Classes Tiers Status [9/19]

Classes Tiers Status [9/19]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fortus.6175


On sPvP forum there was a tier thread made with predominantely warriors/necros at the top and elementalists at the bottom (on every single post lol!) . I want to see whats the community’s take on classes currently in all aspects of the game; PvE, PvP, WvW, Dungeons, Roaming, Exploring, etc…


>S Class : Basically all those classes that breeze trhough most content, has no problem finding group nor role in all aspects of the game

>A class : Somewhat as effective as class S, but not quite.

>B class : More of a niche role, debatable status

> C class: Hard in most scenarios, played mostly by casuals and lovers who cant let go of their class due to the amount of time and money and items they have already committed to it.

I will start:

S- Warriors
A- Guardian, Mesmer, Thieves, Necros
B- Engis, Ranger
C: Eles

As for the PvP list, here is the link if you want to contribute to his thread:

[GoM] Gate of Madness Server Elementalist|Guardian
Legendary SoloQ

Classes Tiers Status [9/19]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lmaonade.9207


I’d say Mesmer should be a B or something, because even though they are a beast at 80 and loved by almost everyone, they are really boring to level (at least to me) and many people have said that their beginning levels are terrible

Classes Tiers Status [9/19]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Mexican Cookie.3690

The Mexican Cookie.3690

S- Warriors
A- Guardian, Thieves
B- Engis, Ranger, Eles, Mesmer
C: Necros

From a dungeon bias. Mesmers are really overrated.

#LoveArrows2013, never forget.

(edited by The Mexican Cookie.3690)

Classes Tiers Status [9/19]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Peetee.9406


Gua, Mes
Nec, Ran, Thi, Eng

Ele, Gua
Nec, War
Ran, Thi, Eng

I dont sPvP, too slow for me.

[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall

Classes Tiers Status [9/19]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fortus.6175


Personally i feel warriors are too rewarding for the amount of tankiness, utility and damage they bring, compared to the rest of the classes, and this goes for about almost ever aspect of the game.
You have classes which are also quite awesome in most enviroments like mesmers and guardians, but given how boring/dragging leveling a mesmer is, I would say they get some points off, still, the utility damage is quite gooood. Same goes for guardians. Then you have all those in the middle, kind of not that bad at all but not precisely needed either, like engis, rangers or thieves, which in the case of thieves, other than insta killing stuff and being OP in pvP, they got no place everywhere else, except maybe skipping mobs in dungeons.
Lastly you have classes that have been hit by the nerf hammer time after time, the buffs it gets usually go on the opposite direction of what they need, and while they havent been really “nerfed” all that much, everyone else in comparisonhas been SEVERELY buffed, making them fall off in terms of damage, utility and survival, thats were eles are atm. Not exactly what you would need for a party, damage cant out do a warrior/guardian/mesmer except for the hammer build, which gets screwed by being temporal, charged based, usually lose the hammer in PvP scenarios due to random people taking it or when the battle moves away from it, and n order to hit hard you need to be glass cannon…melee, with no defense mecahnics….basically a total mes of a class. They wanted to make a 1 man army and ended up halfway there with nothing relaly going on for them

[GoM] Gate of Madness Server Elementalist|Guardian
Legendary SoloQ

Classes Tiers Status [9/19]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Mexican Cookie.3690

The Mexican Cookie.3690

You don’t have a very good understanding of the current dungeon meta. The only reason 3w/1m/1x is so good, is because it is the fastest and easiest method of gaining 25 might. If blast finishing for might wasn’t so slow, you would see much more variety. This composition is easily out-damaged, but its so easy faceroll that even casuals can look good with this team comp.

Warriors are easy to play, have a bit above average DPS and have cool unique buffs. Guardians have defensive utility, higher DPS potential than warriors but are a bit harder to play. Guardians are also seen as defense bots, so most people don’t actually realize how much potential the class has, and waste it by using bad weapon sets (see: mace/shield).

Thieves have perhaps the highest potential DPS, but they’re high skill floor. If you can’t read boss/foe tells, you’ll die faster than almost every other class and you’ll be useless. Stealth/blinds are also really strong. Mesmers are really overrated. The only reason you ever take a Mesmer is because you need strong reflects, in cases such as TA ‘Up’ and Arah. Their DPS is terrible without phantasms (hard to maintain), and as such are a pretty niche choice.

Those are the main ones covered. I can go over the other classes, or expand a bit if you like. But tbh I’m going a little off-topic.

#LoveArrows2013, never forget.

(edited by The Mexican Cookie.3690)

Classes Tiers Status [9/19]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: style.6173


Gua, Mes
Nec, Ran, Thi, Eng

Ele, Gua
Nec, War
Ran, Thi, Eng

I dont sPvP, too slow for me.

Agree. I’m more warrior to the top tier in WvW (and even more so once the shout heal buff comes). Other than that, I agree.

Classes Tiers Status [9/19]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Telekinesis.8312


You don’t have a very good understanding of the current dungeon meta. The only reason 3w/1m/1x is so good, is because it is the fastest and easiest method of gaining 25 might. If blast finishing for might wasn’t so slow, you would see much more variety. This composition is easily out-damaged, but its so easy faceroll that even casuals can look good with this team comp.

Warriors are easy to play, have a bit above average DPS and have cool unique buffs. Guardians have defensive utility, higher DPS potential than warriors but are a bit harder to play. Guardians are also seen as defense bots, so most people don’t actually realize how much potential the class has, and waste it by using bad weapon sets (see: mace/shield).

Thieves have perhaps the highest potential DPS, but they’re high skill floor. If you can’t read boss/foe tells, you’ll die faster than almost every other class and you’ll be useless. Stealth/blinds are also really strong. Mesmers are really overrated. The only reason you ever take a Mesmer is because you need strong reflects, in cases such as TA ‘Up’ and Arah. Their DPS is terrible without phantasms (hard to maintain), and as such are a pretty niche choice.

Those are the main ones covered. I can go over the other classes, or expand a bit if you like. But tbh I’m going a little off-topic.

mexican cookie, “u” dont have a good understanding of the meta. 3w, 1m, 1g is very good not just because of signet of inspiration to copy boons and reflects but also for timewarp. fastest cof clear had a thief, ranger, mesmer, 2 warriors. fastest lupi clear had 3war, 1mes, 1ele. u see, guardians are the class that are overrated, as u mentioned guardians have defensive utility and the dps doesn’t come close to a warrior, thief, mesmer. a “decent” mesmer deals a lot of damage and it isn’t hard keeping 2-3 phantasms up for most part, u shatter them on boss aoe and bring them back up again and dont forget a mesmer can also give 6-8 stacks of vulnerability consistently. and for a few dungeons without reflects, mesmers can go with a 25% damage increase with mantras and 3% per illusion.

Classes Tiers Status [9/19]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Da Sonic.6521

Da Sonic.6521

In WvW small man:
S: _______________
A: Warrior, Guard, Thief, Necro
B: Elementalist, Mesmer, Ranger, Engie

The WvW game is surprisingly balanced, every class can and will be a threat.

S: Elementalist, Thief, Warrior, Engie
A: Guard, Mesmer, Ranger
B: Necro
C: _______________

The Dungeon meta is all about personal DPS and vuln/party buffs.

Genesis Theory [GT] (HoD)

Classes Tiers Status [9/19]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: morrolan.9608


S- Warrior, Guardian
A- Necro
B- Ele, Mesmer, Thief
C- Engi, Ranger

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Classes Tiers Status [9/19]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Mexican Cookie.3690

The Mexican Cookie.3690

mexican cookie, “u” dont have a good understanding of the meta. 3w, 1m, 1g is very good not just because of signet of inspiration to copy boons and reflects but also for timewarp. fastest cof clear had a thief, ranger, mesmer, 2 warriors. fastest lupi clear had 3war, 1mes, 1ele. u see, guardians are the class that are overrated, as u mentioned guardians have defensive utility and the dps doesn’t come close to a warrior, thief, mesmer. a “decent” mesmer deals a lot of damage and it isn’t hard keeping 2-3 phantasms up for most part, u shatter them on boss aoe and bring them back up again and dont forget a mesmer can also give 6-8 stacks of vulnerability consistently. and for a few dungeons without reflects, mesmers can go with a 25% damage increase with mantras and 3% per illusion.

Fastest lupi kill was done by my guild. 2 ele, 1 war, 1 thief, 1 mes. There’s also the Arah and SE P1 records there as well, neither were done with 3W/1M/1G.

Fastest cof p1 is 2 thieves, 1 war, 1 ranger, 1 mesmer, also done by my guild.

Mesmers have bad DPS. Time Warp is simply a bonus that you get for taking a Mesmer. You do not take a Mesmer for Time Warp. You take it for reflects. The 3W/1M synergy is strong for fast might stacking, but it’s not the best DPS by far.

You come up with all these claims, and none of them are accurate at all. You could at least pay attention to what the records are for things. Guardians do more DPS than warriors.

3W/1M/1G is for bad/lazy players. Good teams will run better compositions, which also happen to have more class diversity. (in most cases, anyway). By all means though, if you know more about the current meta feel free to prove me wrong with all those videos of faster kills/runs.

I will say it again. Dungeons currently are:

S: Warrior
A: Guardian, Thief
B: Engineer, Ranger, Ele, Mesmer
C: Necro.

Warrior: Above average DPS, strong might/vuln/fury supply, unique buffs (Empower Allies, banners). You always want at least one warrior.

Guardian/Thief: Strong utility, high DPS. Not that many (if any) unique buffs. Reliable choice for every dungeon, but can drop for alternatives.

Class C professions: These classes are all pretty good, but rely on a niche for them to perform well. Eles have high DPS with FGS/LH, but are situational and extremely weak – team needs to carry them. Mesmers are reflect kings, take this if you need to make a boss nuke itself (lupicus, Malrona). Engineers are kings of vulnerability stacking, also have respectable DPS, Engineers could easily be in ‘B’, but just aren’t very popular currently. Rangers have strong unique buffs, but their DPS is ‘eh’ and their pets are not overly reliable, one hand sword is also pretty situational (their best dps option).

Basically, Rangers/Eles/Mesmers only perform well in ideal situations. Engineers are just a pretty under-explored class, and as such haven’t made much of an impact in the meta.

Necros just don’t do anything special in dungeons, so they’re in class C by themselves.

#LoveArrows2013, never forget.

(edited by The Mexican Cookie.3690)

Classes Tiers Status [9/19]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: haviz.1340


I’m going to claim that elementalist is in D, as in downed/death state.

Classes Tiers Status [9/19]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marnick.4305


PVE dungeons:
S: Warrior, Guardian
A: Mesmer, Thief
B: Necromancer, Elementalist
C: Engineer, Ranger

Although mostly for elitist speedrun groups. Neither my ranger nor engineer have any problems joining groups. It merely means we take about an hour to finish content others would do in 50 minutes. Big deal.

But lets be fair. Open world PVE (events, farming, jumping puzzles …)
S: Ranger, Elementalist
A: Engineer, Mesmer, Necromancer
B: Thief, Warrior, Guardian
C: Mesmer and Elementalist under lvl 40.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

Classes Tiers Status [9/19]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fortus.6175


S- Warrior, Guardian
A- Necro
B- , Mesmer, Thief, Ranger
C- Engi, , Ele

Engis and rangers actually have a great time in exploring open world, doing dungeons compared to an ele which brings about half of the stuff they do. Currently the only thing eles are good for is staff WvW, and thats not enough to bring them up from C.

Also, I noticed one of the main problem with engis in PvE in general is that they try to play condition -_- , I hate when I get an engi that is doing a pewpew damage …. like seriously condition = PvP, damage = PvE…

[GoM] Gate of Madness Server Elementalist|Guardian
Legendary SoloQ

Classes Tiers Status [9/19]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: spoj.9672


S- Warriors
A- Guardian, Thieves
B- Engis, Ranger, Eles, Mesmer
C: Necros

From a dungeon bias. Mesmers are really overrated.

Basically this. Although I would put engi in C and Necro in Z.

Classes Tiers Status [9/19]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


This thread doesn’t work because there are too many opposing facets of the game wherin one class is good and another bad, and even within that many opposing perspectives.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

Classes Tiers Status [9/19]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


C-Any condition Spec of the above classes

Classes Tiers Status [9/19]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: colesy.8490


PVE dungeons:
S: Warrior, Guardian
A: Mesmer, Thief
B: Necromancer, Elementalist
C: Engineer, Ranger

Although mostly for elitist speedrun groups. Neither my ranger nor engineer have any problems joining groups. It merely means we take about an hour to finish content others would do in 50 minutes. Big deal.

But lets be fair. Open world PVE (events, farming, jumping puzzles …)
S: Ranger, Elementalist
A: Engineer, Mesmer, Necromancer
B: Thief, Warrior, Guardian
C: Mesmer and Elementalist under lvl 40.

Who cares about open world tiers? I’d just stick everything in S tier it’s that face-roll.

Sanctum of Rall (NA) – [LOD] – PvE/Dungeon Phantasm Mesmer build
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj

Classes Tiers Status [9/19]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Killdozer.5731


mexican cookie, “u” dont have a good understanding of the meta. 3w, 1m, 1g is very good not just because of signet of inspiration to copy boons and reflects but also for timewarp. fastest cof clear had a thief, ranger, mesmer, 2 warriors. fastest lupi clear had 3war, 1mes, 1ele. u see, guardians are the class that are overrated, as u mentioned guardians have defensive utility and the dps doesn’t come close to a warrior, thief, mesmer. a “decent” mesmer deals a lot of damage and it isn’t hard keeping 2-3 phantasms up for most part, u shatter them on boss aoe and bring them back up again and dont forget a mesmer can also give 6-8 stacks of vulnerability consistently. and for a few dungeons without reflects, mesmers can go with a 25% damage increase with mantras and 3% per illusion.

Fastest lupi kill was done by my guild. 2 ele, 1 war, 1 thief, 1 mes. There’s also the Arah and SE P1 records there as well, neither were done with 3W/1M/1G.

Fastest cof p1 is 2 thieves, 1 war, 1 ranger, 1 mesmer, also done by my guild.

Mesmers have bad DPS. Time Warp is simply a bonus that you get for taking a Mesmer. You do not take a Mesmer for Time Warp. You take it for reflects. The 3W/1M synergy is strong for fast might stacking, but it’s not the best DPS by far.

You come up with all these claims, and none of them are accurate at all. You could at least pay attention to what the records are for things. Guardians do more DPS than warriors.

3W/1M/1G is for bad/lazy players. Good teams will run better compositions, which also happen to have more class diversity. (in most cases, anyway). By all means though, if you know more about the current meta feel free to prove me wrong with all those videos of faster kills/runs.

I will say it again. Dungeons currently are:

S: Warrior
A: Guardian, Thief
B: Engineer, Ranger, Ele, Mesmer
C: Necro.

Warrior: Above average DPS, strong might/vuln/fury supply, unique buffs (Empower Allies, banners). You always want at least one warrior.

Guardian/Thief: Strong utility, high DPS. Not that many (if any) unique buffs. Reliable choice for every dungeon, but can drop for alternatives.

Class C professions: These classes are all pretty good, but rely on a niche for them to perform well. Eles have high DPS with FGS/LH, but are situational and extremely weak – team needs to carry them. Mesmers are reflect kings, take this if you need to make a boss nuke itself (lupicus, Malrona). Engineers are kings of vulnerability stacking, also have respectable DPS, Engineers could easily be in ‘B’, but just aren’t very popular currently. Rangers have strong unique buffs, but their DPS is ‘eh’ and their pets are not overly reliable, one hand sword is also pretty situational (their best dps option).

Basically, Rangers/Eles/Mesmers only perform well in ideal situations. Engineers are just a pretty under-explored class, and as such haven’t made much of an impact in the meta.

Necros just don’t do anything special in dungeons, so they’re in class C by themselves.

I am not entirely sure you can really justify calling anyone out using the data from that website, as it seems the data set is quite low. I know I hadn’t heard of that site before, nor would I really care to use it.

Classes Tiers Status [9/19]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Mexican Cookie.3690

The Mexican Cookie.3690

I am not entirely sure you can really justify calling anyone out using the data from that website, as it seems the data set is quite low. I know I hadn’t heard of that site before, nor would I really care to use it.

The data came from the official forums/reddit/community. It just so happens that some of the data is also on that site. Don’t make assumptions.

#LoveArrows2013, never forget.

Classes Tiers Status [9/19]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knote.2904


A-C : War/Nec/Grd/Rng/Eng/Msm/Thf

Z – Ele

Classes Tiers Status [9/19]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nikaido.3457


PVE dungeons:
S: Warrior, Guardian
A: Mesmer, Thief
B: Necromancer, Elementalist
C: Engineer, Ranger

Although mostly for elitist speedrun groups. Neither my ranger nor engineer have any problems joining groups. It merely means we take about an hour to finish content others would do in 50 minutes. Big deal.

But lets be fair. Open world PVE (events, farming, jumping puzzles …)
S: Ranger, Elementalist
A: Engineer, Mesmer, Necromancer
B: Thief, Warrior, Guardian
C: Mesmer and Elementalist under lvl 40.

Who cares about open world tiers? I’d just stick everything in S tier it’s that face-roll.

In fact if I really cared about open world tier I’d unfortunately have to put the warrior as a class above [S], a class of its own, because since open world is faceroll the most important thing would probably be movement skills to quickly get through these maps and not spend too much time walking from point A to B, in which case, warriors are definitively kings, I don’t think there is anything in this game that could ever beat a warrior with traited GS, running sword/warhorn secondary, bull’s rush and signet elite. Doing map completion on any other class just feels pitiful.

- “No tears, please. It’s a waste of good suffering.”

Classes Tiers Status [9/19]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: haviz.1340


In fact if I really cared about open world tier I’d unfortunately have to put the warrior as a class above [S], a class of its own, because since open world is faceroll the most important thing would probably be movement skills to quickly get through these maps and not spend too much time walking from point A to B, in which case, warriors are definitively kings, I don’t think there is anything in this game that could ever beat a warrior with traited GS, running sword/warhorn secondary, bull’s rush and signet elite. Doing map completion on any other class just feels pitiful.

SS, like in animes.

Classes Tiers Status [9/19]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Telekinesis.8312


@The Mexican Cookie.3690:

mayb i’m ignorant on the issue, please enlighten me, how can a guardian’s dps be higher than a mesmer’s dps. i’m doubting if u’v played a mesmer with pure zerker and buffs.

Guardian/Thief: Strong utility, high DPS <— that sentence is wrong imo, guardian doesn’t have good dps and thief doesn’t have strong utility, but certainly true vice versa.

Engineers are kings of vulnerability stacking, also have respectable DPS, Engineers could easily be in ‘B’, but just aren’t very popular currently <— again, i dont think we’r talking about classes that are popular, we’r talking about top tier dps.

Mesmers are reflect kings, take this if you need to make a boss nuke itself (lupicus, Malrona) <— so u mean to say mesmers are taken for thier reflects?

Classes Tiers Status [9/19]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meglobob.8620


S – Warriors, Guardian.
A – Thief, Engineer, Mesmer.
B – Necro.
C – Elementalist, Ranger.

Classes Tiers Status [9/19]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fortus.6175


A-C : War/Nec/Grd/Rng/Eng/Msm/Thf

7th Hell
Ele’s tier- Ele

Fixed it

[GoM] Gate of Madness Server Elementalist|Guardian
Legendary SoloQ

Classes Tiers Status [9/19]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Telekinesis.8312


You’re not only ignorant about this issue but your writing style is a source of IQ loss for anyone who reads your forum posts and any attempt at educating people like you will invariably result in a critical failure and a couple veins popping.

i’m pretty sure that message was aimed at someone, it started with a “@” and i wasn’t being rude, just in case u thought it was.

Classes Tiers Status [9/19]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: spoj.9672


@The Mexican Cookie.3690:

mayb i’m ignorant on the issue, please enlighten me, how can a guardian’s dps be higher than a mesmer’s dps. i’m doubting if u’v played a mesmer with pure zerker and buffs.

Guardian/Thief: Strong utility, high DPS <— that sentence is wrong imo, guardian doesn’t have good dps and thief doesn’t have strong utility, but certainly true vice versa.

Engineers are kings of vulnerability stacking, also have respectable DPS, Engineers could easily be in ‘B’, but just aren’t very popular currently <— again, i dont think we’r talking about classes that are popular, we’r talking about top tier dps.

Mesmers are reflect kings, take this if you need to make a boss nuke itself (lupicus, Malrona) <— so u mean to say mesmers are taken for thier reflects?

Ergh why am i bothering to reply.

Mesmers have potentially very high dps if they can maintain 3 phantasms. In reality that is very unlikely so their dps ends up being a lot lower than most other classes. The only redeeming quality is the utility, reflects and timewarp. Timewarp is only really needed for a speedkill of a single boss. For a full run the timewarp barely makes up for the loss of dps taking the mesmer causes in the encounters where timewarp is on cooldown. You cannot count reflect damage as part of mesmers reliable dps as its completely situational and a niche role.

A dps guardian provides utility in the form of blocks, reflects and supportive boons and when traited and built properly out damages a warrior. Thief has very good utility which most people cant seem to grasp. Stealth for skips, spammable blast finisher for might, projectile block, spammable blind fields and very good single target dps.

Engineers suffer a bit in dps compared to the other classes but one engi can maintain 25 stacks of vuln in aoe, meaning you can remove vuln traits from eles and w/e in favour of more direct damage traits. If your LH eles dont need vuln on crit to max group vuln stacks they can get even more damage out of their trait setup. As can be seen in this video:

(edited by spoj.9672)

Classes Tiers Status [9/19]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Telekinesis.8312


thx for the reply, i thoroughly understand ur post. but given as a class compared to another one, the thoughts below..

a mesmer can easily keep up 1-2 phantasms(especially after the buff to phantasm health in pve a few patches earlier) 3 is far fetched on most boss encounters. as of clearing creeps on a fast run, mesmers have quite good burst with mindwrack. and a few titbits like standing behind an illusion to avoid projectile damage/agony hits/charge etc and i certainly think a mesmer in a speed run is a must across most of the dungeons.

i wanted the part on how a guardian “when traited and built properly out damages a warrior”.

thief’s utility points – stealth for skips – perfect for speedclears, spammable blast finishers for might = signet of inspiration if u have blast finishers in party or direct might givers like warriors, projectile block is alright, not as good as a mesmer or a guardian. spammable blind fields = assuming it’s pistol 5, isn’kitten dps loss? correct me if i’m wrong, very good single target dps = true, one of the best.

Engineer’s = true, as u mentioned not far behind on dps. considering pure dps vs utility, lets just keep engi aside :P

(edited by Telekinesis.8312)

Classes Tiers Status [9/19]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: spoj.9672


Using blast finishers for might is better than FGJ and signet. The only issue is it takes slightly longer to combo blasts. So going for a record time tends to favour warrior stacking unless the bosses take time to activate (giving the group time to stack buffs).

Its not about having 2-3 phantasms, its about having them up 100%. If they die and you have to resummon them you are losing dps. Mindwrack isnt very strong. Many dungeons can be completed faster without a mesmer because mesmers have poor mobility. Or timewarp isnt available for all of the fights and taking an extra warrior or ele would provide more dps overall.

Im not a guardian expert. But i believe guard sword auto is higher sustained dps than a warrior. Warrior has much better burst though. Guard GS is very strong aswell.

Classes Tiers Status [9/19]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KotCR.6024


Open World PvE or Dungeon PvE?
It can be pretty different for both.

For example, Rangers would place highly on Open World PvE tiers, but low on Dungeon PvE Tiers (which is really all to do with how fast the Pets die in dungeons, but that’s a discussion for a different thread).

Mesmer would be the opposite, placing low on Open World PvE tiers (except for JPs I suppose), but high on Dungeon PvE Tiers.

Guardian and Warrior would be consistantly high.

Engineer, Elementalist, Necro, Thief all would come under circumstantial and debatable usefulness, in both environments, to varying degrees.

Classes Tiers Status [9/19]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: selan.8354


-warriors(op in pve. op in wvw, top tier meta in spvp)

-guardian (part of the meta in wvw, stable in spvp, great in pve)

-Necro, (on the edge of op in wvw,very strong in spvp, not really that great in pve

-Engi (stable in spvp..dont underestimate them, stable in wvw, stable in pve..but not that popular)

-thief ( top in spvp, top roamer in wvw, but not really fit for zergs, not really wanted in pve)

-ele (at a good spot in wvw, worst in spvp atm, average- decent in pve )

-mesmer( great in 1v1 spvp, stuck as a duelist only, veil/tw,portal bot in wvw,same tpvp, great for dungeon due to gs, but terrible at tagging during events)

-ranger( ok in spvp, terrible in wvw, no role in zergs, their pet dies way too quick, warriors just run past pet and melt the ranger, average in pve)

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

(edited by selan.8354)

Classes Tiers Status [9/19]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: selan.8354


In WvW small man:
S: _______________
A: Warrior, Guard, Thief, Necro
B: Elementalist, Mesmer, Ranger, Engie

The WvW game is surprisingly balanced, every class can and will be a threat.

yeah as a roamer u are right, but in a gvg zvz its like this:



thief, engi

mesmer, ranger

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

Classes Tiers Status [9/19]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draco.2806


I have most experience with four classes, so I’ll hold off on absolute judgment, but one pattern is emerging very clearly:

Warrior is good at everything, all the time, in dozens of different ways.

It’s actually rather absurd how large the difficulty spike is going from a Warrior to playing another class. At least in PvP Mesmers and Thieves can generally do something on the level with the Warrior and even have their own useful roles and strategies (playing Mesmer in PvE is some of the most miserable experience I’ve ever had).

Oh and, Elementalist, while not outright broken, seems by-the-numbers weaker than any other class in every way.

Classes Tiers Status [9/19]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: spoj.9672


You guys do realise that up until recently warriors and necros were right at the bottom for spvp. Class balance is based around spvp and so the tiers shift constantly in that format. There is not much point rating classes based on spvp unless you are intending to compare current meta in spvp. It changes too much. PvE meta has stayed pretty much the same and wvw has only changed a bit.

Classes Tiers Status [9/19]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Iason Evan.3806

Iason Evan.3806

A.) Good player on any class
B.) Decent player on a class they understand fully
C.) Bad player

Leader of The Guernsey Milking Coalition [MiLk] Sanctum of Rall

Classes Tiers Status [9/19]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Excalibur.9748


S (heavy armor classes – good at everything tier)

A (light armor classes – good at support tier)

B (medium armor classes – good at roaming tier)

All is vain.

Classes Tiers Status [9/19]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: clint.5681


mexican cookie, “u” dont have a good understanding of the meta. 3w, 1m, 1g is very good not just because of signet of inspiration to copy boons and reflects but also for timewarp. fastest cof clear had a thief, ranger, mesmer, 2 warriors. fastest lupi clear had 3war, 1mes, 1ele. u see, guardians are the class that are overrated, as u mentioned guardians have defensive utility and the dps doesn’t come close to a warrior, thief, mesmer. a “decent” mesmer deals a lot of damage and it isn’t hard keeping 2-3 phantasms up for most part, u shatter them on boss aoe and bring them back up again and dont forget a mesmer can also give 6-8 stacks of vulnerability consistently. and for a few dungeons without reflects, mesmers can go with a 25% damage increase with mantras and 3% per illusion.

Fastest lupi kill was done by my guild. 2 ele, 1 war, 1 thief, 1 mes. There’s also the Arah and SE P1 records there as well, neither were done with 3W/1M/1G.

Fastest cof p1 is 2 thieves, 1 war, 1 ranger, 1 mesmer, also done by my guild.

Mesmers have bad DPS. Time Warp is simply a bonus that you get for taking a Mesmer. You do not take a Mesmer for Time Warp. You take it for reflects. The 3W/1M synergy is strong for fast might stacking, but it’s not the best DPS by far.

You come up with all these claims, and none of them are accurate at all. You could at least pay attention to what the records are for things. Guardians do more DPS than warriors.

3W/1M/1G is for bad/lazy players. Good teams will run better compositions, which also happen to have more class diversity. (in most cases, anyway). By all means though, if you know more about the current meta feel free to prove me wrong with all those videos of faster kills/runs.

I will say it again. Dungeons currently are:

S: Warrior
A: Guardian, Thief
B: Engineer, Ranger, Ele, Mesmer
C: Necro.

Warrior: Above average DPS, strong might/vuln/fury supply, unique buffs (Empower Allies, banners). You always want at least one warrior.

Guardian/Thief: Strong utility, high DPS. Not that many (if any) unique buffs. Reliable choice for every dungeon, but can drop for alternatives.

Class C professions: These classes are all pretty good, but rely on a niche for them to perform well. Eles have high DPS with FGS/LH, but are situational and extremely weak – team needs to carry them. Mesmers are reflect kings, take this if you need to make a boss nuke itself (lupicus, Malrona). Engineers are kings of vulnerability stacking, also have respectable DPS, Engineers could easily be in ‘B’, but just aren’t very popular currently. Rangers have strong unique buffs, but their DPS is ‘eh’ and their pets are not overly reliable, one hand sword is also pretty situational (their best dps option).

Basically, Rangers/Eles/Mesmers only perform well in ideal situations. Engineers are just a pretty under-explored class, and as such haven’t made much of an impact in the meta.

Necros just don’t do anything special in dungeons, so they’re in class C by themselves.

I agree with this post

Rangir Dangir – Ranger | Mr. Ragr- Guardian| Sneak Stab – Thief | Mr. Ragir- Warrior
[url=https://] [/url]

Classes Tiers Status [9/19]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kaid.7695


-warriors(op in pve. op in wvw, top tier meta in spvp)

-guardian (part of the meta in wvw, stable in spvp, great in pve)

-Necro, (on the edge of op in wvw,very strong in spvp, not really that great in pve

-Engi (stable in spvp..dont underestimate them, stable in wvw, stable in pve..but not that popular)

-thief ( top in spvp, top roamer in wvw, but not really fit for zergs, not really wanted in pve)

-ele (at a good spot in wvw, worst in spvp atm, average- decent in pve )

-mesmer( great in 1v1 spvp, stuck as a duelist only, veil/tw,portal bot in wvw,same tpvp, great for dungeon due to gs, but terrible at tagging during events)

-ranger( ok in spvp, terrible in wvw, no role in zergs, their pet dies way too quick, warriors just run past pet and melt the ranger, average in pve)

I would disagree about rangers in WVW. No class with that much potential range is useless in blob fighting. With piercing arrows and eagle eye you can blast people from the back of the blob with near impunity. Sure your pet dies pretty frequently but they do perfectly fine in the zerg v zerg fighting. When you are in the zerg the warrior does not just run past the pet to kill you mostly because in the seething swarm of people the very low key ability effects rangers produce make them hard to pick out of the crowd at any range. I tend to run longbow and axe/warhorn in WVW. Gives me a nice on demand blast finisher/buff for utility as well as my water field so in the thick of the blob I can blast out a fair amount of AOE heals to compliment the silly range damage.

I don’t play spvp so cannot speak for that and as for PVE they are fine if not super class. Their main benefit is high sustained single target damage which makes them really good at bosses for DPS so they do really well in invasions and things of that nature where their long range and solid concentrated damage come into play.

Classes Tiers Status [9/19]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fortus.6175


S – Warriors,
A – Thief, , Mesmer.Guardian.
B – Necro.Ranger.Engineer
C – Elementalist,

[GoM] Gate of Madness Server Elementalist|Guardian
Legendary SoloQ