fotm noob needs help + armorchest droprate

fotm noob needs help + armorchest droprate

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ViperBruiser.3852


is farming worth it or is it just random luck?

i am planning to start fractals for it.
do i need zerker trinkets for my warrior? i got a few ascended trinkets but no zerkers
planning to swap out pieces
im currently at lvl 20
is it better to play 30+ fractals or on my lvl?
i have no idea where to start at all :>

any tipps are welcome


fotm noob needs help + armorchest droprate

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


is farming worth it or is it just random luck?

Not worth it.

It’s much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much faster and more reliable to just craft ascended armor.

FotM RNG is painful.

do i need zerker trinkets for my warrior? i got a few ascended trinkets but no zerkers

Not needed (unless you plan to join “zerk only” groups), but recommended.

im currently at lvl 20
is it better to play 30+ fractals or on my lvl?

If pugging (using the LFG tool), stick with fractals around your level. If running with friends who don’t mind, feel free to go as far as your current Agony Resistance will let you.

(edited by dlonie.6547)

fotm noob needs help + armorchest droprate

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


You need to do 40 or 50 to have a high chance of ascended armor drop, also skins. Also the armor chest drop in 4 flavors. See link below for the types and the drop rate done by other researcher.

fotm noob needs help + armorchest droprate

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ThyShadowPaladin.9521


For the 20’s, do your PR lvl or maybe 1-2 higher, there’s no point spamming 29’s if you’re 20 PR to lvl, the reward chance doesn’t increase but the difficulty does.
For 31-40, Spam farm lvl 37 Fractals, then hit a 38, once you are 39 PR lvl, strap on 55 AR and do lvl 40 fractals(or 49) till you are PR 41, from 41-50 do FoTM 49 (Easiest mistlock)

PR = Personal Reward / Fractal lvl
AR = Agony ressistance

Warriors.. generally you want to lean towards High power and Decent crit chance. Don’t take healing stuff or condi, those are horrible for fractals (Healing doesn’t do much and condi damage is /meh)

Zerker’s is what most people prefer but its up to you. It’s good to mix it up sometimes to up survivability.
Gear tips:
Your trinkets should lean towards zerker, since trinkets give more stat bonuses vs armor, you get more bang for the buck with a full zerk trinket setup + w/e armor than zerk armor + w/e trinkets.

Knights – Decent armor/tougg, doesnt affect damage too much if you have zerk trinks.
Assassin – No point but its optional if it’s your only set and you can’t afford zerker.
Zerker – Pew Pew DPS! Pew Pew Squishy so dodge often.
PTV -If this is your only set & can’t afford another, Full zerk trinket setup
Celestial- Same as PTV, it’s got it’s uses, more armor, HP, decent Crit DPS, condi, etc. the Jack-of-Trades armor. If this is your only set, then strap on zerk trinkets +weapon,etc to up damage.
Other armors: Zerk trinks + wep for damage. That’s about it.


Strength Runes – Great for warrior (If you can afford) this works well w/ most builds you’ll be using in fractals. Good +5% dps multiplier at the end.

Scholar – I’m not a big fan of this, since you most likely wont be over 90% hp on warrior for most fights (you loose the 10% Damage multiplier) but some people like it.

Mesmer Runes – Good Power/Prec boost. dont put all 6. 5 Mesmer runes and a ruby orb will up your stats pretty well.

Divinity – Not the best choice but gives a decent boost to all stats if you want some more hp or something. It’s cheap and like celestial, the Jack-of-Trades rune. (Just no extra benefits like Damage multipliers or Boon durations)

Travelers – My favorite rune TBH. <3 the 25% speed boost and the condition duration + Boon duration don’t hurt either. Just strap this on if you do alot of PvE stuff that requires alot of running or just want the 25% boost in speed w/o the need of trait or spamming skills for swiftness.


For ascended stuff, just cross your finger’s everytime you get daily chest from Tier 2+ (11+) its totally random. Some day’s you get 1-4 ascended items if you’re really lucky (Rings, Weapon/Armor chests) and some days not many.
Get your PR lvl up higher so that you get up to Tier 5 rewards (41-50 = Tier 5) From there do your daily tiers:
Tier 1: 1-10
Tier 2: 11-20
Tier 3: 21-30
Tier 4: 31-40 (Do FoTM 37/38, Easiest Mistlocks)
Tier 5: 41-50 (Do FoTM 49, Easiest Mistlock. You can do 50 if you had 70 AR but thats alot of gold/time&effort you’d have to invest, same rewards as a 49)

Also do them around reset or 1-1 1/2h after (Cause people do Teq and Wurms) if you’re PUGing and want to form teams faster.