Buying a legendary with gems?

Buying a legendary with gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashabhi.1365


That losers what buy legendary for real money really exists?

It’s no different than the guy who spends an extra $60,000 to buy a luxury sportscar over a family sedan.

Point is, different people have different disposable income for different tastes.

Newsflash… “Family Sedans” can be well over 60KUS. Some sportscars are actually cheaper… Not to mention a lot of people are still caught up in “I must have an SUV” which can start at 50K and go up. Yes, there are cheaper alternatives (I drive a pocket car) but in general, 60K isn’t much to spend any more for some people.

On topic, Legendaries have always been about who can afford them. My advice? Buy the precursor…craft the legendary…OR do what I am doing and completely ignoring them and being happy with my “lowly” exotics…

Until they release content that absolutely requires the increase in stats, I don’t see the point.

Level 80 Elementalist

Buying a legendary with gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrRuin.9740


Some people seem to think that farming Legendary weapons making them legendary.

Worse than that, some people think it’s their business what other people spend the money they earned on.
If someone has the $600 or whatever it costs as disposable income to buy one and does so……good for them. I don’t care either way as it doesn’t affect me in way at all.

Buying a legendary with gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


Some people seem to think that farming Legendary weapons making them legendary.

Worse than that, some people think it’s their business what other people spend the money they earned on.
If someone has the $600 or whatever it costs as disposable income to buy one and does so……good for them. I don’t care either way as it doesn’t affect me in way at all.

Actually it does in fact affect you, it puts more money into development of the game =P

Buying a legendary with gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrRuin.9740


Some people seem to think that farming Legendary weapons making them legendary.

Worse than that, some people think it’s their business what other people spend the money they earned on.
If someone has the $600 or whatever it costs as disposable income to buy one and does so……good for them. I don’t care either way as it doesn’t affect me in way at all.

Actually it does in fact affect you, it puts more money into development of the game =P

Touche lol.
Indirectly in that way, it does ;p
Directly affecting me or my day-to-day gameplay experience, it does not.

Buying a legendary with gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: esit.3927


Mr Ruin just to let you know I have spent money on gems that would be more than enough to buy a Legendary Weapon so you would be wrong by saying I am sad and should not tell people how to spend their HARD earned money cause I do and are actually one of the worst for doing it but I defiantly would not buy a Legendary Weapon then parade around Lions arch claiming to have earned my in-game item just cause I decided to spend my money on a game out of my own choice. If I was to do this it would kill the game for me personally as I like to have direction and currently my direction is kitting out all my characters with Ascended items whilst waiting for the pre-cursor hunt then I can actually say I worked towards my Legendary item in-game exactly the way the game intended me to do so.

If your curious on what I am actually spending my gem to gold money on then, I am actually spending it on levelling chars quickly via crafting as i don’t have lots of gameplay time and only play for about 3 hours a day

I know exactly what your thinking….. “wait hold on a minute, so he saying he don’t agree with people buying a legendary weapon with RL money but its ok for him to spend RL money buying other things in-game therefore contradicting himself”, However that’s the point of my post that your not understanding, I am trying to say there is nothing “LEGENDARY” about a Legendary so really this is Guild Wars at fault and should not have been called one otherwise. I want to earn my Legendary as if there was no other way of earning it other than being legendary.

Sorry for long winded reply

(edited by esit.3927)

Buying a legendary with gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: esit.3927



Making a long story short. Legendary Weapons should be Account Bound and not on TP in first place. Pre-cursors on other hand should be and are ok

Buying a legendary with gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yenn.9185



Making a long story short. Legendary Weapons should be Account Bound and not on TP in first place. Pre-cursors on other hand should be and are ok

Believe it or not, I was shocked when I first saw legendary on TP. There are a lot of things account bound in this game, and legendary weapons are not one them????

Buying a legendary with gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaleban.9834


Losers? What if im rich and have cash to waste? The loser is
The guy who stays in the basement and farm champs for
15 hours a day .

If you have cash to waste I suggest donating it to a charity or good cause, such as the Humane Society or Christmas time toy drives for underprivileged children. I realize that the gem store helps pay for new content in GW2, but dropping several hundred dollars on a single virtual item that you’ll eventually get bored with and move on from is ridiculous when you consider the good that money could do elsewhere.

Buying a legendary with gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


Losers? What if im rich and have cash to waste? The loser is
The guy who stays in the basement and farm champs for
15 hours a day .

If you have cash to waste I suggest donating it to a charity or good cause, such as the Humane Society or Christmas time toy drives for underprivileged children. I realize that the gem store helps pay for new content in GW2, but dropping several hundred dollars on a single virtual item that you’ll eventually get bored with and move on from is ridiculous when you consider the good that money could do elsewhere.

You could also argue that you should give money to charity instead of spending it on video games…

There are plenty of things people could do with their money that is more beneficial to society, but that’s really their business now isn’kitten

I have a really, really strong suspicion that you don’t practice what you preach.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Buying a legendary with gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: linuxotaku.4731


Losers? What if im rich and have cash to waste? The loser is
The guy who stays in the basement and farm champs for
15 hours a day .

If you have cash to waste I suggest donating it to a charity or good cause, such as the Humane Society or Christmas time toy drives for underprivileged children. I realize that the gem store helps pay for new content in GW2, but dropping several hundred dollars on a single virtual item that you’ll eventually get bored with and move on from is ridiculous when you consider the good that money could do elsewhere.

I give a fair bit to charity — much more than I’ve spent on GW2 (which was quite a lot, btw). But this is a false dichotomy, and it’s not always clear that more money to charity produces better results.

Buying a legendary with gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Doggie.3184


I wish more people would buy gems with RL money to buy Legendary weapons so Anet could fund a Cantha expansion sooner.

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“Hard to Catch” is a Horrible and Useless Trait. Fixed 6/23/15. Praise Dwayna.

Buying a legendary with gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: esit.3927


I wish more people would buy gems with RL money to buy Legendary weapons so Anet could fund a Cantha expansion sooner.

Cantha is clearly a win, and they must do it, and everyone will love them long time.

Buying a legendary with gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crawford.4135


That losers what buy legendary for real money really exists?

More money for Anet. Nothing bad about that

Enough please

Buying a legendary with gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Young Somalia.1706

Young Somalia.1706

I’ve bought gold, lots of it too, and I’ve farmed just as much (I principally like it to be around 1:1 so I feel I’m at least pulling my weight). But I’ll tell you why I bought it:

Imagine you go to the movies. A movie may last 90 minutes on average, and cost $20 if you buy a ticket and a drink and/or snack. Pretty pricey in these parts, these days. But evaluate that; $20 for 90 minutes of fun, OR ~$14/hr for fun.

GW2 is $60. That same investment may guarantee I find GW2 fun for a paltry four hours. But no, I’ve easily engaged over 1500 hours without obligation to invest in even monthly payment for access. And at 1500 hours for $60, my fun ended up costing me $0.04/hr.

Four pennies, versus fourteen dollars.

So I thought, even a DOLLAR is quite miniscule in comparison. Perhaps I might invest one dollar per hour played (and yes, it is an investment, because my dollar assures I continue paying the salaries of the people who provide the service). That would already be $1500, and with the current rates for gold? Well that’s already over four thousand gold on the BLTC.

This is also a reason why I consider most video games flimsy investments. I look at things in the form of entertainment hours per dollar. Most games only keep me interested in the campaign for 10 hours at most with very few exceptions, again for $60 (usually). So why bother? When that same money can be reappropriated to continue supporting a game I already know I enjoy consistently, in a way that is even more affordable (even though 1s do add up and $1500 does sound like a lot at cursory glance), and guarantees I enjoy the game I already enjoy, even more.

It just feels good, man.

Guard: Driveby Brofist; Warrior: Giganticus Elitist

Buying a legendary with gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Redenaz.8631


GW2 is $60. That same investment may guarantee I find GW2 fun for a paltry four hours. But no, I’ve easily engaged over 1500 hours without obligation to invest in even monthly payment for access. And at 1500 hours for $60, my fun ended up costing me $0.04/hr.

Four pennies, versus fourteen dollars.

Darn right. It’s dirt-cheap entertainment in the long run, as long as you continue to have fun with the parts of the game you play. Put into terms of cost/hour, even subscription MMOs are a better deal than most people give them credit for (as long as you’re having fun, and not bored and working out of a sense of obligation,) but a subscription-free MMO? Very, very easy to get enough bang for my buck, whether I never pay for anything again, or pay frequently.

~The Storyteller – Elementalist – Jade Quarry~

Buying a legendary with gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Prower.8701

Azure Prower.8701

Buying a legendary with gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RainbowSyrup.4130


Why do people even pay so much attention to what other ppl does…

’’I’m sad hanar can’t wear sweaters’’

Buying a legendary with gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AtoBoss.2906


LOL at some of the people here. Not everyone is broke and that tight on money like you… Enjoy critically analysing every product you buy to determine if it’s a ‘good investment.’
Comments such as ‘when GW2 shuts down, your money on a legendary will be useless.’ gave me a good laugh. Why live life for that matter? You will die sooner or later and all your effort will be ‘useless’…
I know it hurts that some people have the ability to buy something you work months for no-life-ing at a computer, but try not to be so sour and just accept it ^^


Buying a legendary with gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaleban.9834


You could also argue that you should give money to charity instead of spending it on video games…

There are plenty of things people could do with their money that is more beneficial to society, but that’s really their business now isn’kitten

I have a really, really strong suspicion that you don’t practice what you preach.

My response was to the idea of wasting money that is just laying around, not doing a marginal cost assessment of what entertainment one like.

And your really strong suspicion is of course baseless, I volunteer at my local Humane Society shelter (love working the adoption drives and seeing the looks on peoples’ faces) as well as giving to the local toy drives every Christmas, specifically the Love Doctors’ charity here in Florida.

Of course its each person’s business what they do with their money, that doesn’t prevent others from making judgments about it, which just about everyone does even if they won’t admit it. Rich people judge the poor (telling a bum to get a job), poor judge the rich (why does that guy need another yacht?) and back and forth.

My judgment was based on the idea of spending hundreds of dollars on a single item in a game that may or may not last a few more years, especially in the face of many other quality and perhaps better games coming out very soon. For $650 you could buy ten games, with all the content therein, or one Legendary weapon in this game, at current conversion rates. That borders on insanity.

Buying a legendary with gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Science.6709


Cost of legendary: $600-$700

New tier of weapons introduced, rendering that legendary obsolete: Priceless

Buying a legendary with gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


the time of making a legendary by playing the game will earn you more than 600$, if you earn big cash irl.

time is money. compare someone who earns big money in less time vs someone who spends 2 months to get a legendary.

(edited by alcopaul.2156)

Buying a legendary with gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ethics.4519



Since when do so many people feel entitled to tell other people how to spend their money?

RIP in peace Robert

Buying a legendary with gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AngryCat.4825


Why do people even pay so much attention to what other ppl does…


Fort Aspenwood
“Oil down.” “Mortar down.” “Stupid arrow cart.”

Buying a legendary with gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sochan.1573


I do not want to sound like a hypocrite but I think that everyone should mind their own business. When it comes to me, I can’t even afford a legendary since I’m a poor student. Of course it would be cool to have one.

Buying a legendary with gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sola.7250


I still think Anet got it backwards, one would think the top gear in the game should be earned!

Legendary – is something you can buy.

Ascended – is something you earn!

I just hope Anet doesn’t break Ascended in the coming patch!

Buying a legendary with gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arthos Ravron.3796

Arthos Ravron.3796

I do not want to sound like a hypocrite but I think that everyone should mind their own business. When it comes to me, I can’t even afford a legendary since I’m a poor student. Of course it would be cool to have one.

If by that you mean you can afford neither the time nor the money, then a lot of people are probably in the same boat as you. Including me.

Commander of FoW, Lieutenant of [AKP], and Proud Human and Guardian

“Humanity cannot grasp Utopia for it refuses to be worthy of it”

Buying a legendary with gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mantis.5793



Buying a legendary with gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cranked.3812


How do you people find these threads? This thread is from 5 months ago.

The amazing thing is people can’t even stop from making 10 threads about the same thing while they are all on page one of the forums, but somehow threads like this get necro’d from months ago. I’ll never understand.

Buying a legendary with gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EmoDevo.3209


Probably by googling “guild wars 2 how much gems to buy legendary”.

Buying a legendary with gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aenesthesia.1697


“But that’s doing a /job/! That’s not as fun as playing the game!”

If you have a job you enjoy, there’s a real chance you’re going to enjoy it more than at least part of the legendary scavenger hunt.

Fair point. Actually, little parts of the grind this game has devolved into are more fun than my job, which is why I have almost completely stopped playing.