Dream Build Diversity
Thief Healing:
1) Hide in Shadows
Deception. Heal yourself, gain Regeneration for 5s and removes Bleeding, Burning, Confusion and Torment and gain 5 seconds of Stealth
2) Withdraw
Trick. Dodge backwards, evading hits, regain 6 Initiative back. Cures Immobilize, Cripple, Fear and Chill. (Making this a useable skill, while being feared)
3) Skelk Venom
Venom. Heal yourself and apply Skelk Venom to your Weapon. For the next 10 seconds will drain your attacks Health from all your hit targets and Initiative Costs are reduced by 1
4) Signet of Malice
Signet. Passive Effect: Your Hits heal you. Reduces Condition Durations on you by 20% and Crowd Control Effects are lesser effective on you.
Active Effect: Gain Health back plus additional Health for every Condition on you.
Gain Stat Boosts to Power, Condition Damage and Precision per every Condition that was on you at Signet Activation and steal two Boons from your Target.
5) (New) Shadow Clones
Deception. Create two Shadow Clones and you and your clones gain protection for 4seconds. Gain Health back and lose a Condition whenever a Shadow Clone gets defeated. Gain also slightly Health when the Shadow Clones deal damage.
Shadow Clones copy the Original and do always exactly the same moves like the Original. So when the original throws for example Dancing Daggers, the Clones will also throw Dancing Daggers.
6) (New) Blitzkrieg
Trick. Stunbreaker. Gain Super Speed, Quickness, Fury, Stability and Resistance for the next 6 seconds. The Boons get renewed after 6 seconds for another 4 seconds, if you weren’t stunned, knockeddowned, launched, feared or immobilized within that initial first 6 seconds of duration.
While you move, you gain back periodically each second 5% percent of your Maximum Health back.
7) (New) Signet of Cunning
Signet. Passive Effect: Increases the Efficiency of your Stuns and Dazes by 40%. Removes Condition on you, when you interrupt a foe.
Active Effect: Heal yourself and gain for 4 seconds Protection and Stability.
8) (New) Viper Venom
Venom: Heal yourself and apply Viper Venom on your Weapons. For the next 10 seconds whil your critical hits daze enemies and apply Poison, if the enemy suffers on more than 3 Stacks of Poison. While Viper Venom is applied to your Weapons deals Poison 50% increased Damage and reduces Healing from Enemies by 50% instead of 33%
9) (New) Stigma of Twilight
Steal. Heal for the next 5 seconds yourself periodically while you are in the near of Enemies. The Heal gets stronger, so more Enemies are in your near. You Steal with your next Steal the Healing Skill of your Target, that will get set into Cooldown then and convert up to 3 Conditions over to your Target.
10) (New) Assassination
Steal. Finish off a downed Target with your next Steal instantly, if that Downed Target was already lieing on the ground longer than 3 seconds, otherwise deal with your Steal some significant Damage. This Skill will work basically like a stronger Version of Mug as a Healing Skill, which heals you when you Steal, but this one just stronger, than Mug.
Elite Specializations
11) “Daredevil” Channeled Vigor
Physical. Heal yourself and gain Endurance per second you channel. Heals more at full Endurance. Gain Resistance also per second.
12) “Saboteur” Disarming Mine
Gadget. Heal yourself and lay a Disarming Mine, which will launch foes away, weaken, bleed and burn them and remove two boons. Instant Kills all kinds of Minions on Explosion
13) “Swindler” Deceitful Blades
Conjure. Heal yourself and conjure a Pair of Dual Swords, your Deceitful Blades which will exchange your Weapon Skills with deceitful versions of the originals letting them have additional effects.
14) “Infiltrator” Mantra of Espionage/ Shadow Shroud
Mantra. Concentrate and charge a Shadow Spell, that will instantly cause at your Ground Target an enemy blinding Shadow Field that will Stealth allies and you get healed per stealthed Ally additionally on top of the Base Heal on usage of the Mantra’s Charges
15)“Ascetic” Inner Balance
Meditation. Meditate and find your Inner Balance, Heal yourself, Heal more, if your target had at the moment you used Inner Balance more health, than you. Shadow Step to your Target and perform a stunning blow to the heart, that will lead 3 seconds later to a knockdown, if the enemy used a Stun Breaker.This Skill sets the enemies Elite Skill on 10s Cooldown and you gain Alacrity, if you used Inner Balance at lesser than 50% health
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
I doubt that they, Anet, couldn’t come up with more skills… it comes down to balancing. The more skills you have the more balancing you have to do. That’s simply not going to happen unless there’s an expansion involved because of the amount of resources needed to do it.
Next to the Elite Skills
1) Daggerstorm
Trick. Gain for the next 10 Seconds Stability and Resistance. Whirl around fast like a dervish around yourself and throw daggers at enemies, which will cripple, weaken and torment them, while you also reflect projectile attacks.
2) Basilisk Venom
Venom. For the next 10 seconds have your hits a chance to petrify targets, leading to a long immobilization and 90% resistance against all kinds of damage, that can be only removed via Stun Breakers. However, if you Stun Break, targets will receive significant damage and are vulnerable then.
3)Thieves Guild
Deception. Summon for the next 30 seconds 4 Thieves to your side which will attack nearby enemies each with different Weapons. 1 is SB, 1 is D/P, 1 is S/P and 1 is P/P
4) (New) Signet of Toxic Shock
Signet. Passive Effect: Gain periodically a random Venom, except for the Healing Venoms. Increases the Charges of Venoms
Active Effect: Deal a Shadow Step Attack with AoE Torment/Blind as Effect, that causes also the enemy to see Hallucinations for a while, making their screen all blurry. While suffering under Hallucinations is the Friendly Fire for hit Enemies deactivated, so that they will deal also damage to their allies with AoEs.
5) (New) Deadly Paradox
Trap. Set a Deadly Paradox, which will deal damage, deals extra damage so more boons a target had. Turns all Enemy Boons into Conditions and which on activation recharges Trap Utility Skills of you and your allies nearby.
6) (New) Critical Agility
Trick. You and your nearby allies gain Fury, Quickness and Swiftness for 10seconds.
You Regain also 6 Initiative. You and your nearby allies are for the next 10 seconds also 20% more resistant against critical hits
7) (New) Salamander Venom
Venom. Apply Salamander venom to your Weapons, and your hits will burn and weaken a foe.
8) (New) Shadow Hearts
Deception. Grant Stealth and Protection to you and your nearby Allies for 10s.
Allies granted stealth by this Skill will gain the same Trait benefits for Stealth Effects, like you. So if you renegerate health and cure conditions from stealths, or receive lesser damage while stealthed, so will also allies that get stealthed by Shadow Heart.
This Skill would make Thieves again Number 1 Stealthers, cause their Stealths would be simply more effective and better for Group Support, then it plays no role, when Mesmers can stealth longer, when Thieves simply stealth better for shorter durations
9) (New) Stigma of Betrayal
Steal. Steal from a Target and deal 3 seconds later significant damage plus Confusion that gets increased so more boons a target has. This Steal gives you then back the last two Boons you had before using this Skill for 10s
10) (New) Shadow Walker
Steal. This Steal is a different kind of Steal, which activates for the next 5 seconds a Shadow Walking move, in which you auto evade all incoming damage.
When the time is over, you return to the location where you were 5 seconds ago when you activated this skill. Or you prevent this, by attacking a target before.
While you Shadow Walk, can you use repeatedly Stealth Skills, but if you sattack someon while shadow walking, won’t you get returned to your starting position and you get reveal after it.
So its either usin the time window of 5 seconds for some mighty bursting, while not havign to rely on stealth, or using it just for damage mitigating with a quick return to the starting point right after, to use the skill as a kind of decoy skill to provoke enemies to use skills and flee then quickly.
11) “Daredevil” Impact Strike > Uppercut > Finishing Blow
Physical. Stun your foe and instantly finish downed Enemies
12) “Saboteur” Napalm Gas
Gadget. Throw some Napalm Gas Grenades, which causes a massive Fire Explosion dealing high damage and burning to all foes in the area of effect, if anyone, either ally or foe should use any fire related skills, while the napalm gas is in the air.
13) “Swindler” Cards of Fate
Conjure. Conjures a Deck of Tarot Cards which exchanges your Weapon Skills with Fate Skills based on the random Tarot Cards that you will receive each time.
14) “Infiltrator” Mantra of Retreat/ Dark Escape
Mantra. Concentrate to charge a Shadow Spell that lets you Shadow Step and Stealth to your Ground Target, losing Immobilize and stun breaking this way on usage of a Charge, while also gaining Swiftness and Stability.
15) “Ascetic” Fox Fangs
Meditation. Meditate and perform a line of sight attack combo string consisting of spin kicks, somersault kicks and spiral slashes that deal damage to all foes in the way, finishing the attack string with a mighty Force Push that will launch the last Target away from you.
There’s a reason they moved away from GW1’s model of Tons Of Skills. Balancing them all was impossible. A few were overpowered, a handful were generally useful, and the vast majority were totally useless and never used at all.
More skills is only better if they’re all unique and balanced, and the more you have, the harder that is to do.
Next to the Elite Skills
4) (New) Signet of Toxic Shock
Signet. Passive Effect: Gain periodically a random Venom, except for the Healing Venoms. Increases the Charges of Venoms
Active Effect: Deal a Shadow Step Attack with AoE Torment/Blind as Effect, that causes also the enemy to see Hallucinations for a while, making their screen all blurry. While suffering under Hallucinations is the Friendly Fire for hit Enemies deactivated, so that they will deal also damage to their allies with AoEs.
Turn off post-processing and no blurry screen effect!
There have been some arguments though that even with the fewer skills that GW2 has, things still are not balanced at all.
Also, @OP: Keep in mind, even if we did have all those, you only have 3 slots for utility and a fourth for one elite skill. Leaving the five weapon slots.
at first I wanted to say that I’m ok as longas you can invent 10 different ways of self heal, but then I’ve seen how you did this for a thief and….:
[note: if I haven’t commented on skill it menas its either already existing skill or I have no objections to it]
5) (New) Shadow Clones
Deception. Create two Shadow Clones and you and your clones gain protection for 4seconds. Gain Health back and lose a Condition whenever a Shadow Clone gets defeated. Gain also slightly Health when the Shadow Clones deal damage.
Shadow Clones copy the Original and do always exactly the same moves like the Original. So when the original throws for example Dancing Daggers, the Clones will also throw Dancing Daggers.
aren’t clones getting a little bit into mesmer territory?
7) (New) Signet of Cunning
Signet. Passive Effect: Increases the Efficiency of your Stuns and Dazes by 40%. Removes Condition on you, when you interrupt a foe.
Active Effect: Heal yourself and gain for 4 seconds Protection and Stability.
what exacly do you mean by “efficency” of a stun or daze?
8) (New) Viper Venom
Venom: Heal yourself and apply Viper Venom on your Weapons. For the next 10 seconds whil your critical hits daze enemies and apply Poison, if the enemy suffers on more than 3 Stacks of Poison. While Viper Venom is applied to your Weapons deals Poison 50% increased Damage and reduces Healing from Enemies by 50% instead of 33%
as far as I can understand what it does it sounds kinda op….
9) (New) Stigma of Twilight
Steal. Heal for the next 5 seconds yourself periodically while you are in the near of Enemies. The Heal gets stronger, so more Enemies are in your near. You Steal with your next Steal the Healing Skill of your Target, that will get set into Cooldown then and convert up to 3 Conditions over to your Target.
setting any enemy skill on cooldown with steal is plainly op – other than that – its pretty much suicidal heal :P
10) (New) Assassination
Steal. Finish off a downed Target with your next Steal instantly, if that Downed Target was already lieing on the ground longer than 3 seconds, otherwise deal with your Steal some significant Damage. This Skill will work basically like a stronger Version of Mug as a Healing Skill, which heals you when you Steal, but this one just stronger, than Mug.
stronger version of utility skill, with added finisher for guys that lies on the ground long enought? nah not gonna work
12) “Saboteur” Disarming Mine
Gadget. Heal yourself and lay a Disarming Mine, which will launch foes away, weaken, bleed and burn them and remove two boons. Instant Kills all kinds of Minions on Explosion13) “Swindler” Deceitful Blades
Conjure. Heal yourself and conjure a Pair of Dual Swords, your Deceitful Blades which will exchange your Weapon Skills with deceitful versions of the originals letting them have additional effects.14) “Infiltrator” Mantra of Espionage/ Shadow Shroud
Mantra. Concentrate and charge a Shadow Spell, that will instantly cause at your Ground Target an enemy blinding Shadow Field that will Stealth allies and you get healed per stealthed Ally additionally on top of the Base Heal on usage of the Mantra’s Charges15)“Ascetic” Inner Balance
Meditation. Meditate and find your Inner Balance, Heal yourself, Heal more, if your target had at the moment you used Inner Balance more health, than you. Shadow Step to your Target and perform a stunning blow to the heart, that will lead 3 seconds later to a knockdown, if the enemy used a Stun Breaker.This Skill sets the enemies Elite Skill on 10s Cooldown and you gain Alacrity, if you used Inner Balance at lesser than 50% health
that like 4 elite specialisations taken out of nowhere :P pretty big jump considering that they may have problem with having single elite spec per profession polished in details on launch, don’t ya think?
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles
And lastly, the biggest challenge, Utility Skills …50 ^^
- Smoke Screen > Blind foes in target area and blocks projectiles
- Shadow Refuge > Stealths you and your Allies. Heals you and your Allies. Removes a Condition on usage
- Shadow Step > Move to your Target, blind targets at the area. Becomes Shadow Return, which removes 3 Conditions and lets you return to your Starting Area
- Camouflage >Turn invisible and stay invisible, as long as you don’t move or attack. reveals you, if you move or attack. Skill recharges first, when you get revealed
- Swap > Replaces your Position with that of the Target and you gain Stealth for 3s. Gain Health, if the Target had more health than you.
- Ambush > Set a Trap that calles a Thief which will backstab foes within the next 20 seconds. The first Backstab of Ambush will be a guaranteed critical hit.
- Needle Trap > Lay a Needle Trap, which immobilizes, poisons and bleeds foes when triggered
- Shadow Trap > Mark on trigger foes. Becomes Shadow Pursuit that lets you Shadow Step to marked Targets and perform that way a dazing attack.
- Tripwires > Set a Tripwire, that knocks foes down and lets them lose a Boon. Tripwire can be triggered multiple times, until the wire breaks after 3 knockeddowned foes.
- Alarming Trap > Torments and weakens foes on trigger and grants you Protection
- Signet of Shadows > Passively grants you Power and increased Movement Speed. Actively blinds your foes and grants you 5 Stacks of Might (which will be 10 with Signet Trait)
- Signet of Agility > Passively grants you Precision and a chance to gain Quickness when being hit. Actively recovers your Endurance completely and removes a Condition. Stun Breaks
- Signet of Infiltration > Passively grants you Initiative Regen and increases the Durations of your Stealth. Actively Shadow Steps to your Target and steals a Boon.
- Signet of Sadism > Passively gain Health when your Conditions deal Damage.
Actively convert up to 3 Conditions over to your Target. - Signet of Mobility > Passively increases your Ferocity and Maximum Range of Shortbow and Pistols to 1050. Actively doubles the Maximum range of your next 5 used Skills.
- Spider Venom > Apply Spider Venom to your Weapon to gain Charges of Poison within the next 10 seconds.
- Skale Venom > Apply Skale Venom to your Weapon to gain Charges of Torment and Vulnerability within the next 10 seconds.
- Frost Drake Venom > Apply Frost Drake Venom to your Weapon to gain Charges of Chill within the next 10 seconds.
- Devourer Venom > Apply Devourer Venom to your Weapon to gain Charges of Immobilize within the next 10 seconds
- Snail Venom > Apply Snai Venom to your Weapon to gain Charges of Cripple and Slow
- Roll For Initiative > Evade backwards and gain 6 Initiative. Removes Cripple, Chill and Immobilize
- Haste > You and your nearby allies gain Quickness and Fury.
- Caltrops > Scatter Caltrops that cripple and bleed enemies in the target area.
- Scorpion Wire > Pull a Target to you and poison and torment it more, so bigger the distance was between you and the target.
- Grappling Hook > Pull yourself to a Target and daze a foe when you land at their place.
Elite Specializations
Physicals = “Daredevil”
- Bandits Defense > Block incoming attacks and perform a counterattack, that deals damage and knocks a foe down
- Distracting Daggers > Throw 3 Daggers, that interrupt foes and increase the cooldown of skills
- Imparing Daggers > Throw 3 Daggers, that poison, slow and immobilize a target.
- Fist Flurry > Perform an unblockable fast flurry of attacks. Gain acces to Palm Strike, a launching attack that marks them with Pulmonary Impact
- Sleeping Dragon > Block an incoming attack and counterattack it with a burning spin kick. that launches foes away.
Gadgets = “Saboteur”
- Oil Canister > Throw some Oil Canisters that will deal damage over time and random conditions like throwing multiple gunks. The difference is, they can be destroyed and on destruction they cause explosions that deal heavy damage. and cause fire fields
- Wrencherang > Throw a big Metal Wrench like a boomerang, dealing damage to all targets in sight on the way and when it returns to you. Wrencherang removes Boons.
- Manipulation Signal > Weakens foes and confuses nearby targets. You can take over Turrets with this Skill to make them attack their owners instead.
- Field Scan > Scan your target area and find weaknesses of your Targets. Scanned Targets are unable to gain new Boons and are unaffected by Banners and Trait Passive Boosts while standing in your scanned area.
- Analyze > Scan a target to the Bones and analyze your enemy. An analyzed enemy will get temporarely his Power, Condition Damage, Ferocity, Precision and Toughness Stats reduced
Conjures = “Swindler”
- Treasonable Blades > Conjures Treasonable Blades that replace your Weapon Skills, which affect strongly Boon Corruption
- Sinful Blades > Conjures Sinful Blades that replace your Weapon Skills, which affect strongly Condition Spreading
- Dishonored Blades > Conjures Dishonored Blades that replace your Weapon Skills, which affect strongly Stealth Effects and Blinds
- Unfaithful Blades > Conjures Unfaithful Blades that replace your Weapon Skill, which strongly affect Evasion
- Crimeful Blades > Conjure Crimeful Blades that replace your Weapon Skills, which strongly affect Health Leeching
Mantras = “Infiltrator”
- Mantra of Initiative/ Initial Burst > Charges Initiative Bursts to give you on charge Initiative back. Works also as Stun Breaker when used with Full Initiative and in this case does this Skill Heal per Initiative Point.
- Mantra of Physical Resistance/ Invader’s Defiance > Gain Resistance and Protection on usage of a Charge
- Mantra of Persistance/ Concentration > Removes 2 Conditions on Charge and grants you Retaliation and Regeneration.
- Mantra of Revenge/ Revengeful Counter > Reflects on usage of a Charge Projectile Attacks with increased Strength back to the origin.
- Mantra of Speed/ Disappeareance > Gain Stealth and Super Speed on usage of a Charge
Meditations = “Ascetic”
- Energy Release > For a moment gets all your Attack Power added to your Defense to reduce practically all incoming damage for that moment to 0, while you prepare rooted at your location to release all your Energy at once in a mighty line of sight attack that deals multiple hits over time and makes enemies very vulnerable.
If you channeled this skill, until you even sacrificed your Endurance, then this skill becomes extra strong - Way of the Empty Hand > Meditate after this Teachings and when you block the next attack ,then you get healed and perform a counterattack that steals Endurance from the enemy.
- Way of the Strong Fist > Meditate after these Teachings and you gain Might, Fury and Swiftness with your next successful Block, whileprforming an Counterattack, that makes the enemy weak.
- Way of the Gentle Fist > Meditate after these teachings and you gain Vigor when you deal critical hits after having blocked an attack.
- Iron Will > Gain Resistance and remove 2 Conditions. While the Effect of Iron Will is up can’t be Boons removed from you.
TIL “crimeful” is an actual word.
@ Captain…
the huge impossible balancing came mainly from GW1s Skill System, not really from the amount of Skills. The problem wasn’t the amount of skills, but the terrible skill system that allowed to have a skill bar completely mixed of skills and the silly two class system, which led only always into countless of unwanted chain reactions, whenever Anet changed something on the skill balance, because due to all the lots of possible class and skill combination possibilities that no one at Anet could ever know how it would maybe end up after their changes in an overpowered form.
That’s the reason why they didn’t give GW2 in the first place again that dumb two class system and reduced just simply the chances of unwanted chain reactions.
The next step was just to limit the skill bar with Weapon Skills and fix Utility Skill Slots.
The drastic reducing of the amount of Skills was practically unneccessary.
The Game would also be balanceable, if all Classes would get more Utility Skills, as long as Anet keeps the Weapon Skill System and limits our Skill Bar to 3 Utilities.
As long this is ensured, will increasing the total amount of utilities skills lead then only to an increased Build Diversity.
@ Lord..
Come on..please Mesmer Territory.. thats an invalid argument, when you consider, how much Mesmers already butchered around in THIEF TERRITORY to the point, that they practically already outclass Thieves by now in nearly everything!
By Efficiency in regard of Stuns ect. i meant, that they would last longer.
So a Stun, that for example would last normally 1,5 seconds would last with this Skill in your Bar then instead 2,1 seconds practically
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
Honestly, i would love if more skills were added into the game, atm it seems pretty dry.
Make it PvE only for these skills to work. No need to throw them into PvP or WvW for people to complain about balance issues.
P.S – Liking some of these new abilities ^^
@ Captain…
the huge impossible balancing came mainly from GW1s Skill System, not really from the amount of Skills. The problem wasn’t the amount of skills, but the terrible skill system that allowed to have a skill bar completely mixed of skills and the silly two class system, which led only always into countless of unwanted chain reactions, whenever Anet changed something on the skill balance, because due to all the lots of possible class and skill combination possibilities that no one at Anet could ever know how it would maybe end up after their changes in an overpowered form.
That’s the reason why they didn’t give GW2 in the first place again that dumb two class system and reduced just simply the chances of unwanted chain reactions.
The next step was just to limit the skill bar with Weapon Skills and fix Utility Skill Slots.
The drastic reducing of the amount of Skills was practically unneccessary.
The Game would also be balanceable, if all Classes would get more Utility Skills, as long as Anet keeps the Weapon Skill System and limits our Skill Bar to 3 Utilities.
As long this is ensured, will increasing the total amount of utilities skills lead then only to an increased Build Diversity.
—@ Lord..
Come on..please Mesmer Territory.. thats an invalid argument, when you consider, how much Mesmers already butchered around in THIEF TERRITORY to the point, that they practically already outclass Thieves by now in nearly everything!
By Efficiency in regard of Stuns ect. i meant, that they would last longer.
So a Stun, that for example would last normally 1,5 seconds would last with this Skill in your Bar then instead 2,1 seconds practically
I quite like GW1’s skill system. It’s a build-crafter heaven where you can literally spend days working out new builds that either work by themselves or require everyone in the group to run a certain build.
You forgot another aspect that makes GW1’s skill system a pain to balance: Skills that directly affect the efficiency of another skill. GW2 reduced the interaction between skills strictly to a small number of buffs and conditions. That’s why, coming from GW1, it feels like there is hardly any symbiosis not only between skills within a class, but also between different classes.
It does not matter how many new skills you introduce to GW2. In the end each skill will be self-sufficient and barely bring anything new to the table. Just to prevent the balancing-madness that comes from skills affecting other skills.