Camera Smoothing
Well I’m at least happy that someone acknowledged that their are camera issues.
Kind of funny, the camera zooms out and your fov improves in the sovereign eye of Zhaitan fight, and all I could think was: ‘OMG This is so much better! I want this all the time!’
I hope anet reconsiders allowing the camera to zoom out more. I’m just annoyed that half my time is spent rotating the camera because it is so zoomed in. Also you are missing out a lot of the scenery because of this
You only get sickness if you sit to close to your screen. Sit further away, problem solved.
I sit about as far away as I can while still being able to comfortably read text. still get dizzy and have to take frequent breaks with the default FoV.
The obvious solution is for ArenaNet to continue to do nothing.
ANet already has our money, and now the trouble-making complainers will go back to WoW (where the camera won’t make them ill).
Problem “solved”.
Yeah that’s all well and good until they want to sell expansion content and gems… Despite not having a monthly fee, they still have reason to want to keep people interested.
Kind of funny, the camera zooms out and your fov improves in the sovereign eye of Zhaitan fight, and all I could think was: ‘OMG This is so much better! I want this all the time!’
Yes, and I honestly can’t see why we are not able to have this on all the time. It allows us to see more of the game without suffering from this console-like limitation.
The only reason that I can think of why we can’t use it is because of the way the world culling system works. I say to hell with the world culling, I’d rather play with BWE1 performance where the culling system was not in place yet, if it allowed me to play the game with a normal PC game field of view (90-100).
Thorny Scrub – Thief
Is it possible to provide an option to turn off camera smoothing?
Why do we need camera smoothing in the first place? This is not the 90s anymore.
Could you even the camera distance for the races?
I’m close to giving up on my Asura because I’m tired of feeling claustrophobic. Playing an Asura compared to a Norn is like night and day. Norn can SEE.
Walking over uneven ground makes the camera zoom in an out. Going up a spiral ramp is the worst. It is zoomed all the way in and you have to go around in circles. @_@ Trying to make the camera level makes it zoom in too, making it hard to enjoy the environment.
(edited by Naii.9810)
The camera in this game is bad. Not the worst I have seen but, the camera smoothing makes the whole game feel laggy to me and adds an uncomfortable feeling while moving around in the game.
It’s quite funny if you think about it: A feature that is added to a game, which takes the previously simple code for the mouse look function and turns it into a complex calculation based on ineratia/physics actually makes controlling the camera feel worse. So much work wasted. Give us at least a slider for the smoothing intensity, where one end means “no smoothing at all and direct 1:1 translation of mouse movement into camera rotation, like in almost every kitten game in existence”
tbh honest ,the camera comming in closer to your toon because it hits a wall or/w/e is something i have seen in every mmo. Unless you want to look at a black screen all of a sudden because your cam is inside a object this is a good thing.
Sure, they collide into walls in other MMOs, the reason it is not a problem there is because the FoV is much greater, so you don’t lose ALL your awareness because you can still see more than the back of your character.
I recently started doing dungeons, and the low FoV is a huge issue there. Out in the open world you can zoom out to a decent distance and get an overview. But inside dungeons you can not do this, so no, we do not need more zoom, we need a FoV slider!
And to those saying you need to move your monitor further away… Are you serious?! I’m sorry for my blunt honesty, but that is the most ridiculous thing I’ve heard in quite a while. Yes, instead of the devs fixing their game I should buy a new desk to get enough space to move my monitor further back so that I get a worse gaming experience and feel less immersed in order to maybe get rid of my motion sickness… Yeah sure, I’ll do that right away!
Kindly please just make the mouse camera function like wow. I never get nausea from playing that game but 10minutes in guildwars 2, i really feel like puking. It is at it’s worse when there is an object or wall behind the character and instantly, camera zooms in, sometimes even shaking. I don’t know how many young people would have their eye vision damaged.
I had my family member played the game for a week and just gave up on it due to the mouse vision from it. Kindly please fix this, thank you.
Job well done~!!!! This is more like it. Makes the game so much much more appealing now. Thank you very much!. Now i can tell my family and my friends about this fix. Thank you.
The game feels so much smoother and responsive to movement, really enjoying everybit of it. Surprisingly frame rate did improved slightly.
I couldn’t be happier with this patch, thank you!
I’m buying gems right now.
best thing you guys did, since the launch of the game ! ty, this was a really annoying issue to me.
Thank you SO much for reducing the camera smoothing. It would be even better if it was gone completely but this is a step in the right direction!
Thanks john. Looking forward to further fixes here. It’s a real annoyance atm.
A good mouse makes all the difference,with a razer naga setting it to 2000dpi …
I have a RAT 9 as well as a basic mouse for when I’m not at home. Both mice, despite difference in dpi and quality, have the annoying habit of dropping target while strafing. Which is to say, it isn’t the mice at all that is the issue.
For some users, it won’t matter but for others who mouse look a lot and quickly, it’s annoying. It should not drop target unless I left click on the ground or another target. Right now, it drops target if i right click and hold to pan camera.
Much much better control over camera, thank you
PeterThank you SO much for reducing the camera smoothing. It would be even better if it was gone completely but this is a step in the right direction!
Have to second this. Drastically improves gameplay, now the only big battle in the camera department which has to be fought is the one about FoV.
It does feel better, thank you. Now let’s talk about this FOV…
Thanks so much! The camera feels alot better now. Now it feels sharp when I turn and stuff. Been waiting for this for weeks:)
I use a touchpad on a laptop, so really, moving the camera is an ordeal.. what I’d like to see is “terrain camera movement” option.. where it will automatically swivel up or down. It was a nice option in my last game, because since it’s such a bother to maneuver the camera angle for me (I have to actually stop my character and do it), I usually don’t.. so off I go, running up hills smack into mobs I don’t see ahead of time, or go plunging off a cliff where I thought a path was. I’m such a klutz !
OK so it’s not camera smoothing and should go in the suggestion forum I guess, but I saw the camera smoothing thread and went.. huh. I never noticed :P
Thanks for the disabled camera smooth, and the increased distance.
So much better.
Thanks for the disabled camera smooth, and the increased distance.
So much better.
Increased distance? I’ve found my FOV has decreased – or at least I think it has. It certainly feels like it has, and its making it very hard to play the game.
Are you kidding me? It feels awful now. It’s all jerky and snappy. I hate it.
I feel all jerky and like I’m constantly having to adjust my camera instead of it being a nice smooth experience.
Is anyone else feeling this? Do I need to adjust my sensitivity or mouse DPI in some way? I’ve always played with highest camera sensitivity and a 2000 DPI on my mouse, for all games, and it worked great before but now it almost makes me feel sick.
I feel all jerky and like I’m constantly having to adjust my camera instead of it being a nice smooth experience.
Is anyone else feeling this? Do I need to adjust my sensitivity or mouse DPI in some way? I’ve always played with highest camera sensitivity and a 2000 DPI on my mouse, for all games, and it worked great before but now it almost makes me feel sick.
Zane: I just merged your thread in this one since this is an official one and your feedback will be looked into quicker; also, it can help start other discussions. Thanks for your understanding.
Great work on the camera.
I feel all jerky and like I’m constantly having to adjust my camera instead of it being a nice smooth experience.
Is anyone else feeling this? Do I need to adjust my sensitivity or mouse DPI in some way? I’ve always played with highest camera sensitivity and a 2000 DPI on my mouse, for all games, and it worked great before but now it almost makes me feel sick.
Zane: I just merged your thread in this one since this is an official one and your feedback will be looked into quicker; also, it can help start other discussions.
Thanks for your understanding.
That’s cool. But I am seriously cranky about this camera thing right now. I logged in, ready to do some serious WvW with my guild for the night and I find I cannot play like that. I just can’t.
I feel all jerky and like I’m constantly having to adjust my camera instead of it being a nice smooth experience.
Is anyone else feeling this? Do I need to adjust my sensitivity or mouse DPI in some way? I’ve always played with highest camera sensitivity and a 2000 DPI on my mouse, for all games, and it worked great before but now it almost makes me feel sick.
Zane: I just merged your thread in this one since this is an official one and your feedback will be looked into quicker; also, it can help start other discussions.
Thanks for your understanding.
That’s cool. But I am seriously cranky about this camera thing right now. I logged in, ready to do some serious WvW with my guild for the night and I find I cannot play like that. I just can’t.
Try turning your sensitivity down, it’s not required to be super high as much. But this is exactly why they should have just added a toggle or slider instead of trying to find a middleground. Same with FoV.
Just tried turning the sensitivity down but then I don’t turn quickly enough for my play style. I can either choose to be jerky or cumbersome…
I don’t find it “jerky”, it’s just more responsive, it’s how it should have been in the first place.
It feels just as bad as it did before. It’s practically unplayable coming from any other game that has 1:1 movement. Stop dirtying up my mouse input.
Hey, i am also interested in getting the old sluggish(from what i read) camera back
May i suggest you have a slider on camera acceleration?
This new camera is hurting my eyes a little.
I might get used to it in a few days, but that is an uncertainty.
I have a feeling this is actually a mix of low frame rate and the new camera.
And i am not touching my mouse settings as they are calibrated to my reach.
Yes, calibrated XD
I agree with ZaneStriker and Evning. The new camera hurts my eyes and makes me feel dizzy now. Turning down the camera sensitivity doesn’t help and just makes it feel cumbersome.
I had no issues with the old camera (possibly because I was used to it from GW1?).
Please Anet, an option to use the old style camera would be nice.
It’s nice you fixed it for all the people who didn’t like it, but you broke for all the people that did.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
People more than just “didnt like it.” It was causing players to become physically ill.
That kind of trumps mere playstyle preference. And trumps the months of time it would take to create, implement and test a slider for the smoothing effect. It had to be fixed fast and dirty. Honestly it should have happened sooner.
And I liked the old camera smoothing better myself.
the camera now feels SUPER responsive, the overall feel is just so much smoother(lol) and clean. this is how it should have been from the beginning.
to those that feel ‘dizzy’ its not the fault of the camera, its your fps. the reason why the old camera didnt feel as bad was because the turning was artificially smoothed, compensating for lower fps.
Game is so much better now!! Keep this way please! Or put in an option to disable/enable camera smothness
I have not tested the new camera yet, but it being more responsive is not enough! We need raw input, no smoothing, no acceleration, no inertia, just plain 1:1 mouse movement. But it also needs to be an option, clearly not everyone likes responsiveness and prefer some cool and fancy smoothing effects.
I’ve seen that Anet do not want to clutter their options menu with checkboxes and sliders, but if they want to please us they just have to! It is really no problem at all making this an option, it is just about Anet not wanting a cluttered options menu, which I don’t really get because only advanced players even take the time to go through them and find what they like. Most people just use the default anyways.
I swear that you guys complaining about the “new” camera have NEVER played any other game before. Ever. I mean…seriously? This is a lot closer to the way every other game camera handles. Don’t come to the forums complaining about how you want some kitteny camera back. That’s LOL material.
Now I’m not at all against a slider maybe, but reversing this change? No way in hell.
Great change with camera A.Net, please keep it up.
(edited by Idolicious.6091)
It is not just a personal preference for the old camera. The new camera makes me feel dizzy, and it sounds like I am not the only one experiencing this. It is not an FPS issue because the game almost always runs at a high FPS for me. A slider or toggle for camera smoothing would be ideal, since different people’s eyes/brains work differently.
Edit: I have played WoW, and the camera in that game is good. I am not sure how the camera in this game is different, but currently it is not good.
(edited by Buttonmasher.8245)
It is not just a personal preference for the old camera. The new camera makes me feel dizzy…
So, wait, a camera with no artificial lag makes you dizzy? I really don’t understand some of you who are complaining.
Have you ever played any FPS (Battlefield, CoD, Doom, etc.)? Do those make you sick, too?
Again, this “new” camera is much closer to what you’d find in those games, or any other game. I don’t see a bunch of posts in their forums about dizziness due to a snappy camera.
What’s the difference?
People more than just “didnt like it.” It was causing players to become physically ill.
That kind of trumps mere playstyle preference. And trumps the months of time it would take to create, implement and test a slider for the smoothing effect. It had to be fixed fast and dirty. Honestly it should have happened sooner.
And I liked the old camera smoothing better myself.
And if the new camera does the same to people who didn’t have an issue before?.
We aren’t asking for it to be forced back to the old way, we are asking for the choice to have it the old way as the new way isn’t good for us.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
And if the new camera does the same to people who didn’t have an issue before?.
We aren’t asking for it to be forced back to the old way, we are asking for the choice to have it the old way as the new way isn’t good for us.
What, like you all of a sudden became more sensitive to motion after the update? LOL.
I do love it, we are asking for a choice and your acting like we are trying to force it back to how it was.
You like the new way (good for you), well I don’t like the new way and i want the OPTION to have the old way – so what exactly is your issue with that?.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
So, wait, a camera with no artificial lag makes you dizzy? I really don’t understand some of you who are complaining.
Different people are different. Why is this hard to understand?
Have you ever played any FPS (Battlefield, CoD, Doom, etc.)? Do those make you sick, too?
What’s the difference?
First, this is an MMO, not an FPS, and I kind of doubt that the CounterStrike camera is the same as the WoW camera. Second, I don’t know what the difference is, I just know that it is not good for some of us.
Edit: this was worded badly. What I meant to say is, I don’t know why I am having issues with the camera in this game but not in other games.
(edited by Buttonmasher.8245)