I just recently a couple of months ago came back to the game after a very long break after hearing about Heart of Thorns and some friends who were already back into the game. I guess I missed out on the dark ages where there was no new content and all people did was learn how to break dungeons and the birth of the “zerk meta”. From what I understand for a while people deemed rangers and necromancers as useless classes for a while until the more recent multitude of changes that have shifted them to becoming “more viable”.
I don’t quite understand why people hate ranger though, I main as ranger, as well as my real life best friend, we run near identical LB/LS builds and do quite well for ourselves, we burned through all 50 levels of fractals in about 3 weeks doing anywhere from 2-7 fractals per night with, yes, 2 lb/ls rangers. I’m no noob to the MMO genre, I started out on original gw and moved on to other things back and forth; World of Warcraft, Age of Conan, Aion, and now back to Guild Wars 2. I’m no stranger to complex raid mechanics and all those types of things. So I did not find anything within those 50 levels particularly mind mindbogglingly difficult. I understould full well what the intention was to counter the challenges the devs put before us. However every so often I find groups that outright refuse to accept rangers.
I’ll tell you a story from my most recent trip into a daily 50. They were already in stage 2(Ascalon) and I came in and everything was find starting out. This is a pug so I didn’t really expect these guys to be the greatest so when I see someone die to a meteor shower from a boss thats clearing telegraphing he’s aiming at him I’m not too surprised or kitten over it. So after 2 wipes we finally get him and move over to grawl. Everything goes well until we get to that last boss fight with the destroygrawlharpyshamanthing. Now mind you my friend and I have gone through this fight before without even a single down running our lb/ls builds and even managed to pull it off after our 3 pugs stood in the fire/meteorshower/whatevernastiness suiciding themselves. This group does just that and more, every attempt I’m left as the last individual and everyone is acting as if its my fault they are killing themselves. This fight, although a pain, is not one that is demanding on composition, rather personal initiative to identify you are in a bad spot and need to maneuver to where you are not going to die. I literally watched an engineer run him self, at full health, out into the lava and stand there and die to meteor showers, boss pokes, and the lava itself. He then proclaims that we need to replace the ranger to succeed. Another, a mesmer, would simply run up to the boss and get herself cleaved immediately at the start of the fight and die before we even got it to 95%. I could go on, but I’m sure you get the picture.
I feel like people have gotten themselves so deep into this zerker stack mentality that they can’t escape it. I’m sure for many players this is their first MMO experience and they have spent there entire time being brainwashed by this mentality to the point where they are litteraly incapable of thinking outside the box and realizing that certain encounters actually require real mechanics. That maybe the reason things arn’t going well isn’t because of some scrub broken class getting you killed, but because you just don’t know how to, or refuse to play the game the right way.
Maybe I’m the one who’s ignorant, there’s obviously no way I could have gotten all the way to scale 50 with not 1 but 2 rangers… oh wait… I did.
I welcome constructive input from intelligent individuals.