Feedback/Questions: Town clothes, Costumes, & Combat
I tried to get on last night to do some WvW, but it just felt hollow. I gotta say, the town clothes change upset me, but I didn’t think it’d harsh my buzz THIS much.
Was thinking of getting on and doing some alt leveling today but I’m just not feeling that either. Guess I’ll just get on SWTOR or play TF2 for awhile and try to keep up hope that they’ll reverse this change.
It’s hard to play GW2 when every time I check the TP I see that I have gems and it makes me a little ill to think of the money I’ve spent with the reasonable assumption that the town clothes I bought would work as-is for pretty much forever.
I was kind of surprised too, this week, when I began to notice how much I actually use the town clothes. My two or three mains tend use them quite a bit when I’m waiting for events to start etc. To only use the ones I like (hoodies etc) as a tonic is not going to be much fun at all.
We won’t have diversity either with “outfits”, but at least they are dyeable. So at least, let’s have all of them made into outfits. No tonics, please!!!
I’d rather have them ALL made into tonics if it means I can get my gems refunded. Personally, I think they need to do the right thing and offer us returns on ANY of the townclothes that have been fundamentally altered at this point.
Then they should make ALL of them into outfits and make ALL the outfits refundable. Personally I would ask a refund, but I want to keep the clothes in the (silly, I know, but hope is the last thing one loses) hope that in the future they make them mix-and-match-able again.
I read somewhere that dye would no longer drop in world. How true is this? What is the reasoning behind it? Can the community do anything to change your mind?
Go here:
You’ll find a lot more information for dyes in that thread. Good luck!
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
I read somewhere that dye would no longer drop in world. How true is this? What is the reasoning behind it? Can the community do anything to change your mind?
The reasoning is that once dyes are “valid” account-wide, the ratio between supply and demand will be skewed. Less demand = oversupply (not to mention the actual oversupply through all the refunded dyes). Removing the dyes from the loot table is supposed to lessen the impact on the economy.
I think it’s a bit of a shame as I was always excited to randomly pick up a dye, but oh well, can’t argue with their case in this instance.
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
(quotes snip)
To be fair, at least the 1-79 transmutation stones will be converted over, too, but I imagine there will be those who have used up their stones and will have to pay.
Mm, at a rate of 1 charge to every 3 stones, or 1 charge to 1 crystal. So if you have an alt that isn’t level 80 and was wearing town clothes that got armorified, it’ll now cost you the equivalent of a transmutation crystal, not even a transmutation stone, to make each piece equippable. UNLESS they allow for assigning stats to armorified town clothes without using charges the first time you do it, hint hint ANet, Traveler’s Town Clothes yes?
(edit to add new bits so I don’t double-post)
(snip) Removing the dyes from the loot table is supposed to lessen the impact on the economy.
I think it’s a bit of a shame as I was always excited to randomly pick up a dye, but oh well, can’t argue with their case in this instance.
I don’t know; I think once the initial glut of dyes from the change taking place runs out, having dyes not drop as loot at all will cause the price to shoot way up. I think a more sensible option would be to have them drop as much rarer loot, and perhaps decouple them from Magic Find to ensure their rarity. Otherwise, not only will dyes shoot up in price way more than is really reasonable (think about new players who are only working on one character: sure, their other characters will someday be able to use the dyes too, but the barrier of entry will be much higher). Chef ingredients like onions, blueberries, etc. will also become super-expensive, as they’re ingredients for making dyes, and as the value of those dyes inflates, so will the value of their materials. This will make leveling Chef even more expensive when attempting to discover all the recipes that utilize those ingredients, because if other crafted items are any indication, the gold value of the crafted item will still be less than the combined gold cost of the materials— you won’t even be able to just craft appropriately-rated dyes and sell those for a profit, only at a loss.
(edited by Twyll Blackleaf.9641)
So has ANet just abandoned this topic? I would really like a response on refunds for all our outfits now. Very very shady if they never respond.
They did respond, they said please wait until after the patch and then refunds will be offered on anything that’s been turned into a tonic.
What I want to know is if there’s a time window for this. Because I don’t want to rush into refund requests if there’s a real chance they’ll restore the mix and match functionality in some way, and I will at least see what the changes really are before deciding I’d rather have the gems back than ever see that outfit again. However, if I give them 30-60 days to announce corrections or at least plans to correct, and it becomes apparent that the changes are permanent and unacceptable, I’ll be rather cheesed off if they say “You should have asked for this within 14 days after the patch, too bad, so sad.”
Then they should make ALL of them into outfits and make ALL the outfits refundable. Personally I would ask a refund, but I want to keep the clothes in the (silly, I know, but hope is the last thing one loses) hope that in the future they make them mix-and-match-able again.
If it makes you feel better, Sonia, I’m probably going to wind up doing the same thing. Maybe I’ll get a refund on duplicate tonics, but otherwise we’ll wind up in similar boats. :P
… Yes, we know that it happened in 1326 AE. We had that little to do with it. We swear.
While I’m neither a glass is half empty or half full guy (The glass is twice as big as it needs to be!) I believe that in a few months when more or even all of the town clothes individual components have been properly integrated into the appearance system this will mostly have proven to be an exercise it poor crowd management and rushing to put something up against a rival launch rather than example of where they want the game to be.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
I’m feeling totally ripped off. I knew it was kind of stupid to spend real money on pixels but I loved the town clothes. I was a bit bewildered there was so few of them (pants etc..) but I held on because I figured it would end up like WoW where you could dress up your character in a huge array of diverse looking items, it would just take time. And of course it was so much fun to play with dye combos.
Now I feel really really stupid to have ever spent real money on them.
I’ve been thinking more and more and I’m… pretty much on board with everyone else who is saying they won’t be buying from the gem store again. I know I will be far less inclined to buy anything changeable, like skins. There are some purchases one can’t get around when you play as many characters as I do (such as transmutation stones), but… if this is setting precedent in terms of how changes and complaints of this nature are handled (secrecy, hand-waving, unclear, infuriatingly vague, and self-contradictory responses) I will be hesitant, if not unwilling, to buy anything that this new ‘wardrobe’ system brings about. I have spent the last of the gems on my account, and I am doubtful I will be buying any more in the near future.
They did respond, they said please wait until after the patch and then refunds will be offered on anything that’s been turned into a tonic.
What I want to know is if there’s a time window for this. Because I don’t want to rush into refund requests if there’s a real chance they’ll restore the mix and match functionality in some way, and I will at least see what the changes really are before deciding I’d rather have the gems back than ever see that outfit again. However, if I give them 30-60 days to announce corrections or at least plans to correct, and it becomes apparent that the changes are permanent and unacceptable, I’ll be rather cheesed off if they say “You should have asked for this within 14 days after the patch, too bad, so sad.”
I know they’ll refund the items being turned into a tonic, I want a response on refunds for ALL town clothes. All town clothes, whether it’s individual head pieces, individual clothes, or full outfits are being changed and it makes no sense to only offer refunds on some individual pieces. I’m willing to forgive and forget all of this if they just give me a refund on the outfits that I am not going to use anymore.
Are they going to be bringing out new individual pieces or will they all be costumes?
Are they going to be bringing out new individual pieces or will they all be costumes?
They will all be costumes. Every item that would have been considered ‘town clothes’ that they release after this patch will be a one-piece, all-or-nothing costume that overrides all of your gear. You won’t be able to wear mixed pieces because there will be only one slot for the whole outfit. The only thing you will be able to change is the colours and whether or not to show the hat that came with the outfit.
While I’m neither a glass is half empty or half full guy (The glass is twice as big as it needs to be!) I believe that in a few months when more or even all of the town clothes individual components have been properly integrated into the appearance system this will mostly have proven to be an exercise it poor crowd management and rushing to put something up against a rival launch rather than example of where they want the game to be.
This is pretty much what I’m expecting to happen. Some of the ANet comments seem to imply that they ran out of time in converting Town Clothes to individual armor pieces and ran with the Tonic solution.
It also sounds like the Town Clothes are so integrated into the Wardrobe, that they can’t hold of on the Town Clothes change, without halting the whole Wardrobe system. Kind of like removing a single gear from clock and expecting it to function properly.
Are they going to be bringing out new individual pieces or will they all be costumes?
They will all be costumes. Every item that would have been considered ‘town clothes’ that they release after this patch will be a one-piece, all-or-nothing costume that overrides all of your gear. You won’t be able to wear mixed pieces because there will be only one slot for the whole outfit. The only thing you will be able to change is the colours and whether or not to show the hat that came with the outfit.
Either your crystal ball is amazing, you’re a corporate spy, you’ve recently stolen a TARDIS, or you’re talking out your butt about a future you have no actual knowledge of.
I’m going with D.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
So has ANet just abandoned this topic? I would really like a response on refunds for all our outfits now. Very very shady if they never respond.
They did respond, they said please wait until after the patch and then refunds will be offered on anything that’s been turned into a tonic.
To be fair, it is the weekend, and they’re probably either not at work or working frantic overtime to try to fix this mess so come Monday they can have something to show us. I don’t actually expect another answer until then; I do think they’ll at least have to provide a second answer of some sort, because enough discontent has been expressed by enough people with the first one. So…
While we continue to express our discontent to demonstrate to ANet that we do in fact care about this, let us also remember that it is the weekend and it’s reasonable to have to wait for a response until Monday. And that’s a reminder to myself as well, as I too have gotten a bit impatient…
I get to be MAD KING THORN!!!!!!!
I just made The Mad Moon and bought Lord Taeres’s Shadow on the TP.
Bring on April, I am ready!
You guys didn’t read the info on Town Clothes did you? Some of them are turning into regular armor skins. gg.
Some. Only some. Lots of individual pieces are being lost as they’re being turned into one-piece “outfits”. It’s impacting a lot of people as you can tell since we’re averaging 6 pages of outrage each day so far over the last 4 days.
The point of that quote being, I believe, that some items that are now Town Clothes (a “surprising number,” according to The Voice of ANet Speaking Through Curtis) will start costing us money in the form of transmutation charges, because armor will cost charges to transmute— and since Town Clothes have no stats, we’ll probably have to transmute the skins onto existing armor, using charges which cost money, unless they have the brains to do something with them like the Traveler’s armor where you could select the armor’s new stats. (Given the current state of affairs, ANet being either incompetent or malicious— I’d like to assume the former, I fear I might believe the latter— I doubt they’d do something so helpful and so unprofitable.)
In other words, it’s yet another reason to be outraged: having to pay AGAIN to apply these skins we already paid for to armor if we want to use them at all.
To be fair, at least the 1-79 transmutation stones will be converted over, too, but I imagine there will be those who have used up their stones and will have to pay.
Only crystals will be converted 1:1. Transmutation Stones will be converted 3:1. So we’ll only have 1/3 of the charges we currently have plus whatever crystals people might have.
Are they going to be bringing out new individual pieces or will they all be costumes?
They will all be costumes. Every item that would have been considered ‘town clothes’ that they release after this patch will be a one-piece, all-or-nothing costume that overrides all of your gear. You won’t be able to wear mixed pieces because there will be only one slot for the whole outfit. The only thing you will be able to change is the colours and whether or not to show the hat that came with the outfit.
Either your crystal ball is amazing, you’re a corporate spy, you’ve recently stolen a TARDIS, or you’re talking out your butt about a future you have no actual knowledge of.
I’m going with D.
…or it was stated/could be surmised from information provided earlier in the thread. :/
…or it was stated/could be surmised from information provided earlier in the thread. :/
Alright, I see how you’re getting there…
Outfits give us a way to create highly stylized looks that aren’t constrained to armor slots or weight class. In addition to armor skins that are easier and cheaper to collect across characters and the account dye system we do believe the options across a players whole account are much more attractive now.
Which pretty much has us all rolling our eyes at how little we give a flying skritt’s butt about “highly stylized” with NO flexibility or individuality…
You’ll see more outfits coming out this summer and additions to the game more often usable by your characters. We try not to allow too much ‘hoarder’ design where we just keep stacking more and more options on leaving lots of unsupported things hanging around. Yes, we do have to give up some of our current closet space and clothing to fit the new wardrobe in. Again, apologies for that.
As always we ask you to try out the new system of customization and see what’s available to you. I think many people will be surprised by how many pieces have become armor compatible. We hope the benefits to the outfit system and wardrobe in terms of future support and additions will be clear, and you can look forward to more new outfits coming very soon.
You interpret that as all the new outfits will be single-piece hard-locked looks. I’m looking at “I think many people will be surprised by how many pieces have become armor compatible.” and thinking ‘they cannot possibly be so stupid as to do any of the new stuff as hard-locked single-piece outfits when there is so much seething hate that such lackluster, boring, and lazy items exist at all…’
My TARDIS is currently in the shop for repairs. Sorry I can’t give you a definite answer on which way they’ll jump .
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
…or it was stated/could be surmised from information provided earlier in the thread. :/
Alright, I see how you’re getting there…
Outfits give us a way to create highly stylized looks that aren’t constrained to armor slots or weight class. In addition to armor skins that are easier and cheaper to collect across characters and the account dye system we do believe the options across a players whole account are much more attractive now.
Which pretty much has us all rolling our eyes at how little we give a flying skritt’s butt about “highly stylized” with NO flexibility or individuality…
You’ll see more outfits coming out this summer and additions to the game more often usable by your characters. We try not to allow too much ‘hoarder’ design where we just keep stacking more and more options on leaving lots of unsupported things hanging around. Yes, we do have to give up some of our current closet space and clothing to fit the new wardrobe in. Again, apologies for that.
As always we ask you to try out the new system of customization and see what’s available to you. I think many people will be surprised by how many pieces have become armor compatible. We hope the benefits to the outfit system and wardrobe in terms of future support and additions will be clear, and you can look forward to more new outfits coming very soon.
You interpret that as all the new outfits will be single-piece hard-locked looks. I’m looking at “I think many people will be surprised by how many pieces have become armor compatible.” and thinking ‘they cannot possibly be so stupid as to do any of the new stuff as hard-locked single-piece outfits when there is so much seething hate that such lackluster, boring, and lazy items exist at all…’
My TARDIS is currently in the shop for repairs. Sorry I can’t give you a definite answer on which way they’ll jump
Clearly you have more faith in ArenaNet than I do.
So has ANet just abandoned this topic? I would really like a response on refunds for all our outfits now. Very very shady if they never respond.
They did respond, they said please wait until after the patch and then refunds will be offered on anything that’s been turned into a tonic.
To be fair, it is the weekend, and they’re probably either not at work or working frantic overtime to try to fix this mess so come Monday they can have something to show us. I don’t actually expect another answer until then; I do think they’ll at least have to provide a second answer of some sort, because enough discontent has been expressed by enough people with the first one. So…
While we continue to express our discontent to demonstrate to ANet that we do in fact care about this, let us also remember that it is the weekend and it’s reasonable to have to wait for a response until Monday. And that’s a reminder to myself as well, as I too have gotten a bit impatient…
Good point, I’ll wait until the weekend is over.
Just a note – your sig line is misquoted. It bugs me every time you post, LOL
Just a note – your sig line is misquoted. It bugs me every time you post, LOL
Its the dialogue from the manga. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
I can imagine the wave of refound request tickets…
Don’t worry, I have mine to send if the new system doesn’t that good for me.
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”
I believe the ‘failure’ of Town Clothes is because ArenaNet never fully understood what to do with them, and how much potential they had. I love the idea of Town Clothes. It makes perfect sense that people would dress differently when not adventuring… they dress in clothing, not armor! Similarly, costumes are effectively clothing, not armor.
But instead of giving us a good variety of clothing, we had a very limited number of items. Each armor weight class had many, many more times the number of pieces. With each patch, I kept hoping for more Town Clothes. I kept hoping we might see some of the things that we only see on NPCs, or something equivalent. I kept hoping we’d see a variety of styles from basic peasant to high nobility.
But what did we get? A couple costumes (though I will admit the Wintersday and Halloween sets were well done), hoodies, shorts, and a couple shirts.
Still, even with the limited number of items, I know many people who bought them. Many who used real money to buy the gems for the items, including me. Because we wanted them, and we wanted ArenaNet to know we wanted more! Just counting the number people I know who bout Town Clothes items, that means many thousands of dollars!
Perhaps Town Clothes were not selling ‘well’, but they were selling, and I have no doubt ArenaNet made a profit.
So now we’re being told that we shall no longer be able to mix Town Clothes pieces. Now we’re being told that, despite how illogical it is, we’ll be able to wear clothing into combat. Now we’re being told that we won’t be able to customize (dye) the soon-to-be former Town Clothes items…
How is this making the game better?
This may have already been answered, however I don’t have the necessary spare time to read every comment at the moment. I have a question with armor purchased through the store (i.e. Phoenix Armor in my case) I have the outfit on my Necromancer and on my ele. Will any form of a refund or even so much as an exchanged be offered to players who spent money on acquiring these outfits for multiple characters? If not I will be very dissatisfied seeing as it is essentially going to be entirely wasted on my ele alt when I could have bought her something else that would at least be new.
~Note: If there isn’t any plan to do this at the moment please take this into consideration. Even if its only a 50% refund or an exchange for another set of store armor I would be happy. I just don’t want to lose 800 gems on nothing.
So from april 15th Im supposed to run around with that INCREDIBLE UGLY wintersday hat instead of the cute earmuffs I bought with REAL money on my asura. The hat makes her bald…. I’m having tears in my eyes I spend my hard earned honest money to buy gems for these outfits.
And the witch outfit? I deleted the hat because it was ugly and I didnt have the space. I gave my char a different witch hat that looked much more awesome. Not possible anymore?
And no more colouring the town clothes? So we have to deal with the non personal colours your team picks out?
Removing restrictions you call it. Adding annoying new restrictions is what I and the entire rest of the community calls it. At least if I see the reactions.
ANET: I think this is the moment you can show the side where you listnen to your community and stop this before it goes life. You have two weeks left to tell your programmers to take out this rediculous move on towns clothing. YOUR COMMUNITY is asking. And if you don’t believe the over 1200 replies here. Give it a vote system. And realy listen to the community.
This may have already been answered, however I don’t have the necessary spare time to read every comment at the moment. I have a question with armor purchased through the store (i.e. Phoenix Armor in my case) I have the outfit on my Necromancer and on my ele. Will any form of a refund or even so much as an exchanged be offered to players who spent money on acquiring these outfits for multiple characters? If not I will be very dissatisfied seeing as it is essentially going to be entirely wasted on my ele alt when I could have bought her something else that would at least be new.
~Note: If there isn’t any plan to do this at the moment please take this into consideration. Even if its only a 50% refund or an exchange for another set of store armor I would be happy. I just don’t want to lose 800 gems on nothing.
I doubt it will be, because you’re still getting what you paid for. You paid for the skins and they’re still going to be on the gear you have them on. The fact that you now can apply it to other sets does not erase the functionality you already got out of buying and applying it twice, especially since that application was “free” from the perspective of the new system.
I mean, I’m not Anet, but that’s the sort of reasoning I can see them applying.
… Yes, we know that it happened in 1326 AE. We had that little to do with it. We swear.
So from april 15th Im supposed to run around with that INCREDIBLE UGLY wintersday hat instead of the cute earmuffs I bought with REAL money on my asura. The hat makes her bald…. I’m having tears in my eyes I spend my hard earned honest money to buy gems for these outfits.
And the witch outfit? I deleted the hat because it was ugly and I didnt have the space. I gave my char a different witch hat that looked much more awesome. Not possible anymore?And no more colouring the town clothes? So we have to deal with the non personal colours your team picks out?
Removing restrictions you call it. Adding annoying new restrictions is what I and the entire rest of the community calls it. At least if I see the reactions.
ANET: I think this is the moment you can show the side where you listnen to your community and stop this before it goes life. You have two weeks left to tell your programmers to take out this rediculous move on towns clothing. YOUR COMMUNITY is asking. And if you don’t believe the over 1200 replies here. Give it a vote system. And realy listen to the community.
Yeah, the the way they’re handling townsclothes is pretty abysmal and a slap in the face for anyone who ever purchased them. Even if only a small % of people purchased those it’s still something people paid real money with to acquire.
The worst part is that there’s no way to get a refund monetary wise since every refund will be in gems. So even if you get a refund out of principle it doesn’t matter since it doesn’t lose Anet any money. Long term they could lose revenue of course since I’m very unlikely to purchase things again if things change like this.
The worst part is that there’s no way to get a refund monetary wise since every refund will be in gems. So even if you get a refund out of principle it doesn’t matter since it doesn’t lose Anet any money. Long term they could lose revenue of course since I’m very unlikely to purchase things again if things change like this.
Actually, can (and has) refunded cash dollars in the past. It’s not a practice they make as a matter of policy, true, but if you press hard enough (and have kept the e-mail receipt of your cash to gem purchase), they have been convinced to reimburse the credit or debit card used.
Whether they would in this case… I dunno. But it would be worth trying, I’d say.
So from april 15th Im supposed to run around with that INCREDIBLE UGLY wintersday hat instead of the cute earmuffs I bought with REAL money on my asura. The hat makes her bald…. I’m having tears in my eyes I spend my hard earned honest money to buy gems for these outfits.
And the witch outfit? I deleted the hat because it was ugly and I didnt have the space. I gave my char a different witch hat that looked much more awesome. Not possible anymore?And no more colouring the town clothes? So we have to deal with the non personal colours your team picks out?
Removing restrictions you call it. Adding annoying new restrictions is what I and the entire rest of the community calls it. At least if I see the reactions.
ANET: I think this is the moment you can show the side where you listnen to your community and stop this before it goes life. You have two weeks left to tell your programmers to take out this rediculous move on towns clothing. YOUR COMMUNITY is asking. And if you don’t believe the over 1200 replies here. Give it a vote system. And realy listen to the community.
The Voice of ANet Speaking Through Curtis has noted that you will be able to hide the awful hat— you just won’t be able to wear any OTHER hat instead of it. Adorable Asura girls in froofy dresses and Quaggan hats? No longer! Yet because the “hide hat” button works, that’s supposed to be okay.
And you’ll be able to dye… some of the town clothes. The ones that are being made into tonics won’t be dyeable; the ones that are made into Outfits will have up to four dye channels each, and you’ll have to dye the whole thing together, like the Bloody Prince Thorn costume. And again, apparently that’s supposed to be an acceptable level of customization, even though I’m pretty sure with the way the dye channels work, my Belle costume will no longer be able to be a Belle costume…
Hey, if you guys really want Anet to care about your opinions, it can’t just be a discussion between a dozen players (this is the problem with sPvP issues). You need to bring in more people to say they disagree with the changes if you want anything to happen. This thread being 25 pages long isn’t enough if there aren’t hundreds of people speaking up in it. I don’t like the changes either, but I’m not seeing any new voices. So go tell your guildies, friends, etc to log into the forums and post about their discontent with the costume/town clothes changes.
Hey, if you guys really want Anet to care about your opinions, it can’t just be a discussion between a dozen players (this is the problem with sPvP issues). You need to bring in more people to say they disagree with the changes if you want anything to happen. This thread being 25 pages long isn’t enough if there aren’t hundreds of people speaking up in it. I don’t like the changes either, but I’m not seeing any new voices. So go tell your guildies, friends, etc to log into the forums and post about their discontent with the costume/town clothes changes.
While this is true to some extent I can’t say that I really blame people for not speaking up.
First, as with much of ANet’s “promotional” work, it’s largely being done outside of the game so I wouldn’t be surprised if there were a lot of people who would be offended by the changes to not even know they were coming.
Second, it’s become obvious by this point that unless your complaint fits into something ANet already has planned, any actual complaints are likely akin to beating your head against a wall. More people doing so may look impressive but it’s not likely to bring the wall down any quicker, thus a lot of people probably see engaging in the discussion as a waste of time.
Second, it’s become obvious by this point that unless your complaint fits into something ANet already has planned, any actual complaints are likely akin to beating your head against a wall. More people doing so may look impressive but it’s not likely to bring the wall down any quicker, thus a lot of people probably see engaging in the discussion as a waste of time.
At this point, I agree. has dug in their heels. They heard the complaints, and said, “No.”
Sometimes player pressure can get them to change their mind. But if there is something that decides must change, the volume and frequency of fan complaints won’t sway them. For some reason, they decided this is one of things that must change, come hell or high water.
But you never know until you try.
(edited by chemiclord.3978)
I believe the problem here is, what some already mentioned above, the lack of diversity in these Town Clothes too. Some cities, like Racial ones, should force-equip it in a view, and very likely to not in the other. But:
- these clothes won’t make you unique with these low varieties,
- unuseable to do else than roleplay
If they would give some RolePlay emotion skillbar like a harp/bell/etc plays music, that would be nice. Until that, its not worth to mention.
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”
By the way, what will happen to toys? Will they become tonics?
By the way, what will happen to toys? Will they become tonics?
The boxing gloves will, as they’re also a town clothing item.
All others (save the box of chocolates) will become useless at first. You’ll be able to take them to a merchant (I forget which one), and exchange the old toy for a new version that is double clicked from inventory to use (like the box of chocolates).
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
I believe the ‘failure’ of Town Clothes is because ArenaNet never fully understood what to do with them, and how much potential they had. I love the idea of Town Clothes. It makes perfect sense that people would dress differently when not adventuring… they dress in clothing, not armor! Similarly, costumes are effectively clothing, not armor.
But instead of giving us a good variety of clothing, we had a very limited number of items. Each armor weight class had many, many more times the number of pieces. With each patch, I kept hoping for more Town Clothes. I kept hoping we might see some of the things that we only see on NPCs, or something equivalent. I kept hoping we’d see a variety of styles from basic peasant to high nobility.
But what did we get? A couple costumes (though I will admit the Wintersday and Halloween sets were well done), hoodies, shorts, and a couple shirts.
Still, even with the limited number of items, I know many people who bought them. Many who used real money to buy the gems for the items, including me. Because we wanted them, and we wanted ArenaNet to know we wanted more! Just counting the number people I know who bout Town Clothes items, that means many thousands of dollars!
Perhaps Town Clothes were not selling ‘well’, but they were selling, and I have no doubt ArenaNet made a profit.
So now we’re being told that we shall no longer be able to mix Town Clothes pieces. Now we’re being told that, despite how illogical it is, we’ll be able to wear clothing into combat. Now we’re being told that we won’t be able to customize (dye) the soon-to-be former Town Clothes items…
How is this making the game better?
I agree with all of this.
Armor =/= clothing. It feels a bit ridiculous walking around a city, your home instance or a bar wearing your armor, and it would feel ridiculous (to me personally) to wear clothing to battle. I loved the fact that we had both, armor and clothing. I do not want to see one of it go away.
It makes perfect sense that people would dress differently when not adventuring… they dress in clothing, not armor!
Now we’re being told that, despite how illogical it is, we’ll be able to wear clothing into combat.
Just to clarify: this game never made sense in the first place. Bows that shoot rainbow unicorns? Adventurers wearing stuffed animals on their backs into combat? Wearing clothing into combat is far better than stuffed animals. O.o
Agreed, but the inability to mix and match them is still really horrible and a slap in the face to those of us that bought them to wear them as separate pieces.
Funny thing is? I was gonna buy a chef outfit for my main, just for the bracers, then pass the rest to an alt.
Now? Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell no. Not only will I not buy the chef outfit, but I will never spend another cent on gems again.
Second, it’s become obvious by this point that unless your complaint fits into something ANet already has planned, any actual complaints are likely akin to beating your head against a wall. More people doing so may look impressive but it’s not likely to bring the wall down any quicker, thus a lot of people probably see engaging in the discussion as a waste of time.
At this point, I agree. has dug in their heels. They heard the complaints, and said, “No.”
Sometimes player pressure can get them to change their mind. But if there is something that decides must change, the volume and frequency of fan complaints won’t sway them. For some reason, they decided this is one of things that must change, come hell or high water.
But you never know until you try.
They’ve said “no” in one response, but it’s the weekend now and I’m holding out hope for another once the work week starts, given how dissatisfied people were with the original “answer!”
A friend made a very good point to me yesterday, too, in that we can’t think of ANet as some inseparable entity. There are probably devs who thought changing town clothes like this was a really bad idea, and there is probably a lot of arguing going on right now. Any player response is more ammunition for the devs who didn’t favor changing Town Clothes to use to illustrate their “I told you so!” and subsequent attempts to fix all this.
Edit to clarify: I’m holding out hope for another response, not another “no”…
(edited by Twyll Blackleaf.9641)
It makes perfect sense that people would dress differently when not adventuring… they dress in clothing, not armor!
Now we’re being told that, despite how illogical it is, we’ll be able to wear clothing into combat.Just to clarify: this game never made sense in the first place. Bows that shoot rainbow unicorns? Adventurers wearing stuffed animals on their backs into combat? Wearing clothing into combat is far better than stuffed animals. O.o
“Single items, such as the Fuzzy Hats and Scarlet’s Spaulders, will be unlocked for your entire account and usable with any armor weight.”
Now you can wear stuffed animals on your back AND your head!
Sorry, just found that to be super funny. I’ve been grumpy about this whole thing
Hey, guys! Hop on over to THIS thread:
…and post your Mix ‘n’ Match Town Clothes pictures to show ANet in a positive way how much you will miss it if they carry through with this ugly scenario!
Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm the rest of his life.
– Unknown Fire Elementalist
Gonna miss this Sigh.
I figured it would end up like WoW where you could dress up your character in a huge array of diverse looking items, it would just take time. And of course it was so much fun to play with dye combos. (Narthexia)
This is what gets me the most. I came here after seeing Hamfast’s more reasonable thread, just to lend what support I can to this main thread, and the real crux of the issue is the fundamental loss of individualization.
It feels a bit ridiculous walking around a city, your home instance or a bar wearing your armor, and it would feel ridiculous (to me personally) to wear clothing to battle. I loved the fact that we had both, armor and clothing. I do not want to see one of it go away. (Awbee)
This is another thing – I really LIKED the distinction. These clothes, nobody but a light-armor wearer would wear into battle (some might work for medium). These are for the people who hang out and chat. Or the people who roleplay. Or even just for the rest of us to look nice between one adventure and the next.
If it must be made into armor, well, I can at least accept that. It means manually changing to this “town armor”, but it keeps the full range of outfit customizability and dyeability. But if it must be this way, then let it ALL be this way – the tonics are a bad idea, especially for individual things like the Dragon Emblem Shirt.
What about those of us who bought the hoodies, or the shorts, or the silk vests, etc? What about those of us who don’t like what some of the pieces of costume sets looked like (like Kuess, I feel that the earmuffs complimented the Wintersday outfit FAR better than that cap).
If it must be converted into armor, then let it ALL be converted into armor. Let it retain dyeability, and let it retain mixability (and ideally, make it free to transmute to white gear only - although that probably might be unworkable, depending on how the transmute system acts). We do not want to be confined to a handful of matching sets, and we certainly don’t want clothes to become tonics that will abruptly end the moment we do, uh, just about anything.
A large number of things announced in the Feature Pack seem designed to promote choice, freedom, options, and customizability. Dye going account-wide… new traits and free trait changing… the rest of the wardrobe stuff… why make something so clearly counter to that notion of free choice?
By the way, what will happen to toys? Will they become tonics?
The boxing gloves will, as they’re also a town clothing item.
All others (save the box of chocolates) will become useless at first. You’ll be able to take them to a merchant (I forget which one), and exchange the old toy for a new version that is double clicked from inventory to use (like the box of chocolates).
I loathe having to open my inventory to activate stuff. How can they regress to an interface this awful for toys over 18 months after release. Did they lay off the UI guy?
There is plenty of room on the equipment tab to put in slots for minis, toys and tonics so we can hotkey them.
No new statement from ANet? Either they are working or they just don’t care :/
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”