Aside from being "fun" there is no real goal

Aside from being "fun" there is no real goal

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Math.6904


This game for me is like a Skyrim with massive co-op mode.
you can rush for the end, kill the end boss and unistall, or you can enjoy everything that you DONT have to do (with the plus that you can do all that with your friends!)

Aside from being "fun" there is no real goal

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tradewind.6913


Overall people have a point and everyone have a different taste when it comes to having fun. So don’t join the cheering crowd and listen what others stating.

There is as much criticism as there is cheering. Some will not have it, however.

In reality, those that are pointing things out really want this game to shine.

You don’t see any “I Quit” threads or anything of that nature, only Mods locking constructive criticism threads.

You can have the game the way it is, one half happy, and expand on other aspects, satisfying both crowds.

It’s pretty naive to think that the complaints and most of the issues being brought up are shared by half of the game’s subscriber base. The math just isn’t there.

Aside from being "fun" there is no real goal

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elydian.1763


It’s pretty naive to think that the complaints and most of the issues being brought up are shared by half of the game’s subscriber base. The math just isn’t there.

I wouldn’t be so sure that it’s less though. Remember that SWTOR lost 75% of its players after 4-5 months, mostly due to issues with endgame.

The number may not be that high for GW2 yet, but I see no novel reason why it won’t go exactly the way SWTOR did.

Numbers aside, what is clear is that the playerbase is divided on happiness with endgame.

Aside from being "fun" there is no real goal

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tradewind.6913


Overall people have a point and everyone have a different taste when it comes to having fun. So don’t join the cheering crowd and listen what others stating.

There is as much criticism as there is cheering. Some will not have it, however.

In reality, those that are pointing things out really want this game to shine.

You don’t see any “I Quit” threads or anything of that nature, only Mods locking constructive criticism threads.

You can have the game the way it is, one half happy, and expand on other aspects, satisfying both crowds.

It’s pretty naive to think that the complaints and most of the issues being brought up are shared by half of the game’s subscriber base. The math just isn’t there.

The opposite is also true.

No it isn’t really, but even just basing off forum numbers the amount of actual complainants is maybe 3% of the population. That was assuming unique posters for all threads and replies, inflated numbers on the side of complaints and including repeats of the same topic. So even that 3% is quite generous imo.

Aside from being "fun" there is no real goal

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tradewind.6913


It’s pretty naive to think that the complaints and most of the issues being brought up are shared by half of the game’s subscriber base. The math just isn’t there.

I wouldn’t be so sure that it’s less though. Remember that SWTOR lost 75% of its players after 4-5 months, mostly due to issues with endgame.

The number may not be that high for GW2 yet, but I see no novel reason why it won’t go exactly the way SWTOR did.

Numbers aside, what is clear is that the playerbase is divided on happiness with endgame.

The difference there is that BioWare was incredibly slow at making changes and the vast majority of those changes made no sense. I gave them 3 months subscription to do something about even the basic concerns and nothing positive happened, some things just got worse etc. If SWTOR at the time wasn’t subscription based, it wouldn’t be such a big deal, but I cancelled after the 3rd month because I wasn’t feeding them cash anymore. Even now that it’s essentially F2P, I can’t be bothered as I have other things to play now.

Aside from being "fun" there is no real goal

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KevinM.6583


“Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it.”

Aside from being "fun" there is no real goal

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pdg.8462


Aside from being “fun” there is no real goal

It’s a game. What other goal can there be?

Aside from being "fun" there is no real goal

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Omega.5682


Primary flaw in the game: It does not require any skill, so it does not reward players for being skillful.

I’m sorry dodging is not a skill metric that should be used in a zerg fest game.

Yes the game is F2P does that make it good? Clearly not.

Aside from being "fun" there is no real goal

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lacrimstein.5603


“Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it.”

The problem is that the journey to 80 is pretty lacking in my opinion. GW2 spoonfeeds you XP every second. Crafting? Here’s 1/4 of a level. DE? Here’s another! Exploring? Here’s some more XP for you! When I got to max level in WoW, I felt like I undertook a monumental journey. In GW2, there is no journey. Lack of character development only adds on to it. In WoW, for example, I felt like I underwent an epic journey from a whelp who could only swing a sword to a master of weapons, or from a beginning mage to a fearsome warlock. In GW2, there is no such feeling. Character development stops at level 30-40. Incidentally, my happiness with the game declined after I hit level 40 and bought an elite skill. (In my opinion, character progression has been trashed for the sake of PvP, but thats a separate discussion topic.) There is no goal to work towards afterwards. The game ceases to be an RPG and becomes a multiplayer God of War – except even God of War had a lot better pacing of unlocks and feeling of accomplishment, there was always something to spend your EXP on up until the end of the game.

EDIT: Part 2
I’m not saying there’s nothing to do after you hit level 80. I know there are 5-man dungeons and Orr (I’m assuming a perfect world where Orr is working as intended). But… that’s it. Compared to other MMO’s, the endgame is very light. So while reaching the level cap is more fun than WoW in some ways (DE’s are great, more action-oriented combat is also great), in terms of character progression GW2 falls flat on its face. So, while the endgame is not on par with WoW’s, the leveling experience in GW2 is not necessarily superior to WoW either, which puts GW2 in a rather awkward spot

(edited by lacrimstein.5603)

Aside from being "fun" there is no real goal

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zityz.6089


It depends on your goal I guess.

Myself I hit 80 little while ago and my goal is to finish all the dungeons in story mode then go back and do the dungeons again in explorer. Play some WvW, get some Badges of Honor for 1 piece of gear I want from it. Work on getting at least exotics for all my main characters gear.
Then I want to obtain at least 3 pieces of armour from the crucible dungeon and have all my gear slotted with grenth runes.
Oh then 100% the map (94%atm) and work towards my commander training (100g book)

On top of that I have rolled at least 2 other characters I’m working on to play through the story on their parts so I can unlock the Durman priory and the Vigil.

That seams like a ton to do after 80. Not to mention fighting dragons from time to time for loot to sell and salvage.

Aside from being "fun" there is no real goal

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mug.9403


I’m personally glad people are actually thinking… that makes me feel better.

Aside from being "fun" there is no real goal

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valhingen.4957


The problem is, that past 80 you still have the grind at Gw2 – but not the rewards. The only thing you can do is grinding Orr. Or grinding dungeons for Tokens. Ohnwait, you can grind sPvP for Honor. Do you seriously want to tell me that completing a dungeon 90+ times is fun for you?

So, obviously PVE is not meant to be played after 80 and after completing your exploration. You can achieve this pretty fast.

The only thing left to do is PvP. Unfortunately, at the current state PvP at Gw2 is zerg only and that makes it pretty unappealing and boring for me. Besides things like downed states, Mesmers, Thieves, Shooter mentality, Auto Balancing, Glory for kills only aaaand no rewards. At least you could give us some dyes. :p

Aside from being "fun" there is no real goal

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dybryd.1358


Zachariel, I did not intend to troll you! My other MMOs do not actually help me lose weight. That was a lie. I am sorry for my lie.

Aside from being "fun" there is no real goal

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Plague.5329


The goals I had in GW1 were making various 15k armor sets for various kinds of builds I ran, in addition to collecting all the skills in the game.

Of course, in GW2, there aren’t many skills, and the way builds work, you don’t really need another armor set since you can’t change your attributes without paying money for it anyway (so no one does it). In GW1 I’d change my whole build a few times a day. In GW2 I’ve only changed it a few times, usually just small alterations. I planned my traits in the betas to ensure I didn’t mess them up and need a reroll. I think the fact that combat is so one dimensional hurts the game a lot, and impacts a lot throughout it.

In GW1 I’d have a set on my necro for minion mastery (that looked like a MM armor too. black tormenter. mmm…), a set for general condition use, a set for spiking, etc. In GW2 I have a normal damage set and a magic find set. That’s it. I guess I could have a new set for rune type, but since I can’t switch attributes all the time, there’s no real point.

Aside from being "fun" there is no real goal

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Omega.5682


The problem is, that past 80 you still have the grind at Gw2 – but not the rewards. The only thing you can do is grinding Orr. Or grinding dungeons for Tokens. Ohnwait, you can grind sPvP for Honor. Do you seriously want to tell me that completing a dungeon 90+ times is fun for you?

So, obviously PVE is not meant to be played after 80 and after completing your exploration. You can achieve this pretty fast.

The only thing left to do is PvP. Unfortunately, at the current state PvP at Gw2 is zerg only and that makes it pretty unappealing and boring for me. Besides things like downed states, Mesmers, Thieves, Shooter mentality, Auto Balancing, Glory for kills only aaaand no rewards. At least you could give us some dyes. :p

100% dead on. And exactly why people are already bored with the game.

Aside from being "fun" there is no real goal

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tradewind.6913


haha people think GW2 is a grind still.

Aside from being "fun" there is no real goal

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: uperkurk.4673


You’re misunderstanding me. I’m like the game and I like playing it BUT….. I’ve been rewarded for my pve efforts, the efforts of completing a dungeon rewards me with tokens which give me the best gear in the game.

I’m not being rewarded for pvp though… because the karma gear is not better than the pve gear….

Aside from being "fun" there is no real goal

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Babydrakeling.3914


My problem is i don’t have a job, or have to earn a pay check, i get free checks in the mail. With that said, since i have a lot of time in my hands, i consume content faster then other people.

I think i put about 169 hours on my charr warrior who is about to hit level 78. I got bored and the repetitive PvE content and now I’m back playing wow.

Granted, i still care about the game, and will keep tabs and updates about it, but for the most part, i’m done with the game. I think for 60$ no subscription, it was a decent deal. Not amazing, but i didn’t get ripped off.

It’s better then diablo 3 i can tell you that much.

Aside from being "fun" there is no real goal

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Roargathor.2743


This game was not made with the old model. Since there is no monthly sub, they don’t need a “hook” to keep players subscribed. The game is designed around fun mechanics and gameplay. Not compulsion loops. It may not be “addicting” enough for the “wow-washed” masses. I think Anet has done an amazing job breaking the conventions of the genre. I love good pve content, but my focus is WvW and fighting massive battles with my guild mates. I love how I don’t feel obligated to grind or repeat content for the sake of maintaining statistical effectiveness in PvP. It is unfortunate that many players didn’t read the description before buying the game…