[Suggestion]Improved LFG Filters

[Suggestion]Improved LFG Filters

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Eckenhart.2816


Well i did this thread in the wrong way, so let me start again. Make groups the way you want in Look For Group is hard, cuz people tend to ignore the description. I don’t want to discuss what group setup or requirements are the most played. But would be nice if everyone provide feedback to A-net for what we want to see in LFG and far as i’ve searched i didn’t find other topic like this one.

But for me the most basic thing should be a filter for classic runs and speed runs. That would help a lot.

Going further and put a level requirement, maybe classes, or gears.

My point is, that my friends or my guildmates aren’t always online, and spamming in the world map about making a group isn’t pratical at all. Some new filters would help to avoid more misunderstood between the party members.

Regardless the way i like to play, often people want to leave the party at the beginning of the dungeon if isn’t the way they wanted, or get kicked if they don’t follow the party requirements.

Some new simple filters would solve those issues. Whit the new improved trading post, would be nice to see a new LFG filter.

I mean, the filter don’t actually need to block a player for join the party, just change the search results. It’s a online game, people don’t play dungeons alone, it would be nice to be easier to make groups with people who like to do what you do!

[Suggestion]Improved LFG Filters

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


This seems doable, nothing is off the table! Keep the ideas coming!

(draw around my ign with red sharpy for maximum effect)

[Suggestion]Improved LFG Filters

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Turamarth.3248


I would say that people who ignore the description will also ignore any kind of additional filters.
There are also at least in my opinion not enough lfgs to warrant such a system.

Brandar – Kodash [DE]

[Suggestion]Improved LFG Filters

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Eckenhart.2816


That is exactly the point, for example, if i put a filter, any filter at all, the person would have to activate the same filter as me to join my group. So only the groups whitout any filter would be avaliable for them to join. So you can say, that nobody would join my group at all, but well i think it worth the risk since such filter should not be a very difficult thing to do.

[Suggestion]Improved LFG Filters

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


So basically it’d be more work to check LFG and that’d be pretty much it? I don’t see this really helping the system, just frustrating some people who see nothing on LFG because they forgot to check the right box.

I will agree some people are quite daft in this game. I was trying to test some things with the new messaging after the 9/9 patch. Put up an LFG for my buddies to join saying “Ignore this, testing something” before my buddies could even join a guy hopped in, then like 10s later changed it to “story, all welcome”. . . what? I mean really? what the…

(edited by Jerus.4350)

[Suggestion]Improved LFG Filters

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Eckenhart.2816


But that’s the whole point of this topic, not saying that i’m right or wrong, but to improve how people can make groups by LFG system that satisfies everyone.

We can’t even select the dungeon path, we need to type, path1, path2, etc… I don’t think would that much of work, since most people like to play dungeons the same way, over and over.

[Suggestion]Improved LFG Filters

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


But that’s the whole point of this topic, not saying that i’m right or wrong, but to improve how people can make groups by LFG system that satisfies everyone.

We can’t even select the dungeon path, we need to type, path1, path2, etc… I don’t think would that much of work, since most people like to play dungeons the same way, over and over.

If they added paths as you say though I’d have to check path 1, path 2, path 3 and sometimes path4.

Instead right now I can just check the dungeon, see the couple of LFG postings and choose one if it fits the criteria I’d like.

Nothing would stop people from checking alternative options if they don’t see any LFG in their preferred setup, so I don’t think it’d really improve anything, it’d just create more work.

[Suggestion]Improved LFG Filters

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Eckenhart.2816


I wish everyone was like you and try to check the LFG postings befere randomly enter a group and starts to boss around. xD

But sadly is very common people doing that.

[Suggestion]Improved LFG Filters

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


I really believe the vast majority do read and try to use the notes to find a group that fits them. But, if even 20% of the people don’t that’s still 1 in every group.

[Suggestion]Improved LFG Filters

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Eckenhart.2816


Well i think it’s a lot more than 20% or wouldn’t be that much of issues in party dungeons and LFG could be the key to improve how groups are created. Maybe not by what i’m saying, but even for a better way.