arkengel RaF.9672

People is a joke!!!

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sparrow.5936


Thank you,

Again, Im not trying to be mean, just want to understand.

I just wanted you opinion on other toury trats in other games and if you think they also " suck the fun out of them too "

" stacking " , " Line of sight " , " active defence " are all guild wars 2 trats used at a tourament level to complete a dungeon as fast and as most efficient way. Others looking to improve and/or have a easier time doing content will copy these trats and use them as needed.

In call of duty, well.. any fps " how " or " do " you feel the same way about headshots or weapons strong enough to 1 hit kill? In fighting games, in regards to " save moves " , " fast hits " do you feel the same?

Im out of time for my lunch break ( :p haha ) but you get the idea of were im coming from. I just hope the mood doesnt come off wrong and you get the wrong immprrssion.

I just want to understand.


I think you’re comparing apples to oranges. Actually more like apples to watermelon. What i don’t like about line of sight and stacking etc.. is that it’s taking an action based game and turning back into a stand still and press skill button game. The why people stack has nothing to do with it. I just think Anet needs to throw a wrench into some of these old boss fights.

So the title of the thread really needs to be rewritten. It’s not the stacking I’m against, it’s the boring part of being able to stack and instant win. Bosses need a counter to stacking to keep players on their toes. Something to make players scatter and rely on some skill. This is a GAME, and boss battles should be engaging. Standing still and yawning at a boss is weak. I apologize for targeting stacking as the issue. The tactic makes sense, but bosses need some kind of counter for it. Stack all you want, but at some point be prepared to scatter.

I think the real divide of the community that is for and against this argument is split between those who FARM and those who want to play a GAME. Farmers wanna farm, gamers wanna make the game more engaging. If arena net wants to make both happy, make the bosses more challenging, but up the reward so Time Vs Reward remains the same, but game becomes playable again.

Maybe add a “challenge mote” to the old dungeons like we see in the living story for more rewards but more challenging boss fights.

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Enaretos.8079


It’s not the stacking I’m against, it’s the boring part of being able to stack and instant win. Bosses need a counter to stacking to keep players on their toes. Something to make players scatter and rely on some skill. This is a GAME, and boss battles should be engaging. Standing still and yawning at a boss is weak. I apologize for targeting stacking as the issue. The tactic makes sense, but bosses need some kind of counter for it. Stack all you want, but at some point be prepared to scatter.

I read this paragraph about 10 times and it screams : “I’m against stacking and want people to scatter”. I also displays the common false assumption that casuals have on these forums : “stacking = instant win” or “stacking = no skill, don’t fall asleep lawl”.

I’d like you to understand that stacking isn’t an instant win tactic or some kind of panacea against one shot kills. We stack on bosses for boons radiuses, to benefit from a reflect on the whole party or to keep blasting fields laid down under the group…

This amounts to player skill ! When I pug, lay down a fire field and start blasting on the boss mid-fight to get more might, yet see area retaliation pop up, I’m like ok, someone didn’t understand the idea of stacking for the boons, because they stack yet kitten up the advantages we’d gain there ! Plese run once in an experienced group and look at the screen to see everything that happens before shouting nonsene

I think the real divide of the community that is for and against this argument is split between those who FARM and those who want to play a GAME. Farmers wanna farm, gamers wanna make the game more engaging. If arena net wants to make both happy, make the bosses more challenging, but up the reward so Time Vs Reward remains the same, but game becomes playable again.

No, the split is like : PHIW vs Others.
I think I’m not wrong when I say all the elitists fall in the “others” category, because they are the ones who enjoy the game, push it farther, devise new tactics, etc… I see a lot of people in experienced dungeon guilds that skip some tours because they don’t feel like dungeonning, or low-man it for the challenge, the GAME ! The true dungeon farmer is an extremely rare species that I saw only once in 2 years.

Maybe add a “challenge mote” to the old dungeons like we see in the living story for more rewards but more challenging boss fights.

If it’s like Myslock’s instabilities, I vote for no.

Snow Crows member since January 2014
My Twitch

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sarahfull.4930


Thank you,

Again, Im not trying to be mean, just want to understand.

I just wanted you opinion on other toury trats in other games and if you think they also " suck the fun out of them too "

" stacking " , " Line of sight " , " active defence " are all guild wars 2 trats used at a tourament level to complete a dungeon as fast and as most efficient way. Others looking to improve and/or have a easier time doing content will copy these trats and use them as needed.

In call of duty, well.. any fps " how " or " do " you feel the same way about headshots or weapons strong enough to 1 hit kill? In fighting games, in regards to " save moves " , " fast hits " do you feel the same?

Im out of time for my lunch break ( :p haha ) but you get the idea of were im coming from. I just hope the mood doesnt come off wrong and you get the wrong immprrssion.

I just want to understand.


I think you’re comparing apples to oranges. Actually more like apples to watermelon. What i don’t like about line of sight and stacking etc.. is that it’s taking an action based game and turning back into a stand still and press skill button game. The why people stack has nothing to do with it. I just think Anet needs to throw a wrench into some of these old boss fights.

So the title of the thread really needs to be rewritten. It’s not the stacking I’m against, it’s the boring part of being able to stack and instant win. Bosses need a counter to stacking to keep players on their toes. Something to make players scatter and rely on some skill. This is a GAME, and boss battles should be engaging. Standing still and yawning at a boss is weak. I apologize for targeting stacking as the issue. The tactic makes sense, but bosses need some kind of counter for it. Stack all you want, but at some point be prepared to scatter.

I think the real divide of the community that is for and against this argument is split between those who FARM and those who want to play a GAME. Farmers wanna farm, gamers wanna make the game more engaging. If arena net wants to make both happy, make the bosses more challenging, but up the reward so Time Vs Reward remains the same, but game becomes playable again.

Maybe add a “challenge mote” to the old dungeons like we see in the living story for more rewards but more challenging boss fights.

Oh good. yes I do agree with you, and it is a lot easier to agree with you now that I understand. The reason why I ask, is because back when I used to play soul calibur, one person commented how boring it was to watch a tournament match and everyone came down kitten them. I don’t know, the posts here just reminded me of that.

As much as we would like Anet to help out and make them harder, they seem to go the easier rote and filter " us " out in return for new players.

Edit: just thinking about it, I don’t think its THAT different compering those examples together :o its all just tournament strategies


(edited by Sarahfull.4930)

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ProtoGunner.4953


Just let’s find some middle ground. I mainly run with my guild, we usually don’t run ‘meta’ but stick rather close to it – well I do, since I don’t knwo that the rest does (I won’t complain with GS mesmers and Staff Guards though). But most have Zerker gear and run more or less enough fast builds. We never have too long and there is never any discussion about builds or whatever. CoE etc. takes 15mins, which is fine. We usually stack, I never had any thoughts about it if there wasn’t the forums. We did it in GW1 and do it here. It’s different from other MMOs.

Oh btw in newer content stacking isn’t possible in most encounters. The dungeons are ‘ancient’. The only problem is there are not any new dungeons.

‘would have/would’ve been’ —> correct
‘would of been’ —> wrong

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

I think you’re comparing apples to oranges. Actually more like apples to watermelon. What i don’t like about line of sight and stacking etc.. is that it’s taking an action based game and turning back into a stand still and press skill button game. The why people stack has nothing to do with it. I just think Anet needs to throw a wrench into some of these old boss fights.

So the title of the thread really needs to be rewritten. It’s not the stacking I’m against, it’s the boring part of being able to stack and instant win. Bosses need a counter to stacking to keep players on their toes. Something to make players scatter and rely on some skill. This is a GAME, and boss battles should be engaging. Standing still and yawning at a boss is weak. I apologize for targeting stacking as the issue. The tactic makes sense, but bosses need some kind of counter for it. Stack all you want, but at some point be prepared to scatter.

I think the real divide of the community that is for and against this argument is split between those who FARM and those who want to play a GAME. Farmers wanna farm, gamers wanna make the game more engaging. If arena net wants to make both happy, make the bosses more challenging, but up the reward so Time Vs Reward remains the same, but game becomes playable again.

Maybe add a “challenge mote” to the old dungeons like we see in the living story for more rewards but more challenging boss fights.

The thread title should probably indeed be changed.

I read your whole thread but kind of off and on over a couple days so maybe I skimmed over the part where you gave a solution. Besides the whole “give bosses punishing AoEs”, I don’t really see a solution written for the provided thread title.

I’m one of those people that like to play the game all kinds of ways so I stack when it’s logical, I like to solo some dungeons, I like to use ‘different’ builds at times, and I like to have fun. So I can see where you’re coming from.

It’s hard to discuss a solution though because regardless of what you say, people will resist change, the notion of change or the will for change to eventually occur. It’s kind of disheartening, that you practically have to choke a discussion out of a forum, but I’d start by posting up more ideas on how you’d like the combat to be like in dungeons and why the current methods might not work for the new idea (thus discouraging stacking).

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: oxtred.7658


No change< bad changes.
Especially bad changes already dismissed 2 years ago.
Especially bad changes already dismissed 2 years ago, made by unexperienced special snowflakes.

If you’re on EU and need help to get into dungeons, pm me.

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: EcoRI.9273


Wow that max range icebow 4 dodge trick is pretty hard to aim but pretty satisfying when it lands :-D
Wynd Cloud | Fierce N Licious

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kheldorn.5123


Why this thread is still alive?

Stacking in Dungeons and how ANET can fix it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: EcoRI.9273


Why this thread is still alive?

well apparently ice bow 4 trick is allowing for anti stacking strats to be viable now.
Wynd Cloud | Fierce N Licious