- updated - updated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


Just a reminder that project is actually progressing!

The biggest change is the implementation of a tactic system which allows one encounter to have multiple tactics for it. For example there can be a skipping tactic and a fighting tactic. Or a melee tactic and a ranged tactic. This isn’t yet used in every path but it will keep spreading while we work on the content.

Content has also been updated a lot. Many paths are in decent shape now and enemy info is more accurate. There have been 1000+ little tweaks/changes clarifying stuff, fixing typos and grammar and so on.

Again I’m looking for tricks/tips for the content (especially for the new path). Even better if you could become a content writer! Also any feedback is highly appreciated.

(edited by Wethospu.6437) - updated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: swiftpaw.6397


My content would be filled with filth and nonconstructive commentary.

But also NJ on the site, looking good.

bumpity bump 4 u

Grandmaster Forum Mind Brain
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-| - updated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jeremlloyd.6837


Good job - updated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tree.3916


Yah nice job. See if Brazil will write for you. We had a dose of what he is capable of today. lol

DnT Apply today if you think you can hang with the best of the best ||
The meta is changing at an alarming rate! - updated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: viciouspike.8624


Was looking over the Twilight Arbor bit and don’t know if you over looked it or whatever but after the 360 AoE ground pound 1/4 of the board will become electrified and to remove this current you have to hit him with one of the holos. - updated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ZilentNight.5089


Typo on Arah P2, Section: Way to Lupicus
3rd Paragraph says, “Killing them takes a lot of them so you should try to sneak through.”
It should say instead, “Killing them takes a lot of time so you should try to sneak through.”

Btw is there another way to report typos/bug, I prefer not to post on official forums each time i find something lol…

(edited by ZilentNight.5089) - updated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cat Has Ducks.1982

Cat Has Ducks.1982

Ancient ooze is easier killed on the rock near Jotun. You kill ooze, pick up blood. Walk 5 feet to deliver, grab chest and run. With a guardian you can Staff5 the ooze and deaggro before the next run. (This would go under exploit section).

Lord Chuck I – Guardian
Chuck The Stampede – Engineer
[Lg] Agatha – Dragonbrand - updated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TheKillerAngel.3596


Awesome work. Is a guide coming out for the new TA path?

Think stacking and skipping trash is cheap?
Read: Playing to Win.
Guide: How to play a Mesmer in dungeons. - updated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: viciouspike.8624


Awesome work. Is a guide coming out for the new TA path?

The guide is up there for it. - updated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: akamon.2769


quite a fan of how the AC guide was set up.
lets people knowing how they want to play, learn how to play how they want to play. yay.

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall - updated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


Typo on Arah P2, Section: Way to Lupicus
3rd Paragraph says, “Killing them takes a lot of them so you should try to sneak through.”
It should say instead, “Killing them takes a lot of time so you should try to sneak through.”

Btw is there another way to report typos/bug, I prefer to post on official forums each time i find something lol…

Pretty much any way is fine. Either just here, on reddit, pm here, pm reddit, mail me in-game or send me email.

And thanks for the tips/fixes everyone. I will get them added today. - updated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zelyhn.8069


It’s a truly awesome guide, great job!

Zelyhn.8069 [rT]
Retired elementalist theorycrafter