An idea how to make dungeons more attractive

An idea how to make dungeons more attractive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dlonie.6547



An idea how to make dungeons more attractive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ricky Da Man.5064

Ricky Da Man.5064

They should remove the tokens from daily chest and give full amount of 60 per path but keep the money aspect behind the daily chest per path..

An idea how to make dungeons more attractive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Prototypemind.4026


I don’t think they can truly be revamped. Future content needs to involve more players and bring more enjoyable experience even with a group of fully geared toons. The encounters just aren’t that memorable. I don’t feel like I’m intruding on the lover’s crypt in AC, or facing a wicked slave driver in CoF to stop a Charr from becoming a god, I feel like I’m burning down some mobs and guys who can two or three shot players which hint at a story but don’t paint the whole picture well. I understand that the conflict gets pushed to the back of your mind after a while no matter what, but even from the start, the way that these fights are presented isn’t very epic. There’s little immersion, so most players never see dungeons as anything more than a quick way to level up and earn gold.

Most content in GW2 feels like you’re killing things simply because they’re in the area you’re running around in. There isn’t a strong connection to what you’re doing, to the story, to the other characters. I take away very little from the majority of PvE content. There are some events such as taking the two towers, holding off the Svanir, and slaying their champion beast that really stand out in my mind as a well done build up to something, but those type of memorable encounters are few and far between.

An idea how to make dungeons more attractive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sorudo.9054


- Hard mode
- Challenge mode
- Permanent death*

All for increased rewards and a shot at rare loot.

BAM! Fixed.

*permanent as in you die once in a dungeon, it throws you out (no invites after ofc)

and where is normal mode then?

An idea how to make dungeons more attractive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


Because of the lack of healer they skip trash

Can you explain your reasoning here? I’m having a hard time getting from A to B on this one.

Obviously healers can’t skip because they need to be protected by tanks. If healers get within 1200 range of enemies, enemies immediately use their superior AI to one shot them.

An idea how to make dungeons more attractive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


I’m seriously tired of those zerker elitists teaching me how to play. My build I created is great at support ( it’s a minion master/signet necromancer build focusing on healing with deathshroud, and I’ve enough condi damage to take advantage of my staff’s damage) but people don’t care about it and just want dps. Sure, my dps isn’t the best like a warrior would be, but I’m contributing and I’m always ressing those “pros” that keep dying to the boss while I safely range the boss with conditions and keep myself alive with heals. My propositions are:

-make berserker deals less damage than every other gear. It’s obvious that a single gear stat is the problem to everything, and people supporting others while not getting any personal survivability in the process disgusts me.

-make support a part of gear. This will allow trinity again and make the game better.

-allow people to craft items to help skipping hard bosses. Not everyone is a tryhard and has time to learn hard bosses like spider queen. This would also make crafting rewarding and give new ways to complete dungeons.

-end stacking. The zerk meta exists because of that single exploit.

-make mob reveals you if you reach a certain point without killing them to prevent skipping.

Also, they could add some nice stuff like having a legendary allows you to get more rewards, or rewars tied on AP to reward their high level playerbase.

That spec just does not have value in this game currently. Healing is undervalued because mobs attack slow and hard, meaning you either dodge everything, or you get downed in 1-2 hits. I’m not talking about trash here I’m talking about elites, champions, and bosses. Trash doesn’t matter.

Also your suggestion on zerker gear “just make it deal less damage than every other stat combo” is hilariously bad, please rethink it.

The problem is not zerker gear itself providing the highest damage. If you nerf berserker and make some other stat combo be the highest damage, people will just migrate to that and you still have the same stale problem, no diversity.

The problem is other stats aside from direct damage are devalued because of things I mentioned before, primarily, toughness and vitality and healing power just don’t really do anything when you should be dodging all the hits from bosses and champions, because you CAN dodge virtually everything as a glass cannon zerker, that means anything that makes it so you can take hits or heal through hits is just worthless. If you’re dying while being a glass cannon in the game currently the problem is not your build it’s your timing on dodges/blocks/invulns.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

(edited by Devildoc.6721)

An idea how to make dungeons more attractive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: heartless.6803


I’d love to see the difficulty scale to the number of players inside the instance. So if there was one person you can scale the stuff down and be somewhat soloable, with difficulty that is. That way I don’t have to do LFG tool and get berated for low AP, not using zerker, none meta builds etc.

Disclaimer: Under no circumstance should you take this seriously.

An idea how to make dungeons more attractive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tigaseye.2047


You can add as many rewards as you like, but that isn’t the fundamental issue why so many pvers avoid dungeons.

It’s the culture and the exclusivity of the community that comes with it. And that is inherent with most MMO dungeons.

Whilst kicking and speed running and criticising people for having “the wrong build” are as prevalent as they are, dungeons will never be popular enough. It is an ongoing circle – players often discourage lesser skilled players from dungeon groups and thus the number of dungeon players becomes increasingly less overtime, leading to a vicious circle where dungeon development gets abandoned.

Dungeon specific items and more imaginative dungeons are fine ideas. They just aren’t enough to counter the wider issue.

I totally agree, but even more than that (as I have said before) the fundamental design of the game is severely flawed, as it encourages skipping and permastacking, in so many ways.

Change that design to make it better to not skip, or stack and at least it will force/allow people to play and replay the same dungeons in a more imaginative and less formulaic way.

Meaning it will be less about a few vets having learned how to do a dungeon (and criticising and kicking “noobs” who haven’t, yet) and more about just playing the game in a natural way.

Same really goes for traits and skills and so on – make each choice more equal in value, so there are no wrong choices and people will be far more on an equal footing, but still have some choice available to them.

Meaning vets won’t feel the need to lecture the “noobs” on their wrong choices, or feel like underappreciated (and unpaid) teachers, when the “noobs” (inevitably) don’t like being lectured.

“Turns out when people play the game, they don’t admire your feet at all.” sephiroth

(edited by Tigaseye.2047)

An idea how to make dungeons more attractive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yumiko Ishida.3769

Yumiko Ishida.3769

Because of the lack of healer they skip trash

Can you explain your reasoning here? I’m having a hard time getting from A to B on this one.

Or you KaizerGr, and your friends, and the regulars as well can join my guild and we make or own groups all-the-while helping new players that buy the game and be the shining jewel GW 2 deserves, but no one wants right now.

I’m accepting everyone non-toxic and non-meta I also need advisors (officers) and guards (sub-officers)

This sounds familiar…hope something comes of it this time around.

Everyone complaining about “ermagerd their r zerkbergurs n ma LFG”, please join this guild. Then you can play how you want with like-minded individuals.

Yumiko, post something in here: and I’ll refer folks from the dungeon forum to your guild.

I managed to get my act together on it and started building it up. The lack of gold was the problem when you have almost no one in it.

Yumiko Emi Ishida 80 Ele, Hikari Kyoko Ishida 80 Guard TC-NA. Active RPer of NA megaserver.

An idea how to make dungeons more attractive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bubi.7942


- Hard mode
- Challenge mode
- Permanent death*

All for increased rewards and a shot at rare loot.

BAM! Fixed.

*permanent as in you die once in a dungeon, it throws you out (no invites after ofc)

and where is normal mode then?

Normal is the current thing.

An idea how to make dungeons more attractive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rasimir.6239


Same really goes for traits and skills and so on – make each choice more equal in value, so there are no wrong choices and people will be far more on an equal footing, but still have some choice available to them.

Sounds great in theory, but how exactly do you propose to make all trait choices equal for all game modes? Some traits are more optimal for 5-man instanced content, some are awesome for wvw zerging, again others are must-haves for maximizing your personal gain on the world boss train.

Most traits are at a point, where there is a game mode/type of content where they are the most optimal out of all the available traits, and I at least get the impression that ANet is always trying to figure out which traits really are useless and to do away with/upgrade those. Whether they are successful or not is debatable, but I don’t think you can deny that they’re seriously trying.

Now making all traits/skills/options equally desirable? What type of content would you place the trait system on? Looking at the classes I regularly play in all game modes (mesmer, ele, guard), there’s lots of traits that are must-haves in some builds that I wouldn’t touch with a 10-foot-pole in others.

Have you ever gone into a meta dungeon group forgetting that you’re still traited for wvw roaming, to realize in the first boss fight that you don’t have reflects on focus skills but instead spam clones every time you dodge? Believe me, I have … more than once. I’m notoriously bad at checking my characters gear and traits on logging in before jumping into content, but I know my traits, and there’s no way I would want them all “equal” since it would seriously reduce the variety of builds I’d be able to enjoy on my characters.

Meaning vets won’t feel the need to lecture the “noobs” on their wrong choices, or feel like underappreciated (and unpaid) teachers, when the “noobs” (inevitably) don’t like being lectured.

But that’s a people problem, not a game problem. People feeling superior to others and feeling the need to lecture them turn up in any part of life, and more specifically in every (online) game I’ve ever played. In the mmo I played previously, for example, I played both healer and tank in high-end pve (top-tier raids), and knew my classes and their skills and traits inside-out. I didn’t usually run the usual cookie-cutter builds you’d find online though, but something more custom-tailored to the content at hand. I got tons of lectures about my setup when pugging (inspecting traits/skills/equipment was available to all in that game), from people that clearly didn’t understand what they were talking about, despite the fact that I even had the “trophies” (aka current raid equipment) to show I was able to do the hardest content in-game.

People don’t even agree on what “the best” really is. A while back, I was dungeoning with my (casual) guildies, on my meta ele. I downed a few times (although a lot less than I expected ), and did get a bunch of well-meant tips from our cleric guardian about how to better survive in dungeons. And you know what? In a way he’s right … meta specced ele certainly isn’t the most optimal ele build for the party we were playing with (where I really was the only glassy build).

Will I change the way I’ve built my ele? No, because I enjoy the way it plays and usually play it with groups where it fits. Was he “wrong” about lecturing me? No again, because the optimal way to go with the team at hand was very different from what I was bringing. Does this have any impact on one of us being better or worse, or one way of running and building for dungeons being superior/inferior to the other? Again, no. It’s a question of preferences and people playing together.

There’s no need to make choices more equal, because there is not just one viable way to play this game, nor is there just one viable way to run this game’s dungeons. I see my guildies run dungeons in wvw builds and wannabe-trinity-parties, and they are just as successful and have just as much fun as others running dungeon meta. The run time, and consequently the gold/hour average is lower, but since that’s not the important point of dungeoning for those people, who cares?

An idea how to make dungeons more attractive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

So, I’ve been playing Gw2 since the release, mostly PvE. My problem, and I think, it’s a problem, that a lot of PvE players have, is, that the dungeons became really boring. The only reason for me to run them, is the gold. I was thinking about some ways to change that. The first thing would be, to add new dungeons. Now, the problem with that is, that they will also become boring after some time.
What I was thinking about the most was to add something to the dungeons to make them attractive again. Just an item, that can only drop in this dungeon. It shouldn’t be something game changing that gives advantages over players, that don’t have the items. Rather should it be something collectible, something that adds a bit prestige. For example a miniature or a special skin.
Now, I want to know, what do you think about this idea?

Having something to look forward to when playing the dungeon, is an incentive to play the dungeon, until you get the reward.

But this does nothing to make the dungeon “not boring”.

I’m not saying it is a bad idea. I just think you need to take it a lot further. Completely redesign the dungeons. Do away with the paths, and just make giant explorable mazes, with randomized content, rewards throughout the dungeon (not just at the end), and interesting encounters. The latter is perhaps the most important, because no thought went into the current dungeon encounters.

When you design an encounter, you design the environment around it. You don’t just make a long corridor, and randomly drop groups of enemies into it. A room and the enemies it contains are all part of one design. The enemies should also have interesting mechanics, that encourage more than just corner stacking.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”