(edited by Anhellbro.7210)
100 gold P/d Farm Spot Southsun
You got very lucky or rather this is not real. There are lots of people farming there, I tried the sharks for about an hour yesterday, most I got was fins. No armoured scales, a few lower T scales and no boxes.
Im farm 6-7 hours per day wis my friend he also have 137 gold! 2 kaseemers Pets dropped =))
I farmed under water in southsun and best run I ever had made me about ~14 gold after 6-7 hours. I consider that a very lucky run because I got the chance to do 2 more 6 hour sessions and didn’t break 10g either time. Idk how you would make 100g per day.
Oh wait, you dont. At least, not from farming southsun
Sorry for my English but its true =/ im farm for 1 week almost 600 gold
I tried to kill around 50 sharks. I dropped few T5 scales and exotic necklace…. no T6 scales… I’m not saying I don’t believe you… I just think something is terribly wrong with your luck or something else in general..
One of the sharks I killed there dropped The Legend, that’s like… 590g per 10 seconds, or 3540g per minute. If you keep going, it’s 212,400g an hour.
Farm now, before nerf.
One of the sharks I killed there dropped The Legend, that’s like… 590g per 10 seconds, or 3540g per minute. If you keep going, it’s 212,400g an hour.
Farm now, before nerf.
Why you need gold?
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
Nice way to get more nerfs Honestly though that’s the only reason I can see for a post like this. Either you’re showing off how much you can make or don’t like other people farming so want it nerfed. Most people know about sharks and farm there anyway and have nowhere near as much luck as that.
Legendery. WWW upgrades. New content upgrades ets……
Nice way to get more nerfs
Honestly though that’s the only reason I can see for a post like this. Either you’re showing off how much you can make or don’t like other people farming so want it nerfed. Most people know about sharks and farm there anyway and have nowhere near as much luck as that.
strange…. my friend farm same as me =/ not big differens
Nice way to get more nerfs
Honestly though that’s the only reason I can see for a post like this. Either you’re showing off how much you can make or don’t like other people farming so want it nerfed. Most people know about sharks and farm there anyway and have nowhere near as much luck as that.
Exactly… I tried it with around 350MF and they were dropping mostly nothing.
it will be nerfed in 3 days becoze 200% MF event is over =))
Tried it a bit, the shark spawn often so it might be good.
That being said the ammount of player suddenly going underwater was increasing at an alarming rate so this spot probably just died a bit. Poor sharks.
As seen by every post on here so far, and I can guarantee at least a few more to come, not many people have that luck. 2 people from an unreliable source does not make up for an entire community especially when RNG is involved. So you got lucky? Does not make this farm spot amazing for everyone else, or even you unless your luck holds out. You could do exactly the same tomorrow and get nothing.
Oh and don’t get me wrong, I agree this farm spot is good as far as GW farming goes. I wouldn’t however say it was amazing and the kinda returns you said you were getting from farming there are just so outrageous that even if they were true for you, that would only be for a very tiny percentage of the community. Unless of course they bugged it over the past day and every mob now gives a t6 mat regardless of MF, then maybe it’s possible.
Any idea how to make gold if i get bored after 10 min farming?
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
bout my luck…… im lost 1600 gold in MF and dont get a Dawn or Dusk… im not a lucky person. Im Use Berserk warrior. Pull 5-6 sharks and instant kill them
The sharks are bugged just like the skelks. The spawns are ridiculous.
That being said, I farmed (somewhere else, not sharks) for 45mins yesterday and received 22 armoured scales (also 2 crates, 6 fangs, 2 bloods, 3 exotics)
Luck is subjective and is just luck. It obviously differs for every single person, every second of everyday. Saying that because you’re unlucky with getting a precursor you must be unlucky farming is just completely void of any reasoning. Just using luck as a base for any reasoning is just void of anything.
little video in 5 min =/
One of the sharks I killed there dropped The Legend, that’s like… 590g per 10 seconds, or 3540g per minute. If you keep going, it’s 212,400g an hour.
Farm now, before nerf.
I did and have to say he’s got something. I was there until i hit the DR wall then nothing dropped but greys if anything.
My roommate came into the room and asked me rightly so, “You’re still playing that game? Why?” I thought about how they’ll most likely nerf this one next and realized I didn’t have an answer for him.
Little fast video
The sharks are a really good spot for scales, went from 22 to a full stack, but there’s no way you can make 50-140 gold a day. That’s absurd, I’ve been farming them since before the skelk. Also, getting 4 tickets has nothing to do with the spot, IMO it has to do with you being an exaggerater.
In my time farming there, I’d say you can expect to get about 10-12 scale before DR kicks in, maybe an hour? That’s just over 3g at 26s which isn’t even as high as they’re selling right now.
for 22 hours 213 gold ( 1 week ago ) 3 days ago1 31 gold in my TP screen shot and its aslo 13+ hours but luck wis pets
Its a good spot for scales, sure. But 100 gold a day? Unrealistic IMO unless you get perfect drops (ie minis/exotics).
for yoday only 3 pets. when 130 gold it was 1 pet for 25 gold and 11 pets for 2-3 gold if only scales 60-70 gold
It will be nerfed soon enough.
1.) Many players are gonna head over here making it hard to farm
2.) It’ll get nerfed now that it’s known
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works. http://sinasdf.imgur.com/
inb4 sharks spot get nerfed…
it will be nerfed when event nerfed coze we weill los 200% MF buff =/
Event will end, not be nerfed, lol.
Anyway, as far as i’m concerned, that 200% MF buff is just another prove of how useless is that stat, i get the same amount of rare drops in Orr as i do in Karkaland, and i almost always run without MF food o gear.
Anyway, as far as i’m concerned, that 200% MF buff is just another prove of how useless is that stat, i get the same amount of rare drops in Orr as i do in Karkaland, and i almost always run without MF food o gear.
You too? I stopped bothering with it. If for some reason I’m in Southsun and not doing the hilarious endless chest circuit, the gold buff is where it’s at.
Fort Aspenwood
“Oil down.” “Mortar down.” “Stupid arrow cart.”
in before nerf
/15 chars
Grats on getting lucky.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Maybe he’s exaggerating but this spot is good with the mf buff. A guildie was using it to get 4-7 gold an hour with MF gear as an alternative to cof. There were already lots of people that knew about it, get into an overflow if you can.
I just killed exactly 150 sharks in this area. No MF equipped except Omnoberry bars.
From those sharks I got:
1 rare hammer
1 T6 armored scale
10 T5 scales
6 “white” pieces of armor or weapons
32 tail fins
1 black lion chest
If you do the math, for me it was obviously not a huge moneymaker. I would estimate the 150 sharks took 35 minutes. So if you tally the above…I would say it would bring 50 silver at most…
So, I call BS on this thread.
I don’t farm a lot but I’ve done well in this area. Not nearly as lucky as the OP but I’ve gotten a good number of armored scales from doing this.
5 armored scale in about 40 minutes (with MF).
Sorry for my English but its true =/ im farm for 1 week almost 600 gold
I farm same methode but other spot make around same gold per hour. Got full ascendet mf gear just for farming.
I farmed there for like a half hour (i get bored real quick) almost every day since Southsun crappy-not-so-living-story started, and got always from 5 to 11 T6 armored scales, running only the 200% MF bonus, except tonight that i was with omnomberry bars.
It’s all about RNG, but still, when there’s such a massive amount of mobs, chances to get better loots increases.
I just killed exactly 150 sharks in this area. No MF equipped except Omnoberry bars.
From those sharks I got:
1 rare hammer
1 T6 armored scale
10 T5 scales
6 “white” pieces of armor or weapons
32 tail fins
1 black lion chestIf you do the math, for me it was obviously not a huge moneymaker. I would estimate the 150 sharks took 35 minutes. So if you tally the above…I would say it would bring 50 silver at most…
So, I call BS on this thread.
it’s certainly not 100gold per day but I have to say I’ve had more drops from this then I have in anything since november of last year. I have 147 mf on + the 200. 347 mf
1 exotic (second exotic ever since Nov 2012 btw and yes I do boss events)
2 rares
14 T6 scales
41 T5 scales
2 LS boxes
1 mini from one of the boxes
5 greens
4 blues
4 whites
and 5 greys before DR set in.
I was also in a party on my thief. I’m wondering if being in a party had anything to do with it now. hmmm.
He’s counting minis sold on the TP in the 100 gold/day calculations. Without DR, I can somewhat believe his numbers (if he’s farming 6-7 hours a day). However, 6-7 hours a day means DR is certain to kick in — sounds a bit fishy (pun intended).
Anyway, the southsun event is going to be over in 2 days. There will be no more minis and no more 200% magic find. So even if what he’s saying is possible, it’s practically too late now.
By the way, why would you post about fantastic farming areas? All that does is get places nerfed. Putting my tin foil hat on: I’d say he wants to manipulate scale/armored scale prices (Anet nerfs the area and his scales become more valuable).
Anyway, the southsun event is going to be over in 2 days. There will be no more minis and no more 200% magic find. So even if what he’s saying is possible, it’s practically too late now.
By the way, why would you post about fantastic farming areas? All that does is get places nerfed. Putting my tin foil hat on: I’d say he wants to manipulate scale/armored scale prices (Anet nerfs the area and his scales become more valuable).
… Perhaps because its two days left?
Personally I wonder if they secretly went in and nerfed it already, or RNG really is that bad, lol. I got 2 scales in 30 minutes today. Yesterday I got almost 10 in the same time. Ah well, back to events I guess. I am really starting to despise southsun.
Judging from the fact that the price of tier 6 scales had fallen from 29-30s to 25-26s, there is definitely a healthy supply of scales coming in from somewhere.
I went in and tried it again, killing 100 sharks to get a nice round number for statistical purposes…
10 T5 scales
36 tail fins
That’s it!
I personally am of the belief that the RNG is constantly manipulated…but on what basis I have no idea. If the odds were the same for every player every time, the inconsistent results that emerge would be statistically completely impossible.
I can comfirm this guys.. I just farmed there for 45 minutes, got 2 ecotics (Bad rings ofc) and 7 armooured scales + 52 T5 scales. Got 1 supply crate aswell as a few rares.
I does work guys, its all about RNG…
Funny that this spot is new to ppl :P what did u guys think why did the armored scale price dropped since SS event started?
Anyhow after skelk nerf I could see anet saying “its bugged too” and nerf it, but doesnt matter, I got my stacks.