Camera Controls and Ender's Game
I can’t believe Orson Scott Card wrote that in 85. I hope you get a chance to read his other books dealing with that universe, they are very good.
As for the OPs question, sadly there are a lot of key options not available (like where is the Map remap key?). I hope it gets updated soon.
Answer is not optional, at least for the first question!
I don’t remember that Andrew had daughter Petra. I think Andrew had no offsprings at all. Petra was one of his battleschool classmates who got married with Bean.
I’m pretty sure there’s no way to change the mouse button setup. Funnily enough, I like the controls, they’re surprisingly logical and easy – compared to SWTOR, for example – but I’ve also changed the strafing buttons myself. About holding the right mouse button: you could consider buying a special mouse. I have a Cyborg Rat 7 MMO, and you can switch the mouse buttons to be on or off constantly without the need of holding them. I don’t really use the feature, as it requires pressing an extra button, but it’s very useful nevertheless, not to mention the countless programmable features of the above mentioned rodent.
By the way, I’m currently re-reading Ender’s Game, and no, I think it’s just a coincidence.
Use your regular movement keys + R.mouse button to strafe. Or use the ‘autohotkey’ script’ google that + r. mouse button.
(edited by Smackjack.5071)
Well that is as lame as an upside down turtle. Oh well! I am getting used to it :c poor fingers, so many buttons, I cant imagine what WoW players do.
Well i offered you a solution in which you dont need to hold down the R.mouse button. If you dont want to pursue it then that is your choice.