Ascended or Excluded?

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boa Cinderella.1298

Boa Cinderella.1298

I want to create a ring that has maximum attributes/stats without being forced to do these fractals. That means exotic for me, since i have spend much time to finish all crafting disciplines on maximum. Appearance / skin does not matter at first.

But now I see that for example the ring “Royal Signet of Doric” comes with total power of +103 with +68 toughness and +68 vitality. As a 400 leveled jeweler, I can not build any ring with similar stats to my astonishment. And to my disappointment. Reaching ‘Master-Level’ as the championship in that profession and no allowance to even create a ring with maximum effect? Is that appropriate to a trusting client?

I would be pretty upset when I need do do these fractals many times to get – for example – into World vs World beeing able to play there with maximum equipment. Nothing else but fractals?

Does anyone know anything about this? In my view, also for casual gamers who suffer from a ‘fractals-allergy’ should it be possible to get somehow that max stats equipment. That game is nice and big – but why do I only have to go into fractals to be on max equipment?

It seems to be a strange change of philosophy on Guild Wars – that i can not understand. Do I really have do get offline and wait until that is fixed and is there a certain date to get more equity at this important aspect?

Greetings from Boa

- Piken – [ONYX]

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Randulf.7614


This is something that has been discussed at extraordinary length – well worth going back a few weeks to see when this was being posted on the forums every day and you should see plenty of discussion.

In summary though, Anet have stated through a Q&A that in hindisght to release fractals as the only way to get this gear was an error and there will be more ways to obtain ascended going forward. No time time frame has been set, although we have content patches in Jan/Feb/March which may or may not address this.

Personally I have ignored Ascended. Not because I don’t agree with it, but because it isn’t in any way required to play any aspect of the game competently. A well geared toon is no sub for a skilled toon after all

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sylv.5324


I’ve ignored fractals for now, as the stat difference presently has a minimal impact in WvW and PvE outside fractals, and those pieces can’t be used in sPvP.

They will seed that stuff through the rest of the world, including WvW, so I’m willing to wait as it’s only a few pieces so far.

Ardeth, Sylvari Mesmer
Tarnished Coast

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kopipoki.3542


Personally I have ignored Ascended. Not because I don’t agree with it, but because it isn’t in any way required to play any aspect of the game competently. A well geared toon is no sub for a skilled toon after all

LOL WHAT? I’m guessing you’ve never done fractals at a high level. Cuz I’d love to see how you would use skill to dodge the Jade Maw’s agony.

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sweetbread.2679


Honestly unless they go through and make ascended gear possible to get from every playstyle (except spvp of course) this game is pretty dead to me. It’s amazing how fast end game went from “do whatever you want” to “farm fractals constantly”.

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boa Cinderella.1298

Boa Cinderella.1298

Thank you for your contributions.

So we loved to spend some patience until GW2 came out. We loved to enter this nice game day by day and spent time to max our crafting, being able after many weeks to reach maxed equipment to be master of that skill . Being able to develop many new areas and colourful aspects of that game – dungeons included. I know what food and what potion could be the best to go into that WvW area best prepared.

But now, being excluded by this strange new fractal-equip-content, I would like to stop that game and wait for the patch / fixing. It will come somehow … (?) … later. I should wait for the date when all players get acess to these ascended maxed stuff by different ways – other than only fractals.

Another time of patience is required because of some strange impatient people that must give a little surplus to a certain, maybe inpatient group of players.


- Piken – [ONYX]

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avatar.1923


a lot of more hardcore players need a “competitive” aspect to keep playing.
only grinding for looks wont keep them in.

so an item grind and a “fractal difficulty level” is the only tiny bragging right they have.

wvwvw have none at all (no difference betweene somebody who killed 3000 or somebody who killed 3).

lot of hardcore players are not interested in playing for playing, they need a sense of achieving something that other players can look at and say “wow”.

(edited by Avatar.1923)

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PowerCat.5738


Boa Cinderella.1298, the “Royal Signet of Doric” has “Soldier” type stats

Those stat combination are not craftable, as per

Luckily for you, Soldier stats are now available thru dungeon-dropped craftable recipes!! is the Soldier-stats “earring” (has not yet been found, however) is the soldier-stats amulet is the soldier-stats ring.

Bloodstone Fragment and Nightmare Coil are on the sale on the TP. Shukov’s launch codes, however, is not. That is because that recipe has not been found.

If you want to farm for it, I highly suspect it drops from SE path 2, as the last boss is Shukov

Just because you don’t know it exists doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Do some research before claiming such things.

(edited by PowerCat.5738)

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boa Cinderella.1298

Boa Cinderella.1298


Do I need Soldier stats? No, that is not the point. As a maxed jeweler i just want beeing able to craft max. stats equip. It is a mastered pofession. Not more and not less.

Show me a ring outside of fractals that has +103 power. And maybe think about that: “Do some research before claiming such things.”

All your linked Items are lower than ascended items. But dont rage that game now, as i did – we all hope the fix comes soon. ArenaNet is engaged – i heared. Except the hardcore-fractal players. They would loose their tiny little progress and I don’t know how ArenaNet can stand their … irritation.


- Piken – [ONYX]

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avigrus.2871


Never done fractals… saw some of the stats on these items last night and i’m thinking i may have no choice if i want to remain on par in WvW.

80 Necro (5), 80 Guard (4), 80 Mesmer (3)
80 Ranger (3), 80 Warrior (3), 80 Thief (3)
80 Ele (2), 80 Engi (3), 80 Rev (2)

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boa Cinderella.1298

Boa Cinderella.1298

I’m sorry for people like you … and me – and that is why I claim here to have more respect for our way playin Guild Wars 2. Even if hardcore-fractal-freaks won’t understand us.

So I hope you dont get that fractal-allergy ;-)

- Piken – [ONYX]

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MistyMountains.3751


They will add other ways to obtain the items, a large update is planned around Feb/March so we can hope for around then. Honestly though, Fractals arnt that bad, I actually find them to be pretty fun. Why not just run them if you’re that hard up to obtain the very best gear? Because at the moment you’re complaining about 1% in power that only effects Wvw (in the smallest/slightest way) and really only effects higher lvl fractals.

TL;DR, wait for new ways to obtain them to be released/ or run fractals

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


So far the only Ascended gear is accessories and back pieces if I remember correctly. Even if you have every piece available it’s not enough to make a big difference to your stats.

The only real benefit it gives is agony resistance, and since agony only occurs in higher level fractals you only need to farm the gear if you plan on playing that dungeon a lot. In which case it’s not really farming, it’s doing what you wanted to in the first place.

Everyone else can safely ignore Ascended gear for now and Anet have already said if/when more pieces are added there will also be alternative ways to get it.

If you’re concerned about being able to craft everything available then I’d say you’re looking at it the wrong way. There are many things in this game you can’t craft – the dungeon armor sets for example. Crafting was never supposed to be a way of making/getting every possible piece of gear. Your recipe list is complete when you’ve discovered all the ones that are available.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

(edited by Danikat.8537)

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boa Cinderella.1298

Boa Cinderella.1298

Please don’t misunderstand me. As outlined above, it is not everything i want to craft. Don’t think I am that kind of player.

It is just being able as mastered 400-jeweler to craft an item with max stats. Not more and not less. When I can’t produce a ring with +103 power, i feel excluded. Why did I go all the way to finish that craftmanship?

Let others work hard for their rare Legendary skin – this is not my matter. I take easyer ones first. Legendary items have not higher attributes than exotics, right? But Ascended have. And I dont like to be second class player after 4 months lovely playing. So I quit and wait until that update is done – hoping i dont loose my interest in that game.


- Piken – [ONYX]

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


ok so ascended ring: 103 power/68 Toughness/68 vitality

exotic ring with rare soldier cresent 87power/62 toughness/62 vitality

My soldier spec knight with berserker greatsword stats with ascended ring:
1738 power/1824 toughness/1726 vitality

My soldier spec knight with berserker greatsword stats with exotic ring:
1722 power/1818 toughness/1720 vitality

Total to 0.9% increase in power, 0.3% increase in toughness, 0.3% increase in vitality

You must be very hardcore if you care about those very minicure difference.

Also soldier spec can’t be crafted, just like knight spec gear dont’ come from the dungeon. That is just how things go. I hope I can get an ascended knight ring but there isn’t any.

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jabronee.9465


A well geared toon is no sub for a skilled toon after all

All Geared toons = No Skill Players. Copy that

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


The way I see it is 3 ascended piece boost like 2% to 3 of your stats. I dont’ see how it make that much difference.

Not to mention many of the stats prefix isn’t even there. I’m wearing ring and backpiece item with stats I dont’ want just to get agony resist so I can do fotm.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PowerCat.5738


@ Boa Cinderella.1298

Exotics are max stats craftable. You can’t craft ascended. (MF.. but w/e)

What I listed is the best you can craft.

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TWMagimay.9057


But now, being excluded by this strange new fractal-equip-content, I would like to stop that game and wait for the patch / fixing. It will come somehow … (?) … later. I should wait for the date when all players get acess to these ascended maxed stuff by different ways – other than only fractals.

Yes, you are excluded from doing fotm 15+ by the gear that drops in fotm because you don’t want to run fotm to begin with. What a huge problem that must be for you….facepalm

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boa Cinderella.1298

Boa Cinderella.1298

I’m well informed about what I can craft.

@laokoko, TMMagimay

Maybe you forgot or missed some discussion about that problem in general. So i give you a certain link to reflect it:

Players with legendary items are really upset about devaluing their hard work by these superior stats of ascended items – you may ask them, if you don’t believe. Even if its not worth a tiny difference – so dont bother me with that trivialization. The same way I am disappointed being forced to do fractals when i want to get maxed item, a ring e.g. ArenaNet has introduced that upgrade in attributes and that is a fact. Crude people may ignore these details but I’m alerted for these little ‘political’ differences. It could be understood as affront vs. confident faithful players. My crafting is maxed. so I want to produce a maxed item – not a legendary one – or is that too much demanding?

How about a ring with 10 % magic find (Ascended) while you only can craft one with 7 % (craftable)? What item would you like to take first? Item progression could be accepted if there would be different ways to get it within an appropriate time. I would like to spend some time to advanced crafting level for ascended crafting. But I don’t see any reason for sharing this fractals exclusively – the game is much bigger than this new instance.

I recommend to be more sensitive for the details. Why do you want Legendary weapons (and Exotic Weapons) to be a little bit lower in stats than Ascended? Why do you want item-progression from now on, did you vote for that?


- Piken – [ONYX]

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Ascended weapon isn’t even in the game. I fail to udnerstand why people with legendary weapon get upset. Not to mention legendary weapon will get bump to ascended stats when new ascended weapon is released.

I’m bothered by ascended gear as much as you. But not with the same reason. A typical ascended backpiece cost like 50 gold to craft now. I use the cheapest one which cost 13 gold eventhough they have stats I dont’ want. I dont’ even want to imagine how much an agony infused backpiece will cost, something like 250 ecto?

Even if you are allowed to craft ascended gear, will you pay like 50 gold per piece and like 700 gold for a whole set? Quite honestly, I stop bothering. It is just a tiny stat bump which make little difference.

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TWMagimay.9057


Maybe you forgot or missed some discussion about that problem in general. So i give you a certain link to reflect it:

Players with legendary items are really upset about devaluing their hard work by these superior stats of ascended items – you may ask them, if you don’t believe. Even if its not worth a tiny difference – so dont bother me with that trivialization. The same way I am disappointed being forced to do fractals when i want to get maxed item, a ring e.g. ArenaNet has introduced that upgrade in attributes and that is a fact. Crude people may ignore these details but I’m alerted for these little ‘political’ differences. It could be understood as affront vs. confident faithful players. My crafting is maxed. so I want to produce a maxed item – not a legendary one – or is that too much demanding?

How about a ring with 10 % magic find (Ascended) while you only can craft one with 7 % (craftable)? What item would you like to take first? Item progression could be accepted if there would be different ways to get it within an appropriate time. I would like to spend some time to advanced crafting level for ascended crafting. But I don’t see any reason for sharing this fractals exclusively – the game is much bigger than this new instance.

I recommend to be more sensitive for the details. Why do you want Legendary weapons (and Exotic Weapons) to be a little bit lower in stats than Ascended? Why do you want item-progression from now on, did you vote for that?


I asked players with Legendary items. They have no idea what you are talking about. For one, a new ring does not have any effect on how pretty a weapon skin is. For two…how can an outside source devalue your achievement in any way?!

10% mfind vs 7% mfind… Let me see… I run on ~200% mfind when I’m going for that stat…somehow I don’t give a rat’s behind about 6% more or less. I run fotm for the 20 slot bags and the occasional OS(when Bathazar is contested for 2 weeks), the rings are a byproduct(and I have total 6 of them).

Who promised you that you’ll be able to craft every item in the game again? You can craft some items and they keep patching new recipes.

If you would read the dev posts, they do plan on more ways to obtain Ascended gear.

I don’t want that, I just couldn’t care less. They are making it easier to get Ascended by the patch. Soon it’ll be just like exotic. 1 week and you got full set…

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sylv.5324


Never done fractals… saw some of the stats on these items last night and i’m thinking i may have no choice if i want to remain on par in WvW.

Right now it’s so few pieces that it won’t make much difference in WvW. They’ll release asceded stuff in other areas of the game soonish, so folks staying out of fractals for now can upgrade too.

I think I read that they’ll make the crafting costs less silly, too, but am not sure.

Ardeth, Sylvari Mesmer
Tarnished Coast

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eladriel.7295


Personally I have ignored Ascended. Not because I don’t agree with it, but because it isn’t in any way required to play any aspect of the game competently. A well geared toon is no sub for a skilled toon after all

LOL WHAT? I’m guessing you’ve never done fractals at a high level. Cuz I’d love to see how you would use skill to dodge the Jade Maw’s agony.

Don’t be a smart kitten you know what he/she is referring too and I seriously doubt he/she is referring to dodging agony.. We all know it can’t be dodged.

Together we stand in the face of evil!

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: velmeister.4187


Ascended or Excluded?

Yes. In fractals 19+. I think new players reaching level 20 will face a lot of discriminations soon. That level can use AR 15 or more. But, the cost of the capacitors seems prohibitive and people opt to go in with 10 instead. They get carried thru by many groups. But, as more people become available at 20 with their pregeared alts, new players who are trying to ride the gear treadmill will face significant challenges in getting a team with decently geared members to finish the levels. Much frustration will be a daily thing.

Anet should let crafters make items equivalent of fractals and let the players infuse them inside dungeon.

I think fractals are fun till a few levels. But, they get too boring and repetitive soon.

“If there is anyone here whom I have not offended, I am sorry.”

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shikigami.4013


If you insist that you cannot live with playing a char that “only” has the second best jewellery in the game (and refuse to obtain the best one by the currently available means), then yes, you will have to get offline and wait until it is “fixed”.

I feel honestly sorry for those who think having the best of everything is the only way to be able to play the game. I am lucky to be able to enjoy playing this game for months now without even having full exotic armor or jewellery.

Youtube “L2villagejester”.
People using belittling wording like whining/qqing" are not taken seriously by me
Same for people posting only to tell others not to post (“deal with it”-posts)

(edited by Shikigami.4013)

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avatar.1923


a lot of player keep playing mmo because they can achieve “better than others” status.
i dont feel that in guild wars i can have a good sense of whos a real hero when i see one.
the only stat that somehow represent this is the fractal level your at.

mostly everything else is either buy/farm-to-win (legendaries, dungeon armor sets etc)

personnaly, i d like a way for good players to be able to shine, just to add a touch of competitiveness and bragging, just a touch.

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: emikochan.8504


The only thing you need ascended gear for is fractals. So if you’re doing fractals you’ll get the ascended.

If not, you don’t even need it anyway.

@avatar /rank

Welcome to my world –

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


Personally don’t want to do FotM for the rest of my days to get pink items, what happened to open world and Crafting and PvP/WvW…. even the old dungeons are ignored alot these days….

These mechanics are only killing their game for better or worse, i really am not sure what Anet was thinking adding FotM and not adding rewards to the rest of this game..

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avatar.1923


thing is, the old dungeons are so messy and boring compared to the fractals.

the old dungeon feel more like solo content.
there is cutscenes and all, but everybody skips them.
my experience with these dungeons are bad, id like to solo or maybe coop them with 1 player (duo). should be easier to find a like minded player to enjoy these old dungeons.
as 5 man, i think the fractals do a much much better job at mechanics/balance/pace/teamplay.

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: juno.1840


The point is the ascended gear is statistically better (it doesn’t matter how much better “best” really is). Players strive for the best items in the game. Keep in mind the stat increases become significant when applied to a full set of gear (6 armor slots, 5 jewelry slots, weapon slots, backpack, breather). Yeah I know that there are only rings/packs right now, but ascended will be rolled out to all slots.

Saying the stat increases are “meaningless” or “trivial” is missing the point entirely.

Boa is justified in his opinions that crafting is demeaned when he cannot craft the best gear (stat wise) in the game.

Not sure what the solution is here (maybe recipe drops so players can craft ascended gear — such gear could be bound when acquired which keeps it off of the TP).

Part of me thinks that someone in ANet was thinking “hey, wanna see something funny? Watch this…”

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


It’s not hard to get ascended gear, it doesnt even take much time to get it. 7-8 hours for a ring after lvl 10. Getting nice gold in the proccess. 45 mins of your gametime per day. Thats not asking much from the players.

I currently do dailies with 4 toons, they all have 15 AR besides my mesmer who sits at 10 since hes missing his cloak. I have around 10 leftover rings in bank (hope they add so you can toss 4 in the MF for a random new one). Saving up for my next toon now while getting relics for my mesmers cloak.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


thing is, the old dungeons are so messy and boring compared to the fractals.

the old dungeon feel more like solo content.
there is cutscenes and all, but everybody skips them.
my experience with these dungeons are bad, id like to solo or maybe coop them with 1 player (duo). should be easier to find a like minded player to enjoy these old dungeons.
as 5 man, i think the fractals do a much much better job at mechanics/balance/pace/teamplay.

I really hate the new FotM its horrible, forcing me in to three or four dungeons at a time, or if players Disconnect, i die in it i’m screwed unless everyone dies and resets.., it is terrible, if i had a choice i’d do the older dungeons any day over FotM…but the population for the older ones is lacking due to lacking rewards or everyone skips 75%…

I’d much rather just have open world rewards and ignore rinsing and repeating the same dungeons over forever…

(edited by Dante.1508)

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xiv.7136


I haven’t really bothered to go for ascended rings.

The reason is two-fold:

a) I like fractals but I don’t want to do them a million times

b) I figure they will soon be available from both karma/normal dungeons and wvw tokens

I’ll just wait, it’s not like the minor overall stat difference between my exotics and a couple of fractals rings is going to change anything for me in pve or pvp

I like pizza

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: juno.1840


It’s not hard to get ascended gear, it doesnt even take much time to get it. 7-8 hours for a ring after lvl 10. Getting nice gold in the proccess. 45 mins of your gametime per day. Thats not asking much from the players.

I currently do dailies with 4 toons, they all have 15 AR besides my mesmer who sits at 10 since hes missing his cloak. I have around 10 leftover rings in bank (hope they add so you can toss 4 in the MF for a random new one). Saving up for my next toon now while getting relics for my mesmers cloak.

This is a “point of view” opinion. Consider that you had to get to rank 10 fractals before the gear drops. I’ve had a single ring drop after reaching rank 10 fractals. I’m now at rank 14 fractals still with that one ring (and this includes grinding rank 10 for a couple weeks — all pre-token patch). Now you can get a ring with 10 tokens — but you must run an “even” fractal rank so you cannot progress rank unless you do two fractal runs a day (even followed by odd).

So yep it’s definitely possible, but “easy” is relative.

In January we should have an “unlock” of fractal ranks based upon the highest achiever in the team — but if you read the “fine print” you’ll see that the reward is based upon your base fractal level. So if I have a toon at fractal level 5 and I go on a level 10 run, I’ll get loot based upon level 5 (so no chance for a ring drop). It’s a wierd limitation — do the same work, get a lesser reward (although you can argue that at rank 5 you did less work to begin with because you didn’t “grind” your way to rank 10). Still a punishment for players with alts who know how to play fractals but have to deal with an antiquated gating system.

Part of me thinks that someone in ANet was thinking “hey, wanna see something funny? Watch this…”

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


It’s not hard to get ascended gear, it doesnt even take much time to get it. 7-8 hours for a ring after lvl 10. Getting nice gold in the proccess. 45 mins of your gametime per day. Thats not asking much from the players.

I currently do dailies with 4 toons, they all have 15 AR besides my mesmer who sits at 10 since hes missing his cloak. I have around 10 leftover rings in bank (hope they add so you can toss 4 in the MF for a random new one). Saving up for my next toon now while getting relics for my mesmers cloak.

This is a “point of view” opinion. Consider that you had to get to rank 10 fractals before the gear drops. I’ve had a single ring drop after reaching rank 10 fractals. I’m now at rank 14 fractals still with that one ring (and this includes grinding rank 10 for a couple weeks — all pre-token patch). Now you can get a ring with 10 tokens — but you must run an “even” fractal rank so you cannot progress rank unless you do two fractal runs a day (even followed by odd).

So yep it’s definitely possible, but “easy” is relative.

In January we should have an “unlock” of fractal ranks based upon the highest achiever in the team — but if you read the “fine print” you’ll see that the reward is based upon your base fractal level. So if I have a toon at fractal level 5 and I go on a level 10 run, I’ll get loot based upon level 5 (so no chance for a ring drop). It’s a wierd limitation — do the same work, get a lesser reward (although you can argue that at rank 5 you did less work to begin with because you didn’t “grind” your way to rank 10). Still a punishment for players with alts who know how to play fractals but have to deal with an antiquated gating system.

As you said, a point of view.

I dont mind how the system will work in the end of jan. It will be an even experience across the board. It’s just there to help low difficulty fractal runners get a group quicker. There is no reason to allow them to skip ahead and get a chance at rings from the start.

This coming system is perfect for friends or guilds who want to get members up in the levels while at the same time doing their daily runs and so on. It also helps alts get up in levels, since if you sit at 10-15 AR, you can join a 1-20 group or even higher. Your options would be greater and your time spent lfg would be much less.

Howver I fear that we will see many leeches, claiming to have AR then dying to agony in seconds. There should be a way to inspect some part of a players stats. Or they should limit groups to 1-9, 10-19, 20-29 and so on. This would remove a big part of the no-AR problem.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boa Cinderella.1298

Boa Cinderella.1298

@juno, Dante, velmeister

Thank you for your statements.


You would honestly tell us here its hard to run through Fractals, if you would have me as a teammate … listening to my comments in TS3 ;-) Let’s say from time to time i try that frac. Now i got lvl (3) – but i really don’t see why I’m forced to in view of these ascended items. That game is big and I really prefer to spend time at other aspects to get max. Stats.

And that Backpack is really hard to work for. That’s amazing and annoying. Did I choose the right game? Look, im no 7/24 Player and have to do other jobs and earn some moey.

I just want to max. all Equip within some months and then have fun with playing WvW and many nice PvE Areas, maybe look for some nice Skins. Why does ArenaNet think they have to keep me in game while not allowing me to craft max stats items? They want me to work permanently and hard for it? Is ist a colourful manifold game or a stupid grinding-pot?

Im still offline and waiting for NEWS from ArenaNet when the problem ist fixed.


- Piken – [ONYX]

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Midnightjade.3520


I’ve done a bunch of fractals and have an Ascended backpiece, but I don’t like them enough to keep spamming them in PUGs for rings. Most PUGs are great but occasionally you’ll get one that just sucks – not worth the aggravation. Plus, the stats on backpiece are pretty great while the rings are really just a minor upgrade over Exotics, unless you specifically want them for fractals.

Instead I’m working on a Legendary (which is going well) and am doing some EM dungeons. I’ll probably come back to fractals when the changes to them come around, but for now I’m perfectly happy.

Onyx: Norn Guardian 80. Queen in Tatters: Asura Mesmer 80.
[The Flameseeker Prophecies] 4/11/13
Itinerant, no guild.

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shikigami.4013


Im still offline and waiting for NEWS from ArenaNet when the problem ist fixed.

Did you use your feet to walk everywhere, refusing to use a bicycle/scooter until you were able to get a car? Are you driving a car now, and if so: is it the best car that you can buy for money?
Did you refuse to buy a computer until you could afford the top-of-the-line machine available on the market?

If not, why are you refusing to play a game just because you cannot obtain one little item that is just marginally better than other items by the method that you want to obtain it? (Not like you could not obtain it by the method that every other person playing the game does, if it really was so important to you).

To me it seems as if the ascended items have an undocumented real-life side-effect of making tantrum-throwing complainers out of previously sensible players

Youtube “L2villagejester”.
People using belittling wording like whining/qqing" are not taken seriously by me
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Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


They already said they will add ascended gear to other part of the game.

And you already can get the back ascended item without technicaly doing factal. Just go in solo grind mob and try to get mist essence, have some gold ready and mystic forge and voila.

The real question is how much will the new ascended gear cost. And if you can get the gear spec through for example crafting. Even if you can get max stats item dont’ necessary you get the spec you want.

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


I want to create a ring that has maximum attributes/stats without being forced to do these fractals. That means exotic for me, since i have spend much time to finish all crafting disciplines on maximum. Appearance / skin does not matter at first.

But now I see that for example the ring “Royal Signet of Doric” comes with total power of +103 with +68 toughness and +68 vitality. As a 400 leveled jeweler, I can not build any ring with similar stats to my astonishment. And to my disappointment. Reaching ‘Master-Level’ as the championship in that profession and no allowance to even create a ring with maximum effect? Is that appropriate to a trusting client?

I would be pretty upset when I need do do these fractals many times to get – for example – into World vs World beeing able to play there with maximum equipment. Nothing else but fractals?

Does anyone know anything about this? In my view, also for casual gamers who suffer from a ‘fractals-allergy’ should it be possible to get somehow that max stats equipment. That game is nice and big – but why do I only have to go into fractals to be on max equipment?

It seems to be a strange change of philosophy on Guild Wars – that i can not understand. Do I really have do get offline and wait until that is fixed and is there a certain date to get more equity at this important aspect?

Greetings from Boa

Absolutely it should be available to real crafters.

I don’t want them to return to the “mystic toilet” philosophy with ascended everything being combined into something in the mystic toilet instead of utilizing the crafters they have in the game that spent all that time and money getting their crafting to max.

To give you an example of the mystic toilet craziness. I’m a maxed out chef. I have to buy elonian wine, crystals, and use some other non food non utensil style material to put 10 of a food item into the mystic toilet to get a feast out. REALLY? In every other game ever made out there as a cook I was able to make feasts without spending enormous amounts of money or resources and I certainly didn’t have to use the magic water fountain to do it, my craft trainer gave me the recipes for it.

I can see them totally doing that crap with the jeweler, the leatherworker etc when they finally at long last make ascended the horizontal progression it should be. And don’t get me started on what they’ll do with the materials. Most likely they won’t be available open world. they’ll require even more Fractal runs which will keep people out of the open world just like they’ve done with T6 loot which seems to be only available in fractals or CoF these days.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fyrebrand.4859


Okay, first of all: no video game owes you the ability to create the most powerful and effective equipment in the game through crafting alone. Crafting in GW2 is very useful, and allows you get yourself geared in Exotics, which frankly are more than sufficient for dealing with any battle/situation the game throws at you (outside of Agony in Fractals). The stance that ArenaNet shouldn’t be “allowed” to have separate rewards you can attain through Fractals is… I don’t know, insane? You’ve played other MMOs, right? Basically, you’re saying you want to be able to make the gear that gets dropped from dungeons, without doing the dungeons. I don’t know why you think you’re entitled to that, especially when “top stats” are anything but necessary in this game.

Second: it’s called Ascended for a reason. As in, vertical progression. How many MMOs are out there, where you simply aren’t able to access a huge chunk of the endgame content unless you have the gear with the best possible stats? Thankfully, ArenaNet has not gone the traditional route, and allowed everyone to see and enjoy pretty much the whole game, without ever needing Ascended/Legendary gear. The Fractals are basically this tiny slice of the game that gives some semblance of vertical progression to the limited set of people who want it — and even then, you will have completed all the unique Fractal mini-dungeons before you ever need a smidge of Agony resistance.

For someone who’s entirely unwilling to get on the game’s closest thing to a gear treadmill, you sure do seem preoccupied with getting the best gear.

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CrassBippy.4619


It’s not hard to get ascended gear, it doesnt even take much time to get it. 7-8 hours for a ring after lvl 10. Getting nice gold in the proccess. 45 mins of your gametime per day. Thats not asking much from the players.

I currently do dailies with 4 toons, they all have 15 AR besides my mesmer who sits at 10 since hes missing his cloak. I have around 10 leftover rings in bank (hope they add so you can toss 4 in the MF for a random new one). Saving up for my next toon now while getting relics for my mesmers cloak.

Not everyone has the time to play this much.

Bi Furious [Fist] YB

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avatar.1923


mmo are “massive”.

getting a ring can take you as much time as a call of duty run thru.

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boa Cinderella.1298

Boa Cinderella.1298


Let it be my decision, where I spend my time in that game and where i work out for a maxed weapon/ring/backpart/armor. And if you think, there can only be one way to reach a max. stats item like the Ascended one, then you’re narrowing a really big various game into a one-way-toilet.

Is it only a jump-and-run of the 90ies?

I thought this is a Guild-oriented Game where different types of players can come together whearing items with similar attribs. And this after a forseeable time that can be accepted by people that aditionally have to do their job somewhere else.


- Piken – [ONYX]

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PowerCat.5738


Boa Cinderella.1298, I already told you the highest stats craftable items you are looking for.

Ascended items are not craftable by any profession.


Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shikigami.4013


But…but…why should he have to settle for two crafted second-best rings when he can just stop playing for a few months and wait until he can get the best ones (without doing fractals) so that the game becomes worthwhile to play again. Noone should be forced by ArenaNet to use anything else but the best item in any slot, ever

Youtube “L2villagejester”.
People using belittling wording like whining/qqing" are not taken seriously by me
Same for people posting only to tell others not to post (“deal with it”-posts)

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


Its not the point… i don’t even want Ascended gear, but they keep forcing us into these FotM look at “monthly’s”, yes i’m not technically forced into but how else does one receive these rewards.

Also why is fotm the only place to get t6 mats and exotics 24/7 now… this is my gripe the whole game has been ruined/nerfed to support one dungeon, this is a bad design and why many people are leaving in droves and on the verge, me included..

What happened to the rest of the game, and the “play how you want to play” Anet told us about in all those PR video’s…the reason i even bought Guildwars 2 was because i’m done with grinding in games period…

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shikigami.4013


Well, it might not be the point for you, but it was the point for the OP

About the monthly achievement thing:
This is not really on topic, but come on…the fractal monthly has only 1 tier and it is only 7 runs. That translates to 1 fractal run about every 4 days. For every “achievement” you will find someone who will not want to do it. How about wvw kills? Fine for pvp people, a hassle for those who dislike any pvp. Jumping puzzles? People complain although they only need to go there without having to finish them. Probably there are also people who do not want to be “forced” to do events – for everything “demanded” from us to fulfil an “achievement”, there will people who will not want to be bothered to do it.

The mats things is a seperate topic that I don’t know enough about to comment, I am not a crafting master and I don’t care for a legendary weapon, so I can play pretty relaxed. Also I don’t mind the fractals, so I don’t have a problem going there occasionally.

Youtube “L2villagejester”.
People using belittling wording like whining/qqing" are not taken seriously by me
Same for people posting only to tell others not to post (“deal with it”-posts)

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaizer.7135


They should reward Ascended Tokens or something from newly implemented & interesting events in all other areas, giving an incentive to go back there and more ascended gear. The amount of tokens you receive will then scale depending on what level zone you’re in & what level you are or something. Then you exchange them for a piece of Ascended Gear. The higher the level of gear, the more tokens that are required.

I dunno