The dreaded Sorrow's Embrace path 1

The dreaded Sorrow's Embrace path 1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: PowerCat.5738



Recently been doing Sorrow’s Embrace, and trying to do path 1.

What. the. kitten?

Infinite spawning mobs at the start making the dungeon pretty much impossible?

Nobody wants to try it. Is the dungeon really bugged as people claim or is it meant to be impossibly hard?

Even path 2 is very long and hard. It’s as if they made SE the hardest possible dungeon in the game. What’s up with that?

Also as of today, what is the efficient strategy to complete path 1? I heard something about kiting grenadier at the start, but then I heard that had been fixed?

Help me out!

The dreaded Sorrow's Embrace path 1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MrUnknown.4950


The infinite waves should be considered a mechanic, your suppose too work around it!

The tactic is simply too advance between the waves and never ever even try to kill them. The first boss mostly requires you have too handle the waves dmg while bursting down the boss, and then using stealth etc. to escape combat…

The dreaded Sorrow's Embrace path 1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Strifey.7215


I’ll make a new video, because the one I currently have up is a little dirty since it was our first run of new SE1.

We do it in about 16 minutes now.

This path requires dps, and requires teamwork. This is no longer as pug friendly.

These are the key strategies, not all of them are shown in the 21 min. vid I have on my youtube page below, since we ironed out our strategy after running it a few more times.

1. Kill the first barrier, jump over to the ledge on the right, let the first wave pass.
2. Have one person activate the talking sequence at the golem which takes a while, then go back to the ledge and let the 2nd wave pass.
3. Rush to the golem and focus only him, in my group we kill it before more then 2 waves can stack.
4. Move forward, quickly killing barriers, ignoring all mobs.
5. Stop before Nokk, clear the current wave, use something like Guardian GS pull, War/Guard/Mesmer knockback, etc. to move Nokk towards the closed door at the end of the path.
6. Fight Nokk by the door, which means you no longer agro any waves.
7. Single pull the Golems and fight them one at a time in the long tunnel to the left of their spawn.
8. Single pull the Champion at the last boss and fight him outside which makes him very easy.
9. Kill the last mesmer boss like normal, 2 waves of inquest will come out of the tents, they are easy, just focus them.

Guard/War/Mesmer and Dungeon Guides:

The dreaded Sorrow's Embrace path 1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Oh Snapalope.1378

Oh Snapalope.1378

You can literally ignore all tactics and zerg through the whole thing if you have 3 guardians spamming stability. Provided you can dump enough hard CC during fights.

The dreaded Sorrow's Embrace path 1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Strifey.7215


So Powercat pm’ed me because of the frustration he had doing this with a PuG, and my group decided to take him along since we had an extra spot last night (he’s the GS War). This is the result of doing the above strategy I mentioned:

Guard/War/Mesmer and Dungeon Guides:

(edited by Strifey.7215)

The dreaded Sorrow's Embrace path 1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Angra.1405


so you def cant do it with a pug anymore tried it twice and failed both times

What is love~ Oh baby, don’t hurt me~
Don’t hurt me no more~ Doo dooo doo doo doo

The dreaded Sorrow's Embrace path 1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


glitch and solo, trolol!

The dreaded Sorrow's Embrace path 1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Account.9832


The issue isn’t the infinite spawns, the issue is the timing between the waves. Normally they spawn about 40 seconds apart, but sometimes they start spawning every 15 seconds, which makes it virtually impossible. I’ve also seen them take over 2 minutes to spawn (i.e., 2 minutes between one wave and the next). So there’s clearly some bug (or excessive amount of RNG) in the timer of those waves.

- Al Zheimer

The dreaded Sorrow's Embrace path 1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Braxxis.7062


The issue isn’t the infinite spawns, the issue is the timing between the waves. Normally they spawn about 40 seconds apart, but sometimes they start spawning every 15 seconds, which makes it virtually impossible. I’ve also seen them take over 2 minutes to spawn (i.e., 2 minutes between one wave and the next). So there’s clearly some bug (or excessive amount of RNG) in the timer of those waves.

Way to necro a near month old thread instead of commenting in one the numerous thread since this one about SE Path 1…

Nahla Lisandril / Ashelia Morin / Craulk
Yolaine / Orindine / Maliasera
~ Among the Ashes [Dust] ~

The dreaded Sorrow's Embrace path 1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nonlinear.9823


There is no issue with P1.

It’s a simple DPS check.

If you don’t have enough DPS you won’t get past the golem. A little more l2p a little less tears and p1 is the fastest path in SE.

@Strifey, I like your strat the only thing I disagree is killing the golems in the tunnel between Nokk and the three big ones. You can run past everything just avoid the blue dots on the ground.

The dreaded Sorrow's Embrace path 1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: patasde.6087


2 months trying to do this SE 1 same Arah p4 if i manage by miracle find party willing to try it, its always fail…

just stop playing until dungeon master achievement will be doable

The dreaded Sorrow's Embrace path 1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: PowerCat.5738


Yeah, since posting that message 22 days ago, I’ve done path 1 a few times. It’s not hard once you know what you’re doing, and have a competent team.

The dreaded Sorrow's Embrace path 1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BUTTERBLUME.3217


2 months trying to do this SE 1 same Arah p4 if i manage by miracle find party willing to try it, its always fail…

just stop playing until dungeon master achievement will be doable

Hit me up some time tomorrow, we might fight you in our party for one run and you will have the path within 10 minutes

The dreaded Sorrow's Embrace path 1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Account.9832


There is no issue with P1.

Considering the time between waves seems to vary between 15 seconds and 2 minutes (yes, I once had no new mobs for two full minutes), I’d say there probably is an issue.

When they spawn at what I assume is the intended rate (one wave every 30 ~ 40 seconds), it’s a “DPS check” (one which I doubt is appropriately tuned for level 65 players in level 65 gear, but that’s another issue – it’s perfectly doable by a party of level 80 characters). When they start spawning every 15 seconds, however, it’s not a DPS check, it’s just an AoE spam fest followed by a “graveyard” (waypoint) rush followed by people leaving and not wanting to come back.

Way to necro a near month old thread instead of commenting in one the numerous thread since this one about SE Path 1…

It’s the same bug, still not fixed. There’s no reason to create new threads. Also, if you have nothing to say about the actual topic, what’s the point of your post?

- Al Zheimer

(edited by Account.9832)

The dreaded Sorrow's Embrace path 1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: haviz.1340


There is no issue with P1.

Considering the time between waves seems to vary between 15 seconds and 2 minutes (yes, I once had no new mobs for two full minutes), I’d say there probably is an issue.

When they spawn at what I assume is the intended rate (one wave every 30 ~ 40 seconds), it’s a “DPS check” (one which I doubt is appropriately tuned for level 65 players in level 65 gear, but that’s another issue – it’s perfectly doable by a party of level 80 characters). When they start spawning every 15 seconds, however, it’s not a DPS check, it’s just an AoE spam fest followed by a “graveyard” (waypoint) rush followed by people leaving and not wanting to come back.

Way to necro a near month old thread instead of commenting in one the numerous thread since this one about SE Path 1…

It’s the same bug, still not fixed. There’s no reason to create new threads. Also, if you have nothing to say about the actual topic, what’s the point of your post?

Same as path 2 Magg defend event and graveyard zerg there?

The dreaded Sorrow's Embrace path 1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


Everybody always says… get a decent group, get a competent team…

A decent group, a competent team don´t go to this dungeons because it´s just wasting time. Whit my guildies team we do the 2 first path of CoF in 20 minutes each. In a skipper pug we made AC Detha path in 15 minutes.

Do you really think that there are people interested in make a extremly dificult path even it´s short? NO. No pugs, no decent group, no competent team. We need to wait for one day there are some people wanting the master dungeon achievement and try, like 3rd path in cof.

These paths need more balance, the FOTM take most of the players, the other made just easy and fast dungeons to farm money, just a little really want to try something new, and they don´t even use gw2lfg.

The dreaded Sorrow's Embrace path 1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BUTTERBLUME.3217


Everybody always says… get a decent group, get a competent team…

A decent group, a competent team don´t go to this dungeons because it´s just wasting time. Whit my guildies team we do the 2 first path of CoF in 20 minutes each. In a skipper pug we made AC Detha path in 15 minutes.

Do you really think that there are people interested in make a extremly dificult path even it´s short? NO. No pugs, no decent group, no competent team. We need to wait for one day there are some people wanting the master dungeon achievement and try, like 3rd path in cof.

These paths need more balance, the FOTM take most of the players, the other made just easy and fast dungeons to farm money, just a little really want to try something new, and they don´t even use gw2lfg.

If you do SE1 correctly, it is a very short path and a decent group, however you would define it, should run it if they are indeed decent.

The dreaded Sorrow's Embrace path 1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


READ before quote. Like I said, there are NO ONE decent that want to do this path because it´s better do easier dungeons faster and get the same rewards. Without ANY risk. Or do FOTM for more valuable rewards.

Understand now?

The dreaded Sorrow's Embrace path 1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Braxxis.7062


There is no issue with P1.

Considering the time between waves seems to vary between 15 seconds and 2 minutes (yes, I once had no new mobs for two full minutes), I’d say there probably is an issue.

When they spawn at what I assume is the intended rate (one wave every 30 ~ 40 seconds), it’s a “DPS check” (one which I doubt is appropriately tuned for level 65 players in level 65 gear, but that’s another issue – it’s perfectly doable by a party of level 80 characters). When they start spawning every 15 seconds, however, it’s not a DPS check, it’s just an AoE spam fest followed by a “graveyard” (waypoint) rush followed by people leaving and not wanting to come back.

Way to necro a near month old thread instead of commenting in one the numerous thread since this one about SE Path 1…

It’s the same bug, still not fixed. There’s no reason to create new threads. Also, if you have nothing to say about the actual topic, what’s the point of your post?

Except that it’s not the same bug, it is working as intended, and a decent group can clear path 1 in under 20 minutes.

  • Bug – Waves of Inquest continued to spawn after you had reached the Asura boss until you defeated him, requiring you to pull him down the ramp behind him and fight at the door.
  • Fix – Waves stop spawning once you engage the Asura boss.

Necro’ing a month old thread to complain about the difficulty of the waves is dumb. Which is all there is to complain about with this path. There is no longer a bug, and even when there was it forced you to move all of 10 feet away so it was never a big issue in the first place.

Nahla Lisandril / Ashelia Morin / Craulk
Yolaine / Orindine / Maliasera
~ Among the Ashes [Dust] ~

The dreaded Sorrow's Embrace path 1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nonlinear.9823


Every time I’ve done P1 it has been in a pug of randoms, probably half or more are first timers and the other half are people who have done it a couple times. If P3 is smooth and DPS is good on Destroyer of Worlds I’ll see if they want to do P1.

The dreaded Sorrow's Embrace path 1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Strifey.7215


Everybody always says… get a decent group, get a competent team…

A decent group, a competent team don´t go to this dungeons because it´s just wasting time. Whit my guildies team we do the 2 first path of CoF in 20 minutes each. In a skipper pug we made AC Detha path in 15 minutes.

Do you really think that there are people interested in make a extremly dificult path even it´s short? NO. No pugs, no decent group, no competent team. We need to wait for one day there are some people wanting the master dungeon achievement and try, like 3rd path in cof.

These paths need more balance, the FOTM take most of the players, the other made just easy and fast dungeons to farm money, just a little really want to try something new, and they don´t even use gw2lfg.

False, it takes about 11 minutes to do SE path 1 and 3. I’ve done those two many times since it is the only dungeon other then Arah that has gear with knight stats if you don’t want to pay actual gold.

11 minute runs are comparable to other speed run paths in other dungeons besides CoF1 which is significantly shorter then everything else. If you are in a competent team it is no harder then any other dungeon path, since pretty much every path is easy with 5 good players, the only difference is the time it takes to complete said path.

Guard/War/Mesmer and Dungeon Guides:

The dreaded Sorrow's Embrace path 1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


Congratz to you… now try to arranje a pug and keep spamming for someone wanting P1.

Even in my guild NO ONE wants P1. NO ONE wants a dungeon that even faster has a high chance of continous wipe.

But some people here can´t understand, they prefer a very difficult dungeon and they will fell like gods than get a more pug friendly dungeon and get people to do.

Keep like this, will be better for everyone, and when the game don´t have new players, only magic formulas to do some dungeons and people getting kicked because they are new to the game and are slower to keep with the other players don´t complain on forum that the game is dying.

This is the end, like I already said, I don´t want to waste time with this type of conversation.

The dreaded Sorrow's Embrace path 1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Elitejelly.7462


It’s hard to find a group for this path these days. Anyone want to make a group with me?

(/o_o)/ |_|
hype over.