What I think of the dungeons now

What I think of the dungeons now

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: RedStar.4218


And then there’s the stuff that’s plain broken, like the CM path 2 powder keg run. Stuff like that is simply impossible for inexperienced players without glitching.

How the hell is that even hard ?
Every one take a keg, one player places down his keg to aggro the mobs while the 4 other go place their kegs in the red circles and he catches up with them…It’s incredibly simple and yet it seems players want to over complicate it…
Randomly throwing the kegs is what you do when you failed to get it right the first time and resetting is probably a bad idea because you are going to get wiped while they chase you.

And if you have a guardian or an elementalist it makes the whole thing even more trivial. Even a necromancer or a warrior can be of use, or a thief, or pretty much anyone can bring something to keep the bandits away from the kegs.

What I think of the dungeons now

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Qwyksylver Vyqtunos.6312

Qwyksylver Vyqtunos.6312

honestly dungeons are not that hard, me, a guildie and 3 random players did CoF p1 in 20mins and that was with ppl dcing, and going afk. i personally don’t see any issue with wp being too far apart as you can just equip a swiftness skill, run back and boom everything is fine again. i’m not saying this is just a l2p issue, perhaps you’ve just had incompatible group but the fault does not lie with the devs

Raagar Deathclaw-Necromancer | Korgin Shadowmind-Mesmer

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What I think of the dungeons now

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mirra.6528


I played last night for the first time in a couple of weeks and decided to finally do the Arah story mode and fight Zhaitan. I got DC’d during the battle with the Mouth of Zhaitan which put me back at the beginning of the dungeon… but because of this new patch I couldn’t WP back to my group because they were still in battle and up in the air ship. :c I get DC’d A LOT from the server which is annoying enough on it’s own let alone this new patch which ruins the game for me when in a dungeon… I hope they change it back!! :P

What I think of the dungeons now

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jaga.2084


Waypoints are terrible, that’s so true. It’s not enough that your armor gets damaged, you have to walk a kilometer too. One shoots, Jumping trash and those stupid one-shot-trap-puzzles. After a few hours in a dungeon with your pug, you look at the blue loot and the few Tokens you got. Than you look at the prizes of the stuff at the dungeon vendors and ask yourself; do I really want that? Most of my guild mates and friends do not want to do -some- dungeons anymore, because they are just kind of unfair and unforgiving.
That means, go with PuGs. Today I played CoE 3 for the first time. Subject Alpha. A little dodging, sure, but if your teammates get one-shoted, you can’t do much about it. L2P is nice and stuff, but not everybody can solo such a thing. The Experimental Subject was pure frustration. You die, you walk at least a minute. I don’t want a guild for every single thing in the game. It’s like you need one for PvP, WvW and dungeons next to the guild of your friends, who gave up on that stuff.

I imagine the Devs in a pillow fortress with a “No nubs allowed” sign on it.

What I think of the dungeons now

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MaRko.3165


i can solo a breeder in AC without any problems/and no elite.
you guys have a l2p issue…

At level 35 doubt it.

Make a level 35 character and solo a dugeon. You can have full gear and runes which is unusual for pugs. It should just as possible as a level 80 and also a level 35. If it isn’t then you understand why level scaling is broken

Exactly. ^^^This^^^.

Most everyone that is saying this stuff is easy are going at it with Lvl80 players with Lvl80 Exotic gear/runes/gems. Since there are no Exotics available for AC story/Explorable players (read Lvl35 for explorable) while your gear is ‘down scaled’ it’s still way better than the Blues/Greens available to actual Lvl35 players.

“Gosh, my Lvl80 team outfitted with Exotics can breeze through AC – whats all the noobs complaining about – L2P for gawd sakes”. Gee what an accomplishment.

For a few copper, outfit yourself with some actual Lvl35 White gear from a vendor and see how easy it is eh? I’ve yet to see a “gimped” team of 80’ players or true Lvl35 team video showing it can be done. (or even cheaper – go NUDE – who would argue then?)

“I was playing Farmville and a kitten MMO GW2 broke out of it…”
I cut my gaming teeth on Adventure&ZorkI,II,III.

What I think of the dungeons now

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Professor Hawk.9670

Professor Hawk.9670

I can now add to the people complaining about the problems.

Okay, so it would seem as if a party of three can’t take on the manor, even when two of them have high-end equipment.

Also an entire, full, five man party can’t take down a simple ascalonian monk in AC.

They said they’d balance the dungeon to compensate for the waypoint patch, but so far they’ve just made things unnecessarily hard.

What I think of the dungeons now

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: lOKI.8152


Most everyone that is saying this stuff is easy are going at it with Lvl80 players with Lvl80 Exotic gear/runes/gems. Since there are no Exotics available for AC story/Explorable players (read Lvl35 for explorable) while your gear is ‘down scaled’ it’s still way better than the Blues/Greens available to actual Lvl35 players.

“Gosh, my Lvl80 team outfitted with Exotics can breeze through AC – whats all the noobs complaining about – L2P for gawd sakes”. Gee what an accomplishment.

For a few copper, outfit yourself with some actual Lvl35 White gear from a vendor and see how easy it is eh? I’ve yet to see a “gimped” team of 80’ players or true Lvl35 team video showing it can be done. (or even cheaper – go NUDE – who would argue then?)

Ac is mostly about knowing the dungeon mechanics. My lvl 35 ranger (aka “worst class”) had no problems doing it and survived better than most lvl 80s. The burrow part of path 3 can be easy even with an inexperienced (i.e. slower goup who doesnt know where burrows will spawn) group once you set your teammates on the burrows and do some kiting yourself to protect the collectors. I’d say that in AC 80% of the dungeon is about knowing encounters and slotting utilities/weapons according to requirements plus coordinating your group (by simply marking the target everyone is supposed to hit). You do not need anyone to be level 80 to do this dungeon.

Also an entire, full, five man party can’t take down a simple ascalonian monk in AC.

Could you please elaborate ?

Lvl 80s: Thief, Necro, Engi, Ele, Mesmer, Ranger

“War does not determine who is right – only who is left.”

What I think of the dungeons now

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DanH.5879


Also an entire, full, five man party can’t take down a simple ascalonian monk in AC.

Could you please elaborate ?

when you suck so much and your team too, it is time to emo quit and hope for a better team next time to carry you trough the dungeon
i think that is the explanation you seek

p.s. i am not specifically referring to you in this case

(edited by DanH.5879)

What I think of the dungeons now

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erebus.7568


waypoint should be created right outside each boss room.
normal mobs should never be able to be bypassed so no more rush running pass everything.
there fixed

What I think of the dungeons now

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: wintermute.4096


I can now add to the people complaining about the problems.

Okay, so it would seem as if a party of three can’t take on the manor, even when two of them have high-end equipment.

Also an entire, full, five man party can’t take down a simple ascalonian monk in AC.

They said they’d balance the dungeon to compensate for the waypoint patch, but so far they’ve just made things unnecessarily hard.

Lots of players are completing those exact dungeons regularly without much hassle. I know I have done so on numerous occasions. And seriously you can’t beat a single ascalonian monk with 5 people? There are videos of guys who soloed this path on youtube you know…
I know we are not allowed to spell it out on the forums, but seriously, if this is not a l2p issue I don’t know what is.