Taunt : rise of tanks?
Since bosses have defiant, or will have something like that, the idea everyone is having of Taunting a boss to keep him locked on a tank is pretty ridiculous.
Since bosses have defiant, or will have something like that, the idea everyone is having of Taunting a boss to keep him locked on a tank is pretty ridiculous.
Yep, but if we consider that taunting is a “weaker” mechanic than deep freeze for example, then we could hypothesize that its duration may be longer than that of deep freeze. Since it only requires an immob to make taunting the equivalent of deep freeze then it could be possible to control bosses for more than 5 seconds. But this is only an optimist hypothesis
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
Maybe taunt just increases the hidden “threat” level used to calculate the enemies target by a crazy amount for x seconds.
Wynd Cloud | Fierce N Licious
Since bosses have defiant, or will have something like that, the idea everyone is having of Taunting a boss to keep him locked on a tank is pretty ridiculous.
How long does it take to strip defiance? How long will the effect last?
I mean it seems like it obviously has some potential for something interesting to play with. But, I wouldn’t be jumping to any crazy conclusions like every party needs a nomad AH guard to tank or anything like that.
Fear can last pretty long too. Why aren’t you guys currently chaining Fear on bosses?
Obviously because theres no fear that lasts as long as deep freeze.
It used to be so awesome when it worked through Defiant because it was a condition.
judging by the ad anet placed a little while ago hiring for raid content designers with experience, i would say they are going to somewhat implement skills and traits for certain proffesions to make them indirect roles to makes raids possible.
you dont need a trinity to make raids possible, and the “roles” are already there. anet is just creating more tools that help players and can work against players.
Obviously because theres no fear that lasts as long as deep freeze.
If you really wanted to, you could use 40% condi food and the 30% from Strength traits to get “Fear Me!” to 5.1 seconds at close range, and then up to 6s with runes/giver’s weapons.
Obviously because theres no fear that lasts as long as deep freeze.
If you really wanted to, you could use 40% condi food and the 30% from Strength traits to get “Fear Me!” to 5.1 seconds at close range, and then up to 6s with runes/giver’s weapons.
Gimping your DPS for a slightly longer CC than deep freeze is silly. Especially if you need to spend a utility skill slot in addition to food/runes/weapons. Deep Freeze is already on something that’s fantastically good anyway.
The other problem is that Fear causes the enemy to move in the case where it’s not against a wall (decently common), and so can result in them leaving AOEs and necessitating chasing, lowering DPS.
guys, guys.. just stop a second, just bear with me ok, just, just…
Manifest Toxin
“Deliver a crushing blow that sends toxic energy chaining to enemies behind each target.”sends toxic energy
As always, thanks to the grandmaster mindbrain for enlightening me.
I now know I’m gonna spam that class (and skill) like hell.
(edited by deSade.9437)
It’s raise of defensive builds, not tanks. Tank is expected to hold aggro and damage from a mob (especially a boss) at all times with healer allowing him to sustain the punishment. With taunt which will be a control effect for what it seems it’ll mean you’ll be able to get mob off someone, but only for a short time. Then it’s back to “who it kills, nobody knows”.
The taunter might need protection, solid regen, block/evades depending how severity of encounter, but by no means will he hold attention of a monster 24/7 nor be able to sustain it for that long with ease.
Also it may have offensive uses. Imagine a pesky archer on ledge above you just can’t reach, or outsnipe him. Taunt the guy and watch him lose his advantage of high ground and walk straight into your caring arms – recently sharped and craving for blood;)
(edited by ZeftheWicked.3076)