And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Woops I brokes it. Here fixes waves immobulus
I would only like to say that because TC is one of the most populated NA servers and a high percentage of those players roleplay somewhat that a good amount of people do actually assume roles in game. However it is not a majority, but I’d throw around the 10% estimation of NA players assume a role in terms of roleplaying at least one of their characters.
1 in 10 sounds pretty good to me.
I keep seeing people shouting around that they are a “tank speced warrior” when they are lfg for dungeons.
They are probably trolling you if they have that as their description.
Well, in their defense, it’s not all that intuitive.
Sure, people posting on this forum might have some idea that Personal Defense options are just sort of these unspoken deadzones in PvE character building. But it’s not like the game itself does anything to make it clear those options are PvP only.
Imagine how confusing that is for somebody new?
And before anybody pulls the Meta card on me. This would also be true even in the ideal scenario where the Support/Control/DPS trinity existed. Because personal defense doesn’t seemingly have anymore relevancy on those two lost roles than it does DPS.
(edited by Vox Hollow.2736)
Well, in their defense, it’s not all that intuitive?
Sure, people posting on this forum might have some idea that Personal Defense options are just sort of these unspoken deadzones in PvE character building. But it’s not the game itself does anything to make it clear those options are PvP only.
Imagine how confusing that is for somebody new?
And before anybody pulls the Meta card on me. This would also be true even in the ideal scenario where the Support/Control/DPS trinity existed. Because personal defense doesn’t seemingly have anymore relevancy on those two lost roles than it does DPS.
I do agree with you. I guess the idea is that people with 10k+ AP who are obviously not new are still arguing that tank spec is the way to go. I think THAT is more confusing to new players.
Most people don’t assume any role portrayal in most MMOs, holy trinity or not.
It depend on what you define as role. The term Role Playing right now in the game is more about people really playing a role like in a theatre. They have a backstory, they talk to each other like it was them and not only a character, etc. But I would argue that, it only pushing the Role Playing farther, but that everybody do it to a certain extend. If you compare the RPG to an FPS or an Action game, you don’t really have any direction over the character your playing. It have its own personality and looks (choose by the game developers) and you simply go trough the game with that character, that could be really nice, but you don’t really identified yourself to it. Its the same character everybody play in that game.
But in the RPG, you customize the appearance of your character, you choose the profession, the play-style, what weapons it will use, what armor, what dye, etc. You put a little of yourselve and you will usually have a idea of what the character is. I don’t identify myself or play a role like other does with my character, but they all have a bit of a personification that i choose for them. Its not only ’’A’’ guardian, its ’’my’’ guardian. I’m not role playing, but its a kitten Charr, with cool armor that can become a mad king ice cream cone when i feel silly or a pirate when I feel like it. The feel that you play ’’your’’ character is what make it a Role Playing Game.
Well, in their defense, it’s not all that intuitive.
Sure, people posting on this forum might have some idea that Personal Defense options are just sort of these unspoken deadzones in PvE character building. But it’s not like the game itself does anything to make it clear those options are PvP only.
Imagine how confusing that is for somebody new?
And before anybody pulls the Meta card on me. This would also be true even in the ideal scenario where the Support/Control/DPS trinity existed. Because personal defense doesn’t seemingly have anymore relevancy on those two lost roles than it does DPS.
A support/DPS/control trinity already exists.
It’s just control is restricted by defiant to stop bad players from smashing CC skills off of cooldown, support isn’t gear reliant and DPS is something all classes can apply.
Actually tanking is working in GW2. If you want to know how, read this article:
It’s not like in most of the games that tank can stand still and be healed, but he can take some hits and hold mobs in place for long enought to nuke them by the rest of your team. For most of the mobs / bosses it’s enought to just stay melee and have enought armor to become their only target for the whole fight. I’m not sure if this approach is faster or not, but it is for sure easier.
NOOOOOOO don’t spread LIES. We already have enough tanky people that think that they bring something to the group even if they don’t. Don’t give them another reason to hold back groups. Surviability is for you little kitten only and bring nothing to the group except if in full DPS you die each 2sec. Having enough survivability to match you level of skill is the only reason to use defensive stats or healing in PvE.
What is a lie? Wiki article? The stuff that I said is basically the confirmation of wiki article and from my experience having a lot of toughness keeps most of the mobs on you. It’s not like tanking is neccessary in PVE, you can do everything just fine without it. I have tried it once and went to lvl 9 fractal on my elementalist with 3.5k armor and build based around magnetic shield (couldn’t try it at higher level because I don’t have agony in the set that I bought just to do this test) and somehow it worked.
Actually tanking is working in GW2. If you want to know how, read this article:
It’s not like in most of the games that tank can stand still and be healed, but he can take some hits and hold mobs in place for long enought to nuke them by the rest of your team. For most of the mobs / bosses it’s enought to just stay melee and have enought armor to become their only target for the whole fight. I’m not sure if this approach is faster or not, but it is for sure easier.
NOOOOOOO don’t spread LIES. We already have enough tanky people that think that they bring something to the group even if they don’t. Don’t give them another reason to hold back groups. Surviability is for you little kitten only and bring nothing to the group except if in full DPS you die each 2sec. Having enough survivability to match you level of skill is the only reason to use defensive stats or healing in PvE.
What is a lie? Wiki article? The stuff that I said is basically the confirmation of wiki article and from my experience having a lot of toughness keeps most of the mobs on you. It’s not like tanking is neccessary in PVE, you can do everything just fine without it. I have tried it once and went to lvl 9 fractal on my elementalist with 3.5k armor and build based around magnetic shield (couldn’t try it at higher level because I don’t have agony in the set that I bought just to do this test) and somehow it worked.
I experienced the opposite. Watching obal’s guardian guide about Cliffside, where he mentions having Knight armor in a full zerk group makes you the primary target most of the time, and actually you can see it on the video how he basically never lose agro, meanwhile if i do the same it jumps on everybody else but me. I wouldn’t base my gaming on some weird, uncontrolable and random agro mechanic.
Actually tanking is working in GW2. If you want to know how, read this article:
It’s not like in most of the games that tank can stand still and be healed, but he can take some hits and hold mobs in place for long enought to nuke them by the rest of your team. For most of the mobs / bosses it’s enought to just stay melee and have enought armor to become their only target for the whole fight. I’m not sure if this approach is faster or not, but it is for sure easier.
NOOOOOOO don’t spread LIES. We already have enough tanky people that think that they bring something to the group even if they don’t. Don’t give them another reason to hold back groups. Surviability is for you little kitten only and bring nothing to the group except if in full DPS you die each 2sec. Having enough survivability to match you level of skill is the only reason to use defensive stats or healing in PvE.
What is a lie? Wiki article? The stuff that I said is basically the confirmation of wiki article and from my experience having a lot of toughness keeps most of the mobs on you. It’s not like tanking is neccessary in PVE, you can do everything just fine without it. I have tried it once and went to lvl 9 fractal on my elementalist with 3.5k armor and build based around magnetic shield (couldn’t try it at higher level because I don’t have agony in the set that I bought just to do this test) and somehow it worked.
The lie is not about toughness = more likely to have aggro. Its about the old ’’Anchor’’ theory of more than a year ago. The principle is have 4 full DPS character, with 1 tanky anchor guardian (because it work better on a guardian for some reason). That way, the anchor take the aggro while the 4 other DPS more easily. That was an interesting idea back in the days and I was an advocate of that. But that was a bad technic as we found out. Why? For it to work properly you do need 4 full DPS character with you. If you have some hybrid and other stuff like that, you won’t have aggro most of the time. Ya in a particular run you could have aggro on you for most of the time, and there is ways of playing to get yourself more aggro, but with hybrid in your party that can change in a second, leaving the system without any purpose (except that you are not a DPS without much damage but a good survivability that serve nothing since you no longer have the aggro for some period of time). But even when you have 4 full DPS party member, sometime the mobs change target for no apparent reason. Why? Because some mobs don’t seem to respond to toughness more than damage they receive. Toughness work well in fractal (Legendary shaman and Ettin are the best example), but others like the flame legion shaman (the one with the Ettin and rabbit in Harpy Fractal) most of the time attack the guys that hit the hardest and switch target a lot. On top of that, you add the current global strategy of stacking. The game encourage to melee, to share boons and support and to stick together. That mean that all the party member will likely be hit by the mobs, not only the ’’anchor’’ guy. That leave not strategical purpose to a tanky character other than you self survivability.
I not saying that tanky build can’t influence greatly the aggro. I’m just saying that its unreliable and don’t help the party that much if you use the best strategies.
Unless there’s some insight to it they’re not sharing, I can’t imagine why.
If nothing else I guess it’s debate fodder folks can reference when they say AP’s a silly thing to put in a group description?
That’s a discussion for another thread.
It’s not a discussion, it’s truth, and you’re wrong.
There is a DPS/control/support trinity, it’s just 99% of players are too ignorant to realise it.
I really don’t want to derail.
If you feel that strongly, why don’t you make another thread?
I like to run PvP builds in dungeons, too.blah blah blah necro
With a name like that, it’s like you created this account just to necro threads.
If so, hats off to ya.
I really don’t want to derail.
If you feel that strongly, why don’t you make another thread?
Because there are 10,000 threads already out there that I’ve answered on the topic and I’m not going to be responsible for one of them.
I can dig you up countless video links from guild dungeon runs where we utilise the trinity, but most people just dismiss it so I feel there’s no point me bothering.
Actually tanking is working in GW2. If you want to know how, read this article:
It’s not like in most of the games that tank can stand still and be healed, but he can take some hits and hold mobs in place for long enought to nuke them by the rest of your team. For most of the mobs / bosses it’s enought to just stay melee and have enought armor to become their only target for the whole fight. I’m not sure if this approach is faster or not, but it is for sure easier.
NOOOOOOO don’t spread LIES. We already have enough tanky people that think that they bring something to the group even if they don’t. Don’t give them another reason to hold back groups. Surviability is for you little kitten only and bring nothing to the group except if in full DPS you die each 2sec. Having enough survivability to match you level of skill is the only reason to use defensive stats or healing in PvE.
What is a lie? Wiki article? The stuff that I said is basically the confirmation of wiki article and from my experience having a lot of toughness keeps most of the mobs on you. It’s not like tanking is neccessary in PVE, you can do everything just fine without it. I have tried it once and went to lvl 9 fractal on my elementalist with 3.5k armor and build based around magnetic shield (couldn’t try it at higher level because I don’t have agony in the set that I bought just to do this test) and somehow it worked.
The lie is not about toughness = more likely to have aggro. Its about the old ’’Anchor’’ theory of more than a year ago. The principle is have 4 full DPS character, with 1 tanky anchor guardian (because it work better on a guardian for some reason). That way, the anchor take the aggro while the 4 other DPS more easily. That was an interesting idea back in the days and I was an advocate of that. But that was a bad technic as we found out. Why? For it to work properly you do need 4 full DPS character with you. If you have some hybrid and other stuff like that, you won’t have aggro most of the time. Ya in a particular run you could have aggro on you for most of the time, and there is ways of playing to get yourself more aggro, but with hybrid in your party that can change in a second, leaving the system without any purpose (except that you are not a DPS without much damage but a good survivability that serve nothing since you no longer have the aggro for some period of time). But even when you have 4 full DPS party member, sometime the mobs change target for no apparent reason. Why? Because some mobs don’t seem to respond to toughness more than damage they receive. Toughness work well in fractal (Legendary shaman and Ettin are the best example), but others like the flame legion shaman (the one with the Ettin and rabbit in Harpy Fractal) most of the time attack the guys that hit the hardest and switch target a lot. On top of that, you add the current global strategy of stacking. The game encourage to melee, to share boons and support and to stick together. That mean that all the party member will likely be hit by the mobs, not only the ’’anchor’’ guy. That leave not strategical purpose to a tanky character other than you self survivability.
I not saying that tanky build can’t influence greatly the aggro. I’m just saying that its unreliable and don’t help the party that much if you use the best strategies.
There was also the fact that a bunch of people tested and couldn’t find any clear correlation between toughness and aggro, so the whole “tank” thing was pretty much based on “this one time I was in Rabid gear and got attacked a lot”.
I certainly do believe there are ways to “steal” aggro if the boss is targeting someone else, and ways to break it (or not break it) if he’s after you, but they typically involve a lot of running away and stealthing and kitten. It’s far from reliable, much less efficient, to rely on one guy actually holding a boss’s aggro without dying.
Actually tanking is working in GW2. If you want to know how, read this article:
It’s not like in most of the games that tank can stand still and be healed, but he can take some hits and hold mobs in place for long enought to nuke them by the rest of your team. For most of the mobs / bosses it’s enought to just stay melee and have enought armor to become their only target for the whole fight. I’m not sure if this approach is faster or not, but it is for sure easier.
NOOOOOOO don’t spread LIES. We already have enough tanky people that think that they bring something to the group even if they don’t. Don’t give them another reason to hold back groups. Surviability is for you little kitten only and bring nothing to the group except if in full DPS you die each 2sec. Having enough survivability to match you level of skill is the only reason to use defensive stats or healing in PvE.
What is a lie? Wiki article? The stuff that I said is basically the confirmation of wiki article and from my experience having a lot of toughness keeps most of the mobs on you. It’s not like tanking is neccessary in PVE, you can do everything just fine without it. I have tried it once and went to lvl 9 fractal on my elementalist with 3.5k armor and build based around magnetic shield (couldn’t try it at higher level because I don’t have agony in the set that I bought just to do this test) and somehow it worked.
The lie is not about toughness = more likely to have aggro. Its about the old ’’Anchor’’ theory of more than a year ago. The principle is have 4 full DPS character, with 1 tanky anchor guardian (because it work better on a guardian for some reason). That way, the anchor take the aggro while the 4 other DPS more easily. That was an interesting idea back in the days and I was an advocate of that. But that was a bad technic as we found out. Why? For it to work properly you do need 4 full DPS character with you. If you have some hybrid and other stuff like that, you won’t have aggro most of the time. Ya in a particular run you could have aggro on you for most of the time, and there is ways of playing to get yourself more aggro, but with hybrid in your party that can change in a second, leaving the system without any purpose (except that you are not a DPS without much damage but a good survivability that serve nothing since you no longer have the aggro for some period of time). But even when you have 4 full DPS party member, sometime the mobs change target for no apparent reason. Why? Because some mobs don’t seem to respond to toughness more than damage they receive. Toughness work well in fractal (Legendary shaman and Ettin are the best example), but others like the flame legion shaman (the one with the Ettin and rabbit in Harpy Fractal) most of the time attack the guys that hit the hardest and switch target a lot. On top of that, you add the current global strategy of stacking. The game encourage to melee, to share boons and support and to stick together. That mean that all the party member will likely be hit by the mobs, not only the ’’anchor’’ guy. That leave not strategical purpose to a tanky character other than you self survivability.
I not saying that tanky build can’t influence greatly the aggro. I’m just saying that its unreliable and don’t help the party that much if you use the best strategies.
There was also the fact that a bunch of people tested and couldn’t find any clear correlation between toughness and aggro, so the whole “tank” thing was pretty much based on “this one time I was in Rabid gear and got attacked a lot”.
I certainly do believe there are ways to “steal” aggro if the boss is targeting someone else, and ways to break it (or not break it) if he’s after you, but they typically involve a lot of running away and stealthing and kitten. It’s far from reliable, much less efficient, to rely on one guy actually holding a boss’s aggro without dying.
One time I participated in a lvl 1 fractal with 5 level 2 players. We had no special gear or weapons. We got harpy. I popped an armor booster. The Ettin let me kite him. He literally would pay attention to NO ONE but me. However the other champions gave zero kittens what I was doing. Ps. I was on an ele, we had a ranger, a thief, a guardian, and a mesmer.if that’s relevant to you.
I think this elusive aggro mechanic is placed on SPECIFIC bosses and not every. So I think to cite this aggro mechanic is dumb because it is something rare, misunderstood, and not knowable.
My existence in this game is blatantly a bug.
Can we have more of these lovely bugs, please?
My existence in this game is blatantly a bug.
Can we have more of these lovely bugs, please?
^^ one of a kind.
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