Anyone else realize GW1 is the better series?

Anyone else realize GW1 is the better series?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arius.7031


Both have their strengths and weaknesses. I prefer GW2 myself for a host of reasons, but only a fool would deny that GW1 offers a lot of what GW2 does not. But, for me, even though the combat lacks the depth of GW1 (in every conceivable manner), it is much more enjoyable (fun, entertaining, etc… not more cerebral/interesting, more FUN) than gw1.

Other things like the addition of massive scale PvP (WvW) adding a whole new layer to the game; art direction being more unique/interesting; zones being filled with a lot less tedium (things to do everywhere, pois/hearts/dynamic events); not everything being instanced; almost fully voiced; so many different types of endgame pve content (dungeons, fractals, world bosses, dynamic event grind, straight up monster grinding e.g. reef skelk, mining routes etc…); multiple races each with dozens of armors that generally look distinct between the races… I could go on.

All in all, I think they are two different games. I just personally prefer GW2.

Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]

(edited by Arius.7031)

Anyone else realize GW1 is the better series?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Travis the Terrible.4739

Travis the Terrible.4739

pvp wise gw1 > gw2

Back when you could play any form of pvp at whatever hour you wanted in 2007/8 (less so later in 08) the game was fun and fairly well balanced. RA, GvG, HA aka tombs, Alliance battle, hero battles (when it was there) and team arenas (when it was there).

If they brought gw1 pvp formats to the table in gw2 they’d be far better off instead of this WvW and spvp crap. Both are cap this, cap that, stop them from taking this or that and win. Feels like the “teamwork and communication of tactics” has taken a back seat to “e-sports.”

Nothing was better than going into GvG and seeing you’re paired against a guild of equal skill level and barely winning or going up against a guild that was better overall and you win because of a ballsy plan.

Follow the darkness into the depths, it’s more fun than the light can provide.

Anyone else realize GW1 is the better series?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Akari Storm.6809

Akari Storm.6809

For me….

GW1 goes down as one of the greats. Certainly top 5 amongst all of the multiplayer games I have spent any time in.

GW2 has a long way to go for me. I think the reason I’m still here is because of how much I liked GW1. I simply want to see Tyria grow.

I will say that the open world “not so much zone party instancing” is more to my liking than what GW1 offered. I like the fact that I don’t have/need henchies and heroes.
I like that there is swimming and jumping. I like the art direction of the world in general. I like the feel of combat here a bit more, probably like it better than most games. Hardly any rooting skills.

But, soooooooooooooooo many things I dislike.
Armor sets. Pvp and stuns/immobilize. Zerg play. No roles. Group play not really supported. No benefits to being in a guild. One pvp mode. Terrible loot system.
One new weapon set since launch(SAB weapons), everything else has been GEM STORE RNG….apply this sentence to armor also ascended skin not withstanding.

Conditions. Being a peon in story. Scarlet. Precursors. Crafting in general. Mystic forge.
No Guild Halls yet. No real build diversity. So many utilities that never get used because they suck. Elites that are actually useful have the short CD’s and the gimmick “oh hey um, it looks cool but actually doesn’t do anything” elites have these super long CD’s.
Weapons skills (not having many options). Example, I have almost no reason to ever own a sword because it pales in comparison to other weapons across the 5 classes that use it. Not for hitting anything anyway besides maybe 1or2 skills here or there.

I take the good with the bad though. I haven’t lost interest here yet so I haven’t gone anywhere too far for too long since I started here. This has become my regular MMO.
When I lose interest or find something that suits me better, I’ll just go.

Anyone else realize GW1 is the better series?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

On the flip side of this you felt ‘apart’ of guild wars 1. Your character was important

You spent most of Prophecies, all of Factions, and quite a bit of Nightfall playing second fiddle to NPCs.

Anyone else realize GW1 is the better series?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gele.2048


i hated gw 1 for love of god and i got 50/50 hom and god walking titel no jump 8 skils max liner quests go there and now go there again the story was oki in the first part but in game lore was still bad as gw 2 presented bad

Anyone else realize GW1 is the better series?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: aussieheals.6843


On the flip side of this you felt ‘apart’ of guild wars 1. Your character was important

You spent most of Prophecies, all of Factions, and quite a bit of Nightfall playing second fiddle to NPCs.

Pulling that sentence out of the paragraph almost takes it out of context, are you from CNN!? haha but seriously just because you might of been the side-kick doesn’t mean you didn’t feel like you meant something when you actually took down a challenging mob or kept players alive with sheer skill.

I guess this just doesn’t appease the masses and too me that’s a shame but we all have our opinions.

Too add to the problem is the necessary evil that is downscaling. I loved getting that feeling of destroying a mob you were repeatedly killed by at lower level. It gave you a great sense of progression. I mean in essence it would be the same way considering gear doesn’t scale but I couldn’t find any hard mobs while leveling.

Note: There are also an abundance of positives that come with downscalling that is why I called it a necessary evil. Also, I am not trying to attack gw2 I simply want to provide feedback from someone that gave it a go even though they are a dedicated pvp’r.

IGN: Aussie Archer

(edited by aussieheals.6843)