<3 Open World PvE

<3 Open World PvE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lanhelin.3480


The major part why GW2 attracts me the most. I do not play pvp or wvw, just pve and rarely dungeons but the most time open pve. I hate Orr and Karka Islands. But I love all the rest of the world, the events the dialogues, the living world (but not what ANet titled as Living World). I don’t do jumping puzzles, because super mario is already done and nostalgia. The events are entertaining all the time, I really enjoy it to meet other players whose intentions are not obvious at first sight. I wished Open PvE would be pimped with more events and unexpected happenings. In comparison I cannot imagine to change GW2 for another MMO regarding Open PvE.

Do you consider Open PvE as a major part of GW2 too? Should it be “expansioned” or rather reduced? Why, why not?

<3 Open World PvE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I’ll list what I like and don’t like about open world PvE but I’ll try to keep it short as I’m sure I’m not the only one who can’t stand the essay-long posts so many people deliver.

Things that I like:
-able to join in at any given point if I want to, if I’m in the area
-something to do if I’m feeling lazy and not in the mood to deal with people, as it doesn’t require much user input or communication
-offers an option to participate in something with other people

Things that I don’t like:
-scaling. often times, it’s easier to solo or do with 1-5 others what seems nearly impossible to do with over 20-50 — pretty poor design if you ask me.
-due to how many other people are often clustered in the same spot, it’s pretty difficult to see how much of a difference I make individually. I don’t feel important and often times it feels really boring as a result.
-pitiful and very predictable rewards
-pretty much no skill involved in the combat at all unless you’re trying to solo or do in a very small group a large-scale event. it’s not literally an autoattack-111spam fest every single time, but it tends to be pretty similar to that in most cases. despite participating in this on occasion, I’d much prefer if this wasn’t the case.
-megaservers. jesus christ I hate megaservers.

<3 Open World PvE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Relshdan.6854


i like it….it what makes playing at random hours rewarding (no need to coordinate just to do an event chain).

but they need to expand instanced content to larger groups……..there should be instanced versions of Teq and tri-Worm…..and they should develop instanced content for a player-number inbetween 150 and 5…………….instanced content aimed at 40-sh would be amazing.

Chaos Organ (Ele), Pistol Opera (Thief), Modular Man (Eng)
MARA (EU) Gunnar’s Hold

<3 Open World PvE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azhure.1857


<3 seeing advocates of even more instanced zones in an “open world” thread.

Isle of Janthir Megaserver

<3 Open World PvE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Relshdan.6854


<3 seeing advocates of even more instanced zones in an “open world” thread.

whole lotta open world already…much less instanced,
perfect game would allow fans of both to be satisfied…..might as well aim for that and add more instanced options.

Chaos Organ (Ele), Pistol Opera (Thief), Modular Man (Eng)
MARA (EU) Gunnar’s Hold

<3 Open World PvE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


perfect game would allow fans of both to be satisfied…..might as well aim for that and add more instanced options.

Jack of all trades… Sure it sounds good but practically it might not work out well.