Bleeding does too much dmg

Bleeding does too much dmg

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

That’s because 25 stacks limit is too high. Here’s my suggestion: Decrease stack limit to 5, now we’re in da bsns! <—-hope no1 is dumb enough to take this seriously lol

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

Bleeding does too much dmg

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LastDay.3524


how about ANET increases bleed dmg but removes STACKS!???! atleast people will think a bit more about builds before they go into a dungeon… + It fixes their stack problems. same for all other conditions,, i thought GW2 was going to be a team game, but nope, it’s all solo DPS button bashing, it stacks anyway,

Err, what?
Conditions suck in PvE vs single targets as is because you just hit the 25 bleed cap and then you aren’t dealing nearly as much damage as builds with Power+Crit Damage do.
There’s no cap for dealing Power damage at all.

Plus bleed isn’t something you inflict just once in a while.
Thief Pistol, Warrior Sword and Necromancer Scepter auto-attacks inflict it on every hit.
It HAS to stack high to be efficient at all.

If anything Condition damage is going to get buffs, not nerfs.


Bleeding does too much dmg

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Poison is not a high damage ability. Though I really don’t understand how they nerfed confusion but not bleeding and burning.

Bleeding does about 120 dmg/stack/tick. It can last ~12 seconds and is easily applied in stacks of 15-20. You can not avoid the damage

Confusion after the nerf does 150 dmg/stack/tick it is capped at 10 seconds, but usually only lasts 4-5, it is very difficult to stack more then 5 stacks on a person for more then a split second. You can easily avoid all damage from it by not attacking.

Bleeding does 2-3x more damage on average now then confusion, it needs to have a 66% nerf imo.

If you nerf poison and burning, you nerf rangers, engis, eles, and necros. Do they sound like professions that need nerfed?

Rangers definitely need a nerf.

Actually no they don’t it’s the other classes that don’t do much condi damage that need a boost. Rangers are perfectly fine the way their condis work right now. It’s the other classes that aren’t doing as well.

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Bleeding does too much dmg

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


That’s because 25 stacks limit is too high. Here’s my suggestion: Decrease stack limit to 5, now we’re in da bsns! <—-hope no1 is dumb enough to take this seriously lol

Nah they need to make it 40 at least.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!