APACB-Choir Bells doing something about it

APACB-Choir Bells doing something about it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fyrebrand.4859


Just like every other bunch of angry people we form a mob and protest. You ask how? We use the very thing that annoys us the dreaded item known as the choir bell. Now that server guesting is implemented. We are able to group together and form a mob in LA on servers and spam those choir bells. A-Net will have to take notice and do something about those choir bells. The public will complain and we will tell them why we will put enough pressure on A-net to something about those unbreakable choir bells.

I could possibly be convinced that the choir bells and some other specialty item sound effects should have their own volume slider to be adjusted independent of other in-game sounds, music, etc. However, what you are proposing is little more than self-important, repugnant, childish, attention-seeking, intentionally disruptive terrorism.

I don’t know what it’s like on some of the larger servers, but personally I heard choir bells in Lion’s Arch maybe a few times during the Wintersday event and never again since. I don’t think the problem is as wide-spread or as persistent as you make it out to be, and you have no business going around and artificially making it a problem for other servers. This is like being upset that your neighbor’s dog barked too much, and so you released a bunch of angry dogs throughout the city to get the government to outlaw dog ownership. It’s irresponsible and careless, and one of the most deeply selfish things I have ever heard of. You blatantly want to make your problem everyone else’s problem.

You know, a lot of people make some pretty questionable suggestions to ArenaNet on these forums. When that happens, I respond accordingly, and disagree with them where I feel it’s appropriate. What I don’t do is try to disrupt everybody’s ability to participate by flooding page after page in a fit of self-righteous fake insanity, to try and threaten ArenaNet into disabling suggestions outright.

Your “idea” is intentionally harmful to others, probably violates the game’s terms of service as much as it does common decency, and may very well end up getting players banned over it.

APACB-Choir Bells doing something about it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


Endless emote sounds and endless Shocking Aura are far more annoying then random bells.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

APACB-Choir Bells doing something about it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wauwi.9162


“for greater justice!!”
“i could outrun a centaur!”

those 2 phrases…i never stop hearing them once i’m online…no matter where i am located in whole tyria.
even in towns, where “for greater justice” is pointless

isn’t it nice to have something else annoying you instead?
variety ftw – keep spamming your bells

a F4 spammer (ranger keeps whistling)

[EU/GER]Elona’s Reach: Aerrith: Lv80 Ranger / Sephirra: Lv80 Mesmer
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”

APACB-Choir Bells doing something about it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Slither Shade.4782

Slither Shade.4782

I cannot help it……. Op you can kiss my ding-a-lang-ding ding-a-ling-ding-dong.

Joking. Maybe ignoring a player could also ignore any sounds they create. You Wont have me griefing you. Before I play with my bells I travel to the farthest highest peak and survey the horizon for any signs of sentient life. Even after all that someone pops out of nowhere and says “you suck!”

APACB-Choir Bells doing something about it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: teviko.6049


I cannot help it……. Op you can kiss my ding-a-lang-ding ding-a-ling-ding-dong.

Joking. Maybe ignoring a player could also ignore any sounds they create. You Wont have me griefing you. Before I play with my bells I travel to the farthest highest peak and survey the horizon for any signs of sentient life. Even after all that someone pops out of nowhere and says “you suck!”

And this is not acceptable. You should enjoy your achievement.

But people should enjoy their peace.

Why is it so bad to put in an OPTIONAL feature that allows players to decide IF and WHEN they want to hear sounds from other players????


APACB-Choir Bells doing something about it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gilosean.3805


I cannot help it……. Op you can kiss my ding-a-lang-ding ding-a-ling-ding-dong.

Joking. Maybe ignoring a player could also ignore any sounds they create. You Wont have me griefing you. Before I play with my bells I travel to the farthest highest peak and survey the horizon for any signs of sentient life. Even after all that someone pops out of nowhere and says “you suck!”

And this is not acceptable. You should enjoy your achievement.

But people should enjoy their peace.

Why is it so bad to put in an OPTIONAL feature that allows players to decide IF and WHEN they want to hear sounds from other players????


The timeline of the manager’s of the devs who’d have to implement it.

APACB-Choir Bells doing something about it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Southclaw.2471


Huge Pro-Bell Fan here, and I don’t see how the OPs request was unreasonable. The ability to turn off the bells SFX on your own computer seems no different from being able to turn down the music or voices on your own computer.

Why all the rage? I don’t get it.

APACB-Choir Bells doing something about it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Desamos.1836


Seriously. Relax not a big deal. Join.a diff overflow.. Go a few steps away… You have to complain about this too? You know why anets never gonna respond to this? Theyre tired of people crying about everything. Just play the game and learn to deal with it. They changed my main chars name and i got very angry and deleted him. I learned to deal with it and moved on because sometimes you just gotta learn that life aint about what you always gotta have.

APACB-Choir Bells doing something about it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Desamos.1836


I saved up 35 gold. Just because of this post Im buying an unbreakable bell with all my money

APACB-Choir Bells doing something about it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ophidic.1279


I saved up 35 gold. Just because of this post Im buying an unbreakable bell with all my money


Elyl Jrend

APACB-Choir Bells doing something about it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mala.3861


People who play them nicely are.. nice I don’t think most of us mind the nice melodies that some folks serenade us with. But many bell players are just spammers, following folks around playing the same note over and over and over and.. well.. see even typing it becomes annoying.

If these same people were putting the same line into chat 30 times or more, they would be reported for spamming, we could report them and then promptly ignore them. But it is not in chat, they are purposely griefing all around them and we should not pay a penalty of a game with no sound just because they want to be jerks.

Give us a way to “ignore” player sounds and we can all live in harmony

APACB-Choir Bells doing something about it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vlad.1739


To those who have told me what I am planning on doing is wrong. I have this to say, if you think something is grossly wrong and the party in charge ignores you completely you have to take action. Sitting around does nothing, a small problem for 1 week to others to save them from a lifetime of random annoyance is a small price to pay.

To those who say my actions are a punishable offense seeing as this is A-Nets forum and they have mods here, no mod has contacted me to cease efforts or close this post

I stand firm on my belief that asking A-Net for features falls on deaf ears so we must force A-Net to listen.

APACB-Choir Bells doing something about it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleel.8365


Really? Just got to another spot or mute your sounds.
What’s being requested in this thread is utterly selfish and and a real kick in the balls for the people who own a set of bells.

The bells aren’t even annoying to begin with and the fact you decided to stay around and listen contradicts everything.

Yeah. As if the kitten knuckles spamming the kitten isn’t selfish. Especially with the sound bug the eventually cause. Nope. Being a rectum wipe and annoying people around you isn’t selfish at all. Why don’t you spammers take yourself to an unoccupied map to play with you wee bells? Not a good suggestion for you? Well, neither is telling us that hate the muther god kitten bells to leave.

Crap like that is what makes me want open ganking.