Account Actions and 6 month suspensions

Account Actions and 6 month suspensions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

Why are so many people assuming suspended accounts won’t get rolled back to the last backup made before Wintersday started? ANet removes gold from accounts that were purchased from gold sellers in addition to the suspension, it’s not going to be any different in this case.

Because he said this

Does this mean that if someone botted they get to keep everything?
Absolutely not, in most cases we are attempting to remove what we can before the player returns. However, there are just going to be some things we can’t remove.

If they rolled the account back they wouldn’t have to attempt to remove what they can and there wouldn’t be some things they can’t remove.

When he says that, I’m assuming he means they can’t remove the gifts/drinks and gold that have already been put into circulation rather than what the accounts still have in their inventory.

Might be hard for them to remove achievement points, skins, and other account related stuff without a rollback.

Personally I don’t give a kitten about their AP and such, I want confirmation that their inventory items gained through the hack were removed. If they are so kittening concerned about the economy in this game, the least they could do is act like it. Botting floods the market with ill gotten goods. Banning these accounts temporarily simply delays the botters ability to sell their goods for gold which will probably just be sold for cash anyway.
As for their yet-to-be-sourced “data” on how temp banning is good… Now that the info is openly known, botters will simply adjust, and your precious “data” about banning is now useless.

They’ve already said “in most cases we are attempting to remove what we can before the player returns.” What more do you want from them? They said they are removing what they can in most cases (the cases they don’t, it’s probably because stuff isn’t there to be removed). That’s your confirmation. They aren’t going to give out a list of what they remove from what types of banning incidents.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

Account Actions and 6 month suspensions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sassy.1697


Are the “Third Party Program” bans handled differently aswell?

Would be great to have more transparency in this area.

Account Actions and 6 month suspensions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


Have the people who seem to think a 6 month ban is not enough of a punishment (or not a punishment at all) considered that the major impact is not what Anet will remove from their account during that time but new things they’ll be unable to do/obtain?

And I don’t mean daily achievements and login rewards. I mean all the releases during that time. For example if someone was banned for 6 months on the 12th July they’d come back next week and have missed all of Halloween, all of Wintersday (and therefore be unable to get any of the temporarily available items from those festivals) and be 3 months behind on HoT.

If they’d been banned for the same 6 months the year before they’d have missed the entire of Season 2 of the Living Story.

Admittedly we don’t know yet what’s going to come out in the next 6 months, but it’s a pretty safe bet there will be at least some temporary awards/achievements/opportunities that those players will miss out on.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Account Actions and 6 month suspensions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Peacemaker.2605


Since there has been a lot of chatter about account actions lately, I’ll go ahead and answer some common questions that have popped up.

Why 6 months, why not Permanent?
This would imply that some accounts are not being permanently banned, and that’s not true.

When looking at what action is given to an account, the intent of the behavior is taken into account, and will it likely be continued if the player were to return. There is very sound data to support that players that know they will be able to get their accounts back are significantly less likely to resort to the same behavior quickly (aka buying a new account and botting/cheating on that).

The main goal with performing an action on anyone’s account (that isn’t directly related to RMT) is to correct that behavior, not remove the player. If a player returns after any suspension and continues to break the rules, there is a good chance that they will no longer have that chance to come back again with that account.

When the intention of the behavior that breaks our rules is entirely malicious towards our playerbase or our game, we won’t be granting any sort of chance to return.

Does this mean that if someone botted they get to keep everything?
Absolutely not, in most cases we are attempting to remove what we can before the player returns. However, there are just going to be some things we can’t remove.

While it is very true that there is a possibility that that player gained an advantage for a short period of time that they were able to break the rules, a 6 month suspension carries with it a significant enough penalty to offset that

How about previous actions before this was implemented, are they going to be treated the same?
That entirely depends on the action in question. At the time of previous account actions, the actions taken on accounts were deemed appropriate for the offense, which means they will stand.

A good example of this in action would be this:
Currently many states (in the US) consider any theft over $500 to be a felony. Back in 1916, a theft was considered a felony at ~$20.

The game is much different than it was 3 years ago (which might as well be 100 years for a MMO).

If you have any questions about a specific account action, you can feel free to open a ticket with Customer Support.

What do you mean the last year? 6 Month bans haven’t started until the end of last year.
We have been using suspensions for RMT Gold buying for over a year now. Data shows that these suspensions are very effective and are performing the desired effect of stopping repeat buyers from purchasing.

Hey Chris.
I know you already kind of answered this, but will this go into affect for accounts that were previously banned permanently, but still have a likely hood of not doing the action again? Or is it as you kind of implied that the actions previously were more severe (if that is what you were getting at)?


Account Actions and 6 month suspensions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


Since there has been a lot of chatter about account actions lately, I’ll go ahead and answer some common questions that have popped up.

Why 6 months, why not Permanent?
This would imply that some accounts are not being permanently banned, and that’s not true.

When looking at what action is given to an account, the intent of the behavior is taken into account, and will it likely be continued if the player were to return. There is very sound data to support that players that know they will be able to get their accounts back are significantly less likely to resort to the same behavior quickly (aka buying a new account and botting/cheating on that).

The main goal with performing an action on anyone’s account (that isn’t directly related to RMT) is to correct that behavior, not remove the player. If a player returns after any suspension and continues to break the rules, there is a good chance that they will no longer have that chance to come back again with that account.

When the intention of the behavior that breaks our rules is entirely malicious towards our playerbase or our game, we won’t be granting any sort of chance to return.

Does this mean that if someone botted they get to keep everything?
Absolutely not, in most cases we are attempting to remove what we can before the player returns. However, there are just going to be some things we can’t remove.

While it is very true that there is a possibility that that player gained an advantage for a short period of time that they were able to break the rules, a 6 month suspension carries with it a significant enough penalty to offset that

How about previous actions before this was implemented, are they going to be treated the same?
That entirely depends on the action in question. At the time of previous account actions, the actions taken on accounts were deemed appropriate for the offense, which means they will stand.

A good example of this in action would be this:
Currently many states (in the US) consider any theft over $500 to be a felony. Back in 1916, a theft was considered a felony at ~$20.

The game is much different than it was 3 years ago (which might as well be 100 years for a MMO).

If you have any questions about a specific account action, you can feel free to open a ticket with Customer Support.

What do you mean the last year? 6 Month bans haven’t started until the end of last year.
We have been using suspensions for RMT Gold buying for over a year now. Data shows that these suspensions are very effective and are performing the desired effect of stopping repeat buyers from purchasing.

Hey Chris.
I know you already kind of answered this, but will this go into affect for accounts that were previously banned permanently, but still have a likely hood of not doing the action again? Or is it as you kind of implied that the actions previously were more severe (if that is what you were getting at)?


He already explicitly answered this.

How about previous actions before this was implemented, are they going to be treated the same?
That entirely depends on the action in question. At the time of previous account actions, the actions taken on accounts were deemed appropriate for the offense, which means they will stand.

Any action taken by ANet on previous rule violations will stand.

Account Actions and 6 month suspensions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Peacemaker.2605


Since there has been a lot of chatter about account actions lately, I’ll go ahead and answer some common questions that have popped up.

Why 6 months, why not Permanent?
This would imply that some accounts are not being permanently banned, and that’s not true.

When looking at what action is given to an account, the intent of the behavior is taken into account, and will it likely be continued if the player were to return. There is very sound data to support that players that know they will be able to get their accounts back are significantly less likely to resort to the same behavior quickly (aka buying a new account and botting/cheating on that).

The main goal with performing an action on anyone’s account (that isn’t directly related to RMT) is to correct that behavior, not remove the player. If a player returns after any suspension and continues to break the rules, there is a good chance that they will no longer have that chance to come back again with that account.

When the intention of the behavior that breaks our rules is entirely malicious towards our playerbase or our game, we won’t be granting any sort of chance to return.

Does this mean that if someone botted they get to keep everything?
Absolutely not, in most cases we are attempting to remove what we can before the player returns. However, there are just going to be some things we can’t remove.

While it is very true that there is a possibility that that player gained an advantage for a short period of time that they were able to break the rules, a 6 month suspension carries with it a significant enough penalty to offset that

How about previous actions before this was implemented, are they going to be treated the same?
That entirely depends on the action in question. At the time of previous account actions, the actions taken on accounts were deemed appropriate for the offense, which means they will stand.

A good example of this in action would be this:
Currently many states (in the US) consider any theft over $500 to be a felony. Back in 1916, a theft was considered a felony at ~$20.

The game is much different than it was 3 years ago (which might as well be 100 years for a MMO).

If you have any questions about a specific account action, you can feel free to open a ticket with Customer Support.

What do you mean the last year? 6 Month bans haven’t started until the end of last year.
We have been using suspensions for RMT Gold buying for over a year now. Data shows that these suspensions are very effective and are performing the desired effect of stopping repeat buyers from purchasing.

Hey Chris.
I know you already kind of answered this, but will this go into affect for accounts that were previously banned permanently, but still have a likely hood of not doing the action again? Or is it as you kind of implied that the actions previously were more severe (if that is what you were getting at)?


He already explicitly answered this.

How about previous actions before this was implemented, are they going to be treated the same?
That entirely depends on the action in question. At the time of previous account actions, the actions taken on accounts were deemed appropriate for the offense, which means they will stand.

Any action taken by ANet on previous rule violations will stand.

Ah oka. Sorry, I just wasn’t sure. Cause he said "That entirely depends on the action in question. " So I wasn’t completely sure on what he meant by that part. Sorry, my bad :/

Account Actions and 6 month suspensions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: macon.4065


Guys bottom line is this about buying gold. You can’t use a Gold Seller to get gold however, you can still obtain gold by going through the game Goldseller err I mean the Gem store. You can easily pay double the cost (in actually cash) to get something that would cost you less elsewhere but make the company happy by purchasing them Gems to turn into Gold. And don’t worry this is all legit and you still get the knowledge of knowing that you spend more for less and the Gem exchange rate does not change much so you can do this over and over again until your heart is content.

Account Actions and 6 month suspensions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Guys bottom line is this about buying gold. You can’t use a Gold Seller to get gold however, you can still obtain gold by going through the game Goldseller err I mean the Gem store. You can easily pay double the cost (in actually cash) to get something that would cost you less elsewhere but make the company happy by purchasing them Gems to turn into Gold. And don’t worry this is all legit and you still get the knowledge of knowing that you spend more for less and the Gem exchange rate does not change much so you can do this over and over again until your heart is content.

And you are safe with the knowledge that you won’t get the gold taken away and you get a timeout for using a RMT Gold Seller. So there’s that.

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

Account Actions and 6 month suspensions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stochastic.1398


Only hacking should be banned, IDC about botting. If someone wants to waste their PC power botting I honestly couldn’t care.

Account Actions and 6 month suspensions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neural.1824


Well folks, it’s been 6 months since “we are attempting to remove what we can before the player returns.”

Time to start watching the price on Eggnog, Spiced Apple Cider, and other Festive Imbiber related items.

Where are my gem sales? I want gem sales! Nerf EVERYTHING!

Account Actions and 6 month suspensions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tornupto.2304


I think they meant achievement unlocks. They are less likely to be removed. Items were deleted for sure.

Account Actions and 6 month suspensions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CedarDog.9723


ANet should give the cheating accounts a badge of shame that permanently shows next to their name tag so when they log in after their six month stint in MMO jail, they get a shiny new badge.

Account Actions and 6 month suspensions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moderator


Locking this thread to avoid further necroposting