Alone on the map.

Alone on the map.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SHM.7628


The server population is getting ridiculously low. I’m sitting alone on the map. I mean no problem in the lower zones, but places like Orr and Malchor’s leap its pretty much impossible to get anything done.

Almost all the waypoints are contested. I managed to get all the waypoints near the temples, but clearing them with no players is impossible. This game really doesn’t work when nobody is playing with you.

I tried transfering servers but the new one wasn’t better than the one I left. You guys really need a fix for this. Perhaps automatic server merges when the population dips too low? I saw someone suggest underflow servers. Not a bad idea. Clearly something needs to be done.

Alone on the map.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ArcTheFallen.7682


I think if you are interested in community, probably join a guild? But most maps I’m on have some people run by (that aren’t botters..or dont seem like one) like every minute or so.

Edit: But the low density is a problem stated by many. So there is room for improvement.

[VZ] Sky Avalon – Guardian (Main)
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division

Alone on the map.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HyDraLiNsK.2470


Same here, I’m on Isle of Janthir and even on some lvl 60 – 70 + maps the chat is empty, but I always see people running around every few mins, and when I say “HELLO?!?!?!!” in the chat get numerous responses.

“This rose has thorns…. here they are!!”

Alone on the map.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: francisling.2987


Cursed shore was very much populated until the patch today, I was wondering too. CS was definitely not an ‘empty’ place.

Alone on the map.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rowdin.4708


I’m on whiteside ridge, thier are tons of players around.

Alone on the map.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lani.1429


Cursed Shore is empty today because they ninja nerfed Rare drop rate. I’m from Gunnar’s Hold, and there was literally almost noone there.

Alone on the map.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SHM.7628


I think if you are interested in community, probably join a guild? But most maps I’m on have some people run by (that aren’t botters..or dont seem like one) like every minute or so.

Edit: But the low density is a problem stated by many. So there is room for improvement.

While community would be awesome, it’s not really my main concern. I am used to playing alone. my odd/ infrequent hours and situation pretty much mean I am not going to be in a big community. Anyway this game really doesn’t encourage grouping and community play. It’s more about zerging.

The problem is you need more than a couple of stragglers to get the harder content done. Perhaps if they limitted the number of contested waypoints it might funnel people to the ones that are contested? Like you said, they need a fix.

Alone on the map.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SHM.7628


I’m on whiteside ridge, thier are tons of players around.

Thanks, I’ll give it a look in 7 days when I can transfer.

Alone on the map.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rynarx.6124


And it’s probably not going to get any better any time soon once the new dungeon is out. Someone did some calculations on another thread that it takes 70+ hours to grind enough tokens to buy ONE piece of ascendant gear. Expect those people that normally roam Orr will be camping in Lion’s Arch farming for their ascendant gear for next couple weeks till they get all their stuff. Orr will have alot less people for some time.

Alone on the map.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jobe.6721


Don’t worry its gonna get a lot worse with the new gear grind..

Alone on the map.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SHM.7628


And it’s probably not going to get any better any time soon once the new dungeon is out. Someone did some calculations on another thread that it takes 70+ hours to grind enough tokens to buy ONE piece of ascendant gear. Expect those people that normally roam Orr will be camping in Lion’s Arch farming for their ascendant gear for next couple weeks till they get all their stuff. Orr will have alot less people for some time.

This was a huge mistake. There is and will be a mass exodus from the game because of the increased stat gear. I tried not to go here because there’s a huge thread on this already. People don’t want to regrind their stat gear.

Alone on the map.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shooopa.5632


That’s because nothing high level drops from anything that isn’t a level 80 zone and there are no quests for level 80s anywhere except in 80 zones.

Bad game design is killing this game and no amount of new content is going to fix that. New players are going to give up the first time they need help with something because no one’s around to even ask.

User will be infracted for this post.

Alone on the map.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avatar.1923


you guys are all super performer grinders whatever lost cases.

yeah, some maps are emptier. i saw litterally no one while trying to reach CoF dungeon.
i find it makes it more dangerous.
and if i want to do the events, i need to find just 1 more to group with.
2 toons are generally enough to rock it!

but i get it. some people are doing the “grind race” because they “need” to be ahead of the content and complain….

Alone on the map.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zoejo.2317


Same. Alone anywhere in Orr on Vabbi server. Simply can’t get the events going, can’t do the contested waypoints (way too many) therefore can’t get certain karma exotics. Maybe I’m doing something wrong? You tell me. I thought this game encouraged teaming up but wouldn’t block access to those who like to solo. That’s just bad.

Plus, yeah, too many mobs. At least for a game that discorages grinding mobs for xp, pointing you to “quests” instead – no need to kill a million mobs just to get to a place.

Alone on the map.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Conner.4702


No worries they will get new people from the gear grinding they implemented just now. Don’t worry about all the others leaving due to it and making you seem even more alone.

The whole server setup is flawed, which is what leads some servers to feel empty. I know a solution on how to fix it, but I doubt anyone would listen to it. It would also require a lot of restructuring.

Alone on the map.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exsequens.3147


I’m on Aurora Glade Battlegrounds and we almost 5 manned bay because there were only about 10 players in WvW. Ghost town…

Alone on the map.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sion.1653


Well, at least for this weekend, you have to take into account the ongoing event. It’s probably drawing a lot of players from each server if not all.

Alone on the map.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandax.1753


Don’t worry its gonna get a lot worse with the new gear grind..

Still contemplating whether it’s worth it. Simply have no stomach to run dungeons to grind for gear any-more. Was not what I was going to play GW2 for….. but it looks more and more needed for this game, especially with the new gear tier.

Alone on the map.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SHM.7628


No worries they will get new people from the gear grinding they implemented just now. Don’t worry about all the others leaving due to it and making you seem even more alone.

The whole server setup is flawed, which is what leads some servers to feel empty. I know a solution on how to fix it, but I doubt anyone would listen to it. It would also require a lot of restructuring.

I’d listen. Lets hear your idea.

Alone on the map.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SHM.7628


Don’t worry its gonna get a lot worse with the new gear grind..

Still contemplating whether it’s worth it. Simply have no stomach to run dungeons to grind for gear any-more. Was not what I was going to play GW2 for….. but it looks more and more needed for this game, especially with the new gear tier.

I haven’t even grinded out all my elite gear yet. I’ve already lost the stomach to grind anymore. I hope anet is listening and lets us ugrade our existing armor with infusion. If other people want to grind out elite skin infusion armor, then let them. I (and I am sure others ) want no part of it.

Alone on the map.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cerulean.5142


The server population is getting ridiculously low. I’m sitting alone on the map. I mean no problem in the lower zones, but places like Orr and Malchor’s leap its pretty much impossible to get anything done.

Almost all the waypoints are contested. I managed to get all the waypoints near the temples, but clearing them with no players is impossible. This game really doesn’t work when nobody is playing with you.

I tried transfering servers but the new one wasn’t better than the one I left. You guys really need a fix for this. Perhaps automatic server merges when the population dips too low? I saw someone suggest underflow servers. Not a bad idea. Clearly something needs to be done.

I am sure others will tell you (I didn’t read the other posts) that they see people all over and basically you imagined it.

I was on a lower pop server (well Anet says it has high pop but I don’t believe it) Fergusons Crossing and transferred to a server now marked Full (yeah right) in Sanctum of Rall. After finding very few people in a lot of tiers I then transferred to Darkhaven (had some guildmates go there, we where looking for a populated server) and it was dead.

We did manage to transfer to Isle of Janther before suddenly half the servers (surprisingly al the better wvw servers) became marked full and stay full no matter what time of day. Now on this “full” server I have seen a lack of people in the lower/mid zones. Oh I will stumble across one or two every now and again in these zones, but trying to do DEs is almost non-existent as they just don’t start (not enough people).

In the upper zones (Orr) I tend to see more people (A lot less after the latest bot purge) but normally not enough to complete some of the harder DEs thus they end up being stuck since they cant be completed.

So ignoring the people who constantly say the zones are fine, or say get in a guild (what good is a guild when they are not around a zone your in?). OK, ok, yes some people in guilds will come to help when you ask, but really, most people who are already doing something wont stop what they are doing to come help. They may say, give me x amount of minutes then I will help. Of course you are stuck waiting/hoping that they actually show up.

Anyway, yes, the pop is dropping. Yes it tends to go up for events, although after the fiasco Anet had this weekend I wonder how many people will show for the next event in December. I think that sometime in the spring (about the 6-8 month period) Anet will start looking into merges. But remember, Anet needs to fix some things first. Currently they don’t have the ability to transfer guilds, they will need to fix this before merging. They also will need to remove servers 3 at a time (because of wvw).

So if you are on a server that seems dead, just hang in there if you still want to play and sometime in the future they will start merges.

Alone on the map.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bornthisway.4609


This problem is only going to get worse. The more that people feel alone and like they can’t get anything done, the less likely they are to want to play.

Alone on the map.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


The server population is getting ridiculously low. I’m sitting alone on the map. I mean no problem in the lower zones, but places like Orr and Malchor’s leap its pretty much impossible to get anything done.

Almost all the waypoints are contested. I managed to get all the waypoints near the temples, but clearing them with no players is impossible. This game really doesn’t work when nobody is playing with you.

I tried transfering servers but the new one wasn’t better than the one I left. You guys really need a fix for this. Perhaps automatic server merges when the population dips too low? I saw someone suggest underflow servers. Not a bad idea. Clearly something needs to be done.

There are enough people,most people are just doing their own thing,like some people aftually fire up guild wars 2 to Play,instead of having a 3hour long chat on a random map.

Alone on the map.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SHM.7628


The server population is getting ridiculously low. I’m sitting alone on the map. I mean no problem in the lower zones, but places like Orr and Malchor’s leap its pretty much impossible to get anything done.

Almost all the waypoints are contested. I managed to get all the waypoints near the temples, but clearing them with no players is impossible. This game really doesn’t work when nobody is playing with you.

I tried transfering servers but the new one wasn’t better than the one I left. You guys really need a fix for this. Perhaps automatic server merges when the population dips too low? I saw someone suggest underflow servers. Not a bad idea. Clearly something needs to be done.

There are enough people,most people are just doing their own thing,like some people aftually fire up guild wars 2 to Play,instead of having a 3hour long chat on a random map.

Who said anything about a 3 hour conversation? or any conversation? I want them there playing, getting events done, and map clearing.

Alone on the map.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SHM.7628


The server population is getting ridiculously low. I’m sitting alone on the map. I mean no problem in the lower zones, but places like Orr and Malchor’s leap its pretty much impossible to get anything done.

Almost all the waypoints are contested. I managed to get all the waypoints near the temples, but clearing them with no players is impossible. This game really doesn’t work when nobody is playing with you.

I tried transfering servers but the new one wasn’t better than the one I left. You guys really need a fix for this. Perhaps automatic server merges when the population dips too low? I saw someone suggest underflow servers. Not a bad idea. Clearly something needs to be done.

So if you are on a server that seems dead, just hang in there if you still want to play and sometime in the future they will start merges.

The problem with servers that are high is that it doesn’t seem to take into account how many people are actually on. It seems to indicate the amount of people who have acconts on the server. It may very well be a high population in theory . However, in practice it could be an empty server still.

Alone on the map.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: katharsis.2697


I’m on Darkhaven and not counting the shores event, I’ve gone from 60-72 in the last couple days and have maybe seen 5-10 people. Been doing all of the events solo, or skipping them because I can’t solo a champion.

A real shame. Even the guild I’m in only has 4 people on at any given time who no longer talk or respond.

The game is still fun soI’ll keep playing until I get too tired of soloing, then maybe go back to tera for a week until I get tired of the repetitive quests. Maybe by that time I’ll have a renewed interest in minecraft to hold me over until something new comes out.

Just need to keep occupied until the FFXIV:ARR launches and hopefully that won’t disappoint like the first launch did.

Alone on the map.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RamataKahn.4283


Most people are near or already hit 80.

Alone on the map.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Louveepine.7630


I feel alone, I too hard on ranick, there are fewer people … I feel sad and depressed …

# Asura because I’m worth it!

Alone on the map.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

I could have finished a lot of zones weeks ago if there were people to do PvE exploring with in Orr. People only do zergs there now, and I can’t make it alone. Stuck.

Alone on the map.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RamataKahn.4283


I could have finished a lot of zones weeks ago if there were people to do PvE exploring with in Orr. People only do zergs there now, and I can’t make it alone. Stuck.

Uh what class are you?

Alone on the map.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

Elementalist, not glass cannon.

Alone on the map.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhotsbin.8579


Enjoy your FOTM!

Ascending gear. Descending game.

Alone on the map.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pepino.6134


its gonna get quiet since now you have to grind gear, hey im gonna leave

Alone on the map.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tsavo.5634


Very lonely on Henge of Denravi as well

Alone on the map.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warzog.6315


I have seven characters, and I bounce between them as the mood strikes.
Except for Lion’s Arch, which always has an overflow map, every zone I go to the population is extremely low.
I’ve had several times where I’ve asked for help in map chat, only to get the message, “No One Hears You.”

Alone on the map.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NaughtyProwler.8653


Whatchoo talking about? Everyone said complainers were the minority and we should all leave the game. They even deleted our special thread!

Well, maybe it’s just an off night and you are unlucky. There’s always that.

Alone on the map.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Servanin.5021


The funny thing about playing with other people is its not about being social. In fact, talking kind of strains it. When you organize it, there is a certain level of stress which is a large part of why queuing systems are rampantly popular.

“Will people stay leave because its taking too long to put together a group?”
“Its awkward just being in party with this one other person”
“Will the group I join kick me for whatever reason?”
“I want to leave, but I don’t want to make an kitten of myself.”

Sometimes its just neat to travel really deep into a dredge cavern going towards a Vista with a bunch of people Impromptu. So while its certainly doable to play alone, its just not as much fun.

Alone on the map.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Perseus Ithikus.5483

Perseus Ithikus.5483

I have reached a similar situation with my level 80 warrior on Gunners Hold. I have reached the last mission to kill the dragon but no one to do mission with. Anyone who is or was about last time I played is either doing Grenth event or the gates of Arah event chain. No one will help guild included as they are doing the new dungeon. So were does this leave me and others with trying to complete the game? AH for the days of Henchmen and Heroes. Tried it solo it doesn’t seem to scale to 1 person. Level 80’s inside feel like vets on the outside.

Alone on the map.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bojangles.6912


GW2 needs to and likely will soon do server mergers. Those people who say the servers are fine are likely on one of the VERY few servers that may have some people. But overall most servers are dead because the game isn’t all that and not getting any better.

Alone on the map.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SHM.7628


GW2 needs to and likely will soon do server mergers. Those people who say the servers are fine are likely on one of the VERY few servers that may have some people. But overall most servers are dead because the game isn’t all that and not getting any better.

Now those who are staying are all grinding out the ascended armor. It’ll only get more desolate from here. I can’t be bothered anymore. 2 sets of exotic were enough of a grind for me. I know there’s people who love his sort of grind, I am just not one of them.

I really don’t know what happened to Anet. I know they are ending city of heroes. Aion became a mess. Now GW2 has run amuck. I loved Gw1, maybe I’ll revisit it at some point, but the way things are going, they probably ruined that too..