19 months too late for fixing core systems...

19 months too late for fixing core systems...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dusty Moon.4382

Dusty Moon.4382

As they said in an interview, GW2 hasn’t even been introduced to the Largest markets for PC MMO’s. I think GW2 is unique enough to really pull people in and they don’t have to pay hourly to play, that will be the big draw (that is how WoW is China).

19 months too late for fixing core systems...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deadcell.9052


There is indeed hope:

Before: zero competition —> zero effort on improving GW2
Now: competition on the horizon --> all sorts of features and fixes

for GW2’s sake, I hope the competition does well.

You do understand that all these ‘features and fixes’ were probably months and months in the making don’t you? Or do you think that Anet is blind and suddenly realized ,“Hey TESO/ other MMO is here let’s work 24/7 to catch up!” If you think the later, well, I guess you don’t understand how long it takes to make updates like we are seeing now. If you think Anet wasn’t aware of other MMOs on the horizon and what they had planned over a year ago then I don’t know what to tell you.

You do realize that TESO and Wildstar have been on the radar for longer than that right? They knew they were coming and it’s no coincidence that the feature pack is dropping at the same time as those games release.

This is one of the things that made WoW famous, if you look back at every xpac and major patch WoW released it always coincided with either a major game release or a big patch to who ever their closest competitor was at the time. Competition is good! Hopefully Anets focus will be feature patches for the foreseeable future, living story was interesting at times but in my opinion a huge waste of resources, if you look at the game before and after LS there has been little to show for the dev teams efforts. Never to late to fix something, heres hoping all this new competition makes GW2 more awesome!

19 months too late for fixing core systems...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zenith.6403


I don’t know if you remember ~19 months ago, when forums were chock-full of threads begging, nay demanding ArenaNet release the game. Threads upon threads upon threads.

If these features are 19 months too late, just think how people would have felt waiting another 19 months for the game to release. Having already waited ~5 years.

- So why not make it right the first time around? It’s harder to cure than to prevent, you know.

It starts with the concept that traits can’t be re-assigned at will, but have to be refunded at cost. At this point a smart developer would have stood up from his chair and said: “wait a minute, that’s not fun for the player.” but onwards the foolish plan went. Next there has to be NPC who refunds your traits? Again a smart developer would have stood up from his chair and inquired: “what does this NPC have to do with the hero’s traits?”, but onwards they went with trait reallocation being made generic service.

Well at least know they’ve heard the player perspective that we really don’t get our kicks from being restricted and denied – thus the changes.

19 months too late for fixing core systems...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Serophous.9085


I always wonder at these posts. Before hand, people wanted to preview on the TP. We got it. We wanted loot fixed at the november patch (albeit it took a long time), we got it. Removed culling to get rid of invisible zergs, got it. An account wallet so you dont have to keep going between characters for money, got it. Players wanted this, and they delivered. Was it right away? NO. But I rather wait to see it working with the fewest possible bugs (imagine if the wallet would delete currency by mistake?), then coming out completely broken.

Now whats coming out? WvW Xp account wide, which people wanted. Wardrobe system, got it. Free trait resets and new traits to go out and hunt like in the skill capture from gw1 (which people wanted to bring back). AND with that, there was a post that with the free trait reset, its one step closer to templates (i believe there was a dev post pointing that out).

When implementing a new system or revamping an old, it isn’t just “do it and its fixed.” Its a cause and effect system. If it changes one thing, how does it effect the next, and if the next changes, how does it effect another?

Now imagine that except instead of a straight line, its all in branches. One thing may effect three things, which in turn, each effect another three, and so on, or more. This is why revamping or adding new systems can’t ‘just happen’.

If people paid attention or read the CDI, you would see the questions of “how do you all think it will effect X?” happen a lot.

19 months too late for fixing core systems...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ahmrill.7512


I’m still waiting for a basic grouping system that allows me to group with friends and guild members the way we enjoy. Having only a 5 man group or a zerg as grouping systems is frustrating.

I’ve hoping the feature update gives us a way to create private and guild only squads for the the C&S system. For all the things GW2 did right, they have omitted many features that should be in a modern day MMO.

Proud member of [NORD] Nordvegr Guild
Jade Quarry

19 months too late for fixing core systems...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BrotherBelial.3094


I’m loving the coming patch. I am very great full to ANet for all the work they do to the game. Do I love everything in the game? No there are things I’d like changed, but I can live with the way the game is. I’m enjoying the content and I try to play everyday. Even if it’s for 30 mins.

i5 4690K @ 3.5Mhz|8GB HyperX Savage 1600mHz|MSI H81M-E34|MSI GTX 960 Gaming 2GB|
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19 months too late for fixing core systems...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: raiden.9024


I cant belive I’m saying this but.

after trying the new MMO, I’m coming back to GW2 since a year break, and going to stay.

again this is a big thing for me as I loved GW1 but not so much GW2 having said that after playing the other new MMO, I see what GW2 does well, some of the new QoL changes are great.

I spent most of my time in WoW farming old gear.

now just add the Cyrstal Desert !

19 months too late for fixing core systems...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eskarina Tigress.3785

Eskarina Tigress.3785

I cant belive I’m saying this but.

after trying the new MMO, I’m coming back to GW2 since a year break, and going to stay.

again this is a big thing for me as I loved GW1 but not so much GW2 having said that after playing the other new MMO, I see what GW2 does well, some of the new QoL changes are great.

I spent most of my time in WoW farming old gear.

now just add the Cyrstal Desert !

I was rather hoping for Elona