Anyone Else Anticipating Tuesday?
I think Saturday’s announcement could be, in order of likely to happen:
-GW2 ‘raid’ content
-new WvW map
-new class
Well you’re optimistic.
I honestly hope the wvw reveals will be of biblical proportions. If they just show orbs… it will be very disappointing. I am waiting for new maps..maybe map rotation 1map/month from a total of X maps…and this is just an example.
As for content…i am tired of lackluster content that takes 2 days to finish. I want real content that makes u think it changes the whole world. Like adding a A FEW new zones not just 1…adding new mobs…maybe a new race. New armors…new story.
Not 1 time stories that really don’t have that much of an impact….more then a “girlie with atention issues” that attacks everything with cool robots for a limited time. That’s not epic..that’s just temporary fun…and it really was fun…for those 2-3 days.
The only WvW announcement that could excite me is if gear in WvW is capped at exotic.
I’m worried that on Tuesday that they will forget to adjust weapon damage for Kit Engineers and Conjured weapons for Elementalists. Data-mined info of the new weapon damage range of ascended puts it around a 8.2% increase over exotic, and if my kits don’t get that, I’ll prolly have to wait 3 months for ANET to fix it.
That’s an interesting problem. Divorcing kit damage from weapon damage suggests that Engineers will either instantly get access to Ascended level damage or never will.
This is actually my least anticipated update so far! No interest in SAB, not my cup of tea, as is the ascended armour. I might be interested if the ascended armour has new skins, but even then it’s unlikely it will be anything near Tuesday when I can get my hands on it.
Good thing it’s just another 2 weeks after until something else!
This is actually my least anticipated update so far! No interest in SAB, not my cup of tea, as is the ascended armour. I might be interested if the ascended armour has new skins, but even then it’s unlikely it will be anything near Tuesday when I can get my hands on it.
Good thing it’s just another 2 weeks after until something else!
its ascended weapons they’re adding, no?
This is actually my least anticipated update so far! No interest in SAB, not my cup of tea, as is the ascended armour. I might be interested if the ascended armour has new skins, but even then it’s unlikely it will be anything near Tuesday when I can get my hands on it.
Good thing it’s just another 2 weeks after until something else!
its ascended weapons they’re adding, no?
Yes, along with 500 crafting in weapon smith, huntsman, and artificer.
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –
I seriously hope we are gonna craft something nice in those 100 levels <.<
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”
More curious about the PAX announcement, one of the devs said the announcement will not be a new class, new area, or expansion. Not sure what else they can do that would qualify as ‘big’…
GW2 – now with monthly subscription fees!! And it’s BIG!!!
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
I seriously hope we are gonna craft something nice in those 100 levels <.<
Acc Bound materials…. its anet.
I’m off to the dentist Tuesday, so no I’m not looking forward to it.
You never know Trog….. A dentist visit might be wonderful, compared to the patch notes. :-)
Jeez—-I am going to the dentist too. Never look forward to that. But out off the two options—-at least the visit will be something new, but the the patch and SAB will be the more painful of the two.
I seriously hope we are gonna craft something nice in those 100 levels <.<
Acc Bound materials…. its anet.
More likely it will be busy work to produce salvage or vendor trash, which will use up the same materials needed to make stuff you might actually want — like 95% of crafting from 0 – 400.
I’m looking forward to it. Crafting ascendeds looks fun, and I’m excited to play the SAB again.
I am pretty sure Colin did say they were going to have a major reveal at pax that was not expansion related. Tried looking for the thread but we all know how reliable the search function is. Wish I could find it so I could make sure I was not dreaming it up heh.
No I read that too, but since it’s not an expansion I dont know what a major reveal could be.
Here’s some wishful thinking: not an expansion… a spin-off!
A whole new Guild Wars game!
Guild Wars: Loremaker (or maybe Lorebreaker, or both!)
Single-player with a multiplayer campaign mode you and up to X number of friends can play together.
The premise: a malfunctioning asura portal sends your character to Pre-searing Ascalon! You know what’s coming – can you prevent it? Should you prevent it? It’s all up to you! The future of Tyria is in YOUR hands!
Featuring -
- Deep story!
- Lore galore!
- Meaningful choices!
- Awesome replayability with exciting new possibilities every time!
- New Loremaking/Lorebreaking campaigns released on a timely and responsible schedule!
- Create a new character or export an existing GW2 character!
- Learn secondary professions! Mix and match weapon skills and profession traits!
- Defeat Elite Foes to learn new Elite skills!
Anyway. Just some wishful thinking. Cheers.
I think Saturday’s announcement could be, in order of likely to happen:
-GW2 ‘raid’ content
-new WvW map
-new class
I think so, too. I’ll betcha a gold piece, though, that it’s some new grind…
Whatever they reveal, prepare to be underwhelmed.
So is anyone underwhelmed yet?
Well, I got what I needed. A preview that’s sufficient for me to figure out how I need about the next update. Needless to say, I am not pleasantly surprised.
Im dreading tuesday and whatever announcement arenanet has in store at PAX. Their history with these things have been abysmal as of late. Since I am dreading it, Im no longer playing their game.
The only saving grace for me is to see how they might tackle raiding, if it is in their list of reveals at PAX or on Tuesday. And if it is on the schedule, that saving grace is dependent on how they execute raids. If it is anything similar to guild missions I’ll laugh. If it’s reward system is some time gated crap or anything with ascended, I’ll still laugh and stay logged out.
So is the pax update today?