– Vick Frayn- Elementalist.
A little help 'bout the servers...
– Vick Frayn- Elementalist.
Yes there is a chance you will be able to transfer when less people are on. The full server I’m on I had to wait until late night/early morning for the option to pop up. I would say try a few times when you think population is down and worst case relocate. Nothing beats playing with friends.
Yea, guess so, can’t believe most of the servers are so high in population 2.5 months after release.. go GW2! And some people whine about the lack of players..
– Vick Frayn- Elementalist.
HoD is listed as high population but we don’t even have enough people in primetime to complete a Plinx event chain. I can’t remember when the last time Arah was open.
Alright! My friend got in, around midnight
– Vick Frayn- Elementalist.
Community Coordinator
Drake, we are glad to hear that!!
We proceed to close the thread now, since the problem has come to an end.
Thanks to everyone for the contributions!