Exclusive Tournament of Legends only mini...

Exclusive Tournament of Legends only mini...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


false. It is available again as one of the WvW Tournament rewards that are not yet available yet, if i remember correctly. Pretty sure most if not all special minis have been made available, and probably still are, on the game store ever since the festival of the four winds started. seasonal ones tend to return too. you can also get quite a couple of them through the festival ticket npc. so there goes your point.

You’re thinking of the mini dolyak. It was one of the rewards from the first WvW Tournament and has been confirmed to be one again this time. There was no mention of the mini llama being given out for WvW, in fact until this announcement there was no mention that the mini llama even existed.

And no, not all the special minis have been re-released. For a start the 4 Wintersday Box minis (festive golem, snowman, Infiniarium and Foostivoo the Merry) have never been available outside of Wintersday 2012, when they were only obtainable from an RNG box (which was also a terrible idea).

I don’t think the original Halloween set (ghost, skeleton and spider, forged to make Chainsaw the skeleton) were ever re-released either but I’m not 100% sure.

I believe the mini is intended to draw more people into trying pvp. Nothing more, nothing less.

If that’s the case putting it at the end of a reward track would make much more sense. Going straight from never having done PvP before to entering a tournament seems a bit extreme. Unless I’ve completely misunderstood and tournaments are supposed to be for brand new players who then go on to play hot-join when they get really good?

Well when you guys are complaining on the forums pretty sure there is some guys really into miniature forming his team for TOL.

Some of us are multi-tasking.

I’ve been complaining that it’s ridiculous to give out a mini as a reward for PvP (because it is) and also talking to my friends about forming a team. I’ve never played PvP before and I’m pretty sure I’m going to be a free win for whoever I’m up against, but I guess a tournament full of complete amateurs is the new strategy to get this game taken seriously as an E-sport.

Edit: Sign up here if you’re interested: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/lfteam/EU-Players-who-only-want-the-llama-mini

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

(edited by Danikat.8537)

Exclusive Tournament of Legends only mini...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


@ Draknar “He’s merely buying them. That’s about as little effort as it takes.”

You have no idea what you are blabbering about if you think that you can have an entire collection of minis by just “buying them.”
OP must have put a heck of a lot of effort if he has a full collection.

Exclusive minis are on the gem store, all else can be bought on TP (for gold, likely converted from gems purchased with CC, but that’s speculation). As for ones that require content (liadri for example), I already addressed that in the 2nd paragraph of my first post. OP was the one talking about how much real money he spent in the gem store for his collection not me…

Either way, if OP is wanting to continue his collection, he will have to do all content necessary, not just the content he wants to do.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Exclusive Tournament of Legends only mini...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AysonCurrax.3254


false. It is available again as one of the WvW Tournament rewards that are not yet available yet, if i remember correctly. Pretty sure most if not all special minis have been made available, and probably still are, on the game store ever since the festival of the four winds started. seasonal ones tend to return too. you can also get quite a couple of them through the festival ticket npc. so there goes your point.

You’re thinking of the mini dolyak. It was one of the rewards from the first WvW Tournament and has been confirmed to be one again this time. There was no mention of the mini llama being given out for WvW, in fact until this announcement there was no mention that the mini llama even existed.

And no, not all the special minis have been re-released. For a start the 4 Wintersday Box minis (festive golem, snowman, Infiniarium and Foostivoo the Merry) have never been available outside of Wintersday 2012, when they were only obtainable from an RNG box (which was also a terrible idea).

I don’t think the original Halloween set (ghost, skeleton and spider, forged to make Chainsaw the skeleton) were ever re-released either but I’m not 100% sure.

I believe the mini is intended to draw more people into trying pvp. Nothing more, nothing less.

If that’s the case putting it at the end of a reward track would make much more sense. Going straight from never having done PvP before to entering a tournament seems a bit extreme. Unless I’ve completely misunderstood and tournaments are supposed to be for brand new players who then go on to play hot-join when they get really good?

Well when you guys are complaining on the forums pretty sure there is some guys really into miniature forming his team for TOL.

Some of us are multi-tasking.

I’ve been complaining that it’s ridiculous to give out a mini as a reward for PvP (because it is) and also talking to my friends about forming a team. I’ve never played PvP before and I’m pretty sure I’m going to be a free win for whoever I’m up against, but I guess a tournament full of complete amateurs is the new strategy to get this game taken seriously as an E-sport.

Edit: Sign up here if you’re interested: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/lfteam/EU-Players-who-only-want-the-llama-mini

Ahh…yeah, those really did never show up again, you are right. In my defense, I said MOST if not all of them. :P

Exclusive Tournament of Legends only mini...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


I believe the mini is intended to draw more people into trying pvp. Nothing more, nothing less.

If that’s the case putting it at the end of a reward track would make much more sense. Going straight from never having done PvP before to entering a tournament seems a bit extreme. Unless I’ve completely misunderstood and tournaments are supposed to be for brand new players who then go on to play hot-join when they get really good?

You just highlighted why they probably didn’t put it in a reward track, which (like the Balthazar back item) would probably be a one shot reward track. The people would come in, do hot joins each day to the cap until they got it, then go back to whatever. Most wouldn’t likely develop any desire to get into the pvp aspect of the game, casually or otherwise. Here, they put it in a tournament which requires building a team and coordinating, it shows a different aspect of that mode’s play. Something wholly different than the mess that is hot join (or even the semi-toxic solo q).

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

Exclusive Tournament of Legends only mini...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garambola.2461


While I do not collect miniatures, I understand it can be frustrating to those who want the full collection.

The real problem here is not needing to PvP for this mini, the problem is that a) you need a team to enter and especially b) only a limited number of teams can enter.
The reason for the latter is obvious, but it makes getting the mini impossile for many who want it. Or there could be miniature hunter teams taking up spots of those who really want to play.

Exclusive Tournament of Legends only mini...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


I believe the mini is intended to draw more people into trying pvp. Nothing more, nothing less.

If that’s the case putting it at the end of a reward track would make much more sense. Going straight from never having done PvP before to entering a tournament seems a bit extreme. Unless I’ve completely misunderstood and tournaments are supposed to be for brand new players who then go on to play hot-join when they get really good?

You just highlighted why they probably didn’t put it in a reward track, which (like the Balthazar back item) would probably be a one shot reward track. The people would come in, do hot joins each day to the cap until they got it, then go back to whatever. Most wouldn’t likely develop any desire to get into the pvp aspect of the game, casually or otherwise. Here, they put it in a tournament which requires building a team and coordinating, it shows a different aspect of that mode’s play. Something wholly different than the mess that is hot join (or even the semi-toxic solo q).

So you’re telling me that if (before all this started) I had put a topic in the PVP section of the forum saying “I’ve never done PVP before and I have no idea where to start, what should I do?” I’d be told to wait until a tournament is announced and sign up?

That’s like saying PvE should start you off with a dungeon and then let you play solo in the open-world only once you’ve learned how to form and coordinate a group for relatively difficult content.

As for whether either approach would get new players into PVP have you ever heard the saying “you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink”? Not everyone is going to like PVP (or any other part of the game) no matter how they’re introduced to it. Look at the WvW Tournaments, plenty of players came along just long enough to get the meta achievement and then never touched it again. To get the meta they had to be introduced to a pretty broad range of the activities that go on in WvW, but that’s not going to suddenly make them like it.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Exclusive Tournament of Legends only mini...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


So you’re telling me that if (before all this started) I had put a topic in the PVP section of the forum saying “I’ve never done PVP before and I have no idea where to start, what should I do?” I’d be told to wait until a tournament is announced and sign up?


No, but not everyone asks either. Different things inspire different people. Sometimes its things like this that prod someone into trying something new.

As for whether either approach would get new players into PVP have you ever heard the saying “you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink”? Not everyone is going to like PVP (or any other part of the game) no matter how they’re introduced to it. Look at the WvW Tournaments, plenty of players came along just long enough to get the meta achievement and then never touched it again. To get the meta they had to be introduced to a pretty broad range of the activities that go on in WvW, but that’s not going to suddenly make them like it.

So, they lead a herd of horses to water, some drank, some sipped, and some said ‘like hell’ and carried on.

On the flip side of your example, some people that were prodded into trying it because of the tournament/rewards then decided they liked it and it became their main mode. Others decided it wasn’t so bad and dabble in it now and again. However, without the tournament / rewards they may not have been prodded to try it otherwise.

Beyond that…. the gods forbid that the different modes offer unique things for doing them, thus incentivizing people to branch out and do those modes if they want those rewards.

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

Exclusive Tournament of Legends only mini...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rouven.7409


Tournaments create a buzz. It’s advertising.

“But” if you ask me they should offer them something more than just a mini. An exclusive legendary weapon would sound more like it.

That would get people talking.

“Whose Kitten is this?” – “It’s a Charr baby.”
“Whose Charr is this?”- “Ted’s.”
“Who’s Ted?”- “Ted’s dead, baby. Ted’s dead.”

Exclusive Tournament of Legends only mini...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lilz shorty.1879

lilz shorty.1879

I can’t even begin to fathom how people even could make the posts they made on this thread. The amount of self entitlement people feel is just……….lol. WvW players got exclusive skins(skins > mini imo), yet you don’t see pve players/pvp players bashing Anet for that. I just can’t even begin to understand why people see this as an issue. Having exclusive items for certain content is a great way to get people to show interest, but then I have to remind myself of how silly/childish and irrational the GW2 community is.

The amount of irrationalization is so beyond me on this thread. Their rationalization is merely nothing more then false entitlement and selfishness and is quite funny. All you guys are doing is making yourself look like whining spoiled children.

Just do the tournament if you want an exclusive mini so badly. I mean we are talking about a mini here………..

As winner of the last Tournament of legends, I personally think ANET is taking the cheap route(not allocating money into right areas). Mini is just a laughable reason not to spend money to develop exclusive skins/armor/backpieces. Even a legendary is laughable and a typical ANET move considering all they do is recycle skins and add new ones to the gem store. PvE players had their legends way before PvP players could obtain them by PvPing. Mind you, I already had my legend, and got 2 free ones, but for winning such a big tournament, there is no way to show off or to show people that you won if they didn’t watch the tournament. All you do is look like some PvE hero at the end of the day.

Exclusive items need to be more of a thing and this mini is extremely sad imho. I won the last tourney, still have 2 legends and 4k gold sitting in my inventory and nothing to show forth. Not even a title or exclusive finisher. This is why a lot of us are taking our leave with GW2 because this mini is almost a tease and just a mere mockery to all of us PvP’rs over the last years. And who knows, the mini will probably be on the gemstore, but after the tourney this time. Whether of not we participate in this tourney again just to win free legends again is in the air, but this sad little attempt to attract players is abysmal at most.

“Morfeus X” || Team: Apex Prime
“Best Guardian NA”

(edited by lilz shorty.1879)

Exclusive Tournament of Legends only mini...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rouven.7409



Just do the tournament if you want an exclusive mini so badly. I mean we are talking about a mini here………..

I think the point here would be that they most likely couldn’t, even if they wanted too. Only 128 teams.

I don’t know, I have no ranking whatsoever, think I had 3 pvp matches at the start of the game – who wants to register with me? We’ll call ourselves “Deadly Guinea Pigs”. Fastest tournament match ever.

Edit: PS – no teamspeak or the like, we’ll just wing it

“Whose Kitten is this?” – “It’s a Charr baby.”
“Whose Charr is this?”- “Ted’s.”
“Who’s Ted?”- “Ted’s dead, baby. Ted’s dead.”

Exclusive Tournament of Legends only mini...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lilz shorty.1879

lilz shorty.1879


Just do the tournament if you want an exclusive mini so badly. I mean we are talking about a mini here………..

I think the point here would be that they most likely couldn’t, even if they wanted too. Only 128 teams.

I don’t know, I have no ranking whatsoever, think I had 3 pvp matches at the start of the game – who wants to register with me? We’ll call ourselves “Deadly Guinea Pigs”. Fastest tournament match ever.

Edit: PS – no teamspeak or the like, we’ll just wing it

Well I agree, and everyone needs to get on both ANET but mostly Blu about how they run these things. But they are having qualifiers. Which is a step in the right direction. But honestly they need to have a meaningful MMR and Leagues, that would change how teams enter.

The other issue with is that BLU, has no experience with hosting things as large as this. So him managing a tourney, such as this, will be mediocre at best. ANET gives him too much control on how it should be organized and how teams should be let in, which is pretty dumb imho. As long as he has complete control over how the tourney is run, it will never be as appealing to everyone as it can be, and that is a fact.

“Morfeus X” || Team: Apex Prime
“Best Guardian NA”

Exclusive Tournament of Legends only mini...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AysonCurrax.3254


I can’t even begin to fathom how people even could make the posts they made on this thread. The amount of self entitlement people feel is just……….lol. WvW players got exclusive skins(skins > mini imo), yet you don’t see pve players/pvp players bashing Anet for that. I just can’t even begin to understand why people see this as an issue. Having exclusive items for certain content is a great way to get people to show interest, but then I have to remind myself of how silly/childish and irrational the GW2 community is.

The amount of irrationalization is so beyond me on this thread. Their rationalization is merely nothing more then false entitlement and selfishness and is quite funny. All you guys are doing is making yourself look like whining spoiled children.

Just do the tournament if you want an exclusive mini so badly. I mean we are talking about a mini here………..

As winner of the last Tournament of legends, I personally think ANET is taking the cheap route(not allocating money into right areas). Mini is just a laughable reason not to spend money to develop exclusive skins/armor/backpieces. Even a legendary is laughable and a typical ANET move considering all they do is recycle skins and add new ones to the gem store. PvE players had their legends way before PvP players could obtain them by PvPing. Mind you, I already had my legend, and got 2 free ones, but for winning such a big tournament, there is no way to show off or to show people that you won if they didn’t watch the tournament. All you do is look like some PvE hero at the end of the day.

Exclusive items need to be more of a thing and this mini is extremely sad imho. I won the last tourney, still have 2 legends and 4k gold sitting in my inventory and nothing to show forth. Not even a title or exclusive finisher. This is why a lot of us are taking our leave with GW2 because this mini is almost a tease and just a mere mockery to all of us PvP’rs over the last years. And who knows, the mini will probably be on the gemstore, but after the tourney this time. Whether of not we participate in this tourney again just to win free legends again is in the air, but this sad little attempt to attract players is abysmal at most.

exclusive wvw skins, yes. but if i wanted one of them, i could just do the meta achievement whenever i wanted to in that 3 months time span, and the skins will be reavailable by the look of it through out future wvw tournaments.

that is on a whole different scale than having something that only is available for 128 × 5 people on a single weekend.

Oh, and congrats on winning by the way. cant let that go unappreciated

And another edit just to make sure: I never meant it to seem like i am saying you shouldnt get something exclusive to show off with, I am just saying their choice of yet again using a minipet for such which most people besides collectors wont pay attention to anyways, would even notice, is not exactly a good one.

(edited by AysonCurrax.3254)

Exclusive Tournament of Legends only mini...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KOPPER.1458


WvW players got exclusive skins(skins > mini imo), yet you don’t see pve players/pvp players bashing Anet for that.

The difference has been pointed out before. WvW is not capped on how many can participate in it. What if AN said only the top three servers in EU and NA were able to get these rewards, not top three brackets but only top three servers and no transfers are allowed. Even then this player pool is much larger than that allow in the TOL.

It is only open to a limited crowd. So even if you like sPVP you aren’t likely to simple qualify to get into TOL. This is how it should be but it makes the item in question, (a collectable item) very limited.

Just do the tournament if you want an exclusive mini so badly. I mean we are talking about a mini here………..

Don’t devalue the prize because it’s not important to you.

As winner of the last Tournament of legends,

Ah here we go… You and your team possess the skills necessary to compete at a high level. Not everyone has the same skill set, or is privy to such team mates. Please try to look at this from another perspective.

I personally think ANET is taking the cheap route(not allocating money into right areas). Mini is just a laughable reason not to spend money to develop exclusive skins/armor/backpieces. Even a legendary is laughable and a typical ANET move considering all they do is recycle skins and add new ones to the gem store.

(edited by Moderator)

Exclusive Tournament of Legends only mini...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rouven.7409


Didn’t see that. Congratulations lilz. Now you need a handicap for this tournament. Me!

Just kidding.

Would it help if unobtainable past mini’s don’t show up as an empty collectors slot?

“Whose Kitten is this?” – “It’s a Charr baby.”
“Whose Charr is this?”- “Ted’s.”
“Who’s Ted?”- “Ted’s dead, baby. Ted’s dead.”

Exclusive Tournament of Legends only mini...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: anzenketh.3759


Didn’t see that. Congratulations lilz. Now you need a handicap for this tournament. Me!

Just kidding.

Would it help if unobtainable past mini’s don’t show up as an empty collectors slot?

That would be nice. It would also be nice that if unobtainable past skins would not show up in the wardrobe. It will make the collectors feel like they collected everything.

In Game: Storm Bluff Isle — Anzz, Anzenketh Kyoto

Exclusive Tournament of Legends only mini...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lilz shorty.1879

lilz shorty.1879

Didn’t see that. Congratulations lilz. Now you need a handicap for this tournament. Me!

Just kidding.

Would it help if unobtainable past mini’s don’t show up as an empty collectors slot?

Thanks and this is true lol. I was thinking this would help but I’m pretty sure ANET would not do that.

“Morfeus X” || Team: Apex Prime
“Best Guardian NA”

Exclusive Tournament of Legends only mini...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lilz shorty.1879

lilz shorty.1879

As for the other bit, a pvp tournament to award pvp players with a mini as an award, is the biggest slap in the face. And yes I speak for all the competitive pvp players. Anet knows that and that is why they wish to use mini’s or PvE items as a way to attract those who PvE/WvW. They have lost their PvP completely in a year which is quite sad. So this mini is unimportant to me yes, but also to everyone else who PvP competitively for quite some time. This to is supposed to rewards those compete at a high level and I know for a fact a mini is just lol.

As for when I said as a winner of the tourney, I said that because I am trying to speak on behalf of the competetive community as to what will help ANET open their eyes for the pvp competitive scene in the long run in terms of what items they should develop and reward. As far as all the people QQing about not being able to obtain the mini, tell ANET to give us a better leaderboard/league/MMR system.

“Morfeus X” || Team: Apex Prime
“Best Guardian NA”

(edited by Moderator)

Exclusive Tournament of Legends only mini...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KOPPER.1458


The only thing that you responded with that made sense was the first paragraph.

I am sorry you were unable to understand my English.

Yes the limit on the tourney is an issue, but that is ofc entirely ANET and blu’s fault with how they allow teams to entire. If there had been a league/good mmr system/better leaderboards……this issue could be avoided entirely.

Explain in more detail please, wouldn’t this still limit the field? Part of the issue is how limited the field is, the other part is what is being offered as a reward. Would the out cry be as loud if this was a limited finisher as they have used in the past? I am sure there would still be complaints on the subject but it would probably be less so.

As for the other bit, a pvp tournament to award pvp players with a mini as an award, is the biggest slap in the face.

I agree with you that a mini doesn’t make a lot of sense. A finisher would have been much better.

As for when I said as a winner of the tourney, I said that because I am trying to speak on behalf of the competetive community as to what will help ANET open their eyes for the pvp competitive scene in the long run in terms of what items they should develop and reward. As far as all the people QQing about not being able to obtain the mini, tell ANET to give us a better leaderboard/league/MMR system.

While that would help the pvp community that doesn’t change the reward. All of those things exclude parts of the player base. I am not saying that is a bad thing but it doesn’t solve what people feel the issues are.

There seems to be more than one perspective being looked at here.

1: From the competitive players view

2: From the collectors view

Both of those views and points of contention are valid, and both of them are concerned with different issues.

If you want to represent an entire community as a leader then you should be a little more professional in your responses here to the community and whatever is directed at AN. Proper attitude and constructive feedback is paramount in good communication.

And for what I about the tourney not being run to its full capability because of BLU, I know this is fact and its not subjective. I am not going to argue with you there because you simply know nothing when it comes to that.

This is where proper attitude and constructive feedback is paramount in good communication.

Exclusive Tournament of Legends only mini...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


This not only follows the horrible PVP centric designs of early Aion (and we all saw how well that worked) but it also doesn’t improve the precursor/economy/legendary situation in the store.

We were told we’d have some kind of scavenger hunt, not a pvp centric requirement to even qualify for something that magic find should provide even occasionally on accounts with large amounts of gameplay hours.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Exclusive Tournament of Legends only mini...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AysonCurrax.3254


WvW players got exclusive skins(skins > mini imo), yet you don’t see pve players/pvp players bashing Anet for that.

The difference has been pointed out before. WvW is not capped on how many can participate in it. What if AN said only the top three servers in EU and NA were able to get these rewards, not top three brackets but only top three servers and no transfers are allowed. Even then this player pool is much larger than that allow in the TOL.

It is only open to a limited crowd. So even if you like sPVP you aren’t likely to simple qualify to get into TOL. This is how it should be but it makes the item in question, (a collectable item) very limited.

Just do the tournament if you want an exclusive mini so badly. I mean we are talking about a mini here………..

Don’t devalue the prize because it’s not important to you.

As winner of the last Tournament of legends,

Ah here we go… You and your team possess the skills necessary to compete at a high level. Not everyone has the same skill set, or is privy to such team mates. Please try to look at this from another perspective.

I personally think ANET is taking the cheap route(not allocating money into right areas). Mini is just a laughable reason not to spend money to develop exclusive skins/armor/backpieces. Even a legendary is laughable and a typical ANET move considering all they do is recycle skins and add new ones to the gem store.

Pot meet Kettle.

As long as he has complete control over how the tourney is run, it will never be as appealing to everyone as it can be, and that is a fact.

This is an opinion and not actually a fact.

The only thing that you responded with that made sense was the first paragraph. Yes the limit on the tourney is an issue, but that is ofc entirely ANET and blu’s fault with how they allow teams to entire. If there had been a league/good mmr system/better leaderboards……this issue could be avoided entirely.

As for the other bit, a pvp tournament to award pvp players with a mini as an award, is the biggest slap in the face. And yes I speak for all the competitive pvp players. Anet knows that and that is why they wish to use mini’s or PvE items as a way to attract those who PvE/WvW. They have lost their PvP completely in a year which is quite sad. So this mini is unimportant to me yes, but also to everyone else who PvP competitively for quite some time. This to is supposed to rewards those compete at a high level and I know for a fact a mini is just lol.

As for when I said as a winner of the tourney, I said that because I am trying to speak on behalf of the competetive community as to what will help ANET open their eyes for the pvp competitive scene in the long run in terms of what items they should develop and reward. As far as all the people QQing about not being able to obtain the mini, tell ANET to give us a better leaderboard/league/MMR system.

And for what I about the tourney not being run to its full capability because of BLU, I know this is fact and its not subjective. I am not going to argue with you there because you simply know nothing when it comes to that.

The thing is, i fear pointing a better system out to them would go just as ignored as the megaserver feedback topic, or any other feedback topic for that matter, really.