Why Diminish retuns in dungeons and nothing else?(long)

Why Diminish retuns in dungeons and nothing else?(long)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: rickets.1386


TL:DR – read the first 2 paragraphs and the last 2 paragraphs.

Some people love to to dungeons and that’s it. Some like sPvP, some WvW, some DE’s and zone completions. It’s why GW2 is a great game, there is a lot to do and love.

Why single out the dungeon crowd? I don’t see DR’s on Glory for running sPvP matchs all day. I don’t start getting less badges, Karma, XP, or gold in WvW if i play that all day. I can’t reach a zone completion limit or a “you found too many vista’s” limit. So why Dungeons?

Lets assume no exploiting and killing all mobs you argo. Time should be irrelevant if you can complete the dungeon as intended faster then the next group, more power to you.
Here is how i hope the system is currently suppose to work(bugs aside), if you just want to farm one dungeon(for whatever reason, you only like that armor maybe):
Run 1, Dungeon A, Path 1: 60 tokens(20+40)
Run 1, Dungeon A, Path 2: 60 tokens(20+40)
Run 1, Dungeon A, Path 3: 60 tokens(20+40)

Run 2, Dungeon A, Path 1: 20 tokens(20+0)
Run 2, Dungeon A, Path 2: 20 tokens(20+0)
Run 2, Dungeon A, Path 3: 20 tokens(20+0)

Run 3, Dungeon A, Path 1: 20 tokens(20+0)
Run 3, Dungeon A, Path 2: 20 tokens(20+0)
Run 3, Dungeon A, Path 3: 20 tokens(20+0)

So, the max diminishing returns you can get is down to 20 tokens. The above is probably even a little more strict then actual because I think it goes 45 then 30 then 20. So if you want to keep running the dungeons for 20 tokens…fine. If money and XP is reduced to 2s and 17K xp, that is also fine, i don’t care there are better ways to get those things.

I personally think Anet is going about fixing dungeons exploits very poorly. Fix the exploits, make examples of the exploiters. Fire up a PTR server to test your patches and stop punishing the people who love dungeons and don’t exploit(hopefully the majority of players). If you think people are running your dungeons too fast then check if they are exploiting, if they are not and they are just good at dungeons leave them be or add a boss or something. You are professional game designers, many of us spend more time in game then at our jobs, technically making us professional game players, we learn, practice and get better, putting arbitrary time restrictions on your dungeons is horrible, “let’s stand here for 10 minutes guys so we get full rewards”.

At the very least please fix the bugs(already in the works i assume), and explain in detail how the system is suppose to work. Don’t give us answers like, “we won’t tell you exactly how the system works to deter exploiters”. Just tell us what it is and ban the exploiters or make it impossible(or nearly) to do so.

Thanks for reading, sorry for the length, but we are passionate about GW2 and want it to be a game the we and our friends can enjoy for many years. As it sits now my 5 man group is not doing dungeons because we don’t want to put the effort in for a chance at 7 tokens. So you have effectively taken the thing 5 people loved doing and made them avoid it.

rickets 80 elementalist
crickits 80 ranger
crickets 80 warrior – current main

(edited by rickets.1386)

Why Diminish retuns in dungeons and nothing else?(long)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Inci.7560


What are you crying about? That’s 240 tokens for 6 runs. I got all my dungeon gear when it was still 25 → 15 tokens per run. Don’t hear me complain. This new DR is a CONSIDERABLE increase from where we came from, I’m fine with it either way. This actually promotes running ALL the dungeons every day instead of just a single one. Much more fun when it doesn’t get repetative like it used to be.

Why Diminish retuns in dungeons and nothing else?(long)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Binx.4610


Inci what are you smoking.

20 per run is fine for doing each one, personally I dont think exp or money should have DR either, if they think its too much money let them reduce it from 26 for each 20 token run to like 10 or 15 silver but people who enjoy dungeons but still wanna make money and get items and stuff shouldn’t be more penalized than the next guy.

Personally I think we should be able to get 20 per run for any path we want after the first full clear, because even then it makes more sense for most people to do 1 of each explorable them move to a new dungeon for the day.

Why Diminish retuns in dungeons and nothing else?(long)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Prophet.6954


Inci didn’t say the current reward was a problem. The OP did?

Why Diminish retuns in dungeons and nothing else?(long)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: rickets.1386


Yes i agree with you Inci. I happily did the same dungeon over and over getting my 20 tokens prepatch but many are reporting getting 7 tokens for a clear now. My point is that the system is poorly explained with arbitrary “speed clear” times punishing non-exploiters.

rickets 80 elementalist
crickits 80 ranger
crickets 80 warrior – current main

Why Diminish retuns in dungeons and nothing else?(long)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: rickets.1386


Inci didn’t say the current reward was a problem. The OP did?

i did not, assuming a bug free system.

rickets 80 elementalist
crickits 80 ranger
crickets 80 warrior – current main