CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal
Imho, hobosacks are extremely limiting the cosmetic endgame of engineers and should be outright optional, especially considering that a major number of living story rewards is a back piece. You should be able to recognize the kit used by seeing what weapon they are using – as for any other class.
Also, they don’t even make sense.
After all, we don’t see warriors going around with a greatsword and a giant scabbard on their back so that you can see they have a greatsword. And neither people using a staff have trees or whatever on their back. So why should that apply with kits?
They should just be recognizable. Elixir gun, flamethrower and tool kit are already recognizable enough. Bombs are already displayed if i’m not wrong, but could include a bag on the other hand. Grenades could be changed in a grenade launcher – also fixing the good old “how can my hands throw things further than a rifle” logical issue. Dunno about med kit, probably some kind of handbag in the main hand and a syringe in the other.
After making those changes, another step would be making legendaries properly work with them – auras and so on.
I know ‘quests’ aren’t exactly what Gw2 does. Hearts are the nearest equivalent – but if I could posit a thought.. what’d be wrong with unlockable, repeatable hearts?“Daily” hearts would be sweet. Multiple hearts across all the maps, should bring people back into those map (especially if we’re not limited into how many we do, as in there are a total of 40 across all maps but we can only do 5 that would be bad).
They’re almost in line with some of the dailies anyways, where you have to kill 40 (don’t remember, I do sPvP since it’s easier) in a certain region… I mean that’s the same thing has having a heart for that in that region…
This seems like a fun idea. Expand upon the Living Story idea and have Daily Hearts or Daily Quests around the world that don’t necessarily have to deal directly with the living story but could. One example could be: Slay the Champion Tamini Butcher of Gendarran Fields. Except in order to kill him there was a quest that went with it. Perhaps one day the Tamini tribe gets particularly bold and starts attacking a certain human settlement around Gendarran Fields. This spawns an event where you must defend the settlement, set up siege, and eventually slay the Butcher of Gendarran Fields.
Or perhaps it’s a daily scavenger hunt, not unlike the Explorer Guild Mission where you have to find certain items in specific places around Tyria and eventually kill a boss.
Another idea is you could incorporate the actual Living Story currently going on with these special bigger events. So instead of just toxic spores showing up everywhere, what if we happen to stumble upon some Molten Alliance mooks setting up a “Mysterious Probe” somewhere and they call for backup. So you have to defeat the existing hordes and then waves of them start coming, finishing with a Champ that spawns to defend his underlings.
I like the idea of the hearts, i was thinking in a reputation system that would be an extention of the heart’s system. This was an idea i had before but maybe could be adapted to the repeteable hearts (the idea is posted as before, without the modification for the daily heart):
-Map Reputation: each map would have its own reputation. This reputation could be won by completing “renown hearts”, killing mobs, completing events, etc. Once one reach the max reputation, an npc with some rewards would be unlocked.
-Region Reputation (Ascalon, Magumma, etc): is the sum of the reputation of the maps of that region. To have max region reputation, the players must have full reputation in all the maps of that region. If they do this they unlock an npc with better rewards.
-World Reputation: must have max reputation in all regions. This unlock an npc with very good rewards.
-Lose Reputation: the map reputation goes down over time if the player doesnt do events in that map. If the reputation goes down, the access to the special npc is locked. For example, the reputation per map could go down by 1 per day, but complete an event in that map could give 5 points. That would mean that the player should do 1 event each 5 days in each map to keep it at max reputation: and even if someone doesnt play for some time, it wouldnt take much time to rise it again. The numbers could change ofc.
I was thinking, maybe could be like this:
It could be a monthly achievement that ask, for example, complete one of the “repeteable hearts” per map. Would be one achievement per region (to complete it, must complete 1 heart per map of that region). Once the achievement is complete, we get access to the reward npc for that region. And would be a global monthly achievement that would be completed when the achievements of each region are completed. That give us access to the final reward npc that sell better rewards.
(edited by Nadesh.7953)
Horizontal progression for me is really about expanding access to new gameplay experiences. Lots of other posts talk about new content already (new skins, lore, maps, story development, updates to dungeons, new skills/weapons/professions/races) but I feel that there’s much that can be done to maximize exploration of existing content.
1. Improvements in build management
The ability to save and load builds a la GW1 has been requested several times before, and I do agree that it would facilitate experimenting with new builds. The effort required to change a build is significantly higher in GW2 given the interactions between skills, traits, weapons, armor, trinkets, sigils and runes. In an ideal world, a build management system for GW2 would be able to save and load all of those elements. This entails being able to save and apply configurations of:
- Skills and traits. This would be a quality of life improvement that would at least benefit folks who choose to run flexible builds with stat allocations that can be reconfigured on the fly (i.e. only required to be out of combat).
- Weapons, Armor and Trinket attributes. A PvE locker as other posters have suggested would be a step in the right direction, but I feel that attribute swapping as seen in legendary weapons would be preferable. It would be a massive quality of life improvement not to have to lug around or bank multiple sets of gear and manually switch each piece out. It would be great if it applied to all ascended gear, as it would make crafting ascended items a far more worthwhile endeavor; I just can’t imagine switching builds on a Warrior with ascended weapons, for example. Alternatives might be to provide gem store items similar to a transmutation stone to merge attribute options into a weapon, or a mystic forge recipe to do so.
- Sigils, Runes, Infusions and other upgrades. Here it might be useful to have a globally accessible locker for every upgrade component, similar to a crafting material bank, that can be freely combined with the saved weapons/armor/trinkets. (i.e. you’ll still need to break the bank for 6 Superior Runes of Divinity, but at least you won’t have to repay that price if you decided you wanted them on a Rabid set instead of the Celestial one).
2. Encourage running Alts
Playing alts is really a core part of the horizontal progression for me, and I think encouraging folks to play different classes in particular gives folks a different lens to experience existing content in new ways and a good way of making the most of the live team’s resources. There have been many good steps taken to support alts since launch: Experience Scrolls from achievement chests, accelerated weapon skill unlocking, account wide WvW and FotM levels so kudos on those. I think running alts stills seems grindy to lots of folks though, largely because much of the replayable content is best run at level 80 either because it’s more manageable (dungeons, fractals) or because it’s more rewarding (world events). I think there’re two major areas I’d like to see considered:
-Enhancing replayability of content. Although the promise of GW2 is that the world is dynamic and constantly fresh to re-experience, there’s just not a lot of variance in the mechanics in most encounters to make playing them a new experience with different classes. Many of the complaints leveled around “zerkers trump all PvE builds” are salient here; it’s not particularly interesting to play different classes that boil down more or less efficient ways to kill lots of dumb small things or the occasional dumb big thing. New content like the Nightmare Tower are trying to push the meta in other interesting directions, but again, there’s not necessarily a great variance in how different classes experience it given the group-centric nature of a lot of it.
There’s the option to build multiple paths as in the personal story, but that’s really hard to scale up beyond one or two branches. It would be interesting to see that integrated into the instanced events for the Living Story as well (like the closure of the toxic alliance arc that can be replayed), but I think it would be more interesting to design encounters that need to be tackled differently depending on your class. The GW1 Doppelganger fight at Augury Rock is the clearest example of this, and I think the GW2 Queen’s Gauntlet challenge comes close. In particular, the Tier 3 fights that had interesting challenges but not overly rigid mechanics felt interesting in highlighting different strengths and weaknesses of classes; in contrast, the Liadri and Suriel fights with rigid and punishing mechanics were boring because they largely homogenized the fights regardless of class.
There’s definitely an art to crafting content like this, but as a broad generalization, I would suggest that solo instances are a good opportunity to provide differentiated experiences that add value to replaying with alts. There could also be ways other than as one-off story based events, such as GW1-style challenge missions, to provide such instances.
-Reducing content gating. Assuming that leveling an alt can be made interesting enough that folks actually care to level from 1-80, it can still be frustrating to have played though the game so many times and not have access to something on one specific character without slogging through a content gate for the umpteenth time. Explorable mode for dungeons comes to mind; so many folks have just never bothered to do story mode that it’s a little embarrassing when a PUG realizes no one can start an instance.
Map exploration is another constant annoyance. Guild missions always seem to run into folks having to switch alts when they realize that particular alt is missing a waypoint for it. There’s definitely a monetization opportunity here: Asura gate maps for gems would totally sell like hotcakes for each of my alts.
More tangentially related is pricing on new skills, which I think of as content since trying out new builds is core to why I have alts. The 25 points price for the new healing skills seems set just to be a skill point sink, rather than for tiered balancing. I would ask ANet to reconsider this, since it is yet another driver of the race to 80 mentality, and creates yet another grind to get a fully fledged class I can experiment with. Using skill points as currency for other things players want (e.g. I’m sure Miyani can rustle up some ascended mats) is a much better way to sink skill points that does not punish alts. I have similar concerns around the cost of ascended gear for alts, but with the time gating there was at least a clear design intent for economic control that is not evidently applicable to skills.
By tinkering, I mean a new crafting profession that would be for non armor or weapon type things… cosmetics. Say for example we had an instance we could develop with items, furnishings, etc. That’s where tinkering would come in… Crafting tables, chairs, wall hangings, etc. You would always know tinkering plus the two armor / weapon ones, but all the recipes would be discovered from using items you get in the world. A scale from Tequatl plus some wood plus some nails (made from iron or mithril for example learned earlier) combine to make a table. That’s what I mean by tinkering. You could also add to that personal clothing items as well, shirts, glasses, etc.
Enhancing this idea just a wee bit… I’ve seen mention of town clothing, and as imagined this could be a means to craft your own clothes… but going further, imagine having “ascended” town clothing? No, not with any special stats or powers, but real ornate stylish clothing that could use those excess stored up ascended materials. Just a random thought as the coffee dilutes the blood first thing in the AM…
First things firsts: I have great hopes that this CDI will improve on an alredy great game
So, I’ve been following this discussion for a couple of days, and i think this has not been already said (tough it was suggested more than one times on the forums).
The Journal
What is it?
Basically, an ingame object that will store a number of information, article, lore bits and mob information found in the game like a treasure hunt of sorts.
How will it work?
You could fill this journal by various means: like with talking to NPCs, doing specific meta events, killing a number of a certain type of mobs, doing activities, jumping puzzles, vanquishing areas(If it will be added in some manner in the game ), arriving in certains places, doing personal or living story and the like.
For example: By talking with a certain NPC in Rata Sum, he could give you the latest edition of the “College of Dynamics gazzette” , where there is an article about toymaker Tixx that will be stored in your journal; or if you kill, say, 500 centaurs, you will gain a journal entry wich talks about theyre culture, and an higher number of kills may gain you a model wiewer of that type of enemies(or even some of the concept arts for centaurs). Or, by visiting the top of the Vizier Tower in Orr, you would gain a story of the fell of Orr(Maybe togheter with that creepy Abbadon mural :P)Harder content may yeld as a reward more particular Journal entries, like some for clearing Fractal level something, killing Teq, and doing Guild Missions.
(Continues in post 2)
Rafflesia Sothoth, Silvary Necromancer
How can it be implemented
I know that adding so much text to the game in shot, while less resource heavy than adding animations(I think? <.<), so I propose this: with an upcoming living story you could introduce the journal and some Entries linked to the current living story and some generic ones. Then, aided also by the bi-weekly releases, you could continue to add more entries little by little: it would also make sense lore wise, with entries written about past event( like a recap of the Flame and Frost events, an article on Karka anatomy, an order of Whisper secret file on Scarlet, a Priory research on Steam creatures et cetera).
PS: Bonus if you could make our characters say “UPDATED MY JOURNAL” :P (Kudos to who gets the quote )
What wil this accomplish?
I am, like a lot of other people, a completionist. I love to explore all the nooks and crannies of maps, to read all the books i could find in Skyrim, to fill to 100% the bestiary in Final Fantasy XII, and so on…
While this Journal would not have any practical advantage in terms of power, I think it would give players something to works towards, and also give players and incentive to explore the beatiful world of GW2. It should also be relatively light resource wise, and give a mean to tell and expand on the interesting Lore of the game (and also to incorporate in the game the lore articles on the site in a lore-friendly fashion, as it has already been suggested by other peoples).
Signed by an happy customer and Sylvari Necro
Rafflesia Sothoth, Silvary Necromancer
Alternate weapon skills to choose and unlock
I would like to see more skills for the weapons we use. Like i posted before, i think there could be a way to unlock new moves in each key for each weapon. After all, after we unlock the attacks at the start of the game, there is no more progression there, and i think that if one use a weapon for long time we should be able to develop new moves to create a more personal fight style.
This moves shouldnt be more powerful but different than the basic ones. For example, a warrior using a 1h sword have bleed and torment conditions in their attacks, and new moves could change bleed for venom, for example. Or a Greatsword could change 100 blades for a faster attack with less hits, or change Bladetrail for a block skill like Riposte (1h sword).
The idea would be to be able to have at least 2-3 options (including the basic ones) in each slot (keys 1 to 5) and maybe a 4th for legendary weapons. I repeat, those attacks shouldnt be more powerful, just different.
My idea about how to unlock this is that could be done with the Weapon Master achievements (creating a special one for the legendary weapons) but could be done in another way to make it less grindy.
If at some point there are a multi-class system in which one can be, for example, a ranger/thief; the attacks of the repeated weapons should be added to the attack options suggested above.
Very good points there. And i agree that even if it is hard it would be very nice to have the variation on the weapon skills, even if the change is only in the effect of the attack and not on the graphic part. For example one weapon that have bleed could have an alternative for poison, and legendary weapons could have a version related to the “element” of the weapon: for example Throw Axe from Frostfang could apply Chilled instead of Crippled.
draxynnic, the major problem I have with the hobo kits is, just like the lack of flexibility in builds, all engineers wielding a kit have that same hobo sack on their back. Engineers are supposed to be quirky and unique and eccentric (at least in my opinion), but there’s not even an option to dye or otherwise modify the appearance of the kits.
I’d be a little bit happier with the aesthetics of them if we could alter the look in a variety of ways. These ways could be tied to chosen race, order- heck, even personality, if you want to get really crazy, or other decisions made in the personal story that have very little impact overall. Maybe more looks unlock as you level. It could become its own little engineer meta. It wouldn’t solve all the problems, but it would be a step in the right direction, for sure.
Sure, that would also work.
My initial thought, in fact, was something along these lines. If the meta achievement skins were made unlocks (like the radiant, hellfire, and zenith skins), then a system could be set up so that back skins that you have unlocked can be slotted in to replace the default backpack for a kit. With a system in place that allows you to alter the details of a skill (in this case, the artwork of the backpack associated with a kit) the devs could also introduce new appearances for skill kits that aren’t simply replacing the backpack with existing art for a back slot item.
Personally, I’d be all for this if it can be done! However, it does require adding new functionality to the UI – namely, having some means of altering the qualities of a skill apart from traits. Doing so would probably be advantageous for a number of reasons (it would provide a framework allow various other tweaks and customisations to individual skills, as have been suggested in this thread, to be added) but my proposal has the advantage that it’s largely just using existing systems. Think of it at least as a stopgap for the people that are unhappy that kit backpacks obscure their chosen back slot skins.
That said, though, making it possible to apply dyes to the back slot would probably make a huge difference on its own. Any existing items might be unaffected by dying (similar to how things like the HoM ice crown is now) if they’re not suitable to be dyed, but the dye channels in the back slot could then be applied to engineer kits as well and allow for customisation that way.
(Journal proposal)
As a representative of the Archivist’s Sanctum, I support this proposal.
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.
(edited by draxynnic.3719)
Introduce harder achievements, player-skill dependent.
Soloing Lupicus? Completing a dungeon without anyone going down or defeated? Complete arah without using any healing skill?
Bring us achievements that really show a big achievement, other than the majority of achievements from Living World that are mostly a shopping check-list.
Also, Weekly-Order missions! Stuff to do to gain faction rank on your order and unlock cool stuff order-themed.
The Hylek Title of 1 player per server that would be determined by the player with the highest amount of faction rank currently is also a great idea. Maybe not 1 player but the top 500 players per server?
(edited by Quickfoot Katana.8642)
Progression titles….. This is so easy and a ton of fun for us casual grinders, bring sunspear and lightbringer back, maybe in form of the orders, where you only get progression from fighting in certain areas. And like SS and LB titles in gw1, make the 2 or 3 final gaps take a long time to get, or at least for some, a long grind. This could make it possible to get, as many have stated already, new armor skin sets for each “faction” and weapons, high end dyes, like pyre, acid, algea etc. OR grant us effect unlocks, like for example, if you max out the rank tier in The order of whispers, you can choose between for example 3 diff effect “dyes” that are permanent per character. There’s so much potential for character progression, especially horizontal in this game that are starting to get boring because of the lack of it. Vertical progression isn’t that fun and doesn’t give the same “my sword is longer than your’s” feeling.
Throw Axe from Frostfang could apply Chilled instead of Crippled.
I like your ideas but this one is the absolute opposite of what we want to achieve here. This sounds like vertical progression as non-legendary weapons are inferior, even if it’s because a necro with Frostfang has an advantage of 1 sec chilled.
Prize Tickets
The Black Lion Trading Company, through intermediaries and dummy corporations, has purchased a controlling interest in every Activity throughout Tyria. Players who engage in Crab Toss, Keg Brawl, Sanctum Sprint or Southsun Survival activities will now receive a single, unified currency called “Prize Tickets” upon participation.
Additionally, Evon Gnashblade’s legendary logistics team has set up Mina’s Target Shooting in Divinity’s Reach far ahead of schedule, and will soon have Belcher’s Bluff lounges established in every major city.
Prize Tickets can be used to purchase several new and exclusive activity-themed items;
- Kegmaul, the barrel-headed hammer.
- A Beer Stein Focus skin.
- Target Shoot-themed rifle and pistol skins.
- Southsun Survivor’s sword, longbow, shortbow and dagger skins.
- Activity-themed Minis and back items.
- Many more…
Additionally, unused holiday items (Candy Corn, Ugly Wool garments, Pieces of Zhaitaffy, etc.) can be exchanged in bulk for Prize Tickets.
Rumor has it Gnashblade is quietly investigating opportunities in illicit Moa Racing, underground Polymock leagues and may even be privately funding Moto’s research to produce a variety of simulated games of chance and skill!
Although dailies have certain ‘optimized’ spots, I like to switch it up and pick random areas to do my dailies. I recently went to a zone that I hadn’t been to in a while, Dredgehaunt Cliffs. I stumbled upon a cave called ’Dissun’s Mine’. Inside was a random event which was a generic ‘protect the blue circle’ event. And then…nothing. I explored the rest of the cave, which was entirely empty. The merchant that spawned after the event had nothing useful.
This is just one of example, but exemplifies how most of the DE’s in the game are inconsequential, static, and essentially hurts the replayability of the game, because there are no incentives to really explore and replay areas.
Forgive me if DE’s do not fit into the Horizontal Progression topic, but I believe that DE’s can be the best form of horizontal progression, if done properly. They remove grind, and reward exploration.
Horizontal Progression
Like many people said, playing with alts is an huge disadvantage. And i really never liked the concept of alt chars, is like you are obey to marry a main char to get advantage of content, but like in real life some marriages don’t last a life time, so people become boring to that main chair and leave the game, because they dont want to make the some progress in a alt class that they like, or want to experience. Every alt you create, you need a new set of armor, what makes sence the problem is when happens the big updates, and they mess with your build. In PVE zerk is still the best gear across all classes, but in wvwvw, updates can change things drasticaly. The new gear ascended, transform this hole from alts in a big abysm without end, since the costs to re-equip are very high.
The solution of making the ascended gear changeable in status resolves this big problem and i think you can make this acctually like the legendaries weapons.
Speaking on legendaries, that is another big problem from alts, the soulbound thing does not help anything. My ideia since they are tradable in TP is making statues in home instance for example, and every time you create a legendary you put the item in the right statue and that will unlock the legendary for all chars (offcourse this legendaries copies can’t be sold on TP but are equally the main with same option to change status). You will still be able to remove the legendary from the statue and sell them on tp, but if you do that you lose all copies of the legendary you removed from the statue in the home instance. Home instance may not be the best solution, but an instance shared by all account chars, will probably the best the solution for a script that checks the legendary statue. This will make players want all the legendarys to work on their statues and be able to always have them on main or alt chars. Ofcourse that this concept should be also implemented on armors, acessories… Progression on legendaries should be equaly valid in terms of PVE, WVWVW and SPVP , both of this communities players should be able to progress equally to the legendary. Players with already two legendaries of the same type should be able to get the gifts back and precussor or trade for another legendary that they like (excluding eternity).
Another point in terms of style is dyes, people with alts have been again discouraged in get them all because they are soulbound, in my opinion this is one of the big fails of the game, specialy with the introduction of the special dyes (molten dyes, swamp dyes…). Soulbound one of that dyes that worths alot to a char, in my opinion is a big mistake when you have alts.
People that do spvp, alt friendly mode in almost all aspects, gear easy changeable, you don’t need to worry with armor status or losing any progress by changing char… you just worry about dyes and the pve skins that the game does not let you have, because… well there is not any reasonable explication, but it seems that you are already working in the skin problem, well better later than never.
WvWvW account bound level, seems to be in development and that is important, another thing you should have is like when you go from pve to pvp or from wvwvw to pvp, your build changes, that should be equaly valid when you go from pve to wvwvw. Multiple build in Pve, does not seem necessary, but maybe a iten (account bound=you unlock in one char you unlock in everyone) in Gemstore could expand the tabs of build, so you can have more than one build, and change them when you are out of combat… max 3, need 2 itens to achiev max, like the new stack improve iten in gemstore.
I hope you understand my english and have at least a thought of this concept called alt char and think how you can change things to let people enjoy all the classes at max without needing to make a great trade off between progression or alts… i really dont like this concept of alts at all.
Jump Variation:
Here’s one out of the blue.
Level 80 progression: Let’s have some things that become available once your character hits 80.
For Example, since you cannot use skills while in the air, when jumping from a certain minimum height(say one meter) your skill bar is replaced with 1-10 jump skills(like the underwater skill swap), each skill has an unlock process similar to regular skills for successful completion of a jump. Each skill triggers a scripted, timed action which needs to complete prior to contact with the ground or you face plant.
So as an example: (Times would need to be adjusted depending on the fall distance mechanic)
- ¼ second Forward Somersault Tuck
- ½ second Forward Somersault Pike
- ¾ second Forward Reverse Somersault Tuck
- 1 second Forward Somersault One Twist
- 1 ¼ second Forward Somersault Two Twists
- 1 ½ second Forward Somersault Three Twists
- 1 ¾ second Double Forward Somersault Tuck
- 2 second Triple Forward Somersault Tuck
- 2 second Gender Specific Jump
- 2 second Species Specific Jump
Now if you wanted to add some Vertical Progression along with this you could make a Tiered Achievement out of successful completion X number of jumps(assuming no face plant) with a title at the end
I’d rather Vanquishing not be relegated to dungeons. Vanquishing would be something I might want to do on my own sometimes or a group sometimes.
What about Vanquishing, but instead of mobs, you complete all of the events in an area?
This would overcome the issue of vanquishing in the open world.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.
Speaking of progression, I think someone forgot to pay that Asura construction worker building the portal to the Polymock Arena. Someone should look into that. He was mumbling something about a stapler and setting the building on fire.
I just wanted to echo the sentiment about stat swapping on Ascended items. I would really like that. All in all I don’t think it matters much to me until we have the ability to save templates. For such a great game, it’s a shame that GW1 is still ahead of the curve as compared to GW2 in this area. That and being able to retrait anywhere, out of combat is a huge QoL thing that everyone would appreciate and I am not talking about store bought trait stones.
I’d rather Vanquishing not be relegated to dungeons. Vanquishing would be something I might want to do on my own sometimes or a group sometimes.
What about Vanquishing, but instead of mobs, you complete all of the events in an area?
This would overcome the issue of vanquishing in the open world.
Dynamic events are dynamic though. And if more people are vanquishing, you may often find yourself unable to do the event that you need for completion.
I’d rather Vanquishing not be relegated to dungeons. Vanquishing would be something I might want to do on my own sometimes or a group sometimes.
What about Vanquishing, but instead of mobs, you complete all of the events in an area?
This would overcome the issue of vanquishing in the open world.
Dynamic events are dynamic though. And if more people are vanquishing, you may often find yourself unable to do the event that you need for completion.
DE’s are also repeatable, meaning if you miss the event, you’ll still have the chance to do it.
For obvious reasons, there wouldn’t be a time limit on doing the vanquish.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.
Page 3 Summary
General & QoL Improvements – Name Tag Color Change, Progression Tags, New Animations – Alternative ways for Legendaries – Remove Spawn Timers
New Skills, Traits and Improvments – Elite Skills Quests, Offensive/Defensive Skills – 5/15/25 Options – Trait Design based on Damage/Control/Support
Horizontal WvW Improvements – Siege Cosmetics
Cosmetical Improvements – Legendary Dyes – Improve Character Creator, Mouse Cursors – Better Gear Modification
Housing and Home Instance Improvements – Wall Trophies – Stuff like Marjorys Diar
Gameplay Improvements – 1st Person View, HD Screens, Better Cam Positioning – More Exclamations, Follow Up Events – Add more Ranger Pets – Enemy Auto Attacks – Rework of Underwater Gameplay – Increase the Skill Bar to 12, 2 Elite Skills
New Features and reimplemented Features of GW1 – Unlock Skill Skins with Skill Points – Add explorable Tombs (Solo Dungeons), Treasure Hunts, Growing World – Weather influences Character, more impactful weather effects – Add Resistences and Weaknesses/ Pros & Cons – Add Hard Mode
Crafting Improvements – Crafting Recipes through Achievements – More discoverable Recipes – More Crafting/Gathering Jobs, Fishing, Digging, Housing related Crafting Jobs
Dungeon Improvements – Dungeon Vanquishing – More permanent Dungeons – Leaderboards
Reward & Loot Improvements – Raise Fractal Rewards – Loot Bags getable, when being dead – DE Rewards revamped, Craftable Ectos, reverse DR
Hi there !
I just read some posts here, not everything. And of course I will probably say things that some people have already talked about but I guess it’s always good insist on something we find really important.
For me horizontal progression is very linked to playable content. You have to be rewarded for what you did, to feel you have progressed. And for that you need to get something *visua*l or tangible for anything you’ve accomplished by going through enough content that is appealing and challenging.
So on antoher side we can say it has to show what kind of content you like, what you are good at, what you did in this game. I really think horizontal progression is about personnalisation.
- Visual personnalisation for your character, gameplay personnalisation (builds)
- Rewards that show what kind of content you like, how good you are at something, what you’ve achieved etc…
Anything must be accessible to anybody, you just choose what you prefer. But even getting new skills and skins require a personal involvement that gives a sense of progression.
I have some ideas of contents, rewards and maybe mechanics we could add to this game :
- PVE skills :
We have racial skills in this game, and basically nobody uses them because they’re just bad. I know you did it on purpose so people won’t select players based on the race/profession combination they chose. It makes sense for sPvP and Dungeons. But for the rest ?
It won’t make any difference between players in open world PvE, in living story (outside of Dungeons) or personal story instances. Even in WvW, the only situation where it could benefits someone is in small fights. We can imagine that situation where you lose and you say “If he wasnt Norn I could have won because he’s coutering my build with his Norn skills”, but couldn’t the same thing happen just with profession skills actually ?
In big fights however, racial skills won’t make any difference.
Just deactivate those skills for PvP and dungeons, and make them useful for the rest.
It’s also important for RP ! And besides your appearance your race has actually no impact once you passed the first part of personal story at the moment.
- Utility skills:
You recently added healing skills. I like the idea, and I like the fact they try to bring different mechanics that this game is really lacking. Just keep going this way
- Weapon skills:
I’ve seen this idea many times on forums, even before launch ! I have to admit I totally disagreed at first. But recently (just some time before your progression threads) I was thinking about how the game could be better and how my character could progress more (yes, most of my ideas are 2-3 months old at least). And guess what ? I’ve come to a point in my rumination where I said to myself “Come on ! They were just right !”
But I dont think we need more weapons for now, just give us “Tier 2 weapon skills”
For example, current sword skill n°2 is Tier 1 : S2T1. Just add a S2T2 (Sword 2 Tier 2) and we could switch between S2T2 and S2T1 anytime when not in combat.
It can bring enough variety without being too hard to balance.
I’m not sure it is really necessary for the moment, but some professions are a bit late compared to others in terms of possibilities. Giving them some weapons they currently can’t use could be great.
Ranger are a bit like Druids, they use Nature magic : they could use staffs, scepters and focuses. But also firearms, duodaggers and duo swords !
Necro : left hand axes, torches ?
Engi : a lot of people are asking for a hammer ! Maces could work too. that’s somehing we see in other games that have engineers.
- Rework traits :
I’m sorry to say it now because you just made a big work on traits, but more skills will probably require to adjust traits once again :p
- Trait pages :
This is a BIG point. You need to stop this stupid (no offense, but that’s really my opinion) “respec” thing and give us the possibility to switch between different builds easily.
If you still need to make it a gold sink it’s ok.
Now my idea :
Once we’ve unlocked all our trait points at lvl80 we could just go see an instructor to buy a new page. And then you can switch between your pages while not in combat ! YAY !!
Redoing a page would cost a lot less than the current cost but largely compensated by the cost of new pages, and we won’t need to see the instructor for that, just doing it on the fly.
Restrictions : you can’t switch in dungeons, sPvP and maybe other places if you feel it’s better this way.
(edited by Ojyh.9842)
Please include the many posts about the engineer hobo-sacks as well. Just a minor thing, but a thing nonetheless.
Part 2 :
- Easy basic max equipment :
More trait pages means you can have very different builds for one character at any moment. So you will probably have to get several equipments to adapt to each build.
It can be really hard to have an optimized equipment for every build. So I recommand to find a way to get basic equipments that are quite easy to obtain after lvl80. Like exotics with really poor skins.
This could be hard and dangerous considering people already put efforts into getting their equipment. They have to not feel like they did it for nothing because now you can get the same thing so easily.
- Equipment storage :
Many builds = lots of equipments : we’ll need to put them somewhere… Actually we already need it today !
Equipment bags : Inventory slots in which you can only transport equippable items.
We could have a 10slots bag (armor + weapons), a 16slots (+accesories), and a really rare and expensive 32slots (2 complete sets)
Equipment storage in Home Instance : Make the Home Instance more useful and don’t waste our bank slots or inventory slots by creating an armory in which we can deposite a lot of (unlimited ?) equipment pieces.
Another little thing : remove souldbound when equipped ! Only account bound please !
- Make the titles more apparent :
It doesnt mean make them bigger, flashy or… I dont know… visually aggressive ?
I mean that we should be able to see easily if someone has a specific title. You should associate special emotes or effects to the character with the title he currently has.
Like in GW1, we could write a command in the chat to activate a special emote based on a title rank or a special limited edition/preoder emote.
It could be permanent effects too (a little bird flying around you, snow covering your armor… just some examples)
Some Achievement could also give you unique skins. They should work like zenith weapons.
While I’m on this topic : meta-events skins HAVE TO work like zenith skins : account bound and unlimited ! And the Gemstore skins too actually ! Nobody will buy the same skin twice anyway, and a lot of people are not buying any (like me) because they dont want to waste so much money for ONE skin, they will give to ONE character and they have a chance to lose in a wrong manipulation. The way they currently work make them low quality items for me and many players, which means that more than thinking they’re not worth the price you sell them they would still be bad if they were cheaper. It’s not only a matter of price.
Orders are almost useless currently. You join one, you finish personal story…. and then what ? You can get an armor and weapons, that’s cool, but that’s not enough. They are supposed to be big organisations that impact the world.
- Order missions :
They could be a way to offer daily quests, like zaishen quests in GW1, and other types of missions too with some interesting goals and nice story telling. They could make you explore “abandonned” sides of Tyria’s history, and make you go back to places where nobody goes. This can revive areas in which players never go.
They could be instanced or take place in the open world too.
We could follow a friend in his quests as an ‘interim member’ of his Order, getting rewards without having all the benefits of being a real member.
- Order Ranks : rewards, titles and personnalisation :
We could get Order experience, each lvl is a Rank and is associated with : specific rewards, new equipment skins (unique to the Order), new merchants unlocked, unique titles etc…
- Order skill :
They’re just PvE skills, like racials but for the Orders.
They could be usefull and necessary for some missions !
Well… No precise ideas, but I already talked about the armory for example.
It could also show our involvement in our Order. Some Achievements could give us some elements to put into our Home Instance.
I also think we should be able to teleport into our Home Instance and then go back to our initial position for free. Maybe not making it a basic feature for the Home Instance, but doing it thanks to an item or a building we could create (or buy) for our Home Instance.
That’s all for now !
Thanks for reading this long one !
Merry Christmas people
(edited by Ojyh.9842)
Please include the many posts about the engineer hobo-sacks as well. Just a minor thing, but a thing nonetheless.
and what do these rants have to do with horizontal progression?
Louveepine.7630 and me have discussed of Guild Halls and we came with plenty of basic elements that could make Guild Halls as customizable than our characters and practical ! They’re light elements, used in gameboy RPG that have some declinations and can be adapt to Guild Wars 2 to let us have a whole and flexible customization system. The proposed system and ideas can be use for Home instances too !
Thereafter, I will make adamant statement many times, but it’s because I suggest all of this the way my friend and me had imagined it. It’s of course up to to pick what is relevant for them and improve it as they wish.
+ Location
First of all, the idea is to have different Guild Hall environment and landscapes.
It will also define where Guild Halls entrances were localized.
Each main city will have an interactive door/elevator for urban type Guild Hall.
Divinity’s Reach, Hoelbrak, Black Citadel, Rata Sum, The Grove, and Lion’s Arch.
Alternatively, it will have isolated entrances in each region type : Maguuma Jungle, Shiverpeak, Krytian temperate area, Charr savanna. With two declinations for each : plain and mountain.
And from Lion’s arch port an island location.
So we have fifteen locations. New ones can be add to make more declinations.
+ Building
We have the location, the second part is to select a building type.
Building type exist for each races with some declinations in parenthesis.
Declinations are separated between floor, walls and roof.
Note : It’s only the building (floor and walls), the inside is totally empty.
- Human fortress (stone, wood, chipped stone)
- Human house (Can end in noble manor or notorious tavern depending of texture choices)
- Norn Lodge (Classic, Bear, Wolf, Panther, Crow, Svanir)
- Asuran krewe (Synergetics, Dynamics, Statics, Inquest)
- Sylvari vegetal building (Dream or Nightmare)
- Sylvari isolated grove area (Dream or Nightmare)
- Charr fortress (Iron, Blood, Ash or Flame)
- Charr camp (Iron, Bloodn Ash or Flame)
- Caves ! (Mossy, Iced or Dark. Best for bandit guilds)
Nine buildings categories, many declinations, more can be added in future.
+ Special Guild Halls
Special guild halls could be reachable from Lion’s arch port : ships of every races ! A dashing Human three-masted, an heavy Charr ironclad, a proud Norn drakkar, a vegetal Sylvari ship, and an Asuran hovercraft.
An ultimate ship could be unlocked from Fort Trinity : the Pact Airship like the Glory of Tyria.
These special Guild Halls are “Buildings” with sea/air linked environments.
At this point, we already have hundreds possibilities.
+ Furnishing
Now that we have the building, I will tell you about the furnishing !
Do you remember of old gameboy games like Pokémon or Zelda ? Gameboy cartridges have a little memory but they have stored a complete world inside. Guild Halls aren’t a whole world so it will take a “few” memory capacity to store a tile-based housing system.
One tile is roughly the size of a character (a big Charr of course).
Guild Halls start with 4 tiles by 8 (example). And it can be increased by the guild leader, adding a row of tiles in X and Y axis in exchange of influence and/or money.
Each tile can be manage to be occupied by a furniture. Table, chair, bar, fireplace, wardrobe, bookcase, weapon rack, armor dummy, plants. These elements have different declinations ordered by race.
In addition of these declinations, elements may have a direction. So we can make a tavern bar by putting a row of bar tiles. With a row of beds and curtains we can make an hospital or a dormitory. Beds are two tiles long with a “head” and “foot” part correctly oriented.
+ Interactivity
Some elements may be interactive : bed, chair, stool, bench…
By clicking on an empty bed, the character jump on the bed and use the sleep emote correctly oriented.
These elements can be count as siege weapon. For example a stool have four skills. By using one I can face a specific direction and can drink at the bar or looking back and talk.
+ Special “Furnishing”
With guild influence, special furnishing can be bought that will add life to a guild hall : NPC !
You want a tavern like hall ? Buy an innkeeper of the race and gender you want ! With the facing option it will be correctly oriented. The innkeeper is a merchant that allows guild members to sell junk and buy tools or salvage kits.
Also this is a list of decorative NPC purchasable :
- Norn Chaman of the [select spirit]
- Norn Master of the Lodge
- Charr Soldier of the [select legion]
- Charr Gladium
- Sylvari (Gardener, Valiant or Courtier)
- Asura Krewe assistant/member
- Asuran Golem (7-Series, D-Series, Assistant, Hazmat suit)
- Human Priest of [select god]
- Human Soldier/Worker/Farmer
Also special furnishing can be a Guild vault entrance or craftsmanship workshop and a material vendor NPC.
+ Accessibility
A Guild Hall is split in two instances (same location and building main type). Public and private instances.
Guild members can go in the Public part freely, the private part access is managed by a new guild option in rank management.
The guild leader can also choose to use an access key generated by the game and unique. Anyone who give the access key at the guild hall entrance is allowed to enter in the public instance of the associated guild. The guild leader can ask for a new access key all time.
If the guild hall is “tavern like” or “shop like” or “hospital like”, the public part is open with the access key given and the private part is a dormitory.
If the guild hall is more private, the public part may be closed with no access key or the access key was given to a few people and the private part is reserved for the officers.
A free TP option is available to guild members that allow them to join the public part any time. Useful for low level members that can’t reach the guild entrance. And you will have two ways of leaving Guild Hall. By the entrance, you’re teleported in front of the portal. Or you can leave and reappear in Lion’s arch. The last option will prevent low level members to be killed when leaving, higher level member can use it too, it’s not different than the “teleport to the mists and take Lion’s arch portal” thing.
+ How to obtain a Guild Hall ?
Influence by the Architecture upgrade category !
Golds can be involved to unlock furnishing options or recruit NPC.
+ Features
Because Guild Hall need to be a little useful but without draining the world of its inhabitants, here we suggest some features Guild Halls can provide.
The innkeeper and workshops are a first thing that can be put in “features”.
Guild Halls should not allow members to teleport somewhere else than Lion’s arch and the entrance. No “dungeon TP”.
We have a suggestion that not directly provide a feature to Guild Hall but is related and will help to dispatch players in the world to make different regions more living.
+ Long term Guild missions
Currently, guild missions consist of making things with huge guild groups for a short amount of time.
Long term guild missions will consist of giving guild goals that can be reach only if many guild members help.
Missions will be weekly, randomly generated, guild specific, and proportional to the number of members.
Guild specific to dispatch guild goals in different regions, providing reasons to go there and life activity.
Proportional to discriminate involvement instead of member quantity. But rewards are partially proportional so you will not be wronged to have a big guild.
They’re one for each category “War”, “Exploration”, and “Economy”.
A few example of guild missions :
- Art of War : Durmand priory want cristal shards from the branded for studying.
- Art of War : Sparkly Fen is invaded by Skales, put an end to it.
- Economy : Vigils are in short supply of iron ore, gather some for them.
- Economy : Ebon vanguard want to replace worn gear and need new thick leather medium armors.
- Exploration : Evon Gnashblade heard that a treasure is hidden in Goemm’s lab. Help him by exploring the area and he’ll help you, perhaps.
Example for the jumping puzzle mission, it has to be done one time for each member of the guild. But if someone love jumping puzzle and do it four time in the week, it matters. But he can’t do the whole guild mission alone.
Linked to the Guild Halls, the gathered/crafted items have to be given to the Guild Vault entrance by a “donation” feature to count for the global mission progression.
(edited by Kulvar.1239)
I’ve seen enough people talk about Vanquishing and Hard Mode etc here, I have a new idea that might offer some fun opportunities:
Wilderness Zones
Unlike regular zones in the game, wilderness zones are instanced areas without waypoints and without respawning mobs. These zones exist at the edge of the current map and would serve as an introduction to soon-to-be-released new zones.
In wilderness zones, you and your party venture through the zone in an attempt to hunt down and defeat some sort of boss. Because there are no checkpoints, a full wipe means you have to waypoint out of the instance and start over.
This could even tie in with Order Missions: perhaps there are 3-4 different bosses per zone and every week your Order enlists you to defeat one.
Some examples…
“Bandit Territory” through the existing portal in Brisban Wildlands. This heavily fortified bandit training facility/barracks is home to many top officials and commanders. You must infiltrate the barracks and assassinate one of these officials.
“Crystal Desert” takes you south from Ebonhawke. A patrol of Ebonguard has gone missing and you must rescue them.
“Active Fissure” sends you below the surface of Tyria to clear out a pack of Destroyers wreaking havoc on Kessex Hills.
Something like that? /
Thank you, Orpheal, for the page summaries; they’ve been helpful!
My suggestions can be summarized in 3 points:
More Skills:
- More Weapon Skills: I think every weapon of each profession should have at least one more option for each skill slot (with the exception of Skill 1). Important!: I’m NOT suggesting to add more skill slots! Hell no! I am proposing Weapon Skills to be selectable like Utility Skills (Utility skills can be equipped in the utility slot we want, but these new weapons skills should be locked to a particular weapon skill slot). I know, this would result in a lot of hard work and balance fixes, but it would add huge customization!
Before discarding this idea, consider it carefully, please - More Utility Skills: this doesn’t need an explanation. Just do a nice work like you did with healing skills ^^
- More Weapon Types: Halberd, Flail, Two-handed Axe…
- Unique PvE Skills: Skills granted only by completing a challenge (a solo istance, JP, killing a particular boss in solo…).
More Skins:
- Fractal Armor set, purchaseable with relics.
- Champion Loot Armor set, and more Champion Loot weapons.
- Dragon Chest Armor and Weapon set.
- Guild Armor set, purchaseable with Commendations (we already have a weapon set, no?).
- More skins to lower levels.
- Cloaks and a back Guild Banner (Sashimono style, not the back banners sold by the Trader at the moment).
More Activities:
- Guild Halls (with some cool and fun features, like a Room Istance for each guild member, NPC guards and traders, and upgrades).
- Guild Alliance system.
- Guild vs Guild.
- More Jumping Puzzles, and better rewards for completing them (skill points, skins, etc.).
- New activities.
Extra: revamp of The Shatterer and Claw of Jormag like you did with Tequatl.
Thank you for your work and for reading my post! =)
(edited by Jandopo.2107)
Page 4 Summary
General & QoL Improvements – Change Signet Upgrades – Account based Environmental Weapons
Achievement and Title Improvments – Add Racial Titles
New Skills and Traits Improvments – Traits, Talents and Abilities – New Racial Skills through Personal Story
Cosmetical Improvements – Redesign Rare Dungeon Armors, Unique Story Dungeon Head Gears, Named Armors look like them really – Add various Capes & Tabards – Skin Evolution,Cosmetic Bank
Housing and Home Instance Improvements – Merge of Living Story, Sparring, Vendors – Add Activities into HI
Gameplay Improvements – Add Events into all Towns – Add new Infusions – Remove Stats from Gear – Personal Legendaries – More Stat Variety
New Features and reimplemented Features of GW1 – Mounts, Ships/Airships – Naval & Sky Battles – Character Progression Tab – overviewable Progression – Scavenger Hunt for Precursors – General Fishing System/Minigame
Guild Improvements – Guild Crusades (Raids), Guild Towns
Reward & Loot Improvements – Weapon Skin Tokens for Meta Achievements – Easier to receive Ascendent Items
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
I’m thinking we’ve given them enough to keep them busy most of 2014 at this point .
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
I’m thinking we’ve given them enough to keep them busy most of 2014 at this point
Enough ideas to make GW3 actually!
But not even caress other projects, such as Lore … =D
If you can make every Order quest without being of the Order, you destroy the purpose of these Order Quests that is to make you involved in your Order plans/duties/plots. So the answer is : Yes, you need to have joined an Order.
You join an Order with the level 30 quest, It’s not hard. If people don’t want to join an Order/make their Personal Story, It’s a way to motivate them.
It’s a way to make our choices meaningful on long term !
Absolutely. If Order quests and/or progression is added (and I 100% agree they should be), then that progression/quest (and hence the rewards) should only be available to members of that Order. If that restriction is not put in place, there is really no point at all to doing the Order quests in the first place.
At most, I could see a handful of generic quests that can be done by anyone for any Order so that they can sort of introduce themselves to the player (perhaps run out of the recruiting camps in the major cities), but any actual advancement should not be open to players of another Order or no Order at all.
If you can make every Order quest without being of the Order, you destroy the purpose of these Order Quests that is to make you involved in your Order plans/duties/plots. So the answer is : Yes, you need to have joined an Order.
You join an Order with the level 30 quest, It’s not hard. If people don’t want to join an Order/make their Personal Story, It’s a way to motivate them.
It’s a way to make our choices meaningful on long term !Absolutely. If Order quests and/or progression is added (and I 100% agree they should be), then that progression/quest (and hence the rewards) should only be available to members of that Order. If that restriction is not put in place, there is really no point at all to doing the Order quests in the first place.
Also, the game would feel like it has a touch more story-endgame if the Pact was, for the purposes of these quests, an “Order.”
So there would be unique activities for Priory, Whispers, Vigil, and Pact. /
If you can make every Order quest without being of the Order, you destroy the purpose of these Order Quests that is to make you involved in your Order plans/duties/plots. So the answer is : Yes, you need to have joined an Order.
You join an Order with the level 30 quest, It’s not hard. If people don’t want to join an Order/make their Personal Story, It’s a way to motivate them.
It’s a way to make our choices meaningful on long term !Absolutely. If Order quests and/or progression is added (and I 100% agree they should be), then that progression/quest (and hence the rewards) should only be available to members of that Order. If that restriction is not put in place, there is really no point at all to doing the Order quests in the first place.
At most, I could see a handful of generic quests that can be done by anyone for any Order so that they can sort of introduce themselves to the player (perhaps run out of the recruiting camps in the major cities), but any actual advancement should not be open to players of another Order or no Order at all.
I don’t see why working with any Order is a problem by itself. Storyline-wise, The Pact banded the Orders together. Simply because Zhaitan has been defeated, doesn’t meant the Pact is dissolved. It simply tempered the blade that is Destiny’s Edge and The Pact. All of the Orders now work together for a common goal: Defending Tyria against the Elder Dragons. I see no reason why you couldn’t work with each of them towards that goal.
Granted, you do join a specific Order and they no doubt have their own missions they take care of. So there could be two different types of quests. Pact missions that could just be with one or possibly several Orders; and Order-specific missions that you get from your personal character’s Order.
Horizontal Character Progression and Guilds
This post is in reference to Player Progression only. At this point, I could care less about the entire guild’s progression until a later date when the dev’s ask about it.
So, a Player joing the Guild, but after that ::
- You can’t see how long a player has been representing, just whether or not they are at the time.
- You can’t see how much Influence a single player has contributed to your guild total, only your total influence at any given time.
- You can’t see a Player’s participation in your Guild at all!
Alright, so we see the problem. In the creation of a Guild, even with the ability to create your own ranks, the individual player is lost in the greater numbers of the guild. This actually happened to me a few weeks ago. I was in a certain guild, and I represented every day, and I played WvW every day, but, I still got kicked into an “Inactive” Rank, because the Guild Leader had no idea I was on every day. That needs to stop, and the current system needs to be built on so that does not happen.
So, what I am proposing is that Nothing Changes to the current Guild System, only that several things get added:::
Introduce a new Ranking system that goes alongside your current guild ranks, called “Influence Rank”.
- Your Influence rank is tied to the current guild you are representing, and you have a seperate Influence rank for each guild you are part of.
- Influence Rank starts at 0. You just Joined the Guild, and you have gathered 0 Influence for the Guild.
- Once you gather 1,000 Influence for your guild, You go to Rank 1, and the Color of your guild rank icon changes to Blue. You also get 1 Guild Commendation.
- Once you gather 5,000 Influence, You go to Rank 2, and the Color of your guild rank icon changes to Green. You also get 4 Guild Commendations.
- At 10,000 Influence, you reach Rank 3, and the Color of your guild rank icon changes to Yellow. You also get 5 Guild Commendations.
- At 20,000 Influence, you reach Rank 4, and the Color of your guild rank icon changes to Orange. You also get 10 Guild Commendations.
- At 50,000 Influence, you reack Tank 5, and the Color of your guild rank icon changes to Purple. You also get 30 Guild Commendations.
New Gear Becomes Available at certain Ranks as Well….
- Rank 0 keep all the current rewards that Guild Commendation Traders, Armor and Weapon Traders keep at the current level.
- Rank 1 Introduces new Weapon Skins for Dedicated Guild Members.
- Rank 2 Introduces new Armor Skins for Dedicated Guild Members.
- Rank 3 Introduces new Back Items for Dedicated Guild Members (For example, a Holographic Back Piece that Projects a Larger version of your Guild Emblem behind you.
- Rank 4 Introduces another Set of new Weapon Skins for the Extremely Dedicated.
- Rank 5 Introduces another Set of new Armor Skins for the Extremely Dedicated.
There should be some limitations though….
- Guild leaders should not be able to Edit Influence Ranks, so that every member is on an equal playing field.
- In addition to Influence Rank, you also have to be representing for a certain length of time in order ot Rank up as well. This prevents players from just buying their rank through Guild Promoters. (Rank 1 should have a day of time represented, Rank 2 should be 5 days, Rank 3 should be 10 days, Rank 4 should be 20 days, and Rank 5 should be 50 days)
- Influence and Time only matters for the current guild you are representing. If you want to hit Legendary rank in all five of your Guilds, well, That will take about 250 days, and 250,000 Influence total.
+My Other Ideas on this thread :::
Horizontal Progression for Weapon Skills :::
Horizontal Progression for Different Factions :::
(edited by Chrispy.5641)
this thread seems all over the place. there are a bunch of suggestions about content and qol features that don’t have anything to do with progressing our characters, so could you please clarify what you mean by “horizontal progression”?
221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
An awesome idea for elementalist conjures:
add a Glyph of Elemental Weapon (or sth) with 0 cooldown
Based on your attunement, you conjure an elemental weapon in your hand.
They would be like bundles.
For flame axe and FGS, make fire attunement version glyph a channel – fast click for flame axe, hold for FGS.
Change conjurer trait to “+10dmg with conjured weapon” or “based on conjured weapon, you got +180 sth”
They would last forever, although it would be impossible to give them to someone, so it’s balanced.
(or make the glyph aoe, so it would summon a 60sec version weapon for someone if its really necessary, with the internal cooldown 60 sec, because glyph on it’s own would have 0 cd)
this thread seems all over the place. there are a bunch of suggestions about content and qol features that don’t have anything to do with progressing our characters, so could you please clarify what you mean by “horizontal progression”?
It’s open ended for this exact reason. They’re trying to get a pulse of what is important to the community as a whole in regards to horizontal progression. Note: Horizontal Progression is about flexibility; how your lvl 80 attains his cool looking thing vs how other lvl 80 got their cool looking thing. It’s about exploring new ways to explore the world in a way unrelated to higher stats, better gear, etc.
The very fact that there are so many different suggestions is a testament to how well this game is made already and just how many avenues of progression and different ways people can enjoy this game. That is a good thing. A very good thing. It’s why I love this game and am here to stay.
this thread seems all over the place. there are a bunch of suggestions about content and qol features that don’t have anything to do with progressing our characters, so could you please clarify what you mean by “horizontal progression”?
To me, the big difference between Quality of Life changes and Horizontal Progression is QoLs are given out immediately and freely to all who are affected, while Horizontal Progression requires you do something to earn it.
For example, if characters who have bought a Commander Tome were given the ability to change the color of their tag to any of 6 colors, that would be a QoL patchnote. If they were instead given a method to earn up to 6 different colors that would be a Horizontal Progression patchnote. The reward is exactly the same, but the means of accessing it makes all the difference.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Hi All
Just dropping in to say working on a summary post which will be up tonight (morning at the moment). Having Christmas with the family. Loving all the ideas, keep then coming guys & girls.
ps. Sorry wife said should give you all a Merry Christmas
But not even caress other projects, such as Lore … =D
I dunno how I would feel about the devs caressing my lore.
I do not want to break the Lore, I have some ideas to exploit and Learn more.
(( bother Kulvar to help.))
On the subject of Voiced Events
Players don’t care about voiceovers for events. And they certainly don’t care about them for dungeons.
In fact, players HATE voiceovers for dungeons, because a character has to speak for 10 god danged minutes about crap we don’t care about. It’s like in modern FPS games when your allies give you some useless information you don’t care, while waiting 20 minutes for the door to open. BLAH BLAH BLAH!
I know this post is a little less constructive, but I want to point out that voice overs do NOT provide more “immersion”. They are a stalling mechanism which halt player progress. Personally, I believe that is NOT fun!
Louveepine, your English far outshines my French. But you should know that “caress” means to gently pat or stroke in a loving way. “Exploit” means to take advantage of, usually in a bad way.
I’m looking forward to your ideas, whatever happens in translation.
On the subject of Voiced Events
Players don’t care about voiceovers for events. And they certainly don’t care about them for dungeons.In fact, players HATE voiceovers for dungeons, because a character has to speak for 10 god danged minutes about crap we don’t care about. It’s like in modern FPS games when your allies give you some useless information you don’t care, while waiting 20 minutes for the door to open. BLAH BLAH BLAH!
I know this post is a little less constructive, but I want to point out that voice overs do NOT provide more “immersion”. They are a stalling mechanism which halt player progress. Personally, I believe that is NOT fun!
As one of these “players” of which you speak, I would like to say that I actually like the voiceover work a lot and think it does add quite a lot to my immersion in the world. Granted, I do skip the voiceover story on dungeons now, but that’s because I’ve seen it a million times.
But anytime there’s new story or new things to listen to/watch, I WILL be watching it because it’s well done, well written, and adds to the world in a very material way.
I speak English as a French cow. x_x