Bring back dyes from harvesting
Do you mean unidentified dyes or identified dyes. Most of the identified dyes are less than 3 silver each. The unidentified has gone up by a large amount but supply seems to be holding steady, surprisingly enough.
For example:
Jan 31, 2013. 12AM Supply is 17, 062. Price is 18.31silver
Nov 5, 2014. 12AM. Supply is 61,940. Price is 37.10silver
March 31, 2015. 12AM. Supply is 34,130. Price is 75.47silver.
It appears the high price is more because of high demand than a drop in supply. Perhaps ANet will bring back dyes from harvests or increase the drop rate from black lion chests If it gets much higher.
ANet may give it to you.
I don’t really mind the price, as I just buy most of the dyes I want directly anyway.
That said, I wouldn’t oppose the random forage dye drops, just for the fun of them. I always enjoyed getting a dye and seeing what popped out, but I’m not going to pay for unidentified dyes to get that little bit of RNG.
If they’re worried about flooding the market, then just make the drops account-bound. That way it can be some small help in players getting the dyes they want or just generally expanding their dye pool while keeping the item rarity in-tact.
How is a drop in supply by nearly half in 5 months holding steady? I’m sure there are plenty of people like me who aren’t speculators or particularly tuned into the market who held onto a bunch of dyes from the wardrobe change (was that the last April patch?) For just this situation.
With the reduced ways of getting them added to the flood of dyes people got back from dupes, it was just a matter of time before they climbed in price. It did take longer than I thought, but I think the dupe dye supplies everyone got are finally thinning out. I was lucky – at one time dyes were as low as about 5s and I spend a ridiculous amount of money opening dyes that I used on all my alts. In the veeeeeery long run, that was the best investment I ever made in this game.
I understand why people want more ways to get dyes, but I have waited a while for the demand to outstrip the easy supply. I figured that the gift of color would be the main driver rather than people opening them on a gamble. I would be perfectly fine with easier ways to get the dyes you want. Just don’t mess with the unidentified ones :p
How is a drop in supply by nearly half in 5 months holding steady? I’m sure there are plenty of people like me who aren’t speculators or particularly tuned into the market who held onto a bunch of dyes from the wardrobe change (was that the last April patch?) For just this situation.
With the reduced ways of getting them added to the flood of dyes people got back from dupes, it was just a matter of time before they climbed in price. It did take longer than I thought, but I think the dupe dye supplies everyone got are finally thinning out. I was lucky – at one time dyes were as low as about 5s and I spend a ridiculous amount of money opening dyes that I used on all my alts. In the veeeeeery long run, that was the best investment I ever made in this game.
I understand why people want more ways to get dyes, but I have waited a while for the demand to outstrip the easy supply. I figured that the gift of color would be the main driver rather than people opening them on a gamble. I would be perfectly fine with easier ways to get the dyes you want. Just don’t mess with the unidentified ones :p
Supply is not a steady number, it jumps around. I picked spots at random but if you pick other points you will see it fluctuates around in that area, between the low and the high, but the average supply over time doesn’t change much.
ANet may give it to you.
(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
I’m wondering how it doesn’t change then, because the ways of getting them were severely reduced. Like I said, I think the duped dyes people got from the wardrobe changes may be drying up. There is just no way that supply is going to keep pace with demand going forward. They were so freely given out at the start of the game and the huge glut – what is replacing that? Laurels? Chests? What other ways can you get unID dyes?
Only supply from before the change and from black lion chests, afaik. I remember that people reported having stacks of unid dyes that they put aside to sell later. It’s hard to believe though that those dyes and black lion chest dyes are keeping supply from dropping to nothing, but I guess they are.
ANet may give it to you.
Oh I can totally believe it. There was a loooot of dyes released back into the market. A lot. I’ve sold about a stack since the change, and still have 3 in the bank. I can’t imagine what long term speculators might have.
Do you mean unidentified dyes or identified dyes. Most of the identified dyes are less than 3 silver each. The unidentified has gone up by a large amount but supply seems to be holding steady, surprisingly enough.
For example:
Jan 31, 2013. 12AM Supply is 17, 062. Price is 18.31silver
Nov 5, 2014. 12AM. Supply is 61,940. Price is 37.10silver
March 31, 2015. 12AM. Supply is 34,130. Price is 75.47silver. appears the high price is more because of high demand than a drop in supply. Perhaps ANet will bring back dyes from harvests or increase the drop rate from black lion chests If it gets much higher.
Price has doubled and supply has halved in six months. UI dye is a forging component that comes from rewards and cooking. Named dyes are cheaper but supply was severely cut. Anet can adjust supply whenever necessary.
Do you mean unidentified dyes or identified dyes. Most of the identified dyes are less than 3 silver each. The unidentified has gone up by a large amount but supply seems to be holding steady, surprisingly enough.
For example:
Jan 31, 2013. 12AM Supply is 17, 062. Price is 18.31silver
Nov 5, 2014. 12AM. Supply is 61,940. Price is 37.10silver
March 31, 2015. 12AM. Supply is 34,130. Price is 75.47silver. appears the high price is more because of high demand than a drop in supply. Perhaps ANet will bring back dyes from harvests or increase the drop rate from black lion chests If it gets much higher.
Price has doubled and supply has halved in six months. UI dye is a forging component that comes from rewards and cooking. Named dyes are cheaper but supply was severely cut. Anet can adjust supply whenever necessary.
Yah. Wouldn’t hurt if ANet added another way to get dyes.
ANet may give it to you.
Only supply from before the change and from black lion chests, afaik.
You can also get dyes in the “Bags of Loot” that you get as rewards from completing various Personal Story instances, along with at least one of the Living Story instances.
Only supply from before the change and from black lion chests, afaik.
You can also get dyes in the “Bags of Loot” that you get as rewards from completing various Personal Story instances, along with at least one of the Living Story instances.
And they’re at the Laurel Vendor too…unless that’s changed.
Oh there’s no question dye prices are much more these days than before. Prior to the announcement of the dye wardrobe, it was easy to pickup fine dyes for 30-50 copper. Now, the lowest price for fine is 1s 70, masterwork is 12s 85, and cheapest rare is over 64s. Average prices are much higher than that.
On the other hand, a single dye is a permanent account unlock, so covers a minimum of five characters per player. On the whole, prices aren’t yet five times more than before, so currently, I’d say we’re better off on average.
One aspect of the original GW I enjoyed was getting dye drops, particularly in Pre-searing Ascalon. Some of that joy was in GW2 at launch. Now, not so much. Just another way ANet has slowly leached the joy from the game (obviously, “from my perspective” should not need to be said, but I’ll say it to forestall the comments about not speaking for everyone).
Oh there’s no question dye prices are much more these days than before. Prior to the announcement of the dye wardrobe, it was easy to pickup fine dyes for 30-50 copper. Now, the lowest price for fine is 1s 70, masterwork is 12s 85, and cheapest rare is over 64s. Average prices are much higher than that.
On the other hand, a single dye is a permanent account unlock, so covers a minimum of five characters per player. On the whole, prices aren’t yet five times more than before, so currently, I’d say we’re better off on average.
Using your price example of 30-50c (I remember it being different at 22-64c) for a fine dye and the lowest fine dye of 1.7silver now… uh… how do you get that prices aren’t yet five times what they were. I checked the listed offers on fine dyes. They range from 1.94S (close enough to your 1.7, since I’m aware the market shifts) to over 10S. Before the range was 30-50 copper… Ten silver is twenty times that of fifty copper, and close to twenty times the cost of 64c.
So, really, they are 6-20 times as much as they used to be. At the other end of the spectrum, for example, pre-wardrobe I picked up Midnight Ice for 2.75g (instant buy, not listed order price) and now it’s up to 28g (again ten times the price). So, I’d say that- comparing both an exclusive dye and the fine dye range- prices are well above the average 5x you seem to think it would be okay considering that the game starts with 5 character slots. Same goes for the masterwork dyes, before they were around 1 silver (I remember picking up a bunch shortly after the wardrobe at 1.07s instant buy even) and now they’re ALL over 20s on instant buy. Again, twenty times as much.
If Shadow Abyss had not come out, Abyss Dye would be the same way. It’s about the only dye I found that was anywhere close to its old cost (36g) at being only 55g now.
Looking at unidentified dye alone speaks to the ‘average’ increase. Before the wardrobe they were 1-2 silver, now they’re 75 silver (that’s over 35x as much as they used to be).
Do I like the dye being account unlocks, yes but I’m biased because I had a reasonable number already unlocked from before. I have, however, seen the account dye system has on a new player. It really does point them towards the BLC more than anything because leveling a character 1-80 gives maybe 10 UI dyes and the PS and LS give a chance at around 30 more. I know my first 40 dyes when I started playing were mostly blue with a few green rarity in there. Not even one yellow.
I guess what I’m saying is that they aren’t going to change it since the inflation has already progressed so far in one year. More than likely, it’ll continue this way because new players just don’t know what it was like before and will think the dyes are exclusive to those who can afford them and give them something else to save up for.
(edited by Kentaine.4692)
I haven’t bothered to cook any dyes up in forever. I remember them taking an unreal amount of mats for what you got. I’m wondering if it’s a little more feasible now that costs are rising.
One aspect of the original GW I enjoyed was getting dye drops, particularly in Pre-searing Ascalon. Some of that joy was in GW2 at launch. Now, not so much. Just another way ANet has slowly leached the joy from the game (obviously, “from my perspective” should not need to be said, but I’ll say it to forestall the comments about not speaking for everyone).
I had that same joy, I remember a black dye dropping for me off of a devourer near the ranger mission and- not knowing its value- wasted it on my original pre-searing armor that got replaced an hour later when I found the collector for that armor piece because it was better. It still wasn’t until I reached Droknar’s Forge for the first time did I realize what I’d wasted (it could have paid a large chunk of my first max armor set). In fact I still have that joy whenever I get onto GW1 and see a blue/pink/or even brown dye drop for me and had they same feeling when I’d get them from harvesting in GW2.
Now I enjoy seeing the few I get from PS or leveling up, not because I think I’ll get something from them but because they’re worth 75s now, but you can only do PS so many times before it just drags out… especially once you join one of the orders.
I haven’t bothered to cook any dyes up in forever. I remember them taking an unreal amount of mats for what you got. I’m wondering if it’s a little more feasible now that costs are rising.
Probably not, 100 onions is around 1 gold and the chance of getting something besides a blue is so low… I can’t see it being feasible until fine dyes have reached 50-75s.
I’m too tired, so many typos and misspells.
This is now about cooking your own dyes. It made dye crafting profitable. Or at least the materials needed profitable to gather.
RIP City of Heroes
(edited by Behellagh.1468)
How is a drop in supply by nearly half in 5 months holding steady? I’m sure there are plenty of people like me who aren’t speculators or particularly tuned into the market who held onto a bunch of dyes from the wardrobe change (was that the last April patch?) For just this situation.
hi, I’m sitting on 4 stacks and the drop in supply is players buying out the buy orders and relisting them at a profit or hoarding them. There are very few items that can stack to 250 that are worth as much as unid dyes. For the last few months those people have also been seeding the sell orders so the price didnt spike until they felt they had solid control of the market.
With the reduced ways of getting them added to the flood of dyes people got back from dupes, it was just a matter of time before they climbed in price. It did take longer than I thought, but I think the dupe dye supplies everyone got are finally thinning out. I was lucky – at one time dyes were as low as about 5s and I spend a ridiculous amount of money opening dyes that I used on all my alts. In the veeeeeery long run, that was the best investment I ever made in this game.
I could have had 10-15 stacks if I had loaded up all my alts with dyes. I was buying them and forging them for my main way back when fine dyes were 15-20c but didn’t really load up the alts with the left overs.
I understand why people want more ways to get dyes, but I have waited a while for the demand to outstrip the easy supply. I figured that the gift of color would be the main driver rather than people opening them on a gamble. I would be perfectly fine with easier ways to get the dyes you want. Just don’t mess with the unidentified ones :p
I personally do like the idea of foraging giving dyes again. the price wall has raised again for the gift of color which I agree is the driving force for unid
Looking at unidentified dye alone speaks to the ‘average’ increase. Before the wardrobe they were 1-2 silver, now they’re 75 silver (that’s over 35x as much as they used to be).
I’m not sure why you think that prices for unID were 1-2 silver “before the wardrobe”. The last time they were that low was in 2012.
Prices for UnID dyes were steadily rising long before the announcement of the wardrobe. I chose Feb 2014 for comparison because (a) that was before the wardrobe was announced (which sent the markets into a tizzy) and (b) the prices were fairly stable (if rising) for that period of time. We could choose a different moment in time to compare and it would still show similar results.
Oh there’s no question dye prices are much more these days than before. Prior to the announcement of the dye wardrobe, it was easy to pickup fine dyes for 30-50 copper. Now, the lowest price for fine is 1s 70, masterwork is 12s 85, and cheapest rare is over 64s. Average prices are much higher than that.
On the other hand, a single dye is a permanent account unlock, so covers a minimum of five characters per player. On the whole, prices aren’t yet five times more than before, so currently, I’d say we’re better off on average.
Using your price example of 30-50c (I remember it being different at 22-64c) for a fine dye and the lowest fine dye of 1.7silver now… uh… how do you get that prices aren’t yet five times what they were. I checked the listed offers on fine dyes. They range from 1.94S (close enough to your 1.7, since I’m aware the market shifts) to over 10S. Before the range was 30-50 copper… Ten silver is twenty times that of fifty copper, and close to twenty times the cost of 64c.
I apologize for mixing up “as low as” with “average” in my previous post. Using specific data, it’s easy to see that we pay less now to unlock a specific dye account wide than we would have paid before the wardrobe.
I don’t like “remembering” prices, because I don’t trust my memory, so I used Spidy instead. For shorthand, I’ll use WTB to mean the highest offer (AKA Want to Buy) and WTS for the lowest listed price (AKA Want to Sell).
- UnID dyes currently run at WTB=68s, WTS=78s. In February 2014 (about a month prior to the announcement of the wardrobe), the equivalent prices were as low as WTB=26s and as high as WTS=34s. -> Prices have more than doubled, but not tripled, let alone quintupled for UnIDs.
- Pastel Peach, never a popular choice, current runs 2.76s-4.06s. In Feb 2014, it was WTB=0.92s & WTS=1.90 (trough) -2.95s (peak). -> Prices are tripled for buy orders and roughly doubled for sales.
- Ruby is an attractive masterwork red now running 60s -90s. In Feb 2014, it was WTB = 40.0-47.0s and WTS=65s. -> Prices have increased by about 50%.
- Starry Night is a personal favorite rare blue running now at 1g44s to not quite 2g. In Feb 2014, it fluctuated quite a bit. WTB was as low as 40s, and as high as 68s; WTS went 60s to just under 1g. -> Prices have increased by about 100%.
There are some exceptions to the pattern, mostly due to the special market niche certain dyes play.
tl;dr The overall cost of outfitting an entire account with a particular color is still less today than it was before the wardrobe was announced.
they redesigned dyes almost a year ago (just by looking at spidy, I would say about April 16). used to be all dye unlocks were soulbound. They changed it to account-bound, and also gave everyone unid dyes for any duplicates they had unlocked (resulting in millions added to the market), and drastically reducing how many new unid dyes were added (because everyone needed far fewer). That vast surplus is only now starting to run out. I estimated back then that unid dyes would be worth ~1g each eventually (based on the laurel vender, because if it ever went above 1g, unid dyes would become the best watt to convert laurel to gold instead of T6 mats). Almost there.
Mystic’s Gold Profiting Guide
Forge & more JSON recipes
they redesigned dyes almost a year ago (just by looking at spidy, I would say about April 16). used to be all dye unlocks were soulbound. They changed it to account-bound, and also gave everyone unid dyes for any duplicates they had unlocked (resulting in millions added to the market), and drastically reducing how many new unid dyes were added (because everyone needed far fewer). That vast surplus is only now starting to run out. I estimated back then that unid dyes would be worth ~1g each eventually (based on the laurel vender, because if it ever went above 1g, unid dyes would become the best watt to convert laurel to gold instead of T6 mats). Almost there.
You sure?
One unid dye is 5 laurels. 5 laurels will give you 15 T6 mats. The average current selling price for a T6 mat is ~36 silver. 15 × 0.36 is 5.47 gold.
ANet may give it to you.
5.47 gold
stop it, you’re making me salivate :P
uhhhh, I have no explanation. maybe I thought they were 1 laurel each? iuno.
after some googling, I know what I was thinking:
laurel vendor wasn’t the limit, it was unid yellow dyes. you can throw 4 in the forge and get a unid dye. at the time, they cost 35s to make (x4 = 1g40s). currently closer to 60s to make = 2g40s per unid dye.
Mystic’s Gold Profiting Guide
Forge & more JSON recipes
they redesigned dyes almost a year ago (just by looking at spidy, I would say about April 16). used to be all dye unlocks were soulbound. They changed it to account-bound, and also gave everyone unid dyes for any duplicates they had unlocked (resulting in millions added to the market), and drastically reducing how many new unid dyes were added (because everyone needed far fewer). That vast surplus is only now starting to run out. I estimated back then that unid dyes would be worth ~1g each eventually (based on the laurel vender, because if it ever went above 1g, unid dyes would become the best watt to convert laurel to gold instead of T6 mats). Almost there.
You sure?
One unid dye is 5 laurels. 5 laurels will give you 15 T6 mats. The average current selling price for a T6 mat is ~36 silver. 15 × 0.36 is 5.47 gold.
Before the wardrobe it was 10 UniDyes for 5 Laurels. And back in Jan 2014 when they were 28s each, it wasn’t a bad way to convert laurels to coin.
RIP City of Heroes
they redesigned dyes almost a year ago (just by looking at spidy, I would say about April 16). used to be all dye unlocks were soulbound. They changed it to account-bound, and also gave everyone unid dyes for any duplicates they had unlocked (resulting in millions added to the market), and drastically reducing how many new unid dyes were added (because everyone needed far fewer). That vast surplus is only now starting to run out. I estimated back then that unid dyes would be worth ~1g each eventually (based on the laurel vender, because if it ever went above 1g, unid dyes would become the best watt to convert laurel to gold instead of T6 mats). Almost there.
You sure?
One unid dye is 5 laurels. 5 laurels will give you 15 T6 mats. The average current selling price for a T6 mat is ~36 silver. 15 × 0.36 is 5.47 gold.
Before the wardrobe it was 10 UniDyes for 5 Laurels. And back in Jan 2014 when they were 28s each, it wasn’t a bad way to convert laurels to coin.
That makes sense. He was basing it on that I bet. I’ve been using all my laurels since launch on outfitting 8 chars with ascended weapon sets and trinkets so I haven’t been keeping track of laurels worth and missed that.
ANet may give it to you.