Expansion or end of franchise?

Expansion or end of franchise?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ark Bladesteele.2943

Ark Bladesteele.2943

As soon as you put “isn’t arguable” into your argument, the conversation was over.

NSP’s resident crazy-eyed sylvari

Expansion or end of franchise?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beldin.5498


Any random MMO dont need WoW to lose Players

Fixed that for you-

how is this fixed? thread is bout gw2 and wow

trie harder to be smart

Its fixed because EVERY MMO out there looses player because some dislike that game
so in the end its a sentence that does say nothing at all.

Its just like saying for example : in the US people are dying .. to prove that the US is a bad country .. and ignoring that people in other countries also die.

EVERY MMO is awesome until it is released then its unfinished. A month after release it just sucks.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.

Expansion or end of franchise?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boneheart.3561


Probably end of franchise. This was an all star when it came out. Really refreshing change of pace and some great changes to the King’s formula. But then it changed. The gem store doesn’t bother me, I hope Anet makes money. But not for the junk provided. Living story has been better, but man that is no substitute for a proper expansion. The kind with new lands, a race, a profession, dungeons, raids, a “new” weapon per class. I guess these little farts of dry top are considered new lands. Wrong. I think the point of gw2 is to get you in, get you to drop some cash, and that’s it. There is no point in retaining us when the revolving door is so much sweeter.

I mean just look at that “elite” content. Those of you that take the time to organize that junk are to be commended, and no ill will is directed towards you. But man is that stuff terrible. A frame by frame failure that is essentially a large version of high priest thekal.

But it’s still fun, no matter how much King it’s lacking. I just won’t give them any money.

Sounds like you’re gonna leave soon. Can I have you stuff? Especially if you have Silk and Lodestones.

EDIT: And Ghost Peppers! I have so few, and the Piquant Plates are gonna rob me.

(edited by Boneheart.3561)

Expansion or end of franchise?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dusty Moon.4382

Dusty Moon.4382

Probably end of franchise. This was an all star when it came out. Really refreshing change of pace and some great changes to the King’s formula. But then it changed. The gem store doesn’t bother me, I hope Anet makes money. But not for the junk provided. Living story has been better, but man that is no substitute for a proper expansion. The kind with new lands, a race, a profession, dungeons, raids, a “new” weapon per class. I guess these little farts of dry top are considered new lands. Wrong. I think the point of gw2 is to get you in, get you to drop some cash, and that’s it. There is no point in retaining us when the revolving door is so much sweeter.

I mean just look at that “elite” content. Those of you that take the time to organize that junk are to be commended, and no ill will is directed towards you. But man is that stuff terrible. A frame by frame failure that is essentially a large version of high priest thekal.

But it’s still fun, no matter how much King it’s lacking. I just won’t give them any money.

I don’t think it will be the end. Why? A.Net has quite a bit invested in the Lore and another game (say GW2) would be interesting to say the least. Only A.Net can say when the GW franchise is dead.

It would also be interesting to see a PRE-QUEL of GW1 – say during the Guild Wars. That WOULD be interesting.

Expansion or end of franchise?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


I can’t understand why Anet hasn’t released an expansion for GW2. If I were an investor in NCsoft I’d be angry and probably pull my money out because it’s not even ineptitude, it looks like neglect. No good company passes on new revenue and returning customers do they? Then again I haven’t seen the earnings report, maybe they’re making good money with the suckers who think they “support” the game by buying gems and black lion keys. All the seem to be doing is delaying an expansion…if I can make money by creating a few skins and sticking them behind RNG chests, why not?

Since GW2 is only a small part of the company’s total income stream (only 16.3% in 2013), pulling your money out would be silly. You also ignore that only 18% of their income comes from NA/EU. If it wasn’t for GW2, their direct income stream from the west would be minuscule, although some income from the EU may be booked as royalties since they pawned off day to day operations of Aion and Lineage 2 to a 3rd party there.

Well it was in 1stQ of 2014 18.3 of the total profits the NCSoft made. That is a good amount considering Aion and Lineage 1 and 2 are sub games. Who knows what it looks like now that GW2 went live in China, the largest game market in the world.

GW2 is important to NCSoft, if it wasn’t A.net wouldn’t be around.

But the GW2 China income will be booked as Royalties just like B&S China income is and not added to the actual GW2 income figure.

Also the reason I used an entire year is because of seasonal variation between games. Lineage I (38% of NCSOFT’s income in 2013) had a bad 1st quarter (down to 23%) and since South Korea makes up over 94% of it’s player base, events in South Korea, a country the area of Kentucky with 30% more people than California, could significantly impact income (overall income from South Korea dropped 20% year over year). Could be an economic downturn, could be social policy (internet use, especially online gaming, is now lumped in with gambling, drugs and alcohol as an addiction).

Also, not profit, income, big difference. NCSOFT never lists profits of any game, just income booked from the parent company and it’s subsidiaries for each “major” game.

Also GW2 was 14.1% of NCSOFT’s total income in the 1Q14, 18.8% if you exclude royalties which has grown significantly with B&S in China. Royalties in the 1st quarter 2014 exceeded even Lineage 1’s income. Royalties is up over 400% year over year for the 1st quarter. Royalties exceeded NA and EU income combined. Royalties happen when they license a 3rd party to run a game as oppose to an NCSOFT subsidiary.

Now because of GW2’s “new” status in China I can’t see NCSOFT push for an expansion to come out “soon”. Especially that the game was sold in China Vs free. It would really have to be branded for the China market to convince players there to fork over more money upfront.

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Expansion or end of franchise?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RedStar.4218


The only thing that’s really going to kill GW2, just like GW1, is when Anet announces out of the blue that they are giving up on their game because they can’t do what they want and instead are going to create a (whole) new one.

It would also be interesting to see a PRE-QUEL of GW1 – say during the Guild Wars. That WOULD be interesting.

After GW2 you still think Anet sees the story as something they think is extremely important and needs to be correctly done ?

Expansion or end of franchise?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torvic.8256


end of story.


TESO also didn’t live up to the hype and became somewhat irrelevant, despite having a solid name behind it.

I’m not sure whether or not TESO lived up to the hype and I agree that it didn’t “kill” GW2, but it certainly didn’t become irrelevant either. I’m actually having a blast playing it.

While it may sound weird being able to enjoy two MMO’s simultaneously that have the same basic theme (in this case, fantasy), there seems to be enough different between GW2 and TESO for reasons I can’t quite put my finger on that allows me to enjoy them both. In fact, that may actually be a blessing for me, since if they were too similar to each other I may have found myself choosing only one while ditching the other.

(edited by Torvic.8256)

Expansion or end of franchise?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Prophet.6257


Personally, since the Living Story only released a very small map I’ve basically been inactive and not spending money in game. GW2 is becoming a second or third game option for me right now.

I played GW1 for years. Played in GW2’s beta. Followed every article written on Massivly. Listened to Guildcast with Rubi and Shawn. Watched every episode of Guildcast through Gamebreaker. And still listen to every Visualwood podcast.

But still, the lack of content in game just can’t keep my attention. Eventually, I’ll end up moving on to something else or just not spend money until an expansion is released (or an actually amount of expansion content is released; more maps, professions, races, weapons, skills, features, etc.) I’m not mad about it or angry at Anet but I’m also fully drained of all hype and goodwill for this game. I do trust it will have real content added someday but until then I’ll be spending the majority of my money and time on other things.

Expansion or end of franchise?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azhure.1857


Games with gear treadmill endgames NEED expacs, they wither and die without them.

GW2 doesn’t have that problem. Since they give us new content every 2 weeks – new zones, new dungeons, new stories, new maps, new features, it keeps us playing.

Sorry, Karizee, but it doesn’t keep everyone playing.

Isle of Janthir Megaserver

Expansion or end of franchise?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure.8670


Wild Star came out, which is essentially vanilla WoW but better and its already failed in terms of server health. Great game, absolutely no one is playing it. Forums are more acidic than this one, believe it or not. FF14 is solid, nothing ground breaking. ESO isnt doing great. GW2 is just fine, and will only get better. We just recently hit china dude, the expansion will come eventually

Expansion or end of franchise?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


The problem I’m seeing over and over again, is two fold. People think we need millions of people to make a viable game and people are overestimating the amount of people who really think about their gameplaying experience. Plenty of people playing Guild Wars 2 have never even heard of Wildstar. They get a game, they play the game they’re basically happy.

Niche groups tend to be more vested in the game and thus are a louder voice on the forum. RPers, PvPers, Raiders, those who like challenging content. Traditionally none of these demographics are the main demographic, who are people who just sort of show up and do whatever.

It means games can last a long long time without catering to special interest groups. And I’m by no means saying they shouldn’t have stuff for everyone. I’m just saying that most of those groups overestimate just how badly the game would do if everyone who played like them left.

When ascended gear came out, a lot of people left this game. People who felt really REALLY strongly about vertical progression, and not having it in game. For a month or two, things looked really bleak and it started to pick up again. Of course, many of those people never came back—but some did.

People left for Neverwinter and came back. They left for ESO and came back. They left for Rift and came back. They left for Wildstar and came back. Not everyone, but enough people for this game to remain viable for a long time.

There’s always another game around the corner, but the percentage of people that jump from game to game is smaller than one would think. Guild Wars 2 will survive the WoW expansion from what I’ve seen probably the two new sandbox games coming out. Pretty sure it will survive EQ next too.

Because it’s offering an experience none of those other games are, and there are enough people who like that experience. Not everyone moves experiences just because one game does something better.

I couldn’t deal with the questing system in ESO or Wildstar for example, even though I really wanted to like both of them. To be fair, I liked Wildstar a whole lot more than I liked ESO..but it still felt too linear for me.

This game suits my play style and surely I’m not the only one to share this play style. If there are enough people who play like me, niche or not niche, the game will continue to do fine.

If you’re in a niche this game isn’t catering to, it’s probably not likely to start now. Other niches may get a token bit of content, but it’ll never be enough to keep them long term. Because no company can provide everything to all people.

Expansion or end of franchise?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I know how some players think GW2 was doomed or complaining about the lack of improvement… blah blah blah

the thing is other games are doing pretty terrible too, because GW2’s ratting is even better than most of them…

The only game in the past few years, that have actaully improved after launch is FF14… But that is probably because their launch is pretty terrible.

Expansion or end of franchise?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356


I don’t know about WoW – but the OP is right that this game needs a serious content update.

I’m basically playing because there isn’t much else to do at the moment – until Star Citizen comes out.

Expansion or end of franchise?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tman.6349


To me the is like telling Harley Davidson that Chrysler is coming out with a new minivan and they better do something before they lose all their riders… O.o

Am I confused or is OP suggesting that these are the same demographics? Anyone else remember how GW1 trucked right along with not even nearly half the resources. Not everyone that plays GW2 does so because of ample updating to the supply of carrots to chase. Some just genuinely enjoy the game for what it is.

You’ve got to be REAL loose with your expectations if you’re jumping back and forth between WoW and GW2. Let’s warn them when Facebook releases another one of their ‘adventure/RPGs’ while you’re at it…

*Fail thread is a fail.

(edited by Tman.6349)

Expansion or end of franchise?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beldin.5498


Wild Star came out, which is essentially vanilla WoW but better and its already failed in terms of server health. Great game, absolutely no one is playing it. Forums are more acidic than this one, believe it or not.

In reality it only showed once again that the hardcore raiders are not the big mass of
players that they always think they are.

The big success from WoW in the end was that they brought so much casuals to play
MMOs .. and maybe around 90-95% of WoW playerbase don’t ever raid.

So in the end Wildstar was just a new game that caters to a very small minority, but
like always other players try it because it is new and they may think “ok i’m not that
hardcore but i may have some fun as long as it lasts”.
Its in the end the same with all those ex-raiders that came to GW2 because the were
bored in WoW ..
Only difference is .. GW2 looses maybe 5-10% because of that .. while widstar looses 90-95%

I’m basically playing because there isn’t much else to do at the moment – until Star Citizen comes out.

Oh .. is that the new hype ? Have Archage and Black Desert also already failed ?

EVERY MMO is awesome until it is released then its unfinished. A month after release it just sucks.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.

(edited by Beldin.5498)

Expansion or end of franchise?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chlupac.4936


Oh…WoW expansion! …another one ?! I have to stop playing the game I like and switch to WoW right now!
No seriously… it doesn’t mean anything
Plus if you want expansion content so badly, you can stop playing for a few months (because you are obviously bored in game now with need for expansion). Than buy gems (which would be +- equal to payment for expansion), download patch and unlock story to replay – gg, you got a lot’s of new content for cash
Isn’t just LS much better ? They are giving us a lot (imho) for free every 14 days + they are still working on other features (maybe even on something big, but who knows )

Expansion or end of franchise?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Corpus Christi.2057

Corpus Christi.2057

Why would anyone care about new WoW expansion when ArcheAge is almost out? Seriously…

Three 80-lvl Rangers. Why? ‘Cos they’re that cool.

Expansion or end of franchise?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crossaber.8934


There are 2 groups of player won’t affected by WoW.

The non trinity group and the causal no rushing content group.

I believe the majority players belong to one or both of the above mentioned group. Non trinity mmo are out of choice. The casual gaming atmosphere is also out of choice at the moment. So i guess only Anet know when is the time for expension.

i belong to both group by the way.

Expansion or end of franchise?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dusty Moon.4382

Dusty Moon.4382

Why would anyone care about new WoW expansion when ArcheAge is almost out? Seriously…

Because WoW is polished and AA is a polished kitten . I understand that WoW has been out 10 yrs but AA has been out 2 in Korea/China and 1 yr in Russia. It is a P2W game – the more money you throw at the company the easier the game gets.

Expansion or end of franchise?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anmida.4058


I understand how the whole hype thing works, really. Up until the colossal crash n’ burn of Blade & Soul, I was really hoping and looking forward to the new releases in MMOs. Even Wildstar for a second there (You know, until the NOPE of the actual gameplay mechanics. I get it, many of you love it. This is just my personal opinion so let’s not go all YOU HURT MY PERSONAL TASTES! over each other.) was a hype source, but reality of the situation is that the MMO market is saturated with recycled ideas attempting to cater to the generation that didn’t have the chance of getting forcefed old setups and ideas.

I am afraid all of the new games in the horizon, ArcheAge specially, fall under the same areas. It will be the same thing again. It reeks deeply of the “You can do everything!” syndrome. But it will get hype, people will murder each other verbally for it, then it will be out… aaaand everyone will move along to the next hype focus.
TESO was really the optimal example for this. For those that didn’t try out the betas, it was the next coming of Jesus MMO-wise, because let’s be honest, it was promising. On paper, theory and trailers? It was grand. It even had the Elder Scrolls label pasted on it.
But then reality of MMO markets happened. Crowded areas, meh combat, oddily repetitive maps for an open game, “If you pay extra, you can completely kitten up the lore! Pay moar nao!”

Playerbases will always be there, no MMO is likely to ever die out completely. But none is likely to reach “that one point” that makes it thrive, until developers change their focus… intelligently, not “we are hitting all the brick walls on the way! as many as we can!” Guild Wars 2 style.

Expansion or end of franchise?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beldin.5498


There are 2 groups of player won’t affected by WoW.

The non trinity group and the causal no rushing content group.

I believe the majority players belong to one or both of the above mentioned group. Non trinity mmo are out of choice. The casual gaming atmosphere is also out of choice at the moment. So i guess only Anet know when is the time for expension.

i belong to both group by the way.

Group 3 : the EQ2 players that never understood why anyone would really play WoW when EQ2 was so much better

Group 4 : non-raiders that simply had enough to know that they never will get some shinies.

EVERY MMO is awesome until it is released then its unfinished. A month after release it just sucks.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.

Expansion or end of franchise?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chuo.4238


I for one can’t wait for the WoW expansion, not to play it of course, I won’t go back to WoW ever. I detest it so much now I deleted every single one of my Lvl 90 Characters & gave away everything I had.
I’m hoping all the people that want to turn GW2 into WoW will leave & let those of us who love GW2 play in peace.

Too late…they blew that back in November 2012…sort of.

We got a gear grind, but no endgame to speak of. The LS was a fantastic idea, but the implementation and writing have been, well, lackluster, shall we say?

This game needs a very good expansion and a bit of an overhaul on philosophy to be anything amazing.

Expansion or end of franchise?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


Hm….seems they are learning new words and getting creative in their gloom and doom posts.


Let’s see we’ve had…

“Gear grind or people leave”
“LS content is killing the game”
Something along the lines of temporary content not being healthy
Megaservers are killing the game


Meh, too tired to hunt for others. Although we’ve had previous ‘expansion or game dies’ threads too.

The game isn’t going to die just because wow releases an expansion. Or because Diablo 3 comes out with one. Or because ArchAge goes live. Players come and go, the population fluxes between the various games because we’re fickle and hard to please. There are people on this forum that play a variety of games, and as much as they kitten about GW2, they still come back to fiddle around. That’s just how gamers are. You see it in WoW, you see it in GW1, etc etc. That’s just the nature of the beast.

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

Expansion or end of franchise?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mhamilton.3095


I have 10 lvl 90 characters on Wow , Ive left that game behind, GW2 despite the few
Faults Gw2 is a far superior game more enjoyable .
I would like Gw2 expansion the game needs refreshing, but I wont hold my breath on that Issue .
Even more important to me is being able to complete world map without going into PVP . Maybe a new class , Priest type holy man who can cast healing spells etc .

Expansion or end of franchise?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clear.8512


~I’m right and you are wrong if you disagree, this is not debatable.~

I will still play GW2 if there is no expansion as I have zero interest in the WoW expansion. I know all of us forum posters know how to run an MMO and keep a community intact more than the actual companies (we are just too busy to make our own) but I would think Anet is fully aware there is an expansion coming for WoW and that they will need to add new content/features to keep this theme park relevant compared to the other parks around.

Play whatever game is enjoyable to you.

Expansion or end of franchise?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dusty Moon.4382

Dusty Moon.4382

I have 10 lvl 90 characters on Wow , Ive left that game behind, GW2 despite the few
Faults Gw2 is a far superior game more enjoyable .
I would like Gw2 expansion the game needs refreshing, but I wont hold my breath on that Issue .
Even more important to me is being able to complete world map without going into PVP . Maybe a new class , Priest type holy man who can cast healing spells etc .

That is called a guardian and it is for support only. This game does not have the trinity, so a priest/healer is not needed.

Expansion or end of franchise?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyron.7081


GW2 will not die from WoW’s expansion. Although, I have friends that are frequent fliers to the newer MMOs and I just stay at GW2 knowing they will come back as always. Why is that? Because, GW2 has what all the other MMOs just can’t seem to replicate: amazing combat and build variety, IMHO.

With that said, I do wish for a very large expansion for GW2. I would love to see more content, more dungeons, RAIDS!, sPvP 2v2, 3v3, 5v5 deathmatch Arenas and other PvP game modes (moba?), a huge Quest Chain to earn a precursor, RAIDS! Yes, I said RAIDS twice. Fractals, not so much….give us RAIDS please with a chance at a precursor! Maybe a new tier of gear that is beyond ascended? Anet needs to add REWARDS to keep players coming back and staying.

The Living Story should continue to open up new areas of the map and keep the main storyline arch going every two weeks. Season 2 of LS has been spectacular so far! Good job Anet! Thank you.

Expansion or end of franchise?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Maybe a new class , Priest type holy man who can cast healing spells etc .

Guardian can do that. Also, this isn’t a game with the “holy trinity”.