rate the dungeon patch 1-10

rate the dungeon patch 1-10

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nemhy.5230


So much butthurt over people not having their easy peasy farm fest anymore! :P

I say 7/10. I like that they want the dungeons to be a challenge…but for endgame gear the repairs can get pretty nasty fast. I think Gear should degrade at a slower rate

rate the dungeon patch 1-10

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ares.2136



and fifteen more letters to submit.

rate the dungeon patch 1-10

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mordikay.8476


1/10 cba to write why again as i’ve already written it in several of the other threads and thousands of other posts agreeing.

rate the dungeon patch 1-10

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BurningLobster.1953



Simply put, the most recent changes were a step in the wrong direction. Story Mode on CM was well balanced. That is the difficulty that ALL story mode dungeons should have, in my opinion. Instead, I feel like the one dungeon I could succeed at with minimal deaths has been turned into another grueling slug-fest that makes my group treat each other poorly, ruins the fun and experience of the game, and makes me feel like I’d rather be doing anything else but playing this game.

I know I am one voice among many, but I hope that if enough people post about the same issue, Anet will change their direction.

Now, why 2/10 instead of something else? Because I feel that all “paths” in explorable mode should be of similar difficulty, and that one path shouldn’t be exclusively farmed. That concept is correct. I did like half a dozen CoF runs in one day and it was boring, tedious and just plain annoying. It also got me a lot of coin.

I understand the desire to have dungeon gear be something “hardcore”… but that is maybe 10% of your player-base. There is a LARGE portion of people who will get so beaten down by bad dungeon experiences that once they cap out their level and do some world-events, they will be done with your game.

So, in short, PLEASE make Story Mode more in line with world content, and leave your explorable mode for those who want to be Hardcore. I don’t care if you make Story Mode give 50% less reward in terms of XP/money for every run over the course of a 24 hour period… but make them more FUN to play through casually.

rate the dungeon patch 1-10

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Chronald.3512



Killing only viable end-game content without adding a new alternative?

Might be one of the worst patches in MMO history.

rate the dungeon patch 1-10

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DanZero.4956



No drops, low rewards, hard in a stupid way (kitting for 5 min is not my idea of fun and the new CC of some NPCs like the barrel throwing is just ridiculous)

rate the dungeon patch 1-10

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MakerBlaker.3924


There is nothing about this game that even gets me excited to play. It is allot of the same content to level up and I just cant be bothered.

The amount of Kitting is just horrible. I don’t want to have a 20min walk back to where I was.

rate the dungeon patch 1-10

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ScutterBug.9630



Definatly going back to WoW and borderlands 2 now its about to release.

There is no content to do at lvl 80 after getting my full exotics from the TP, i wanted the flame set for its cosmetics, as i want some of the others.

But with working 12 hour days, i simply don’t have the time for what was advertised as a grind free MMO, to end up being more grindy than WoW.

No i don’t expect easy mode but when i as a casual get at most 1hour to 1 hour 30 a night to play there is nothing i can do anymore!

GG arenanet watch your numbers drop with MoP round the corner now.

rate the dungeon patch 1-10

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: fantommen.7128



Worse dungeon design in the history of mmo’s, tested most of the mmos thats been released in the western world and non have come close to how ridiculous this is getting. Talk about killing their own game before it even starts.

Not only are they alienating every casual gamer in the game to the game, but also splitting the community in half. And for those who have been in some other mmo’s where this have happened know how bad it is for the game, and it is surly the start for its downfall.

This game will have a few hundred thousand players playing it if that, and every time a casual sniffs at the game and tries it out, they will be driven away by the elitists who still play. This have happened to so many games that was promising in the past, and will happen here too. On top of that all the “anti grind” PR they did trow out there the months before the game was released was all a joke, everyone with a open mind can see that, and have expressed it on the forums.

rate the dungeon patch 1-10

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Solori.6025



I dont understand all the QQ about rewards, if you farm one dungeon and go for the easiest path everytime, sad for you, go do a different dungeon/switch paths. Its funny that people cry when an easy farm is nerfed.

The world needs more KUNG FURY!

rate the dungeon patch 1-10

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kenral.9317


-9001/10 ?
No honestly I find this worse that the Anguish nerf from GW1….that stuff was plain silly. I could use an assassin to run in, grab mobs and boom they died by themselves.

I dont like the idea of easy farming, just hate the idea of making dungeons so hard 5 warriors can’t do it.
Hate to say it, the trinity lives.

rate the dungeon patch 1-10

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Moderator


Due to dungeon update feedback occurring in multiple threads across this subforum, in the interest of keeping things clean and providing a singular place for feedback, we are diverting all discusison of this topic to this sticky.

Thanks for understanding