Using Magic Find correctly
That’s Soldier gear, which cannot be crafted.
PVT stands for Power Vitality Toughness, a.k.a. soldiers gear, or some dungeon like AC gear.
Thanks and now everything makes a little bit more sense.
- Killed CoE3 destroyer in 5 lazer shots but we’re also Omnom believers looking for Operative’s Creed recipe so not really aiming for faster.
Just so you know, Operative’s Creed recipe drops in path 2 of Arah. I got it from the corpse of the last boss.
I use full PVT gear, I’m at level 31 fractals and I farm Arah regularly. I wouldn’t imagine using anything else.
Come at me bro.
right on, brother.
i’m at lvl 41 fractals and i run pvt gear and switch between knight/berzerker/cleric accessories as needed.I’d be very impressed to see a lvl 30+ fractal guardian running a full berzerker. very impressed indeed.
all those elitist berzerker kids have to realise that not every profession is created equal. some professions have better escape abilities then the others. it is much easier to be a berzerker warrior then it is to be a berzerker guardian.
besides, aegis is a single most powerful thing a guardian can provide to a group. i’d rather have my guardian alive and well and giving out aegis then dead of a ground in his shinny zerker gear getting all closed, my pretties.
p.s. MF gear should be removed as such. it is a bad design choice. MF should have come as consumables only, temporary boosts…
I run a full berserk guardian (with the exception of 2 armor pieces and soldier runes) to get the most out of AH with no food/potions, and the only thing you need to do is constantly change utilities for each fractal map, dodge appropriately and weapon swap. I don’t go down or rarely for 30+ fractals since I’ve been used to playing a low hp berserk build since week 3 of release that dying now is a L2P issue.
Hmm, because getting good loots in this game is not as important as in other games, or hell, not important at all. Run dungeons like normal, get tokens, exchange with gears, run for a few weeks, get enough gold, buy exotic accessories in trade, done. I’ve not used a single piece of magic find gear, and dont even consider myself farming and if I’d saved up all those Gs I got randomly and casually dungeoning, I’d have managed to upgrade the account multiple times (at least 3) just by converting Gold to Gem.
Seriously, this game is about having fun playing skillfully. Your ascended gears, while looking fanciful, is not gonna insta-gib my performance. I’ve kittening run lvl 80 content in Greens and the dorks around me stacked me exotics still die about the same as I do, in situations where people die by the hundreds anyway.
So honestly, I never understood why people has to bring extra gears (other than that of no repair canister and has to swap on the go).