Does anyone else see DAoC all over again?
It seems similar to me yes.
The players who made up DAOC customers were all pvp fans. They did not play for vertical progression or endlessly getting better items. They played because they loved the RvR pvp.
I still remember it as the most fun MMO game i have ever played, and there was zero progression after you got to level 50 and finished your epic armor quest. It was just amazing pvp that kept you coming back day after day, and i loved it.
I was hoping that GW2 was going to go down the same path and be a pvp focused game where people played at max level because the game was so much fun, not to keep getting tiny upgrades running on a hampster wheel.
I did not need another endless pve progression game. There are so many pve progression games to choose from, I would never have chosen GW2 to fill that niche if I wanted it. If i wanted a pve game I would want tanks, healers, crowd control. I would want raids, mounts, and all the bells and whistles.
I honestly dont understand most posters on this forum.
I think they’ll get away with it longer and more profitably than Mythic did (unfortunately) because they lack new competition with the polish and engine improvements that WoW had.
But in the end, yes, I think they will lose the business of those who were supposed to be the target audience in the first place and then they will lose their new targets when they perceive that GW2 isn’t as popular as whatever the next big release will be and/or when they get tired of going back and forth to the cash shop for gold to craft the latest greatest gear.
Time will tell but I think the PvE in this game is not really as good as most other games (I haven’t seen the new dungeon nor do I intend to) so if it’s vertical progression in PvE content you are after, there are many, many better alternatives to GW2.
Couldn’t have said it better myself. Add in the sleazy way in which they are using the Mystic Forge like a loot slot machine and this game fails utterly in the PvE department. If they don’t improve the WvW system with a patch like this one that makes some significant improvements I’m not sure what incentive there is to even play.
Well if ANets negative behavior towards Elementalists spread (they haven’t said a thing on our forum for 3 weeks) then yeh this game will die fast. As of now we level way too quick and there is a lot of high quality dead content from dynamic events. Most of which need a bunch of people to attend to be successful.
WvW with the keeps looks alot like daoc in a way. I joined daoc just when new frontiers came out so unfortunately I missed the golden era. As a new player in Daoc(joining together with a buddy), we thought it was quite obvious that there were something wrong with daoc. You always had grey con gear or green or blue if lucky. Mobs hit very hard. Also we didn’t have a buffbot, and I think it is a very bad design with the buffboting.
But we kept playing although it was a long way to 50. We finally arrived there and went into RvR, mostly grouped ofcourse it was fun enough.
But then WoW came out and we went there and it was way more exciting. 1) you could get the geared with some effort. 2) Instances were alot of fun and something new. 3) the pvp was actually quite good and you didn’t have to find groups – just sign up and youre in. Also world pvp was new and fresh.
Unfortunately WoW at lvl 50 began to be a little long grind for levels but that is not the worst. Once you hit lvl 60 only a few got into raiding and got the best of gear. The rest didn’t have alot to do.
Oh yeah it’s about daoc and guildwars 2. I did went back to daoc and to this day I have 14 lvl 50 and got some buffbots. The RvR in daoc can be very awesome, if you get a group or is high enough RR to solo.
I havent had so much time to play gw2 yet but that has just changed. Maybe the leveling part in gw2 seems a little bit boring sofar, and nothing different from other MMO. But I have the feeling it will start to grow on me at some point and TOTALLY AWESOME there is no sub.
I’ll be honest, I was going to play GW2 for years. Now I’m ready to jump ship. I don’t want a gear grind.
This is what I fear.
Again waiting for a game to make a real difference to all the WoWRifTORtanics we’ve seen. Promising games are coming, but well, TOR and TERA also promised much. GW2 lived up to its promise from launch day on – maybe exaggerated slightly, but it worked in its core philosophy. Now it’ll remain a shooterlike game for PVP every now and then, until they realize they’ll get more players if they add instawin gear to the shop.
I basically see more comparison with Warhammer Online myself. Also timeframe wise. But TOA wise Mythic indeed dropped the ball bigtime and set DAOC on a self destructive route. To DAOC´s credit and salvation the endgame with the realm points system had its selfmotivating structure as well as the incredible fun battlegrounds as alternative.