What new fractals would you like to see?
Most if not all knockback/knockdown mechanics in fractals are pretty easy to deal with, and change the flow of combat. I’d rather not be able to stack a spot and “1” everything down.
I like the idea of a Mursaat fractal though (but if you recall, the Mursaat liked their interrupt/kd’s too )
Most if not all knockback/knockdown mechanics in fractals are pretty easy to deal with, and change the flow of combat. I’d rather not be able to stack a spot and “1” everything down.
I like the idea of a Mursaat fractal though (but if you recall, the Mursaat liked their interrupt/kd’s too
Well I guess I was referring to stuff like the harpies being able to knock u back off the cliffs, yet u can’t do that to them….the endless traps and trips in swamp and cliffside. It’s not challenging, it’s just annoying and adds nothing of either challenge or fun to the encounters.
Doesn’t mean they have to resort to stacking on a spot and spamming 1.
(edited by Mitch.4781)
Raids in fractals. People have been asking for easy-mode raids but I don’t think that’s a good thing. So instead of that add the Raid bosses in Fractal format (for 5 people) with all the usual fractal rewards.
Want Raid rewards? Play the Raid.
Want to experience the story of the Raid? Play it in fractal formThis could work to a point. I could see the Rewards for Completion being benign (IE: No legendary stuff) in the “Non-Agony” fractal levels, but once you get to the Fractal Level where you need Agony Resist, this would become “Raid Boss with a Gear-Check and Mist-Instability” It would be fitting that they should get in on the Legendary Action.
With that minor change, I think that would be a great solution.
No, because those encounters would be scaled down to 5 man and fractal difficulty, i.e. they’re considerably easier than the normal raid versions, besides the instability which may or may not be annoying.
As for fracs; Battle on the Breachmaker as has been said, maybe something related to the war between Balthasar and Menzies, or something to do with Luxon and Kurzick.
Less People =/ Less Challenge.
And there is no such thing as a Mist Instability that is not Annoying.
Mechanics would require less people to pull off. Balance would have to be made for 5 people. It would’ve been balanced to be on par with other fractals because if they were to put something with the difficulty of a raid encounter into the otherwise rather easy fractals, large parts of the community would go completely ballistic. So no, if raid encounter (variants) make it into fractals, they would not be on the same difficulty as actual raid encounters and they should not reward anything related to raids.
We shall disagree.
Smaller group balance is not more difficult in and of itself but it makes class balance more difficult. Stuff like projectile reflection can be insanely strong in that context. You’ll end up having Class X be the buttmonkey because their viable builds don’t fit the demands of the encounters or the demands of the group (read: necros).
GW2’s equipped to deal with this by giving things like kits to players which allow them to deal with specific mechanics while not necessarily being that kit, but it still takes more work.
Raids in fractals. People have been asking for easy-mode raids but I don’t think that’s a good thing. So instead of that add the Raid bosses in Fractal format (for 5 people) with all the usual fractal rewards.
Want Raid rewards? Play the Raid.
Want to experience the story of the Raid? Play it in fractal formThis could work to a point. I could see the Rewards for Completion being benign (IE: No legendary stuff) in the “Non-Agony” fractal levels, but once you get to the Fractal Level where you need Agony Resist, this would become “Raid Boss with a Gear-Check and Mist-Instability” It would be fitting that they should get in on the Legendary Action.
With that minor change, I think that would be a great solution.
No, because those encounters would be scaled down to 5 man and fractal difficulty, i.e. they’re considerably easier than the normal raid versions, besides the instability which may or may not be annoying.
As for fracs; Battle on the Breachmaker as has been said, maybe something related to the war between Balthasar and Menzies, or something to do with Luxon and Kurzick.
Less People =/ Less Challenge.
And there is no such thing as a Mist Instability that is not Annoying.
Mechanics would require less people to pull off. Balance would have to be made for 5 people. It would’ve been balanced to be on par with other fractals because if they were to put something with the difficulty of a raid encounter into the otherwise rather easy fractals, large parts of the community would go completely ballistic. So no, if raid encounter (variants) make it into fractals, they would not be on the same difficulty as actual raid encounters and they should not reward anything related to raids.
I derfer you to this post: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/dungeons/Do-you-think-Raids-in-GW2-were-a-bad-idea/page/20#post6084813
Anyone can do a raid, there is no reason to not allow the same rewards to be given in a fractal.